We have received a new message from Alex Collier:
This is information I was given to me regarding the Black Knight Satellite that is seen at times in our orbit. Referred to as ”BK“ from now on.
According to the A’s The Body of the “BK” is made of grown and manufactured alloys and Meteor metals. They have some type of organic memory and can repair themselves.
In earth years, its said to be well over 10,833 years old. It was not built specifically for earth. It is one of roughly 5 million that scan the galaxy. The A’s said that they have been built in two solar systems both of which are around the Orion star Alnitak (in our language) but are not on our star charts. They were built by mechanized androids who can work in any environment. The satellites were made in different configurations. The interior hardware and mechanism are grown inside each shell and or fuselage and then are activated with intelligent programmed similar to software but fully capable of analytical thinking.
The ”BK” in our systems is powered by a cognitive fluid that is black in color and has DNA markers of its owners.
The A’s have said the” BK” devices are scattered throughout the galaxy and, have been in operation for many, many thousands of years. They are scientific in intentional operations. They gather all types of readings based of atmosphere, geology, oceanic and different type of species. Moraney said that the” BK” can speak with highly evolved life forms which include Dolphins and analyze data that is shared. He suggested that the” BK” can interact with ET’s that it is programmed to identify as friendly. However this programming cannot be done by anyone other than the builders of the satellites.
It is near impossible to capture one of these” BK” as they have intercept and avoidance defense systems that are highly evolved. When I asked about the signal that the” BK” sends out to a destination in the Betelgeuse system. I was told this data point is not the point of origin.
I was told that the data from all of the satellites is used to update star charts and life analysis for specific races passing through or traveling throughout the galaxy. Sort of an Auto Club Service for space faring nations.
I will continue to share my data and expand on earlier released info. I am sharing this data with no copyright privilege what so ever. You can do as you please. I am sharing only what I have been told. This the perspective of Vasais and or Moraney. Nothing more.
If You Would Like to, Please Donate to Alex Collier, Anything You can Afford will be Appreciated
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Alex Collier, 151 Summer St. #292, Morrison, CO 80465 USA
Alex Collier 228th *LIVE* Webinar on Friday, March 28th, 2025!
See Alex Collier LIVE! FRIDAY, March 28th, 2025! Alex is hosting his 228th 2-Hour *LIVE* webinar, including Questions and Answers. This webinar will include subjects: Current Stat., Where Do We Go From Here, Gaining Historic Prospective, And Much More! Exclusively live and hosted by AlexCollier.org Friday, March 28th, 2025 2pm Eastern. 1pm Central. 12pm Mountain. […]
Alex Collier – Question and Answer Webinar 66 – March 21st, 2025 – VOD
ALEX COLLIER'S 66TH QUESTION AND ANSWER WEBINAR IS NOW AVAILABLE ON DEMAND! Alex hosted his 66th *LIVE* Question and Answer webinar on March 21st, 2025. The webinar was just over two hours and 29 minutes in length. Alex did an extensive monologue before answering questions throughout the remainder of the webinar. Hosted by James Harkin […]
Jedi Admirals & Humanity’s Awakening – An interview between Dr Michael Salla, George Kavassilas, JP and Alex Collier – September 19, 2024
Are you ready to confront a reality far beyond our current understanding? A reality where powerful, psychic “Jedi Admirals” are secretly working to dismantle a global human trafficking ring, and advanced Medical bed technology promises a transformative future? This is not science fiction; this is the startling revelation emerging from a recent Exopolitics Today’s Q&A […]
Benjamin Fulford (January 12, 2015): The fake Paris incident is aimed at taking down the house of Saud
Full Report
We’ve lost good friends…family – all good people, heroes (every one of them) our hearts and prayers go out to their families and they will be remembered. Nor will we forget those who serve outside of the spotlight to whom we owe our highest gratitude. Our foe did not come only to destroy our things and our people, they came to desecrate a way of life, to foul our beliefs, trample our freedom, and in this not only will they fail, they granted us the greatest gift, a chance at our rebirth, we will rise – renewed, stronger and united.
This is our time, our chance to get back to the best of who we are. To lead by example, with the dignity, integrity and honour that built humanity, and which will build it once again.
An update from Tolec about an Extraterrestrial craft spotted near ISS has just been posted at his site >>> http://www.andromedacouncil.com/
It seems that the time is near???
Word your statements carefully. I am deeply suspicious of the manner and tone of your statements. It seems to me that you are concerned more channelling fellow readers’ energies into focusing on the arrival of non-Terran beings. Whilst I have nothing against this, things are not as they seem.
When you state “the time is near???” you make it seem that their arrival is the most important thing and that so long as they arrive, everything will be okay. I encourage you to revisit my statements to one of your previous statements about working from within and exercising voluntary self-introspection.
In actuality, “time” only exists right now, i.e. this very moment, it is like a temporary dynamic flux that can be changed in any way. But in the context of your statement, our “time is near” when we want it to be. Not when some non-Terrans want it to be (because benevolent non-Terrans do not have that authority over us). Our “time”, what we do with it and how come together for the betterment of ourselves, eachother and our planet is entirely up to us.
Even Alex Collier himself stated, as to whether we make it through this or not, that “there is no guarantee”, because we live in a reality of potentialities – anything is possible.
Additionally, the manner in which you write your statements suggests an attempt to artificially inflate emotion and a sense of urgency, what is your intent and purpose for doing this, if you are?
Are you more focused on the what, how and why of non-Terrans instead of focusing on who and what you choose to be every moment? Do you expect to exercise voluntary self-introspection by doing so?
Remember, we are in charge of our reality, we have the means to exercise our intent to create the reality we want. Whilst you seem excited that, according to you, the “time is near”, remember the last thing we need to do as Terrans is focus on non-Terrans’ arrival (presuming they would do that) as opposed to working with ourselves and growing.
I am writing this statement so that you may see the inappropriateness of your ways. Whether or not you discern this statement is entirely your choice as is the choice of all other fellow readers.
I have for years have had orbs fallowing me around where ever I go and have seen planes change into alien spacecraft I know aliens are monitoring me one night I saw so many big blue orbs in the sky fallwing there were so many they are here.
Alien e-mail reply to arrive in 2015? Did some high level officials know that ET contact is inevitable in 2015 since the year 1983? Read here for more >>> http://pinktentacle.com/2008/05/alien-e-mail-reply-to-arrive-in-2015/
Word your statements carefully. Discern these sources, are they legitimate or fabricated? Who would sending an e-mail? Why would they be sending an e-mail? Why do you ask whether “high level officials” know about “ET” contact? Be careful how you word your statements.
Benjamin Fulford (January 6, 2014): The US dollar is now backed by gold but the war criminals remain free
Full Report
Guys, the info in this site states ET Disclosure will happen in spring of 2015, which is now just a few months away >>> https://hourxreport.wordpress.com/2014/10/23/breaking-full-disclosure-spring-2015/
What do you guys think about it? Possible? Also, can you guys please comment on these? >>> http://www.ascensionearth2012.org/2014/03/alien-ships-to-fill-our-skies-in-2015.html
I don’t know about you guys, but after reading all of that, I must admit that I feel happy, excited and feel full of hope.
“I don’t know about you guys, but after reading all of that, I must admit that I feel happy, excited and feel full of hope.” Why are you full of hope? Why do you feel happy after reading some unverified passage on the internet? Why are you excited?
Are you trying to influence the focal energies of Terrans reading through your statements? What is the intent (and purpose) of the statements you’re making? Haven’t you forgotten that we the Terrans are the ones who must create the society we truly desire?
Why are you not excited about the latter, but are excited about non-Terrans making contact en masse (presuming they would choose to do that)?
Are you doing this to encourage fellow blog readers to focus their energy more on non-Terrans as to ourselves?
I strongly advise that you reconsider how you word your statements because it is my perspective that they are subtly misleading people. Are you focusing more on relaying information on this forum that discourages self-introspection and self-empowerment?
Hi guys, can anyone provide information as to when the Extraterrestrials will make open contact with humans and tell us the truth about our real origins and history? I think the world just can’t continue with the way it is right now with humans separated into different countries, cultures and belief systems. Something needs to happen for unity or we’ll all headed towards inevitable destruction and ruination of our planet.
Dear Velassar
Your statement reflects you urgent ‘need’ for non-Terrans to make themselves known ASAP as if that is the solution. That is at their own discretion where/when/how and why they would conduct such an undertaking. Do you expect Alex or James Harris to have that answer?
Remember, if benevolent peoples of other worlds were to show themselves publicly it has the ability to change the course of our species’ history and thus it needs to be approached (presuming they would do it) with extreme caution and fragility and, of course, common sense.
Additionally, your statement suggests that these beings of other worlds hold the key to us being told the truth, or as you stated it, to “tell us the truth about our real origins and history?” – Now whilst I have nothing against that, I advise that you exercise caution in how you structure your statement, we do not need any kind of people – of any shape/origin or form to tell us about our archaeological history and suppressed records – though I personally welcome it from them, we should endeavour (as many I hope are) to decipher our individual histories ourselves. This can be done using a variety of methods, look them up if you desire.
I won’t elaborate further on this, but basically, find out for yourself – do NOT wait for some people (benevolent or otherwise) to come down and give you the truth on a plate. To get to that level, of knowing who and what you truly are, requires self-enquiry which goes far beyond mere research on the internet, for you will not find the ultimate truth of who YOU are that way but only from within – voluntary self-introspection.
Our personal truths are individual and no one can tell you who you are, if they are trying to tell you who you truly are, I would advise that you exercise discernment and caution and maintain your individual sovereignty.
Furthermore, you state “I think the world just can’t continue with the way it is right now with humans separated into different countries, cultures and belief systems.”
1) It is not necessary to state “I think”, we already know society is dysfunctional to a great extent.
2) Secondly, if you want change in the world – then BE the change, be a blogger if you wish and write articles and disseminate information you believe to be factual and inspiring to help raise awareness of your fellow brethren. Furthermore, you can be a writer for the Earth We Are One.org blog, look them up! You can create your own blog if you haven’t done so already.
3) Plant “seeds” in your friends and family, if you’ve already done this, then keep doing it. Additionally, withdraw your focal energy from serving the system so as to focus on the creation of a news paradigm.
4) You could even start your own free radio show using BlogTalkRadio and network with like-minded people – you can extend your reach to even more people if you create a dedicated Youtube channel for the broadcasts. So you see, you can evoke change quite well.
Be advised, no (as we perceive it) positively-oriented being of non-earth origin (irrespective of their belief system) will come down here and fix our problems. That is our job, mine and yours. It is imperative to be open to embracing your obligation to be unconditionally self-responsible for your freedom and existence for the purpose of knowledge acquisition.
5) Where you state “Something needs to happen for unity or we’ll all [be] headed towards inevitable destruction and ruination of our planet.” You’re right! But even that is a belief system in itself, whatever it is you believe needs to happen, contribute towards it’s manifestation into your and, in turn, humanity’s reality to avoid negative outcomes manifesting.
Basically, stop waiting around for “them” to change the world, because they won’t. And I am glad they won’t, for there exists no other way in which we can permanently evolve and grow up.
You’re already an awesome creator, we all are. No Terran needs the assistance of anyone else to evolve and grow up, though I welcome it, remember it will only be provided in such a way that encourages us to self-empower. Being a Paatal and having the experiences of 11 densities as we have been told would suggest that this should not be a problem, but it’s obviously complicated.
Embrace faith, for it shall see you through the darkest of days as you may perceive them.
To do what brings you joy, with patience, diligence and conviction. The moment you, Velassar, choose to believe in yourself even more is the same moment you may realize that your statement and belief system that accompanies it is no longer relevant to who you choose to be, for in that lies the opportunity to learn the wisdom of humility and appreciation. This will certainly aid you in growing.
Whilst I am not a spokesman for any benevolent people of other worlds, I suspect they would convey to you what I have told you through this platform also.
Ranw, you nailed it. Thank you for your point of view.
Benjamin Fulford (December 30, 2014): Cabal suffers huge defeats in 2014 so the 2015 year of the sheep can also be the year of the sheeple
Full Report
I enjoy reading theories on matters. Some are entertaining, some hit pretty close to the truth, others are unabashedly ridiculous. I don’t often contribute to conversations but this morning I will. This “black knight satellite” is being read into way too much. Here’s the big scoop: it’s a garage. Didn’t expect that? It was given to me as a trade for some work a long time ago. She’s an old freighter that was all broken down but I fixed it up enough to move it to my place. The ONLY reason I even agreed to the swap was because it would be great if I ever needed to move as my personal ship fits inside of this thing nicely. Needless to say, I parked it next to my own ship, which also doubled as my house, and basically used it to store junk in. Seriously. This thing that the whole world is going semi-crazy about used to be nothing more than a shit collector. Well, when I decided to check this planet out a long, long time ago, I needed to use the freighter because my own ship couldn’t make the distance. Once here, I left it orbiting the planet while I took my ship down to the surface. The only reason it’s even appeared is because it’s run out of power. Because it’s a serious heap of shit. Yes, it has sent radio signals periodically to my ship. There’s no huge reason behind this other than to legitimize each others’ locations every now and again. It’s a piece of shit. Seriously. My tiny ship is far more impressive. Lesson learned? Don’t look too much into things. The easiest reason is probably the truth.
That’s very bold, sir. You’re probably not on Terra to play, aren’t you? You possess your own ship? You’re lucky, mine was disintegrated after my capture. Now I’m stranded on this prison planet. Is the black knight for rent? I’d like to get spare parts to rebuild my own ship.
Benjamin Fulford (December 24, 2014): US regime under unprecedented attack, black swan event imminent
Full Report
Alex brought a lot of light about the reptilians. Many mercenary soldiers and assassins are reptilian shapeshifters. Some pornstars also are reptilian shapeshifters, and the other pornstars are all mind controled slaves.
Just google monarch mind control to find out more.
Benjamin Fulford (December 15, 2014): Torture report paves way for arrest of top Nazionists
Full Report
Alex Collier, I hope you read this post 🙂
I had a lucid/vision recently while sleeping that I was beamed up in a bright light that felt like a soft vacuum into a cylindrical craft which had writing/symbols on the outside. From the ground it shape looked like a massive cement truck. I didn’t see much of inside the craft just what I would describe as a “lobby” and what I would describe as an evaluation room packed with adults and children. I was strapped to a bed, which was next to another bed and another etc. Even in my sub conscious I couldn’t break free of the bed. This slender being (not grey/zeta skinny) tall (probably 5’10-6ft) in a lab coat walked over to me.
The being had no hair, humanoid in appearance, blue skin with a greenish hue, I was fascinated by the skin. It asked me lots of questions pertaining to earth and conservation efforts, what can be done, etc. The being was very direct with its questions, (ALL BUSINESS). I remember the being nodding, and writing stuff. The being told me the test was suppose to be a nights rest long, but my body woke up way too soon….
I think something very profound, and plausible, is going to happen…
I wonder if the Andromedans, scientist, or whatever beings that was is going to intervene from a scientific point by choice; gathering enough data. Who knows what’s going on in the cosmos. There could be a full blown debate about that, unbeknownst.
I mean, humans intervene with animals, and people all the time. We conserve habitats, and fight poaching, deforestation, fracking, hunger, political injustice, economic inequality, cure viruses, help disabled people, and animals, or whatever may be.
About Riley Martin
From a sharecropper kid to a mothership near Saturn
Riley L. Martin was born May 9, 1946, in Mississippi to a family of sharecroppers of African American and Native American descent. This story starts one night when Riley was seven years old… he saw a strange light out by the river, he tried to wake up his brothers and not one of them would wake from their sleep. The next night the lights were brighter and little Riley was more excited and this time he tried to wake up everyone in the house including his parents. Then on the third night when the lights appeared again he didn’t attempt to wake his family… he took his trusted dog Brownboy and they went to the river to investigate.
That fateful night; two aliens took little Riley on his first trip to their mothership near Saturn. Riley’s second trip was when he was 18. It was on this trip that they placed a strange looking headset on him… then in a matter of seconds download into his brain… 144,000 different symbols…then while Riley slept they downloaded the history of humanity, alien insights, and a whole lot more. Riley made friends with this little alien he calls Tan. O-Qua Tangin Wann.
Riley describes seven types of extraterrestrial’s who
reside in a mothership near Saturn:
The Biaviians, the aliens who have had the most interaction with Martin
The Targzissians, who are malevolent reptilians
The Stagyians, who have a bony, leathery appearance
The Dorians, who resemble blonde-haired, blue-eyed humans
The Insectillians (aka the Skreed), who are “smart bugs” five feet tall
The Nyptonians, who are “water people” with “underwater bases” on Earth
A seventh race of aliens whose name Martin can’t pronounce
Riley Martin on The Jerry Springer Show
Alex Jones Show: Thursday (3-20-14) Riley Martin
go to 2:09 for interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yBp36zrM4o
Extraterrestrials Explained p1
Extraterrestrials Explained p2
The Coming of Tan-Riley Martin(Chapter 1 through 4 complete audio book.
X-6 Hyperspace Whispercraft Lecture
Riley Martin tells his amazing story of how he was abducted by aliens in 1953.
Riley Martin’s Abduction
Riley Martin Universal Measure
Dear Alex,
THANK YOU for sharing your Information. Thank you for being strong for us. I pray for you and your family. i am deeply thankful.
You changed my life so much… Thank you!!
And thank you to the Person that manages this Site.
Thank you! I thank you so much!
My best, wishes for happiness to Alex. There is no doubt that he is a highly reliable and trusted in all his information he gives. Unfortunately, almost all of his information since the 90’s is ugly truth and negative , and too much about the reptilian monstrosities, which often makes reading it all , an almost painful, and scary experience, of waking up. I believe that we should not indulge to information about issues that as simple citizens, we can do nothing about them. On the contrary we should need information about daily life, of higher quality as it occurs in other more advanced civilizations, that might inspire us. As an average reader, I would like to read more about how a sample of advanced civilizations of Andromeda alliance is living. Not technological or military sensitive information, but under what social principles, values, practices , habits ethics , etc they live. In so much detail that could fill many 200 pages books. This would be for me a pleasant and inspiring waking up. With this I do not mean that he owe to give to us any such information about how is life in one of the advanced civilization. On the contrary, I admit that If I was in the place of Alex, I would have run out of courage long ago , and I would have asked the A’s for me and all of my family to end my life, in their place, full of happiness, safety, high frequency and wonders, and glad that my missions on earth would have been essentially accomplished .
Happily Alex, seems to be a very courageous person.
So again I devote to him and to all other friends for his courage, the next fictional novel (or summary of it) which I tried as much as possible to make a not unpleasant experience o reading. cosmonovel.blogspot.gr
Also, I do feel a difference in vibrations. It seems like people around me are showing their real colors, little by little. I’m amazed and disappointed. Real, compassionate people are getting rarer and rarer, thinning out to a small percentage. I’m more able to discern, to “see” people for who they really are… Unsettling. Very disturbing in fact. Eye-opening revelations. Keep em’ coming.
I’m surrounded by sheep and zombies, it’s very hard to get a point through without being felt like an outcast. I feel too much apart, like a tree falling in the forest and no one is able to hear it.
Dang… It’s not rapture, but I get this feeling that the more your consciousness and awareness expands, the more some people can’t just stand you anymore, like these people hit a barrier or something. There seems to be a separation of bad apples from the good ones right now, vibrationally speaking, and that it may be time to let go, at least in mindfulness, some things and thoughts from old, predictive habits in order to evolve.
Are you still pissed at them, Alex?
Hello everyone again, Starting extremely soon, I am about to take my youtube site down, I am forced upon myself as I am getting into alot of trouble with people in general, the gym I go to, now authorities are involved with, you all remember about the letter that I wrote to that women that I had an experience with right? Well, guess what, now there’s a police report on it, and I don’t want it to cost my job, All I am trying to do in the end is trying to help people realize that there is a much greater potential within all of us.
I would say probably before the end of this year, the whole site is going down, if I have another site, it will be strictly for music production and such, I have had it with this subject, I don’t blame Mr. Collier for taking off, its getting to much that it has to put to rest and focus on rebuilding your life back.
I strongly believe I have been on heavy surveillance Ever since I was born, Not just from Military(TOP SECRET) but mainly from ET’s in general. Theses sightings that I am now having, it is getting extremely heavy, The numbers just keeps increasing day after day, not just in the skies, but on ground level as well.
This is basically my 6th youtube account, on my first account, alot of my first set of videos has nothing to do with this subject, I was never into or had any knowledge or awareness of this stuff, so I went back to check my insights of my first set of videos, on all of those videos, the state that I am living in now in the u.s.a, has the most views out of all of them.
There is something defint going on in my body, if this is what the ascension process is, it is absolutely brutal to coup.
I wish you all the best in the end. Everyone, please view my channel, If you want to upload my unfolding the inner consciousness videos, go for it, I think its about time I leave all this to rest for now before I get in even in more real trouble.
Also I would like to let everyone know on this site and who has high level of awareness, I been intensely training like 7 days a week in the gym for a long time, I do like one body part a week, My level of intensity is extremely high, I strongly believe that I am being trained for something extremely important in the future, Something is defint going on here.
I am aware about super soliders, I could be perhaps be one of them and I dont even know about it, All I know deep within my heart and soul, I am defint being trained for something extremely important and something very big.
Peace, Unconditional love,
Please also google:
Earth changes book II
Read all 3 books thats on the site.
Google should come up with newearth.
hey can you tell me more about the gaurdian situation lol? tell me interesting intel please, anything
I am also seeing orbs around me for years they follow me where ever I go and I to feel my body is going through changes I feel I have energy coming into me more and also I think the earth is ever increasing in vibration and that’s why we are seeing so many earth changes happening.
awakening-show-busting-out-of-the-matrix-with-stewart-swerdlow interview.
So what happens when you die? Can you get trapped or tricked into coming back here? How’s that work? I talk abt this and oobes, and pastlife regression and the like in this video.
And here’s a link to a great little video on this subject that I highly recommend.
WARNING! The Afterlife “Life Review” Is A Trap!”
Well, I heard that the “light at the end of the tunnel” could probably be some kind of “mouse trap”; you die, follow the light and BAM your trapped again in the Earth reincarnation cycle. I can’t exacly find the source of where I heard that, but I think that it is a good thing to think about.
Well I’ve heard it a long time ago from the Art Bell show in the late 90’s and most recently from Simon Parkes.
Hey man, I’m sorry about what’s going on with you. Most of people aren’t ready for being open-minded, lines are drawn, the field is covered with mines and the only weapon you can use is your wits.
Stars seems so close, but yet so far. It depends on how you see things. I hope you get fair treatment. Shit, we all do. This culture of “ridicule on open-minded individuals” is burying some ignorant people alive and that’s too bad.
Anyways, I wish you the best.
Also Check out Robert morning sky galactic history he talks about soul trap being setup by the sheti Orion Lizards when marduk took over to keep humans incarnating on prison planet earth.
Robert Morning Sky just over 3 Hours Full Seminar Terra Papers
Thank you for the recent messages Alex.
I have a couple of points to make.
The hoax video is not mentioned in the body of the message; so was obviously included by mistake.
The organic material used for these ancient space artefacts is supported by the interview with Captain Mark Richards on Project Camelot; who can fly such a craft as he has the right DNA. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsWO2ilt8ws
There are three interviews altogether, Kerry does a great job and everything that Alex has been saying is verified here.
We are not at the top of the food chain and Earth does not belong to us, we have to share it with others.
Alex has always said do your own research. So before saying Alex and his information is ludicrous, do that.
Stay strong Alex x
Red Elk’s Medicine Message of Worlds Within Worlds on alien agendas. http://www.truthcontrol.com/forum/red-elks-medicine-message-worlds-within-worlds
I really want to keep my site up, It is EXTREMELY important to humanity but it seems I have completely failed my mission, LOL, truthfully,Extreme loneliness(one of the symptoms that we are going through during theses changes), and etc,etc.
Sorry humanity, I tried the best I could but when you have 15 views in one year on an extremely important video and some stupid music video has couple Big B, Billion views, What good is it?
I had enough on humanity, Pass it to people who deep and down cares for everything, pass it to my future family, and say rest to humanity forget it, it is not worth it, we just dont flat out listen, it seems I have no one really to talk to anymore, at least my sister believes everything I am telling here, she to is getting tons of experiences and that all that matters.
I am complete service to humanity but if people dont respect the planet in which we live and have no respect for life in general, I will refuse to help.
Message posted on: 23 | 11 | 2014
It seems like some misunderstood did happen here. Alex Collier is actually saying about this:
The Black Knight Satellite
But the video posted here is quite another; it even appears to be a hoax:
Some misunderstood, definitely, happened here!
What’s worrying about all of these unknown objects in our solar system is that they are trespassing our territory inconsiderately, secretly moving around like it’s a freaking sandbox. They need our consent. But apparently a few are managing that. Damn. These transgressions must be public knowledge.
an alternative earth history lesson
fantastic series . enjoy!
(ED: Alex Collier has previously mentioned this series: https://www.alexcollier.org/the-book-of-man/ )
In this case it should be a simple matter for any amateur astronomer to turn the telescope to Saturn since the entity appears to be next to it to verify the entity.
Saturn is visible to the naked eye on a clear night free of light pollution.
Unless the entity is another reptoid type playing interdimensional hide and seek and staying outside our visible light range.
Although I love Alex for waking a lot of people up I think his information sometimes is ludicrous. The most ludicrous statement probably is there’s a 2nd Sun in our Solar System behind the original Sun. How can that be? The Earth rotates around the Sun once a year? And don’t tell me the 2nd Sun rotates along with it at the exact same speed.
I’m not saying I hate the guy. He is waking people up. But I think he bullshits about who he is to wake people up.
(ED: You cannot discount what you don’t know. I didn’t know that Saturn used to be a sun, but evidence suggests this. Also I didn’t know the earth was hollow, but there is evidence and first hand eyewitness accounts that this is also true. With any information from any source, you have to do your own research.)
Did you sometime wonder why the moon ALWAYS shows the same “face” to the earth? We see ALWAYS the same side. How is this possible? Best doing research self.
Why would you say you love him them? He never profited or lied, for me it’s the most trustable contactee.
Love you Alex like I knew you or you are family. Thanks for your courage and strenght.