Black Knight

We have received a new message from Alex Collier:

This is information I was given to me regarding the Black Knight Satellite that is seen at times in our orbit. Referred to as ”BK“ from now on.

Alex Collier
Alex Collier

According to the A’s The Body of the “BK” is made of grown and manufactured alloys and Meteor metals. They have some type of organic memory and can repair themselves.

In earth years, its said to be well over 10,833 years old. It was not built specifically for earth. It is one of roughly 5 million that scan the galaxy. The A’s said that they have been built in two solar systems both of which are around the Orion star Alnitak (in our language) but are not on our star charts. They were built by mechanized androids who can work in any environment. The satellites were made in different configurations. The interior hardware and mechanism are grown inside each shell and or fuselage and then are activated with intelligent programmed similar to software but fully capable of analytical thinking.

The ”BK” in our systems is powered by a cognitive fluid that is black in color and has DNA markers of its owners.

The A’s have said the” BK” devices are scattered throughout the galaxy and, have been in operation for many, many thousands of years. They are scientific in intentional operations. They gather all types of readings based of atmosphere, geology, oceanic and different type of species. Moraney said that the” BK” can speak with highly evolved life forms which include Dolphins and analyze data that is shared. He suggested that the” BK” can interact with ET’s that it is programmed to identify as friendly. However this programming cannot be done by anyone other than the builders of the satellites.

It is near impossible to capture one of these” BK” as they have intercept and avoidance defense systems that are highly evolved. When I asked about the signal that the” BK” sends out to a destination in the Betelgeuse system. I was told this data point is not the point of origin.

I was told that the data from all of the satellites is used to update star charts and life analysis for specific races passing through or traveling throughout the galaxy. Sort of an Auto Club Service for space faring nations.

I will continue to share my data and expand on earlier released info. I am sharing this data with no copyright privilege what so ever. You can do as you please. I am sharing only what I have been told. This the perspective of Vasais and or Moraney. Nothing more.


If You Would Like to, Please Donate to Alex Collier, Anything You can Afford will be Appreciated

If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can also send money orders to:
Alex Collier, 151 Summer St. #292, Morrison, CO 80465 USA

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    • Craig
    • February 5, 2016

    Hi, resent activity of the Black Knight near Soyuz Satellite January this Year.

    Also more information on the Orange Orbs, November 5th 2015 was fireworks night, A bright orange Luminescence appeared in the south sky, it turned into an inverted eye (reptilian iris) which appeared to be some silhouette of a figure being in it, they want to be seen, like the light has many modes supposed to a Holographic camera, showing white high in the sky and orange at very low altitudes.

    • V
    • December 14, 2015

    BLACK KNIGHT DECODED: A Pepsi Production

    For Alex and anyone else interested.

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