Alex Collier – Webinar – February 19, 2016 – VOD


Alex Collier was live via video stream on February 19, 2016. His SEVENTH 90 minute LIVE webinar including over forty five minutes of questions and answers. Hosted by James Harkin from and JayPee from (a subsidiary of Alex presented some great insight into what is happening in this world and beyond. The webinar was hosted on Friday February 19, 2016 at 2pm EST. Alex reveals some great new information. It was one of his best webinars and definitely not to be missed.

Funds from this video stream will be given to Alex Collier and help us bring your Alex Collier regularly. Please do not miss this amazing opportunity to see Alex Collier on video stream and of course provide him with some income.

The webinar replay is just $3.69 for 72 hour rental or just $9.87 for unlimited rental and download. You can pay with credit or debit card or PayPal.

Alex Collier – Webinar – February 19, 2016 from LWO (c/o James Harkin) on Vimeo.

If You Would Like to, Please Donate to Alex Collier, Anything You can Afford will be Appreciated

If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can also send money orders to:
Alex Collier, 151 Summer St. #292, Morrison, CO 80465 USA


Or available Individually. With Video, Audio and PDF Transcript Available… 


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    • Todd
    • April 16, 2016

    I do Not have confidence in some of the things you have promised and foretold.

    My Biggest problem is the idea that there is going to be or is Outside forces coming here to root out entities of Negative entities from the planet with our Troops in tow.

    Our Military forces are too easily convinced to follow illegal orders and we are talking about a race that obviously can manipulate what we think and see. Our troops do not have good judgement and they simply follow orders. Not a good deal for us. NOT AT ALL>

    No SIR. I Do not want anyone thinking they are chasing the bad guys and tearing through the planet. ESPECIALLY NOT OUR TROOPS> NO WAY> Not in a million years. They lost our faith and support as they decided it was fine to kill us with 737 Spray jet conversions and use military force against citizens in this country which is NOT LEGAL> They have done this way too many times. They can not be trusted. Period.

  1. Reply

    that’s funny lol, less that whatever to prepare, the change is coming soon…now it’s 5 years window….the change promised is ghastly far away compared to how some of us feel right now…what to prepare for is likely to see spaceships flying around all over and maybe being sorry for what you did before….which means our questions maybe should be more about how can I cope with this and what should I be doing better instead of when is the rescue of divine assistance rolling out?

    WHAT IF, this constant new ager trickle of promise and hope is karma? After all everything is karma as it is now and has been for a long time. We all got lied to to live in this shit and so we shouldn’t be asking for answers maybe, just living…

    I leave these things fascinated but never with enough new information and I’m hooked like a soap opera along with the rest however I’m still a believer because I think we can’t do this without help or divine assistance I mean…it’s too far gone on this earth.

    To prepare….??? I have a question on that…there’s still an earthquake promised in California and Mark McCandlish sais it’s going to be from the Salton Sea up to San Diego along the San Andreas and the worst disaster earth ever ever had and David Wilcock said Californian’s have been evolving enough to hold it back and Alex Collier sais Mother Earth has to release the negative energy…I guess that means quakes on the way. When they hit Chile they don’t report much death though this prediction was from the short grey aliens in 1989…Mark is still on it and just now telling people why he thinks it’s spot on probable truth and “millions and millions and millions to die.”

    I’m thinking that’s making a bit of sense because we all know the aliens or underground tells the highest ups this stuff is going to happen and there’s building new mall and city plans up and down the coastline from San Diego to San Francisco, drawn up, in the papers, presented to the public and several years of buying up land… planning already done year ago…..and not a shovel in the ground yet… what’s the hold up on rebuilding the bed bugged run down cut up houses into closet apartments… staph-ed, drug infected coastline of California? Seems to me they are waiting for the quake to be over..or they are running a scam on the buyers since Fukushima hit AFTER the plans were rolled out and property already changed hands to all the lower down sort of well off people…..

    • Rose Coveney
    • March 2, 2016

    Thank you once again Alex. Always appreciate your valuable information. Bless you and be well.

    • Grace
    • February 24, 2016

    Great webinar, can’t wait for the next one! Thanks Alex

    • Elizabeth
    • February 23, 2016

    Hi everyone! I’m a little confused, I missed a few of the webinars, can someone please explain to me who the archons are?

      • Mike
      • February 25, 2016

      Elizabeth, I just actually did a google search on them and came up with TONS of info. I was gonna leave a vague description, from a hazy memory of one of the previous webinars, but believe it or not there is a TON of info out there about them.

      It lines up with what Alex said in a previous webinar too, about them controlling the whole reincarnation process, and how it was a manufactured experience, to keep us trap in the reincarnation cycle of this planet.

      Hope this helps out a little 🙂

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