Alex Collier’s List of ET Races

The list below is Alex’s first release of information from planned ET-22 series. This release contains a brief list of E.T. races, their body types and the inhabited solar systems by those ET groups.

E.T. RacesSentient Being Body TypesInhabited Star Systems
1CiakarReptilianAlpha Draconis smaller star solar system Thuban-(Anwar) Giansar, Grumium, Eltanin.
2Vega / LyransHumanSmall star systems which orbit Sulafat, Albireo.
3OrionHuman / ReptilianSmall star systems that orbit Alnilam; stars named: Syclopesus, Rigel, Betelgeuse.
4Cygnus AlphaHuman / Aquatic / BirdSmaller star solar systems which orbit around the Central Suns: Deneb, Sadr, Gienah, Albireo.
5ArcturiansHuman / ReptilianSmaller star systems around Bootes.
6PleadiansHumanSmall star solar systems which orbit Taygeta, Maia, Merope, Pleione, Alcyone.
7Reticulans (Zeta)Reptilian / PlantSmall star solar systems that orbit between that stars Achernar and Canopus.
8SiriansHuman / Reptilian / AquaticMuliphen, Murzim (small sister star) stars between Wezen and Aludra.
9AlderbaranHuman / ReptilianSmall cluster of solar systems that orbit around the star Alderbaran.
10AndromedaHumanMany star systems that orbit Almach and Mirach Central Suns.
11MizariansHumanLarge star solar systems located between Alcor and Mizor.
12MintakainsHuman / AquaticOrion- small stars around Central Sun.
13CassiopiansInsectual / AquaticCaph, Ruchbah, smaller stars; 19 solar systems.
14Canes VenaticiReptilian (Benevolent)Triple Sun system; no name.
15PictoriansAnimal / Human / Yeti (Sasquatch)Double Star System near Kapteyn’s Star.
16AntariansHumanSolar systems lie in a binary star System that orbits the star.
17SagittariaHuman / FelineVery large star systems between Nunki, Ascella, Media, and Kaus Australis.
18Nibiruan (Annunaki)Human / ReptilianBootes (Tarshem).
19Tau CetiansHumanStar solar system that orbits between Menkar and Mira.
20CapelliansReptilian (Neutral Now)Three star solar systems held by gravity of the Central Star Capella.
21ProcyonsHumanSingle and binary star solar Systems- rich in mineral Deposits.
22HyadesHumanBinary star solar system near Alderbaran.
The list below is Alex’s first release of information from planned ET-22 series. This release contains a brief list of E.T. races, their body types and the inhabited solar systems by those ET groups.

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Alex Collier, 151 Summer St. #292, Morrison, CO 80465 USA

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Alex Collier – Webinar – January 22, 2016 – VOD


    • Lauren
    • February 2, 2018

    Wondering if the Arcturians are Reptilian in appearance or if this is a typo? 🙂

    • Tony Haines
    • December 29, 2016

    Contactee I would like to thank you with information I also on YouTube knowing who and what I am and I stand with my brothers to help in humanity to prepare for the uplift ascension to the new reality the fifth dimension thank you for all you have endured as I know personally what you have gone through not being as long as long in What you have gone through but a personal understanding
    Tony Haines awakening ( UFO ) on YouTube my prayers are for you family and all
    Thank you once again

    • Peter
    • February 19, 2016

    Alpha Centauri??

  1. Reply

    Being the past co-creator and publisher of Letters From Andromeda I just want to share that for me in the very beginning when I first saw Alex speak in public, it was a flyer that he had to announce whom he was that featured the 22 races involved with our genetics that caught my attention back in the day. The ET 22 type of information to me was the meat and potatoes of what I have required to trigger within me all that I need to know that set me back on course of my mission on this world. As Alex starts to share this information further soak it in because I assure you it will awaken within each of us what is desired to helping unravel the manipulative mess for which this world experience has brought to most all who have incarnated here.

    So Be It…Ahoe

    • DUONG
    • February 12, 2016

    I already tryed to publish my comment, but I did not know if the webmaster autorised it ?
    Anyway this is again what I wished to publish :
    The informations provided by Alex Collier are worth all the jewels of the crown !

  2. Reply

    Is the list in numerical order that is a chronological order of who seeded us from first to last?

  3. Reply

    This is Amazing!! Seriously unbelievable yet our higher selves are resonating with this profound information more than we could attach our conscious minds to at this time. Crazy right? Just incredible.

    • Kevin Dufoort
    • February 3, 2016

    I assume these are the 22 genetic races that seeded us all.

    Well then, finally i have come to understand.
    As a Petal i can finally be free.

    Time for change.

    • Glenn
    • February 3, 2016

    Alex must have had this list for quite a long time because if you search parts of the text online, you can find the same list word for word on websites and forums as far back as 2002. Have there not been any developments or updates on this since then?

    • Jim
    • February 3, 2016

    Where are the Dracos from?

    1. Reply

      Beloved Jim,

      The Dracos are from Alpha Draconis.
      They are the royal class of the Reptilian race.
      Some Ciakar has wings too (Ciakar is another name for Draco).

      You can check out my THE STAR RACES at

      May the LOVE be with you always!

        • Samuel
        • March 29, 2020

        Those blue ones, with the tall crown. What are they called? Blessings.

    • Chan
    • February 2, 2016

    omg! I knew there were 22 races, but once you list them out like this it seems unbelievable.

    I mean, YETI and Insectual?!

    Are these other races also intervening/watching etc? Why are some races more prominent then others?

    1. Reply

      Beloved Chan,

      The creation of the Divine is beyond anything and it is expanding every second. There are Octurian, Antarian (Ant being, not to confused with Antarean who are human based), and the famous Mantis race (both faction – negative and positive too). And if you are allowed to meet the non-human configuration beings, you would probably faint on the spot. Just give you a small little hint – hairy being with four arms, many legs, etc.

      You can check out my THE STAR RACES at

      May the LOVE be with you always!

    • Zachary
    • February 1, 2016

    Wow, Collier really came through for us. Fantastic piece of information, much appreciated.

    1. Reply

      Thank you for this list.

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