I just received a new message from Jon Robinson, Alex Collier's friend and original publisher of Letters From Andromeda:
Dear James, Again thanks for all the work that you are doing on behalf of my friend Alex. At this time I wanted to say just a bit about Alex's recent posting recommendation The Book of Man by Brain O. I have had a long history request for Alex over many many years about him writing a book or sharing information from out Zenetae Andromedan friends about what they had shared with him regarding the galactic history of the Milky Way and all the pertaining bodies contained within. Over the years Alex had put a lot of work in to it, but it just never made its way to print. Now seeing that Brain O is recognizing Alex Collier and others like Michael E. Sala regarding this work of The Book of Man, I am greatful because as I took the time to watch and listen I had heard lots of stuff that I had heard over the years and other parts that fit with what I felt as my understanding and research was right information wise. So thank you for all this body of work and hey Alex, you found a way to get it there. Folks I want to just point out that in the beginning the was an originating tribe or race of man that has very significance and importance to the ending of the history lesson so far and additional important information that was shared. I would like to say that what I know is to understand that tribe or particular race of man unlocks a very important key for these times for each and every one of us and us as a collective whole to. I know I am being a bit elusive at this moment, but the answer is very profound and by doing just a bit of research in to what Alex has shared you can come to answer it I feel. But I will say this...It puts a fine point on the idea of As Above, So Below. Here is a bit more to consider. Some of our friends come from our future and we share something of great importance with them. How do I know this? There was a point in the not to distant past of my own life right now where I found myself laying down to go to bed and looking up at the ceiling within my bed room and being still very wide awake I shared the vision of two worlds at the same time through my own eyes and the eyes of a being on-board a craft moving quickly within space. He was standing talking to two other like beings and I was watching this all take place around them as well as directly from his eyes and ears. Interestingly I could sense that he was staring at my ceiling in my bedroom himself and both of us knew that we were sharing this matching experience together. When I shared this with Alex he told me I experienced a very rare event of sharing between myself and one of other lives. I also got an opportunity to be visited by another one of my other current lifes who had come to help work with my physical body a few days after I gave permission to be abducted for which they did things to my physical body leaving me with markings on my body. When I shared that sequence of events Alex felt I had been visited by a being that is me in the future. Upon havnga a very competent regression done a few weeks later that was confirmed in a very vivid reliving of the encounters. Folks my feelings on this is that the soul involvement along with later use of genetic's holds a very important key to up and coming changes and answers for me why I am very much awakening more and more all the time. And so I say to all of you who read this, that the ideas of galactic history is far more important than just getting to know what took place long ago. I feel that aspects of the history can help some to come closer to unlocking keys that will open and unleash other important aspects of ourselves for events that are coming our way as the big change gets closer. Please keep in mind, that what Alex has been given much valuable information please do not think that you must place him on high for he is a son of man just like the rest of us. He knows what he does because he agreed to share and that makes him leader. But do not sell yourselves short in leadership however. I will end this visit by saying for me when I came across Alex Collier for the first time it was not about the information and the true understanding that I was not being asked to be all love and light. Our friends never had Alex share information that used love and light together yet you could feel the truth within the information all the same. Over the years some would say to me that information that Alex would share could be scary or fearful. But, you see, there is nothing wrong with sacry at all for that is natural and is at times a part of the truth. As for fearful, that is only us placing our learning in the way of the truth. The Zenetae Andromedans had always shared that it is up to us what we do with the information given. They always recommended that we should stand in the center with our feet firmly plated on both aspects or light and dark. For then you can measure the truth that you need to know and react to it as you should. That is the free will of choice way, my friends. Besides the reality of all thing id balance, not one over the other. So Be It, Jon Robinson Former Publisher of Letters From Andromeda
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Alex Collier 228th *LIVE* Webinar on Friday, March 28th, 2025!
See Alex Collier LIVE! FRIDAY, March 28th, 2025! Alex is hosting his 228th 2-Hour *LIVE* webinar, including Questions and Answers. This webinar will include subjects: Current Stat., Where Do We Go From Here, Gaining Historic Prospective, And Much More! Exclusively live and hosted by AlexCollier.org Friday, March 28th, 2025 2pm Eastern. 1pm Central. 12pm Mountain. […]
Alex Collier – Question and Answer Webinar 66 – March 21st, 2025 – VOD
ALEX COLLIER'S 66TH QUESTION AND ANSWER WEBINAR IS NOW AVAILABLE ON DEMAND! Alex hosted his 66th *LIVE* Question and Answer webinar on March 21st, 2025. The webinar was just over two hours and 29 minutes in length. Alex did an extensive monologue before answering questions throughout the remainder of the webinar. Hosted by James Harkin […]
Jedi Admirals & Humanity’s Awakening – An interview between Dr Michael Salla, George Kavassilas, JP and Alex Collier – September 19, 2024
Are you ready to confront a reality far beyond our current understanding? A reality where powerful, psychic “Jedi Admirals” are secretly working to dismantle a global human trafficking ring, and advanced Medical bed technology promises a transformative future? This is not science fiction; this is the startling revelation emerging from a recent Exopolitics Today’s Q&A […]
Please…. Can anyone please donate me 40 USD dollars to my Paypal account below?
I really need the money for food….. Please be a love and help me…
Guys, the same kind soul has just given me another 40 US dollars online, but in order to last until the end of this month, I need the remaining extra 40 US dollars. Can someone reading this be kind enough to donate to me 40 US dollars to my Paypal account at: nordar56789@gmail.com
Thank you very much.
My money for food would be all gone in 2 days now. I will not have anything left to eat starting from the 11th of October 2014. I will only get my salary from my workplace at the end of this month, so I won’t be able to acquire any mony to eat until the end of this month…. Can anyone please donate me 80 US dollars to my Paypal account at this Paypal e-mail? >>> nordar56789@gmail.com
Please help me out, guys….
Hi there guys. A kind soul has just gave me 200 dollars. I have used that amount to pay off my rent for this month and I too have just got a low-paying job that would be somewhat sufficient to pay for October’s rent. However, I am short on some money in order to pay for my food expenses till I get the end of the month salary for October 2014. The money I had is enough for my food and other miscellaneous expenses for just under 10 days, so could anyone help me again by donating me around 80 US dollars? If anyone wants to help, please e-mail me at nordar56789@gmail.com or you may transfer the amount directly to my Paypal account which is also linked to that e-mail address of nordar56789@gmail.com Bless you guys. Gracias.
Alex updates?
Book movie updates?
The world is crazy atm – whats a believer to do?
Hello again, been a lil while since I wrote something on here.
Heres some stuff I found, take a look:
I hope everyone is holding up on their own.
Stay at peace
7 billion humans, some with excess wealth and money they no need to use for any practical reasons….. If some have some excess money reading this, and don’t know what to do with it, you could donate some to me without having to use it to spend on luxuries such as expensive food for a week, for example.
Because I have a low-paying job that is not sufficient to pay my rent, I have to eat instant noodles for breakfast and dinner when I came home, even though studies have proven them to be unhealthy. So, by the end of this month, I would be living in the streets if no one donates to me at least somewhere between 160-200 US dollars, so for anyone reading this, please feel free to donate any amount at your discretion if you have some extra money in your hands. It will earn you Good Karma and assure your safe journey to the Higher dimensions for helping another Earthling in his desperate times of need, even if it’s just for a once-in-a-lifetime affair.
Last year, I really though that Alex Collier’s statement of ascending by the 5th dimension by Dec 3 2013 would be real, and as a result of that, I gave away a some of the amount of my money to help my friends who are in need (and now since they’re also continuing their low-paying jobs, have no money to help me, since they have already spent all of the money I gave them months ago) as well as overspending a bit on disaster-preparedness supplies, and stockpiling on food items (such as biscuits, cornflakes and other items that last a long time) because I thought that the Earth changes would start around late 2013-early 2014. So, can anyone please donate to me some money? Please, guys? Just this one time, please, I’m about to break out in tears right now….
Dear Velassar.
I don’t usually post here. I just wanted to let you know that I read your post and hope somehow things got sorted out. I am not able to help you with any money but just want you to know I will be thinking about you.
Warm regards, Flower
I can be contacted at this e-mail address : nordar56789@gmail.com.
The house owner has already pressed me for the payment, and he said that he wants me to move out if I don’t pay by the end of the month. I would have no roof over my head if that happens due to many personal reasons. Please, guys, please e-mail me and donate some. Even 5 or 10 dollars would suffice, since I could collect until I have sufficient amount to pay the landlord. This is just a once-in-a-lifetime request, and I won’t do this again. I just want to buy time so that I can get any kind of job that would be more than enough to pay for my daily food expenses and also the house rent.
Seriously worth checking out (surprised more people don’t know about this):
Some of the projects, like the Mars one, match with what Alex has said in the past about people being there, as well as the recent Marine whistleblower.
Their project on 9/11 has just been made public. I highly recommend it.
Once again, thank you Mr. Robinson for sharing your thoughts on our future. It seems like the key to unlock our true potential all points out to the purification of our DNA and RNA from the serpent genes and its regressive influence.
Thank you also to James, for maintaining and sharing vital information on this website. And Brian O., your documentary was interesting, well written and might I say awesome as well!
And Alex, hang in there, you haven’t been forgotten, brother.
Guys, can anyone help give me 200 US dollars? I just went broke and unless I have 200 USD within a less than 2 weeks, I won’t be able to pay the house rent and will end up living on the street with no roof on top my head. If anyone reading this agrees to help me, please post that you agree to help me here, and I will post here the e-mail address of mine linked to my Paypal account so that you may donate and transfer the money via Paypal.
Thank you Jon for your kind words and astute observations. We are all on the same page.
As for you and Alex both, evidently Huffington Post felt it important enough to allow an author to cover this topic here:
Where Do We Come From?
Posted: 08/20/2014
Denise M. Wilbanks
This was based on an interview which subsequently made its way to YouTube here:
The Book Of Man – Interview with Brian Onley and Denise Wilbanks
I would hope in the future that all of our many friends and family would continue their growth in what ways they can and that at some point, we all meet in the same place at the same time.
After all, it is a concerted effort, and everyone wins.
Trust me.
Sincerely and humbly,
Brian O
One last note again a reminder that it is not cool to blast another in the field, doing so not only hurts that person but the entire field. And many will lose interest assuming all contactee’s are frauds. Our mission is to clearly step aside from the old beliefs and offer a new perspective please keep that in mind! And doing so will strengthen our efforts.
Yes I already made that assumption, I too am no different just because he has a lot of spiritual contact in both realms of reality doesn’t make him a saint either he’s just a man (a human) and carries all frailties like everyone else? Everyone assumes that people like him like athletes and entertainers alike and governing officials in position have to be like Jesus and walk on water and what not? We are all here for the same reasons! Alex’s life is no different I see it as no different even in the beginning..That’s what makes us who and what we are Morality or not honesty or not. It doesn’t change a thing! We are not proud of the things we do yet we know that this world compels us to them with dealing in our lifestyles here as complicated as they are..As long as his message remains with its validity. I must add that also I posted a message on facebook sometime ago to Alfred Webre about the all of the tossing around against contactee’s that I almost fell out of the circle in disbelief! The importance of this is that new people entering this media would be disillusioned by these accusations and by its own ranks? The biblical community is probably laughing their butts off at people like us saying they told us so? Although in my eyes they themselves are really not that much different nor better off at this point, I’ve seen the false prophets among their ranks as well, especially those BET tv ministers selling miracle cures and attacking lower class southern African Americans? At least we still hold something sustainable and generally never on profit! Anyway We in the Exopolitics and UFO spiritual communities owe it to each other to work together as one regardless of our differences and whatever fields and community we belong to. I know for a fact listening to Mr.Collier I know that he feels the exact same way since his falling out with Bob Stanley he never put him down in any way or out to discredit him. Nor did he really challenge rival Mr. Horn? So I think if he can keep a face on things so can all of us? We need to somehow bridge ourselves together which is the important thing ,and look ever forward to the hope of official contact ! I myself believe Alex not based on his claims alone but my experiences since the 1990’s have been tied to some of Alex’s teachings, mostly in dreams. Like reading Sitchen’s work there were some areas that were familiar to me even though I read them for the first time. My first teachings from Roger Kerr in his writings I felt that I was among the council of six as a being named Jenjahlus and he was a twin flame named Shandrasi and then Alex’s death as an Andromedan I may have been responsible for as well? I posted that story on the last letter Robinson posted prior. But point being that again it’s us that knows these things if they are true or fiction? They may not all be accurate because much of our past is still a tapestry of blurs but we are finding out more each day and the quest is to continue. So don’t let or allow anything or anyone stop that..All everyone out there needs to go ever forward to reach that goal!
-Peace and love