I have been contacted by Tantarum, who is most definitely a supporter of of Alex Collier and he has decided to turn all of the Letters from Andromeda and other articles into Audio Transcript Videos. I have added them to the all pages in the articles section.
Also, I have added FOUR more transcripts:
Alex Collier – Andromeda Central
Alex Collier – Galactic History According To Alex Collier And The Andromedans
Alex Collier On The Next Dimension – 1998
Alex Collier – Interview With Paola Harris – 2000
Each one is a transcript and also includes an audio video for those who would like to listen to the computer voice.
I have also added the transcripts to the following videos:
Alex Collier – History of the Galaxy – 2002
Alex Collier – Earth Transformation Conference – 2010
Please Donate To Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford Will Be Appreciated
Alex Collier Interview Webinar #14 – With George Kavassilas – *LIVE* on Friday, March 7th, 2025!
THE FOURTEENTH OF OUR WEBINAR INTERVIEW SERIES! Alex Collier interview with George Kavassilas! FRIDAY, March 7th, 2025! 2pm Eastern. 1pm Central. 12pm (Noon) Mountain. 11am Pacific. We’re excited to invite you to the fourteenth installment of Alex Collier’s powerful monthly webinar series! Join us on Friday, March 7th, 2025, for an extraordinary two-hour live event […]
Alex Collier – Webinar 225 – February 14th, 2025 – VOD
ALEX COLLIER'S 226TH WEBINAR IS NOW AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND! BUY THROUGH THE CROWDCAST LINK IF BRIGHTEON STILL NOT WORKING! Alex Collier was live via video stream on February 28th, 2025. His 226th *LIVE* webinar. Webinar #226 was just over two hours and thirty-six minutes long, and Alex answered many questions after his extensive monologue. Hosted by […]
Alex Collier 226th *LIVE* Webinar on Friday, February 28th, 2025!
See Alex Collier LIVE! FRIDAY, February 28th, 2025! Alex is hosting his 226th 2-Hour *LIVE* webinar, including Questions and Answers. This webinar will include subjects: Current Stat., Preparing for the 3rd Act of the Movie, Adjusting to the Changes in Reality, and Much More! Exclusively live and hosted by AlexCollier.org Friday, February 28th, 2025 2pm […]
Check this page out:
Does anyone knows if thoses planet clarion et’s photos are legit????
Seems alright, but I am not to sure, I dont take anything for granted(face value).
They dont come from this galaxy but 3 galaxies away or something like that.
I don’t know some people are really lack empathy. According to a study current generation of Americans are lacking empathy.
I Wish we pics of Morenae and Vissaeus. Not actual but paintings. Is there one on the internet????
Hey if we can truly evolve and get out of this stuck hole, we will become teachers to other civilization.
All we need to do is move quickly as a people that this is the end of the childhood of the human race.
Message From Alex Collier:
Oyvind , First we are speechless.Thank you for the miracle you gave us. I only hope and Pray that I can repay the favor some day. Please forgive my late response, on the day before I had a mild heart attack. Thats what they call it. It hurt like hell. Felt like a spear or javilin being thrust right through my back. Thats why you are hearing from me so late. I have only been out of the motel room today. God I look like casper the ghost. Not the cute version. Your kindness came at a time of incredible stress, and we are so very thankful. I hope you and I can meet one day, so I may thank you in person. I will write in a few days when I am feeling stronger. I have sort of misplaced all my stamina. I just can’t find it. Stay Great!
> Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 09:32:04 -0700
> Subject: Reference: AlexCollier.Org To Alex Collier Get Back On His Feet… – Donation from Øyvind Meling (connecting_meling@hotmail.com)
> To: Ivanhoe1818@live.com
> From: member@paypal.com
> Hello Alex Collier,
> This email confirms that you have received a donation of$*UNDISCLOSED* USD from Øyvind Meling(connecting_meling@hotmail.com). You can view the transaction details online.
My response:
Alex. This money, these papers with pictures on them. They are yours.
I do not need them, and you will never have to pay me back. If you try to, I will refuse to take it
The money is something I got back for paying too much taxes last year, and since I didn’t have this money planned in my budget, I desided to donate it to you and your family.
There is also another side to this, Alex. I will share this with you.
Alex. I am an incarnate.
I have a contract with the Andromeda Council.
I’ll explain.
Years ago I regained some memories from a meeting onboard what is most likely one of the Andromeda Council Biospheres.
At this meeting, a lot of known Individuals attended, most likely included was your contact Moraney and Tolecs contact Vice-Chairwoman Tania Piekae. These two individuals were talking to me telepahtically.
For several years I only had the memory of Tania telling me I would play a big part on planet Earth if the timeline went “bad”, BUT it was most likely to end up “good”.
Well, from 2008 to december 2012, this was the only memory I had to work with, so I became a sort of “prepper”. I learned a lot of information and survival skills. I also bought a lot of food and equipment. I was basically able to survive for several years if the timeline went “bad”. During this time I would have been able to be some kind of guide to other people.
However, thanks to our Friends upstairs, during the war in 2011 and 2012, the timeline on this planet has ended up pretty “good”.
December 2012 must have been a huge tipping point, cause this was the period I regained the rest of my memories from the Biosphere.
But first, Let’s go back to May 2009.
I attended a camp at a very dessolate place.
At 2AM I might have been the only person awake at the time. I was going to bed. Then I suddenly saw a descending light from the sky that settled on the ground. The light shined clearly throught the window and lit it up. I then recieved a short telepathic message that said: “Come, Tantarum.”
Well, all of this freaked me out and I tried to send a message back to them that “I’m more comfortable if you pick me up during my sleep.” I basically thought they were some Grays or something that I couldn’t escape from anyway.
Nothing more happened.
Was this Moraney? Or someone from the Andromeda Council.
In 2012 I started to listen to Tolecs interviews. But it was not untill he interviewed Tanaath of the Silver Legion that I got the thought that “Tantarum” could be some kind if “ET” name. (Well, it’s not. It’s latin and means “Important”) So in december of 2012 I emailed Tolec and asked him if this name could be a name for one of the AC contacts on this planet.
He responded me and told me that he took an interest in this name and promised to ask his “gang upstairs”.
Later he responded me and told me that I was an Incarnate who had chosen to be in this planet to help out with various task and that Tantarum was a name I had chosen prior to my Incarnation.
Now, this fitted perfectly with all of my regained memories, and this proved to me once and for all that both YOU and TOLEC are geniune contactees.
I’ve now regained almost all of my memories from my last visit on the Biospheres, Including hearing from what might be Moranay that I was going to help YOU out in the future. (I belive this has now been taken care of ) In addition to my donations, I have transformed 49 texts of your work into Audio Videos, wich are present on my Channel Tantarum TtoS (Text to Speech)(This youtube Channel is also part of my contract.). They can also be found on the alexcollier.org website. Keep in mind, helping you is in my contract, you do not ever have to pay me back for anything.
I now work very closely with James Harkin and he has become a good friend of mine, as well as Tolec.
You are my friend too Alex. I remember who you were when I was briefed on your future situation – in the meeting on the Biosphere. And boy, Alex, I don’t know if you know this yourself, I’d love to tell you this: From what I remember, and the impression I got from all the people who were concerned about you: You, your SOUL, is probably one of the most highranking, respected individuals in this galaxy. You are probably some kind of Sage that has chosen to be here on this planet. If you felt any kind “fathership/teacher” to Moranay and Vassaius, that is probably right.
God, the impression I got of you onboard the Biosphere, sould have made me buy you a house!
But unfortunately I didn’t pay THAT much taxes over the limit last year
Tell you what, to give you a hope for the future:
If there are no apparent earth changes to occur, I am currently working on several Science Fiction Books that I plan to have published in english through Amazon Kindle.
Some of the income will be donated to you and you family, untill your situation changes.
However, several Extraterrestrial soures now claim that the earth will go 4D anytime soon. These Include Tolec of the Andromeda Council, Taanath of The Silver Legion, Sunfire of The Galactic Fedration of Planets, and Me, Tantarum, Incarnated Freelancer for the Andromeda Council. (I wouldn’t have come down here if nothing was going to happen).
You also have the planned visitations of the Andromeda Council members to look forward too. Shortly followed by Silver Legion members and GFP members.
I will give you some information I remember from the Meeting:
Tania Piekae told me that they would start visiting shortly after the event of Nelson Mandelas passing.
This is what I remember.
It was a pleasure to finally write to you Alex.
Please keep in contact.
If we don’t meet on this planet, then perhaps on a Biosphere
Until next time, my friend.
May your 3D experience improve this summer.
Incarnated Freelancer
I did emailed alex collier on 2 of his emails, as I expected, I didnt get a single email, I was hoping for a response but I waited for awhile, no response.
Alex Collier was one of my eye openers, if anyone woke me up from my coma at first, it would be non other then:
William(Bill) M. Cooper(behold the pale horse author)
IF anyone woke my ass up, it would be him, in the very beginning of my awakening.
Thank you Tant, I hope all of us contactee/abductee can all come foward at one point and given Immunity at one point, and meet at a huge conference and share to the world and put an end to this subject once and for all, Enough is enough on this subject, it can no longer continue, Let us disclose this B.S. and move on as a race please, its far to long.
Reason why this subject get spit at/laughed at, look at the videos and etc up on the net, 99% bogus,cgi stuff, etc.
Remember folks, no one is going to save us, we have to save ourselves, and also remember that if you keep doing what your doing with this subject, you messing with the most important subject in our planet earth history, our ancestors and forefathers, keep that in mind.
In one of the pages in Dolores Cannon’s: Custodians: Beyond abduction, in this book, on one the pages, the watchers(et’s) were heavily watching on only specific people because they were very important to this planet, and one of them was Leonardo da Vinci.
I have watched the Nostradamus effect: Leonardo da vinci and I must say, I am completely in shock, because what this man has seen in his visions is exactly spot on, on what I have seen as well, other then bodies floating in the water, we share almost same visions, very interesting.
Hey Tantrum, is this a recent reply from Alex collier?
Yes, and below is my response to him.
It will take some times to develop the sensory system. Tolec said that we will go into 4d but it will take some time for us to handle and learn to use our 4d body
Is this a recent reply from Alex Collier? How along ago?
It’s from July 4th if I remember correctly.
He recieved my donation on June 26th.
good im happy he’s getting donations. It seems like your donation was well worth it.
omg i have been praying for this recently and my prayers have been answered, so glad to hear. i love alex collier. xo
Tant, thanks for your hardwork and support on this subject and getting hold of Mr. Collier.
Question to anyone that may know on this site, do anyone knows if Mr. Collier checks this site often and read posts??? I hope so.
Also I would like to share everyone on here that I been keeping to myself for almost 100% of the time.
When I had all of this Dark Kundalini energies in the beginning, this was like 3 years ago or so, When I was experiencing My First Terrible Kundalini awakening and along with its 1m fold of your amplified thoughts/manifestation.
I saw for about what, couple seconds or less, a holographic image of a conscious being, never seen the likes of before.
Know whats interesting is that Collier did say that we were at the highest level of density then have fell in the concept of time to create 3rd density in which the A’s dont have access to, He also says that alot of the souls on this planet is to believed be an ancient race known as the paa tal(the founders/seeders/caretakers) of this galaxy/universe.
Interestingly enough, the image I have seen, could this bee the paa tal image?
The image:
Not human/reptilian/greys or other non et’s.
All I know I sensed a very strong + frequency, could be my higher self but it seems it may go way before any et’s races that are known, I am not to sure.
I am trying to re-call the information while during sleep and trying to go into a self-trance/daze mode.
I want to see this image more carefully and hopefully I let someone draw it.
omg, I think this image might hold the key to the very existence of our universe, maybe thats one of the many reason why theses ufo’s are on me like Flies on shit.
If I recall this image and let a professional artist draw it for me, I will only share it thats only extremely serious of changing things around and only want the truth and nothing more, otherwise I will not share it.
Thanks for the help people and thanks to this absolutely Terrible dark kundalini energy and still present within me, it has helped me what is it that I want and where I am going, even with that, I am still heading to the abyss, but I hope not for the second time.
Only the strongest souls can reside here at this time.
Very interesting email, so this explains that when mr. collier said their were other contactee’s instead of him from the a’s, so your one of them??
Very interesting.
People are coming foward, oh yeah, NO MORE B.S.
Tant, What do you feel of this dec 3rd, 2013 thingy?
I dont know whats going to happen, reality changes every single day, but I feel something huge is coming, been feeling this for years, all I know it will be in this generation, in my generation.
I just had my very first ufo sighting during day time on hot,humid, bright day.
It was around 5:52pm est, after gym, I see the location where I see the ufo sighting all the time, near some trees in the distance, Very bright white/greyish sighting.
I dont remember seeing a ufo during a day thats very bright and hot as this, I think its my very first day time sighting, finally.
Again, watching over me like flies on shit.
you should post some videos of ufo by you
I refuse to, why? people dont care.
I keep the records for myself.
My Sister/Niece is getting alot more experiences, Those are my key witnesses and thats all that matters.
In time I will, Like I said, I dont just feel the value in it any longer.
Maybe in the future.
These energies that are comming are making good people better and bad people worse. Now as the time will pass you will people will shift to either end of spectrum. And those people who got heavier by these energies will create another universe.
I do a lot of research everyday, sometimes I get sudden thoughts in my mind( which i sometimes thinks because of et) both from exo politics and from spiritual theologans, and from my intuition that We are evolving into something great
Hello guys,
When can we expect a new interview from Mr. Collier? I want to hear updates from his contacts on whether the shift is still on this December or not? Do any of you guys have any independent intel to confirm that? Thanks 🙂
All we know is if the Earth does not have its changes by late October of this year, that means 3rd density may not implode on Dec. 3rd
I doubt it because he said that by 2011 we will be higher 4th density. The reason is Andromedans don’t use time. So they can’t give us accurate dates because no one knows the right time.
“Future is created everyday and is changed everyday”.
Exactly. I’m just tired of anticipating from what I know of these dates we keep receiving.
There is in fact uplifting of energies going on
Only few amounts will go because they vibrate more higher then most people, the most wont make it, will be stuck in 3rd density, mainly because of fear and -.
Collier says the % based given to him, 2/3 of the world population wont make it through the initial shift, some say it will be much worse then the 2/3rd given to him, I hope everyone makes it but at this rate, very very unlikely.
Its just matter of making a choice, fear or love, what kind of reality you want to live in
I never feared death or dying
I only fear never trying
I am whatever I am,
Only God can judge me
–We owe it (pumped me up)
There is no “God” with the right to judge me. The Isness created me to have free will, and I acknowledge no power over me. That’s how they capture your soul when you leave this organism–you’re confused into believing the “God” you’re presented with–just these regressive punks. Don’t give them that power over you, and don’t let them put you, (your soul), in the little metal box.
@ dimensional: When is your next part of unfolding consciousnesses coming. It was really good. Keep up the good work
Remember Alex collier said that USA is ceased to exist. USA is divided in 1994 interview.
Now goverment has showed a map, on how america will be divided in an event of emergency. USA will be divided into 10 districts.
When we laugh to knowledge and wisdom, now we are paying the ultimate price, and Its called karma, one law in which you CAN NOT escape, law of the universe, what goes around comes around like a merry go round.
I think the higher pyramidal powers knows about the global ascension going on. This the reason why usa is on a verge of suspending the constitution. They are scared of us like alex collier said. And I don’t think people are scared of government. It is that they are made to believe that they are free, which is untrue. Once people realize that they are not free, then we will have world wide revolution.
As far as I have experienced life, it will happen, we will ascend because that is our right, and they cannot stop the rising energies that is coming to earth everyday.
We will be a spiritualistic society one day. I know that.
I very very strongly believe that there is a infinite consciousness energy/God if you will/The source.
The source of all matter, the source of all dreams, the source of ALL intent/manifestations/ The source of Everything which EVERYTHING came from, This I 100% strongly believe.
The God referred in the bible, from my heavy research, my nde/out of body/kundalini experiences/are nothing but ET’s.
Absolutely no question about it.
hey they created us, they live alot longer then we do, they lived among us and teach people how to grow/etc, they had technology,etc, so yes, they were referred to as gods/goddess..
The youtube also claims that everyone looked up on my for my courage and bravery, well if this is true, then this Pleadian lord is on its last leg of life, clinging between life and death.
All I know my grave is waiting soon, but its still to early, mission is not complete yet, so I cant go just yet, no girlfriend either, what a sad life this is.
I aint coming back to this planet once I am out of here,
so I am trying to forgive everything, clean my act out, so I dont have to come back here again, hell no.
I am going back to the source and taking a huge vacation, thank you very much.
Maybe when the ‘SHTF’ comes to a reality for everyone here on Earth, you might be one of the first people who are worthy to get ‘beamed’ up on one of the benevolents’ spacecraft.
Kundlini is the dormant of energy that lies within. Some people have more, some people have less.It is not something you should be afraid of. If you have more kundlini then you have to know how to control it. If you can control it, you will create wonders if you can’t then that energy will infact destroy you. Kundlini increases everyday. So our desires. A spiritual person will convert that energy into ” ramras “. Or otherwise that energy will be converted into lust, anger, greed, pride. Unfortunately, it is the case of most of the humanity. As kundlini goes through higher and higher chakras, your world view will differ significantly. It all comes down to personal responsibility. you can save yourself, only you can control that energy because it is your body. Do’t give anyone power above yourself.
I am not saying believe everything I said just experience yourself. If you can experience it then it is real for you, might not be real for me. We all are very different, we view the world very differently, we
were created differently, our spiritual paths are different. One time a Guy asked rumi “How many paths are there to God? There are as many paths to God as there are souls on the Earth”.
It is unfortunate, then we are lied from the day one. Ok now their is a GOD, says who?? says bible, quran etc but we never give chance to a child to experience god first then believe in it. It is just brainwashing our these little angels going on throughout the world that makes me realy sad. As a child I know how smart I
was, so was everyone. They had their unique talents but he all got fucked in our teen age years.
Whats your thoughts/take on theses massive, I mean massive amounts of ufo sightings all around me??
I mean completely 360 degree surrounded with it.
No matter where, There is TONS, TONS, TONS of them, I aint all that, WTF man???
anyone to care thoughts of why they are focusing on me like flies on shit?? I am kidding you all not.
one youtuber that I talk too but not on much, he claims that I was a Pleadian lord at one time in the past, something about I was in some kind of a space war, on some craft with couple thousands of people, maybe this explains my re-incarnation on planet earth, to learn what I have done.
This person claims that the sightings I am seeing now, is the benevolent et’s, protecting me from any kind of – et’s attacks or something within thoses lines.
Read previous and later chapters of the site I just posted eariler, about the kundalini thingy.
Read ALL chapters, that chapter is 12.
Sounds like this person has undergone very similar circumstances.
I would also like to thank you for your inner consciousnesses unfolding videos
I just went outside to see some fireworks around my way, had to go back in because of the damn flies all over the place, soon as I went outside, within 1 second or so, A ufo sighting appeared, and more afterwards.
Usually if people report high ufo activity in this area, I am the one who gets the ufo attention, why me? Very strong energy? who knows.
I bet my energy/aura is so intense, even all 12th density can feel it, now thats serious stuff I recommend.
Muhammad Morsi is overthrown. People in Egypt believe in freedom. I love it. Throw the government that don’t serve people
12- Kundalini- The alchemy of destruction
Very similar what I am going through, Absolutely very serious stuff.
Only the strongest souls can even attempt to experience this kind of absolute intense energy.
Kundlini is the dormant of energy that lies within. Some people have more, some people have less.It is not something you should be afraid of. If you have more kundlini then you have to know how to control it. If you can control it, you will create wonders if you can’t then that energy will infact destroy you. Kundlini increases everyday. So our desires. A spiritual person will convert that energy into ” ramras “. Or otherwise that energy will be converted into lust, anger, greed, pride. Unfortunately, it is the case of most of the humanity. As kundlini goes through higher and higher chakras, your world view will differ significantly. It all comes down to personal responsibility. you can save yourself, only you can control that energy because it is your body. Do’t give anyone power above yourself.
I am not saying believe everything I said just experience yourself. I you can experience it then it is real for you, might not be real for me. We all are very different, we view the world very differently, we
were created differently, our spiritual paths are different. One time a Guy asked rumi “How many paths are there to God? There are as many paths to God as there are souls on the Earth”.
I now have Alex Collier 2002(image/text) Files, I did thoses several years back and fars I know, when I was on my very 1st youtube account, I was the first person to upload 2002 alex collier lecture but it was in image/text format, its now live, check playlist.
Also on playlist, Elizabeth Klarer and Ufo Contact @ Pascagoula.
Blue Planet Project, Thomas Edwin Castello, Greys agenda from alex collier, Alex Collier zenetea interview and so much more in the future.
I am going alot slower now, I aint going crazy like I used to, I cant live like this any longer, taking it more easy.
Keep checking my channel for more uploads. I am surprised I am even coming back for the 6th time.
I keep saying its not worth coming back but the source/god if you will keep saying, you must continue or else.
I have a duty here and I have to accomplish it, no matter the cost.
I am uploading more stuff now, check back later.
hey everyone thats on this site, google:
Book II:
There is 3 chapters in all, read everything please.
I am trying to set up a hypnosis with Ms. Dolores Cannon.
I can handle the truth, the full truth, I dont know about you guys.
I have told many people to visit my channel years back, years went by, All they say oh I am f’in busy, YEAH B.S.
If you got 10-15 mins a day to watch porn/sports/etc then you got time to visit my channel, if you love your childern, then I strongly advise to you visit my channel, its not our future is at stake, its theres, and people still dont seem to care, screw them.
#1 your to scared about the info and #2 you cant handle the truth and #3 rather what 2.+ billion views on some stupid music videos, what a shame, explains why earth has no future.
I cant do this alone man, I need help, someone please help me, My grave is calling.
I am clinging between life and death here.
Does anyone care out there??? we have to save ourselves, I keep telling people, if we can not help ourselves, help each other, look after for our home planet, dont ask for any help/rescue, is it coming? thats what I thought.
I ask nature, please in your power, wake up humanity, its the only force that will wake us all.
Weather is the only thing going to wake us all up, fars I am concerned, I have failed my mission, to protect everyone and this planet, if I did a little, I did a bad job, and amen to that.
watch* mistyped again. sorry.
Wish their was a revise/edit option, but sadly there isn’t any. Sorry for so many posts.
These is this saying in bhagwat gita “not to worry or desire for the result but perform one’s Karma”. The only thing you can do is to give or not to give out the information but whether people watches it or not is not under your control.
Don’t be that hard on yourself
Alot of people dont admit to alot of things, I do admit that I am very hard on myself and I cant believe the direction that I am heading AGAIN, to the abyss that I was once in, going in for the second time? I hope not, I cant believe all this is happening.
And everyone is all looking at me, I aint no better then anyone else, Whats up with theses ufos, I mean TONS!!! of them, I aint all that.
It was 18th march 2013, when I saw this streak of light that was pink in color. Coming from sky and entering the earth. My first reaction was, that It is just in my head, then couple of seconds later I saw the second, It was very intense
Also, My unfolding the inner consciousness pt 3, this aint the final version, some stuff is not edited properly, this aint the correct one, I tried looking into my external hdd, this is the only one I can find, I guess I didnt back it up, It needs to be re-edited.
Stay tuned for pt 6, I dont know why I am even continuing on doing this, f’in living hell to keep people informed, people dont care anymore, thats why I strongly believe alex collier just flat out gave up on keeping us informed, some stuff might be far fetched, this take tremendous amount of research, alot of what he says about our social aspects is showing already.
same here, and this black and white cat too, could me screen monitor’s or overlays that dolores cannon talks about, I AM AWARE OF ALOT OF THINGS, There is no way in the world anyone can fool me, I have researched many many contactee’s and also my personal NDE,Kundalini,Metagene factor,abduction experiences, I am aware of many thst people dont even know about.
fars my info, I am the real deal, I dont f around.
I never lie about my experiences, no reason too. once lied, your reputation and trust to others and etc goes from 100 to -1000, would I want that, F no.
jeezus, so many mistyped words.
not me, BE*
Yes I am on 24/7 extreme close observation mode through many many ufo’s and I think I am also being watched/followed by someone in my area(I think so but no really sure).
The question to all this, WHY ME? I didn’t harm or did anything to anyone, I dont want to hurt anyone, Why is every f’in body all looking at me?? I didn’t do squat diddly doo, yes I have did some stuff in the past but why all me?????
Other then the extreme intense kundalini awakening syndrome and or possible activation of metagene factor, WHY ME?? Get the hell away, I didn’t do s-h-i-t.
If I can survive what happened to me several years ago, I can survive anything, Fair warning, My will power has been increased to 1m fold, my internal/etc might be crumblin’ but my will grows each time that passes by.
Yes i heard birds chirping at night, for the rest, im not sure!