Alex Collier – More Interview Transcripts & Audio Transcript Videos

I have been contacted by Tantarum, who is most definitely a supporter of of Alex Collier and he has decided to turn all of the Letters from Andromeda and other articles into Audio Transcript Videos. I have added them to the all pages in the articles section.

Alex Collier
Alex Collier

Also, I have added FOUR more transcripts:

Alex Collier – Andromeda Central

Alex Collier – Galactic History According To Alex Collier And The Andromedans

Alex Collier On The Next Dimension – 1998

Alex Collier – Interview With Paola Harris – 2000

Each one is a transcript and also includes an audio video for those who would like to listen to the computer voice.

I have also added the transcripts to the following videos:

Alex Collier – History of the Galaxy – 2002

Alex Collier – Earth Transformation Conference – 2010

Please Donate To Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford Will Be Appreciated

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Alex Collier – Radio Interview with Jay Perron – 20th February 2013


    • Gurtej Singh
    • June 30, 2013

    Has anyone seeing
    flashing of light in a dark room
    seeing light sparkles mostly of pink, greenish yellow
    pink rays of light
    light pillars in sky
    birds chriping at midnight
    lack of interest in social gatherings like parties


    1. Reply

      I have a lack of interest in social gatherings as well. It’s probably either everyone is getting tired of seeing the same old faces, or for those particular people who know what is happening on a spiritual level want to see things start crumbling. For that to happen, we can have a reason not to go to these boring party events and watch everyone pretend they are having a ‘grand ole time.’

    2. Reply

      I have seen flashing white light while in almost sleep mode. I heard this is an indication when they are preventing you to go into your higher awareness/consciousness while in deep sleep or something like that, I have happened to me on several occasion, not in deep sleep mode, just laying down.

    3. Reply

      Look up symptoms of acsension, 12 stages of body light activation, kundalini awakening symptoms and dangers.

      One of them is lost in interest in present job or jobs, hobbies,can not stand in crowded areas, sleeping/behavior/eating time/pattern is all changed.

      Everything is changing, EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. Reply

      I’ve seen the light sparkles, looks like paisley or comma-shaped iridescent bubbles swarming very quickly in a human-sized shape next to me, usually in a very brightly lit room, (like my bathroom). I can only see it in my peripheral vision. I thought it might be related to a blood sugar level condition, or something because I usually feel a little light-headed when I see it.

      Yes, I’ve heard birds chirping late at night a few times.

      Flashing light: The Gray I saw in my dark bedroom paralyzed me while it got away. He looked off to one side and up a little and the dark blue light that illuminated him started, I don’t know…shaking? Almost like a strobe light. His image blinked and shook until he just disappeared in an instant, and then I could finally move.

      Did you experience a strange “3 days of darkness” in Dec 2012, like around the middle of the month? I experienced a tremendous lethargy and kept waking up from a deep sleep to a twilight and then going back to sleep, thinking that it wasn’t time to get up yet. But it felt like maybe 2 or 3 days total, however, no one else reports this and I didn’t miss any days at work. Like it didn’t happen, but I know it did. Had 2 strange out of body experiences around that time, too.

  1. Reply

    If Anything, I would love to have a one on one conversation with Mr. Collier on while on film.

    I was thinking about doing some conferences such as project camelot, but I dont like to be in front of alot of people, I cant stand crowded areas.

    I might have to in the future, forced upon myself, but I dont know anymore. I guess my grave is calling me soon, I hope not LOL.

      • Gurtej Singh
      • June 29, 2013

      Hey tantarum, Do you know what happened to alex collier. I am not asking him to come back. I just want to know if he is ok.

      • Gurtej Singh
      • June 29, 2013

      Thanks for the video’s good job. I love his videos, and did all kind of research that proved the credibility of alex collier.
      1.Now nasa said the black holes might have been common in early universe….said by mr. collier 1994
      2. Nasa also said that the alien civilization might attack earth to prevent their annihilation. It was also said by mr collier in easter video 1995, when he said that if earth destroys itself because of the negativity, it will affect billions of other life form on earth.
      3. I have listened to some spiritual theologian before
      alex collier video, where they say about how soul goes through different dimensions in order to evolve, and the higher dimesional soul are called angels. There are some humans who have divine visions that can see higher dimensional life forms.


      1. Not just effect everyone on this planet, but the planet could explode due to the – consciousness of the planet, cause it will have effect on other planets,etc. but I wouldnt worrie about that, the earth will clean house along with bleach to make sure that wont happen.

      2. Gurtej Singh,

        4. World astronomers baffled in 2008 about massive increase of carbon evident on Pluto, and Alex Collier reported benevolent base established on Pluto to enforce the 2003 cutoff of ET interference on Earth–they are carbon-based organisms.
        5. Alex reported in his first recorded interview that world govs planned a major event for Aug/Sept 2001 to initiate their world-wide gov surveillance system–9/11 terrorism instigates such violations of constitutional rights as recently confirmed by Snowden. To them, “we” are the terrorists for thwarting their domination efforts.
        6. I’ve only ever had one UFO sighting and mentally challenged them as Alex has taught us, (“It is the manner and custom when entering my space to ask my permission.” I added, “If you intend us harm in any way, you must leave.”)–and they left! The ship swung in one direction, then the other and paused for a moment before shooting away from me so quickly it disappeared in about a second. Honestly, I didnt 100% believe Alex until that happened. Since then, I’ve had many experiences, including waking purposefully from a waking dream to see a Gray standing near the foot of my bed. They do something to paralyze you, so I couldn’t capture it like I intended, but I can tell you one thing, he was scared when he realized I could see him. If they read minds, I can understand why…

    • Johnny Londono
    • June 27, 2013

    hey i love alex he is a role model for me and lots of people im close to here in salt lake city utah. i have always tried to contact him cause i would love to talk to him. i know hes retired and probably would be sketchy to talk to a person because of a comment. he has inspired me and my family in many ways i want him to know that he is very loved here and highly appreciated for everything he has done to liberate minds and souls, i want him to know he liberated me and my wife. thankyou also for setting up this website much love and blessings to you too. if you can please give alex my email address its i hope i hear from him he has made a huge impact in my life and i want to thank him personally. if he doesnt want to talk thats okay too just please let him know he has made a huge difference on earth. thank you so much love and blessings to all.

    • Astral7ight
    • June 27, 2013

    The Illuminati has been exposed by Donald Marshall.

    The three biggest Illuminati secrets are: Cloning (Cloning Center’s/Stations), Vril Lizards and the Soulstone.

    1. Reply

      I am also aware of something about the guardians(the oldest souls from the source/god) thats presently on this earth and that their souls can be corrupted/or some kind of virus, and what this corruption does, it will make their souls cease to exist. Someone told me about this, I pressured him on about this and he would not go any further, he said only the guardians have this knowledge and their arnt many left, he says their are probably 50% on them here on this planet and they are here to prevent something, nothing about super soldiers or something, this is something on a much grander scale.

      Me and him talk for a bit and both agree something is coming down HUGE on this planet and its coming soon.

      He also sees 2014 is going to be the year when the weather is going to escalate like no other, If anything is going to wake up mankind from his deep ass coma, its going to be non other then the weather.

      In regards about the soul/virus thing we both talked about, he said its best for no one to know about other then the guardians, But I did ask him, can it done to oneself or someone else does it to them and he says someone does it to them, makes their souls corruped/virus injected or something within those lines.

      1. corrupted*

        The greatest show on earth is here folks, the whole entire universe and I also believe the other universes is absolutely closely monitoring here, WHY? according to Dolores Cannon, this is the first time in the history of the universe that the entire planet will shift into another dimension, taking everything with it, and everyone is watching, can we all pull it off?? can we all come together? can we all stop the b.s.? Can we all create what we really want? what morals? what laws for us for our childern??

        This is it folks, it doesnt matter what I say, its all matter of making a decision, fear or love.


        • Gurtej Singh
        • June 28, 2013

        IMPORTANT, please read and pass it along, thanks.
        Absolute tme sent: -Apr 04, 2013 06:11:45

        Critically from: -sorrowfulconscious21

        Grettings -gurtr, doing ok on this fine day?? When you get a chance, I would like you to hop in to my channel and examine my channel and its playlist contents that is currently available.

        There is currently an attached video to this email, so please watch everything and its whole entire series materials, thanks.

        This was the message

      2. k cause I use tube toolbox to do mass sending emails, I am really thinking of dropping the whole thing, its not worth it, its beginning to show all of this effort is going to waste, tube toolbox is great but nothing seems to be working, what a shame.

      3. I just re-up Alex Collier’s: Last Bold Statement to humanity, 2 parts, very important. check my channel/playlist.

        I have one without music if need be.

      4. Let me take that back, I dont think he agreed to anything, he says something might happen in the future, he also sees something of on seen force can not being seen thats causing some of the weather pattern changes.

        • Anna
        • July 12, 2013

        Is there a way to contact YOU, DimensionalVortex?

        • Anna
        • July 12, 2013

        AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA… yeah we do that when we find validations of what we’re told. I need discussion!!!!!

    • Alex Collier dot org
    • June 25, 2013

    Hi Guys, Thank you for the continued discussions. If there is anything you think I can do to improve the site, please let me know by messaging me here:



    1. Reply

      Can you try to put a link of my channel on the front page of this site? I want to be the trail blazer 🙂

      Will do, thanks.

      • Gurtej Singh
      • June 25, 2013

      Can you update current status of alex collier

      • Gurtej Singh
      • June 25, 2013

      You can also make a channel of youtube dedicated to alex collier and awakening of humanity. Post it on the website along with dimensional vortex

      1. I am doing it for everyone not just Collier, hope you understand that.

      2. Please watch my Unfolding the Inner Consciousness videos please, its on my playlist, all edited by me.

        • Gurtej Singh
        • June 26, 2013

        I have seen it, some months ago you message me on my youtube channel, suggesting this video.

      3. whats your youtube channel name?

  2. Reply


      • Gurtej Singh
      • June 25, 2013

      There is this guy name yogi bhajan, he died in 2004, He brought kundalini yoga in usa. He always make reference to age of Aquarius “The Age of Aquarius is a mega-multiple manifestation. The capacity of the mind will reach its optimum in order to deal with everyday life. .”
      He also said we entered the age on 11.11.11. The same day tolec said our solar system exposed to 4th dimensional energies. I can feel the change of consciousness within me. I gained far more spiritual knowledge in last two years than the rest of my life.

      1. When dolores cannon said something about a beam of light went through the core of the earth sometime in 2006, our thoughts are going to be amplified by 1 million fold, I dont remember anything happening to me in 2006, but in 2010, thats when I a been experiencing major changes, chakra’s being opened up, thoughts amplified by over 1m fold, dreams of tidal waves,floods,ice,wind but mostly all water related, and so much more.

      2. The ufo’s are on me like flies on shit put it in that perspective.

        Guess the energy that they are detecting on this planet, mine is extremely strong.

      • Gurtej Singh
      • June 25, 2013

      one of my friends is in same place as you were

      1. Also forgot to mention about dolores cannon of that beam of light in 2006, the ufo’s were shooting the beam of light into the core of the earth to help stabilize the earth’s axis.

        We couldnt see the ships because you got to understand everyone, they are oscillating higher different frequency/vibration, our bodies vibrate in 3rd density, there is nothing lower then us other them insect and animal kingdom, some people perhaps could see stuff thats because their bodies is vibrating much faster then most.

    • Gurtej Singh
    • June 24, 2013

    Hey Guys what do you think about, Micheal Hasting death, He was one of the best anti government, committed suicide. I am feeling the anger against this government.
    There is this wonderful quote from a movie” There are only two ways to live life, first tolerate what is happening around you or second, take responsibility to change it”.
    I think time has come

    1. Reply

      The only Anger I have is within myself, and now thats eating away at my body, and now I sense a split persona(personality), The kundalini experiences I had several years back is complete hell, my thoughts were so amplified that it was like X 1 to 2million fold, and yes, all of it was -, I was heading towards the abyss back then, its no where as bad as it is now but still trying to get back on to my 2 feet, and yes I am closely being monitored with the ufo’s/et’s.

      I had a cigar last night, and just about every single corner or turn, theres a sighting, inbetween the trees, stuff I see from the windows, sky,etc.

      Alot of stuff is going on in my life.

      Truthfully I want to know everything, I want my own mind to be blow away, unlike most of theses people on this planet, cant look beyond anything but the physicality in general.

        • Gurtej Singh
        • June 24, 2013

        I have subscribed to your youtube channel, You should upload this amazing documentary called “Ethos-woody harrelson” and “Earthlings”

      1. I have earthlings on my playlist, the other one I will check out.

        Yeah I am practically a walking dead man, If you do more research on kundalini and its strongest form of symptoms if activated prematurely, its like your body is on autopilot and searching for that soul of yours.

        Look up Gopi Krishna, hes on my playlist, very important, look it up please, he to suffered kundalini in its extreme severe form, it took him from age 34 to 49 to get everything back to normal, thats 15 years of toughness.

        Even the most courageous person couldnt even withstand the menace of this energy in its worst form.

        It was absolutely horrific, seems like 2000 years went by.

      2. I think I triggered it through Major Physical trauma and Spiritual emergency and yes Also NDE(near death experience), all theses experiences can trigger kundalini.

        I work out alot and yes I put to much physical trauma upon myself, then I think the pineal gland triggered something, I didnt know in the beginning what was happening but after careful research and study of this kundalini and the 7 charka’s, now I am beginning to understand.

        Luck to be alive today, even today still I have attempts on myself but I am trying to get back on my 2 feet, already fell into the dark abyss, now its time to revert back.

        Yes I seen all kinds to things, mostly energy when I had theses experiences, Mostly all dark energy, whatever your slightest toughts were, even with that, the kundalini energy is to strong.

        I worried about people far to long, I want to the dark side to gather all the strength to help humanity but in return it was nothing but that, I nearly destroyed my body inside and outside and including spiritually, and I look at the world now, Did I change anything? I havent done a very good job.

        I am more calmer now, taking it more easy.

        If you can change your life and or your families life, thats all that matters.

  3. Reply

    No one knows the exact date/time frame, all I know we are in the time frame. Its going to be the end of that individual life and how has lived and believe what was real will be ending, See that Majaor canada floods?

    Speaking about floods, I seen roughly about 30 visions/dreams about major flooding,tidal waves,etc.

    Look what they are going through, people is like nothing is happening, yeah nothing is happening to them YET, but when it will, it will be the end of that persons life and how has lived as he/she knows it, not the earth itself.

    Yes earth changes we are seeing now is nothing, if anything is going to wake up mankind from his deep coma, its going to be the weather at this point.

    2014 I see tons of changes, this year I think which polarity you want to be in, fear or love.

    Ever since my Kundalini awakening/Chakra being opened up, I have experienced many things, yes also near death experience as well.

    Certain people like me are absolutely closely monitored from ufo’s and or military/government because of the hidden abilities/potentials that the person has and its starting to come out(waking up).

    Yes I am being extremely closely monitored, that I can tell you for a 110% fact.

    1. Reply

      I haven’t seen a single ufo sighting in my life. It’s not that I do not believe there are ufos, I Guess it’s just that I’m not being monitored; unlike you. Or in other words, I’m not as ‘special’ to them.

        • Gurtej Singh
        • June 22, 2013

        All the things alex collier said about government secrets, wars, floods are coming true but it did’t happen exactly on time. But did in fact happen, revelation of the programs by governments he said, are slowly beginning to surface.
        First we have to make transition into high 4th density, which tolec said will happen on jan 2014, after that we make into 5th den.

      1. Alot of us is stuck with fear,- emotional aspects, greed, power, corruption,etc,,etc. This is the main reason that contact is still not being made to this day in mass wise speaking, Personally I still dont think we are nut fully ready for this, only some but in mass, absolutely not, To many people are stuck to the physical body, this is what feels real,bangs on the floor with the feet,etc.

        Cant smell it, touch it,etc?? Everything is vibrating at different levels, we operate very low here cause of fear and – based, thats why we are not using any of our innate abilities.

        Even back then, Albert Einstein understood that everything is energy … Things that appear solid like a rock, a building, or even the chair you are … all you have to do is tune into the radio station that is playing what you … The radio frequencies of the radio tower and your car radio are in vibrational alignment.

        This is why we can never go beyond our realm of 3rd density, we are so hooked into the physicality, like collier once said, we shouldnt be in this density this long, many have been addicted to 3rd density, the physicality, you know such as girls, bodies,orgasms,etc.

        You may have been contacted, just dont have the memory consciously, subconsciously perhaps but not consciously speaking, There is alot of stuff going on, absolutely.

        • Gurtej Singh
        • June 24, 2013

        We only need 10% aware public population, and all these uprisings are proof that we are very close

  4. Reply

    All I do know is that on December 3rd of this year, and you could call this another skeptical prediction from Mr. Collier, third density will implode; hence the veil being lifted for everyone to see what has really been going on. The Andromedans, based on what Collier said in one of his videos, say they’re absolutely positive it’s going to happen. Any thoughts on this?

  5. Reply

    Also Be very strongly aware of Screen Monitors/Overlays that Dolores Cannon talks about, many people have experiences with theses and I believe I am one of them, since I see ufo sightings ever single dang day which quite frankly its getting very annoying, and yes measuring in masses, meaning in otherwords, tons of them. Everyone including your chain of thoughts, aura, frequency, everything is being closely monitored…

  6. Reply

    When a contact happens during sleep, it’s usually your soul-essence that travels out of your body and is interracted with the ET’s.
    Maby all three have been benevolent contacts, since two of them were humans and the third from Zeta Reticuli 1, of wich I belive to remember are the original benevolent Zetas.
    Do you remember what they told you?
    If not, you might soon feel or do something beneficial that will feel like a strong intuition, but might as well be a result of what these ET’s have inlfuenced you with during your contacts. These things are usually very beneficial for you and most likely those around you.


    It seems like only the benevolet races have the ability to contact people during the dreamstate, since the only malevolent contacts I’ve heard about are usually physical like abductions.

    Thank you for sharing Gurtej Singh, good luck with you experiences -b

      • Gurtej Singh
      • June 16, 2013

      Dream First:- If was alone in a field with five or six unknown people, we went inside a space ship and withing comple of seconds, We were flying this beautiful planet. I remember Planet had dome shaped houses. There was this big headquarters at the top of the mountain. There was an elderly man with big white beard, wearing blue jumpsuit. He told me “I have to leave this planet”.

      Dream 2:- I was outside my house, there appear a grey alien. I told him where are you from. He said he is from zeta reticlli 1. I asked him if reptilians are eating children underneath earth and he said yes, it is true. Then I asked him ” tell me about the pleiadians, there was no reply from him.

      Dream 3″- It is kinda embarrassing, I was in a house. It was very beautiful. I was standing on the lowerlevel, and suddenly a tall man about 7ft tall, Very very muscular,he looked very handsome. He looked like a 30 year old man. Very fine skin, grey brown hairs and green eyes. He was NAKED, and lay down on a bed. I told him “can to say something telepathically”. He just kept staring at me.

    • Gurtej Singh
    • June 15, 2013

    Hey, Tantarum, I have three dreams so far thats was a contact from aliens, Two was from human et and one was from as he said ” I am from Zeta Reticulli 1″. They were very real. When I woke up, I had weird feel all day. Do you think these are just dreams or there is something to
    it. Or do yo think contacts can happen dring sleep?

  7. Reply

    So, you’re saying that there won’t be any other different looking ET hybrids that resemble the Galactic Federation of Light; in order to trick everyone into thinking that they are benevolent? Only the ones that you described?

    1. Reply

      No, it could be “anything”.
      I’m just describing a malevolent ET I’ve met and how to recognize this type (MIB’s)

  8. Reply

    At least we didn’t get the (Planned) Book of Revelation played out. Glad that’s over.
    Oh, and planet x coming to close to the earth, that a relief…
    And that these underground and undersea bases are destroyed… awesome!
    Especially the Dulce Base, glad that one is not operational anymore.
    AND, AND, all these consentration camps that are scattered aound the United States, what do “they” need them for now? What a waste of resources, don’t you think?
    Pluss all these highranking reptilian fellas, gone, finito, puff! Yeah!

    I’m expecting some benevolent visiting while the days are long and the weather is warm 😉

    1. Reply

      I believe you are forgetting about the first group of ‘phony’ benevolent beings that Mr. Collier has been warning everyone about since the 90’s. That will be the last card these bastards will play in order to bring down as many of us as they can. After that, the REAL benevolent races will come down and intervene.

      1. Guess those phonys were going to be the Blond Humanlooking Reptilians from Sirius B, also known as ET Men in Black.
        I met one of those guys in 2006 in Prague.
        I had bought myself a cheap accustic guitar and me and my classmates were sitting on a fence on the Carls Bridge to play some tunes.

        Suddenly, this 7 foot tall man in all black clothing – leather coat, leather hat, black sweater and black pants, with long blond hair and slightly bigger eyes that ours – showes up and just watches me play for several minutes.

        I recognized him as a MIB and looked at him while playing.

        I tried to look him in the eyes for a moment, but quickly had to look away, cause it felt like my brain was electrocuted while I was looking into his eyes.

        The moment I stopped playing, he started to walk closer to me. Behind me, there was 30 feet straight down to the foundation of the bridge’s pillar.

        As he walks toward me with his arms straightened out, I got some kind of telepathic communication telling me to “Get down from the fence, now!”

        I slide down, centimeters from him, and walk calmly away from him.

        I turn around to look at him and he looks confused.

        I talk to one of my classmates for a second and turn to the man again, and he is gone.

        Lesson: If you can’t look the visiting ET-race in the eyes and they look like nazy playboys; they’re the Phonys.

        • sam
        • June 14, 2013

        do u have a picture of these human looking reptilians? Im desperate to know how they look like! Also are you talking about the reptilians from “V” the show, we’ll encounter first?

        • sam
        • June 14, 2013

        this is the tv series im talking about

    2. Reply

      I personally believe this year is going to be the calm before the great storm, in other words, If we dont get our own act/shit together, If we dont watch other people’s back, etc,etc, we will have an absolute rude awakening, and all the time we could have done something, we did nothing.

      No one is going to come down here rescue or save us, for what purpose?? You dont learn that way, If we can not take responsibility and care for our own planet/race, no one is going to be saved, is it happening now? Thats what I thought and thats why people are waking up right now, this planet is in DEEP coma and finally coming out of the chained up and tightly shut coffin, consciousness of humanity is changing, what we created for ourselves, for each other, what we done to this planet, to each other, what we believe to be real, the material world,etc, all that is going to change, it will be the end of YOUR world as you know it, not the earth itself, Its the end of your own consciousness/awareness as you know it cause its not working, only force if used correcly is unconditional love, everything else that does not support it is T-R-A-S-H…

      People are seeing 2014, earth changes is going to escalate, the more we dont give a shit about our home world and each other, more and more will come, earth cant take this horseshit any longer, it has to do what it has to do in order to save herself, if we want to go when the earth shifts, we have to change, and alex collier did mention that 2/3 of the population aint going to make it in the beginning cause of the vibration that most of us are holding on to, FEAR and -.

    • Gurtej Singh
    • June 12, 2013

    remember alex collier said when large amount of people start resigning from govement position it is the sign that sift is about to hit the ceiling. It is infact happening

      • sam
      • June 12, 2013

      Well that’s been happening since last year, up untill then nothing big is happening.

      1. These people are resigning because of the major earth changes that will occur by the end of October of this year. You will certainly believe it to be real.

        • sam
        • June 12, 2013

        Im not saying I dont believe it, but i just tired of people laying out dates. No one knows the future

      2. You’re right. I just want it to happen soon, which is sort of strange for me to say because I’m tired of waiting for what I know might happen.

  9. Reply

    My account has been taken down, if you click on this username again, it should link you to my new site, otherwise copy and paste this to your search browser bar:

    • Mendes
    • May 23, 2013

    Hello I just wanted to thank you for someone so generous exist in this universe. Life for me is so beautiful and fascinating to discover just feel a little sorry for our humanity not seek further their spirituality, so that when they look abroad and do not want your Divinity. Suffer to see war, famine, corruption, lies and indifference when all are one our kind in a small corner of the universe. Just wanted to meet you Alex and more one day be able to collaborate with my vision Benevolent because here we are ready to confront the regressive. These traitors that do so suffer the existence, but the LIGHT triumphed. Also wanted to leave a big hug to all the Benevolent Universe this fascinating and that love will never abandon your courage and honesty to us Humans. Thank you from the bottom of my simple mind. Ate one day.

    • Gayan
    • May 18, 2013


    ‘Tolec’ has just finished his latest interview & is well worth checking out. Here’s a link …

  10. Reply

    My newest PT 5B: Unfolding the Inner Consciousness is now live, please view and check the rest of the series along with my playlist please, thanks.

    Tons and tons and tons of information up on my site.

    • Gurtej Singh
    • April 29, 2013

    Do you think, if Alex know what happened to professor hernandez.

    • Tantarum
    • April 25, 2013

    Thank you for bringing this text to our attention. I might do some “Text to Speech” work (T2S) on it 😉

      • Gurtej Singh
      • April 29, 2013

      Yeah, it happened by accident. He disappeared mysteriously in 80s. DO you think he was taken to beta andromeda(Mirach), neighboring star, from where alex colliers ET is from. Was is Tolec’s opinion on this.

      • Annonymous
      • May 1, 2013

      Hi ‘Tantarum’,

      Since you seem to know ‘Tolec’ personally (if I’m not mistaken), do you know anything about the upcoming visitations from the Andromeda Council members ?

      The reason I asked this question was because, according to the ‘’ website, ‘Tolec’ has stated in the ‘FAQ’ page that he’ll do his next English interview, when the visitations are about to occur.

      So, in the home page of his website, it says, ‘please look for a new, upcoming Tolec interview, Friday evening, May 17, 2013 …’.

      That might indicate that the visitations are going to take place pretty closely ( :0 ). What do you think ?


        • Tantarum
        • May 5, 2013

        I haven’t asked Tolec about that.

        But I think it’s very likely to be the case.

        I’ve desided not to ask Tolec myself. I’d like to keep my hopes up.

        However, you can contact him trough his youtube channel and ask him. But if he wants to keep this information untill the interview on May 17th, as an announcement, I ask you all to be patient.

        What we know, is that the best time for Benevolent contact, mey be this summer 🙂

        Keep your hopes up!

        • Dhirendra Rajkumar
        • July 25, 2013

        I am really looking forward for this proposed visitation

    • Gurtej Singh
    • April 25, 2013


      • Gurtej Singh
      • April 28, 2013

      what do you mean????

        • Tantarum
        • April 28, 2013

        I mean this:

        Thank you for reconmending this text!

        • Gurtej Singh
        • April 29, 2013

        Thankyou very Much, I feel proud right now,, thannks again

        • Tantarum
        • April 29, 2013

        Thank you Gurtej Singh for letting your intention manifest on this comment field 🙂

        I would not have known about this text if it wasn’t for that!
        I showed it to my friend Tolec, and he was also very appreciative to have come to know this text.

        I’m alway looking for information like this, so if you know about more texts or articles, please share them with us!


  11. Reply

    It’s going to be extremely intense by the end of the summer this year… hang on everyone.

    1. Reply

      We all aint see nothing yet, absolutely, positively nothing.

      Sightings aint nothing new, infact I see them daily, completely surrounded me for some reason.

      24/7 observation mode baby, think I am kiddin’? I think not.

    • Annonymous
    • April 19, 2013

    Thank you ‘James’ & ‘Tantarum’, specially you ‘James’, for maintaining this website.

    Also, to ‘Alex’, who put together the courage to come up with ‘this kind’ of information. ‘Alex’, I hope that you’ll soon recover from your financial troubles my friend.

    Thank you!!.

      • Tantarum
      • April 20, 2013

      Thank you very much! Appreciate it 🙂

      1. Tantarum, its me again, Let us keep continuing what we are doing now, consciousness of humanity is drastically increasing and it can not be stopped.

  12. Reply

    Basically watched and read everything from Alex Collier, thank you very much. If you can, the admin of this site, please try to link up with my channel to this site please, thank you.

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