Alex Collier – Letters From Andromeda – August 1996 – Part 4
Alex Collier – Letters From Andromeda – August 1996
Current Changes in Our Solar System
The Universe is changing, evolving and creating right in front of those of us who are paying attention to what's going on out there. In the next few years, our solar system will discover itself, stretching its boundaries of self awareness. Conscious life forms will make decisions regarding their motivations, then at some point create a vision of what will best serve their personal agenda, journey or growth.
Some of these changes have already occurred on the 9th, 10th, 11th and the new 12th densities. Let us explore one probability of our solar systems future which also includes us here on Earth.
We here on 3rd density are just beginning to experience the feelings of change. We have not yet begun to experience the real movement and display of change in our galaxy as of yet. What will the changes be? How will we experience them, when and how? While these are all good questions, unfortunately, no one has all the answers yet. There is one answer to be considered, that is by the end of October 2013, according to the Andromedan Council, all consciousness will become fourth density.
All consciousness that is third density, whether it is on this planet or any where else in the universe, will be fourth density consciousness. Some of us will be carrying fifth density light bodies, and we will have experienced a natural pole shift on the planet of 70 degrees. It has been said that the new north pole would be Saudi Arabia.
We are about to discover the real power and love of Creation, Isness, GOD, Generator of Dimensions, whatever you choose to call it. What's been discovered and/or experienced since March 23, 1994 in our linear time is that the essence that creates energy that we use to create and manifest our belief systems can be found both inside and outside our universe.
This is the first time it has been actually discovered by other dimensional beings. The Andromedans and other races are aware of other dimensional universes within our universe, some that are completely physical universes and other dimensional time continuum. They are also aware of their vibratory rate and other basic elements which are completely different than our own universe. All this fits together, so let's break it down and take a closer look.
On March 23rd of 1994, nineteen suns in our galaxy went through pole shifts. The north and south poles of these particular suns experienced either a 90 degree slip or a 180 degree slip. The Andromedans see this as just a beginning. Out in the universe this event was a very significant event, while it may not seem like a whole lot here just yet. This was the first time this has ever happened, and it all happened at once. Indications that support this are the changes occurring in all the stars that are 8 billion years old or older. They also feel that our suns will experience a pole shift in our near future. Apparently there are things going there, but the specific's have not been shared with me yet.
This phenomenon occurred simultaneously with the emanation of a sound and color frequency being carried into the universe from all of the black holes in our known and explored universe. For the first time that's ever been recorded, a sound and color vibration is actually coming out of the black holes. Nothing has ever come out of the black holes. In fact, they crush and pulverize any form of energy or light whatsoever. While they are still doing that, at the same time, sound and color vibrations is coming out. What is even more mystifying is that this frequency is coded with program data that is effecting all of the energy frequencies and dimensions in the universe.
According the Andromedans, there are 11 prime creational emanations in our universe. There are also evolutionary densities within each of the prime creational densities. Apparently, what is happening is that this new vibration, this 12th, is coming in and it is connecting in a very different way, all of the densities all the way down. Instead of your having to change your physical form to evolve into another form that is totally different for that particular density, my understanding is that based on their preliminary finding, certain souls will literally be able to walk into the next density, instead of having to change the physical form or the make up.
This frequency carries the color of aqua-marine on our third density level, and another color on the other dimensional levels. Evidence of this may be witnessed very soon when the rains begin and the rainbows appear. According to the Andromedans, we will start to see the color aqua-marine on our rainbows, so watch for this.
Even though this frequency is only one color and one sound, it's different on every other dimension. The encoded frequency carries, from the Andromedan perspective, profound wisdom and change. In other words, prepare for a huge consciousness leap. It is coming whether we are ready or not. It's coming and it is out of everybody else's hands, as well. They are about to experience the same things, maybe in different ways, but they are about to experience them.
What will this consciousness leap really be like?
How will we know that it has happened to us?
Vasais has said that it will be an awareness. It will be sudden to some and complete in its effect. A lifting of the veil will occur and you will remember your true essence; you will suddenly know everything. To others, it will be experienced and expressed differently. For some it will be slow, and suddenly they will realize that painting has been on the wall for two years, or the color of their car is white. Little things that suddenly they just become aware of in their environment.
What has been observed thus far is that this particular emanation coming from the black hole is a holograph that is re-integrating present dimensional levels into a new frequency pattern. A lot of this sounds scientific, but that's how they (the Andromedans) talk sometime. The Andromedans are just now observing the changes on their level of consciousness which are the levels 3 through 6. They are just beginning to feel the changes there. The same holographic frequency carries a different color to each dimension, as well as maintaining its new color integrity.
The other colors here, what is here I do not know, it is not something that I can describe. My own personal experience, travelling with them is that once you go into forth density, fifth density, everything different. Totally different. There are colors there that cannot be described, our language here is extremely limited in dealing with the realities that are waiting for us when we make this leap. So it will be the first day of school all over again.
The energy or frequency is consciously magnetic., in that as it continues to form and build its polarity, it is drawing the existing primary densities up to it. In other words, the single frequency is responsible for the conscious evolvement of all life on all present dimensional levels. It is drawing everything up to it. It contains profound awareness, it is starting to filter down into the lower levels of our densities. It has apparently changed the awareness level of the 11th, 10th and 9th densities radically, in a very short time.
This new density also carries individual conscious awareness. New souls have appeared developed in awareness beyond anything known in our universe. A lot of this information comes from dimensional beings higher that are talking with the Andromedans, because the Andromedans can't be there for themselves to see it. These new souls have not made contact with any beings on any density as of yet. They are in an observational mode. They may be the real first angels of our universe. There is no name given to them as of yet, because nobody knows what they are. They haven't attached anything to them yet, as far as a label, or a symbol, or anything.
Because of this new frequency evolvement of all consciousness has been sped up ten-fold from its normal evolvement state. A lot of you are experiencing things just moving very quickly, on all kinds of different levels. This frequency does no carry a balance of positive and negative polarities. This fact implies a specific purpose and direction. What that exactly is at present is unknown. All that is known is that everything is being drawn up into a higher consciousness almost overnight. In their terms overnight, to us years, because things move a lot slower here.
This shift, or ascension, for a lack of a better word, is occurring at four other universes at the same time and in similar fashion. Completely different physical universe are experiencing the same thing. We on the Earth are going to become much more aware of how unique our planet is in our galaxy. We are all going to receive an increase of awareness on our individual environments. Many people will feel a very strong impulse to leave the cities and move into rural areas. When I was given this information, I was given the rest of this, and it is predominately about us, based on the fact that everything has been sped up.
We are all about to discover who we really are. Not only true spiritual being of essence, by also our physical-ness. We are all experiencing in some form the pressures of crisis both inside us and around the world. We are in a time or period of technological leaps and discoveries beyond our wildest dreams. We are also experiencing philosophical understanding which will result in the change of all of the world's religions to a very personal relationship with self, nature, and creation. We have also created an ecological disaster that is absolutely going to require the attention of everyone, in order to pull it through.
This will help to unite most of the common man with the good of humanity. Why are all of these happening at the same time? Part of it has to do with the changes we've already discussed. But also, the fact remains that it is time for humanity to leap on a conscious level. It was time anyway. We were moving in that direction anyway, long before this started to occur. So we can't blame it on anything else, it was happening anyway. Its just now that someone has pushed the accelerator for us.
Our physical form has been holding us back because of misplaced genetic coding or manipulation done to us hundreds of thousands of years ago by extraterrestrials for Orion and Draconis. No folks, they tell if just the way it is, so take if, if it feels right, great, if it doesn't, you can put it on the shelf or something. It's time to grow – Now. In fact, yesterday it was time to grow. Planetarily speaking, our growth has been on hold by forces that fear change. That's our present government, that's the Orion Group which are a group of extraterrestrials, the Greys (DOW) and Draconis.
They have literally been holding this planet back, not only this one, but 21 others in our galaxy who are having to deal with the same kind of garbage that we have been dealing with. Who are just now beginning to find out, on some level, about how much they have been manipulated as well. So we are not the only ones.
This is the restlessness that we all feel. Most are experiencing feelings and are seeing that our religious systems, political, as well as social and economic systems have not really evolved individually or interactively with each other to the point where they are serving the purpose foe which they were created. In other words, we are seeing a lot of things simply falling apart.
And particularly in our country you are seeing our government just throwing money at it. But that's not going to fix it. And actually is making it worse. Instead of reorganizing it and spending the time to figure out what the needs of the people are, they are just throwing more money at it, and saying that'll fix it. And its happening all over the world. On different levels. We all know we need to cooperate together as a global family. But we are very suspicious of all leadership of this global government and/or family. And very well we should be. It cannot be trusted. What is in place now absolutely cannot be trusted.
We as a race, in the most fundamental way, are going to experience the most all encompassing perception and understanding of who we are as individuals and as a global race. In other words, big shifts are coming. Big shifts, that are going to totally change our perspectives on how we look at ourselves, how we look at our day to day lives, to look at what we are doing with our lives, what our goals are, everything is going to change. Radically, and in a very short time period.
What will this awareness be?
It will be an awareness that in our efforts to always strive forward and create technology, comfort, and advertised packaged answers for all of our problems, we ran over our past on a freeway of ridicule and contempt, and enduring suppression of our ancient legends and myths. We can not know where we are going unless we can fully appreciate where we've been. And there is so much denial apparently on where we've been that that's one of the reasons we are lost as a society.
Because it does not fix the control patterns or program patterns of those in control here. In other words, if it empowers us not them. It is time that our past as a planetary race was genetically created by extraterrestrial races.
To shed light on all contradiction that we find in our ancient history and on our present identity.
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