Alex Collier – Webinar 48 – January 5, 2018 – VOD

“This webinar is very important!” – Alex Collier


Alex Collier was live via video stream on January 5, 2018. His FORTY-EIGHTH 90 MINUTE *LIVE* webinar including over thirty minutes of questions and answers. Hosted by James Harkin from and JayPee from (a subsidiary of Alex presented some great insight into what is happening in this world and beyond. The webinar was hosted on Friday, January 5, 2018, at 2pm EST.

Alex Collier discusses many topics in this webinar including: Earth Chess Game and Freeing Humanity.


  • Excellent Webinar – MaelstromExceptions
  • Thoroughly enjoyed … Well worth the watch! – lori
  • Wonderful webinar – Sabina
  • Freedom is coming! – Javy
  • Excellent webinar! – J-m

Funds from this video stream will be given to Alex Collier and help us bring you, Alex Collier, regularly. Please do not miss this amazing opportunity to see Alex Collier on video-stream and of course provide him with some income.

The webinar replay is just $3.69 for 72-hour rental or just $9.87 for unlimited rental and download. You can pay with credit or debit card or PayPal.

Alex Collier – Webinar 48 – January 5, 2018 from LWO (c/o James Harkin) on Vimeo.

If You Would Like to, Please Donate to Alex Collier, Anything You can Afford will be Appreciated

If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can also send money orders to:
Alex Collier, 151 Summer St. #292, Morrison, CO 80465 USA

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  1. Reply

    MaelstromExceptions, I have been watching your youtube site for months and just want to say thank you very much. And Alex Collier is simply the best

    • Michael
    • January 15, 2018

    Technology is not my god. I am infinite and eternal, I exist outside of technology. Technology is helpful, yes, we can enter the cryptocurrency and change it from the inside, yes, technology is a part of me and I love it. But this is not my god. There is life beyond that. Today, we’re creating a world where we’re raped with technology. Cryptocurrency is not a future. It’s part of the agenda. The goal is to separate us from Mother Earth and attack our creativity. That technology is above us. That we can not live without it.
    Who gives people a cryptocurrency? Today we do not have a digital currency? Are we not connected to technology today? Not enough? Do you want to go and live in the world like in Deus EX? Computer game? Have artificial hands and eyes? Because other races will tell you that it’s ok? Is this your will? Repeating everything for others? Without your own opinion?
    Cryptocurrency is part of the plan. We can use it. Yes. But that’s part of the agenda. This is my opinion based on my experience.
    We can create a different reality than relying on an even deeper digital currency.
    Cryptocurrencies are part of the plan against Mother Earth and our creativity. And, manipulating us, again. Only on a different level.

  2. Reply

    Also Speaking about Paa taal’s, if there is a possible awakening one in this world that’s reading this forum, Please let us get connected, I am always extremely lonely here, thanks.


  3. Reply

    I love the positivity of Alex & the A’s – we need to learn from that, to align with it. As Source-in-form, we have, we ARE what it takes. We’ve got this! Let’s pay far less (or no) attention to the MSM; it brings us down in frequency, away from Who we are & where we want to be.

    Dimensions are not elsewhere, they’re all right here, only hidden due to their higher or lower frequency. We can move among them as we align with Heart, with Light, & get the heck out of our own way. It’s up to us, no rescuers required. WE are the rescuers, we just forgot, ROFL.

  4. Reply

    Excellent Webinar, just got done watching it.

    Humanity has been in coma for so long, and now its starting to wake up, finally after thousands and thousands of years, we are finally remembering who we are and what we all came here to do.

    I 100% agree on what he said, Humanity has got to stick and defend together, Regardless of anything, Humanity on this planet is one race, no and’s if or buts.


    1. Reply

      Maelstrom – Beautifully said! This is at the core of our waking-up from the whole divide-and-conquer cabal strategy. Until we come into our internal Oneness, both with Source & with one another & all life, we’re not there, yet. We all bleed red, after all, & our divisiveness has gone from the bizarre to the totally ridiculous.

      And it’s on US to awaken. We’re the only one we’re in charge of, no one else. The garden’s beauty lies in its diversity, not in being all the same. We could learn so very much from Nature, both creatures & the plant life, the very stones, crystals, etc. It’s all alive & conscious in its own way. Gaia is ensouled, just as we are – so are the other planets, the suns… ALL of it.

      Our connection to that is that we ARE that – all of it! One means one, for heaven’s sake & lol. No two, anywhere, except in duality, in 3D, & it’s only a seeming, nothing real.

      Blessings & Love

      1. I been studying this subject for quite some time.

        Theresa and everyone else in here thats very serious into this subject, I want you all to look into a book called:

        UFO contact from planet Korendar from Wendelle Stevens and Bob Renaud.

        Surrounds a man named Bob Renaud and his experiences is quite Incredible to say at least.

        What amazes me here is that his experiences was back in the early 60’s, I wonder how they(Korendians) View us now, It is a Great book, Try to get the e-book(Kindle) Version since the actual book is very rare and pricy as will since its prettie much scarce.

        Very important stuff is in that book And so much much much more, I will blow your minds, Please read it, I highly recommended it to everyone thats absolutely serious in this subject, thanks.

        On top of that, I have excellent news to Alex and to everyone up in the universe to whoever is looking at these forums, The Paa Taal Is finally waking up from its Deep Deep Coma.

        I had an incredible spiritual awakening about 10+ years ago, and what I saw, what appeared to be some kind of holographic image, Only saw for a glimpse second, Conscious being, never seen the likes of before in the entire spectrum of the ufo subject in general, In fact, I go so far that, it doesn’t even comes close to 1 billionth of a percent. I sensed a very + Frequency from it, I was running into alot of problems in my life at that time, Suicide,etc,etc,etc.

        Had a very – Kundalini awakening experiences, from what I understand, in the level I went through, less then 100 people in the world, It was so severe, Utter depths of hell? That is a complete understatement to say at least.

        Could it be the 12th density beings that Collier talked about??? I don’t know, Could it be the Founder race?? Paa Taal? I am not to sure, but If I had to put a percentage on it, it is extremely high.

        Like I said, I have studied and read alot of stuff, it is nothing in the ufo material in general, not even close.

        So we are finally waking up.

        My sightings and spirit orbs are on a continuous Bases, 24/7, it is a non-stop situation.

        Are they benevolent in nature? I am not to sure, from what I am seeing, they seem neutral, but the sightings from spirit orbs and these ufo are continually getting worse from my end, even at work, tons of orbs, I am like I ain’t no better then anyone else, I am getting alot of attn., this has been going on for years and years.


    • lori
    • January 9, 2018

    Thoroughly enjoyed,interesting as always.
    Well worth the watch!
    I def feel more empowered to engage with others on the info, thank you Alex for making this available <3

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