We have received a new message from Alex Collier:
This is information I was given to me regarding the Black Knight Satellite that is seen at times in our orbit. Referred to as ”BK“ from now on.
According to the A’s The Body of the “BK” is made of grown and manufactured alloys and Meteor metals. They have some type of organic memory and can repair themselves.
In earth years, its said to be well over 10,833 years old. It was not built specifically for earth. It is one of roughly 5 million that scan the galaxy. The A’s said that they have been built in two solar systems both of which are around the Orion star Alnitak (in our language) but are not on our star charts. They were built by mechanized androids who can work in any environment. The satellites were made in different configurations. The interior hardware and mechanism are grown inside each shell and or fuselage and then are activated with intelligent programmed similar to software but fully capable of analytical thinking.
The ”BK” in our systems is powered by a cognitive fluid that is black in color and has DNA markers of its owners.
The A’s have said the” BK” devices are scattered throughout the galaxy and, have been in operation for many, many thousands of years. They are scientific in intentional operations. They gather all types of readings based of atmosphere, geology, oceanic and different type of species. Moraney said that the” BK” can speak with highly evolved life forms which include Dolphins and analyze data that is shared. He suggested that the” BK” can interact with ET’s that it is programmed to identify as friendly. However this programming cannot be done by anyone other than the builders of the satellites.
It is near impossible to capture one of these” BK” as they have intercept and avoidance defense systems that are highly evolved. When I asked about the signal that the” BK” sends out to a destination in the Betelgeuse system. I was told this data point is not the point of origin.
I was told that the data from all of the satellites is used to update star charts and life analysis for specific races passing through or traveling throughout the galaxy. Sort of an Auto Club Service for space faring nations.
I will continue to share my data and expand on earlier released info. I am sharing this data with no copyright privilege what so ever. You can do as you please. I am sharing only what I have been told. This the perspective of Vasais and or Moraney. Nothing more.
If You Would Like to, Please Donate to Alex Collier, Anything You can Afford will be Appreciated
If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can also send money orders to:
Alex Collier, 151 Summer St. #292, Morrison, CO 80465 USA
Alex Collier 228th *LIVE* Webinar on Friday, March 28th, 2025!
See Alex Collier LIVE! FRIDAY, March 28th, 2025! Alex is hosting his 228th 2-Hour *LIVE* webinar, including Questions and Answers. This webinar will include subjects: Current Stat., Where Do We Go From Here, Gaining Historic Prospective, And Much More! Exclusively live and hosted by AlexCollier.org Friday, March 28th, 2025 2pm Eastern. 1pm Central. 12pm Mountain. […]
Alex Collier – Question and Answer Webinar 66 – March 21st, 2025 – VOD
ALEX COLLIER'S 66TH QUESTION AND ANSWER WEBINAR IS NOW AVAILABLE ON DEMAND! Alex hosted his 66th *LIVE* Question and Answer webinar on March 21st, 2025. The webinar was just over two hours and 29 minutes in length. Alex did an extensive monologue before answering questions throughout the remainder of the webinar. Hosted by James Harkin […]
Jedi Admirals & Humanity’s Awakening – An interview between Dr Michael Salla, George Kavassilas, JP and Alex Collier – September 19, 2024
Are you ready to confront a reality far beyond our current understanding? A reality where powerful, psychic “Jedi Admirals” are secretly working to dismantle a global human trafficking ring, and advanced Medical bed technology promises a transformative future? This is not science fiction; this is the startling revelation emerging from a recent Exopolitics Today’s Q&A […]
Alex Collier is doing excellent seminars, watch them all many times and still get alot more from them, thanks to Alex Collier.
Is it ok if someone here can identify Ufo type of sightings over the course of 1 year, Dark grey Saucers with Bright lum Orange Headlight, they follow each other in twos or in fives at 800ft 135 knots. maybe point me to a website that may help.
Where is Alex Collier?
(ED: He is recovering from surgery. Hopefully he will update us soon.)
God Bless you and your family Alex. We pray you have a speedy recovery.
(ED: My own personal opinion on ‘flat earth’ is this – if this planet was flat, how can a plane or a ship circumnavigate the globe? I’ve seen cymatics. Check out Cymatics)
Or even better: Vsauce youtube channel did the actual science on what would happened if earth was really flat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNqNnUJVcVs
Hello everyone reading this,
I am Velassar, and I have been on the online spiritual and truthworker community for 4 years, following Alex Collier’s and other spiritual info for years.
I’m currently under real financial problems. Can anyone please be kind enough to donate to me 100 US dollars? My mother is sick, I have bills to pay, this and that, ect, etc. I live a very stressful life every day, and my low-paying job isn’t helping either.
I really don’t feel like living anymore if I have to keep my head worried over financial matters every day as it’s very stressful. Can anyone please help me, just for this time? If you can’t give as much as 100 US dollars, any amount below that is greatly appreciated. My Paypal account is at nordar56789@gmail.com
You may also contact me at the address above. Please help me. I have tried asking for help from many people, but none have extended a hand to help me so far.
Yours sincerely,
Velassar – you’re on the net – Alex can’t even afford that…
Galactic History in a Nutshell 3000 B.C.-2000 A.D.
Here’s an article for ya’ll:
Maybe true, maybe not to some extent. The people that refer to themselves as “The Domain” are just another group of criminal empirical E.T. groups. The “Domain”=Galactic Command=Extremely Evil NEW Empire.
Universal Racism and Spiritual Racism
Drinking thoughts (though interesting).
The Slug: Genocide and War Criminal Ashtar Sheran
The Real Sirians (From ancient history)
I should have mentioned my information not only comes from memory, but recent astral projection directly to Sirius to investigate what is going on.
What the plan WAS for humans
Straight Humurous and a tad bit serious
Humanity is an Illusion
Star Wars (The Real History)
here an excerpt he put out for his upcoming book.
15 And Here We Go My Fellow Humans:
The small, black prison transport vessel
was waiting for me. It was shaped like a
raft. Angropthsis and I moved under it,
and we were beamed up. My father and
some Dahk warriors followed suit, and were onboard with us. There were insectoid beings inside that
appeared to have no digits, but instead preying mantis-like limbs, and six of
We saw Gandthlet with his arms and feet
handcuffed to a chair. Father told me to sit down on the seat facing
Gandthlet’s back, so we could not look at each other. Angropthsis was told to go to the wall of the
room, where a cage dropped over him.
My wrists and legs were handcuffed, and
father looked at me and said, “See you some time again son.” He beamed off with his guys.
We arrived in the nearby solar system
within minutes. However, as we neared
Terra’s atmosphere, the insectoid being watching us was pushing some buttons on
a pedestal-looking device, and was working out some facts and figures. The pilots sat up front behind a seemingly
impenetrable door.
The one standing in front of me began to
read us our sentences telepathically:
“Fifteen thousand cycles for Yowie of the Dahk on accounts of fifteen
proven murders. Fifteen thousand cycles
for Gandthlet of the Sarolopsi for fifteen proven murders.” “Fifteen thousand cycles for Angropthsis in
association with the others.”
Gandthlet suddenly became enraged, and
began kicking his feet and arms trying to get out of the handcuffs. “That’s an insane amount!” He complained. The insectoid person up front told him to
cool it. However, he did not oblige, and
the insectoid person grabbed a large black rod.
He walked across to Gandthlet, and hit him several times on the head,
over and over, and over again.
I pleaded that he stop, he then turned to
me, giving me the same treatment. “What
the fuck man?!” I pretty much said
telepathically. He then walked over to
Angropthsis, chained to the floor. He
opened the cage and gave him the same treatment.
“Welcome to Terra!” He said as he walked back in front of
me. “Sick bastard!” I thought. He picked up on my thought, pulled out the
black rod, and came over and did a second round on the three of us, making sure
to get some real nice hits to the front, back, and sides of our heads.
He walked back up to the front, and
continued telepathically, “You sick criminals can do anything and everything
you want here! You should be
excited! You can kill, rape, steal, eat
whatever you want, and anything else you could ever imagine!” Completely exhausted from the beating,
Gandthlet facing away said, “Well are there at least some good drugs here?”
Angropthsis was beamed into the water
after he pleaded not to be as his now lungs couldn’t handle it. They did not care, we watched him drop into
the water. “I thought there were
buildings for us here!” I pleaded. The insectoid man at the front smiled, and said,
“Nope, you’ll see what is here though!”
They found a random area, and dumped us off. Gandthlet and I were now standing amongst
some small shrub-like trees, and green grass.
I looked up, and saw the ship shoot off and faded away within seconds.
“Well, I guess we are here
Gandthlet.” I said sadly. He said nothing back. We walked over to some nearby rocks, and sat
down in silence. Suddenly, Gandthlet
looked up at me and said, “Yowie, I don’t feel so good.” He began to clench his midsection, and
moan. “Gandthlet what’s wrong?” I yelled telepathically. “Yowie, I’m going to die.” Gandthlet said with a tremendous sadness
coming over him. His innards began to
bubble up.
“No Gandthlet, here I’ll help you!” I yelled standing up. However as I grabbed his shoulder, he looked
up at me with sadness in his eyes never seen before by me. And bam, he exploded. Dark green blood covered me now, and was
splattered in all directions. I cried
out, “Gandthlet! No!”
Gandthlet told me telepathically he was
going to go find a body right away. I
roamed the area for quite some time.
There were large mountain peaks, green shrub plants, and the weather was
humid. I was fully in the nude, so was
glad that the weather was relatively warm.
I believe all of this to be in today’s modern Greece.
I met many humans, and most would run in
fear when we crossed paths. However,
many also seemed to still have some decent telepathy, and so we would
communicate about various topics. Some
seemed to be aware of their prison sentences, others not so much. Many fed me as we communicated. They felt benefitted in being able to hear of
the more recent galactic and inter galactic events as many had been
disconnected for hundreds or thousands of Earth cycles.
I was incredibly shocked to find some
that had been here for over ten thousand cycles. And to my great dismay, I met some that were
able to remember they were once a Dahk by looking at me, which helped regress
them. They did not seem too optimistic
about going home any time soon, if ever.
I began to worry and become heavily stressed.
Some gave me examples of the crimes that
caused their sentences; murders, rapes,
war crimes, pedophilia, perversion, and breaking any and every law you could
ever imagine. Without being a hypocrite,
I realized I was literally in the dump of this sector of the universe with
every sicko psychopath one could ever imagine.
And the worst part of all was, I most certainly fit right in.
Eventually I was walking one day, and I
heard father call telepathically.
“Yowie, are you going to get started or what?” I said back, “Father you did not tell me I
had to die!” He said nothing. I did not want to let go.
Then finally one day I stood above a high
peak, and knew I had to do what I had to do.
So without blinking, I ran forward, and jumped off headfirst. I slammed into the ground at least one
thousand feet below, making sure to die on impact.
I sat there in the astral plane for some
time, watching as a few days later a patrol disc-shaped ship came. They were the clean up crew, and beamed my
deceased body on board. They also came
down, and inspected the land to make sure nothing remained.
I tried to then shoot off of the planet,
but was quickly shocked to hit an almost invisible electric grid of sorts. I tried to go through it again, but was
incapable to penetrate it. I continued
to try, but then sensed an oncoming object.
Without turning, as it’s not necessary in four dimensions, I looked to
see an oncoming black machine.
Apparently I had set off some kind of alarm system.
My soul was forcefully sucked into the
satellite-like machine. Upon entering, I
was immediately hit with extremely heavy doses of horrible energy. I cried out as the doses were induced. It seemed never ending until I then felt
myself being hypnotically programmed through telepathy. I was told to go into a body, and did so
somewhat willingly but hypnotized.
Reminds me of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Just a precision concerning my feeling about all the ordalies Mr Collier has been through : Cobra says that “the light forces are never introducing so called hard lessons to various cosmic species to increase understanding, because understanding and awareness does not evolve in that way. This is one of the old programs of the Archons…”. For instance the Umnites have allegedly cured a person in the 60’s who was loved by one of the numerous contactees just because he told them that that was excruciating to him.
If they don’t want to interfere why contacting?!!
We are not lab mice and what I see here is that Mr Collier has been used with all his bona fide. I feel extremely upset and I apologize if upset you all with my thoughts but I felt important to try to communicate about this.
I apologize by anticipation for my bad English writing because I am French.
I have been doing a lot of researches for the last 20 years about aliens… I may upset many of you but my personal feeling about “benevolent” extraterrestrials is that they still have a hidden agenda and are highly manipulative.
I can see and feel that Mr Collier is a good and sincere person just by looking to his eyes, face and body language yet as a contactee “his” extraterrestrials speak of noninterference? This man has lost his house and his health and they would let him get cancer just because they prone noninterference? This makes me higly upset and seems so very much insane. I am ready to confront any so called “benevolent alien” with this absolute insanity of noninterference BS. I am a PhD in Archaeology at La Sorbonne and I can say that non noninterference is far from being a fact when you analyse religions, ancient cultures and ongoing geopolitics.
Furthermore, they seem to be at war “up there” and in that sense I think that they are not globally more evolved than what we are said to be.
Anyhow, I wish Mr Collier a good health and send him my best healing vibrations because I think he needs relief, solace, protection, ethics, committment and morality, isn’t it Mr Benevolent-Far Away-Noninterferent-Aliens?
That is a valid point. Even if Andromedans could not directly intervene, they could at least ask some other E.Ts to do the job instead right? Maybe I’m wrong, since this would somehow change his reality and theirs. Who knows. 🙂
Hope Mr Alex will get better regardless. *
Excellent comment,Florence , very true.
All ”benevolent” et’s say the same , non interference / I have listen to Barbara Marceniac as well/. That’s rubbish.When you are coming home ,for example , and you go through your routine hygiene habits, do you really apply the principle of non interference with the dirtiness /bacteria,microbes and etc/, when you wash your hands or having a shower ? Do we really care what will happen with them /the bacteria,microbes, parasites and etc. , when they go to the canal ? NO . Because this is the normal way of PRESERVING the life on this planet . Keep it clean :
Your touts
Your speech
Your actions
And most of all your motivation .
Another example , when we have a new born , we look after the being up until is necessary , no mater for how long . We do not say , looking at him/her and say : O my dear the difficulties will bring out in you , your hidden talents and you will be more wiser when you grow up .
So , all this nonsense of non interference is basically excuse , because they ,the ”benevolent” do not own the planet , and simply they do not have access . At the same time they do expect you to die for them , this kind of attitude make me wonder , what is their motivation.
If I have one of my best friends in such a state , I will do anything possible to help him as much as I can . And I believe, next time when Alex talk to them , he should teach them this lesson , we , the normal people of this planet , care for each other , we do not lie or hide behind false principals .
Ufcours , a lot more can be added to that , and I have to say also that the most of the information provided by them looks the correct one , but still, they have to learn something from us as well .
*:) happy
I hope the surgery went well. Where this man went through as being threatened, homeless and sick, damn, I would lose all hope. But yet he’s determined to survive. That right there is proof that he a tough mofo. Get well as soon as you can, Alex, and I mean it.
And the fact that some of the other contactees out there that reference your name and work are still alive and well, continuing their “Message” work hasn’t been crushed like you did is mind-boggling.
Take care, man. Stay safe.
I received the following email on April 2, 2015. Anyone out there willing to help Alex, here is that email.
URGENT! Alex Collier Has Cancer And Needs Your Help…
Hi, this is James Harkin creator of AlexCollier.org. Alex sent me the following email today. He has cancerous tumors in his colon. The hospital will operate, but he needs a restroom and bed rest for three weeks. If you are able to help him please can you anything you can afford will be appreciated…
Hi, I have a serious issue and I have no choice but to ask for help.
When I was down with Pneumonia in December, the hospital took blood work. They found cancerous tumors in my colon. Two need to be removed. Rose Memorial Hospital will do the surgery. I will need to be on my back as much as possible for up to three weeks. I will need a motel room. As I have no other place to go. My Doctor is adamant about the rest, and sleeping in the truck won’t do. I need a restroom and bed rest.
My God I hate to ask. You all have help me and my gratitude is beyond words. This is why you have not heard from me. I have been in a very bad state of mind, and wanting to give up.
I have, I believe moved past that and want to fight this. I am just very tired. So if it is at all possible, can you folks, please help me one last time? I will do whatever it takes to return your help and kindness.
I am embarrassed to have to ask. If I had any other way to go, I would. I have exhausted all other options. Thank you for any consideration you give this matter. It’s very important to me, to say the least.
Sincerely, Alex
This is not a scam. The money will go directly to Alex Collier. It is his details that are in the box below. If you wish to contact him to confirm it is him, please do so. This is an urgent matter and he needs surgery immediately. Anything you can do to help would be appreciated…
Alex would appreciate any kind donations, whatever you can afford will be appreciated, to be sent to his PayPal account:
If you wish to send a money order to help him please do so by sending it to:
Alex Collier, GENERAL DELIVERY, Morrison, CO 80465 USA
. . .
I like how the creator of alexcollier.org, which is this website right here that we’re using, doesn’t post a new headline about this email but some stranger claiming the creator of alexcollier.org is the one that sent her the email that Alex sent to him.
There’s already a paypal to send him donations.
If Alex did have cancer and that desperate need of funds. He would make an appearance via event/radio to deter any fake con-artist defrauding his name.
As far as I know, I don’t think the andromedans would let him get cancer if they are watching over him and his family.
And from what I know of Alex, at least my impression of him is he wouldn’t be using his works/related connection to garner funds unless it is his own work like his recent book.
this email is fake and the email its using is most likely a fake too. scam/prank. ivanhoe1818? Like I van hoe? I want a hoe? nice try.
(ED: Thank you for your anonymous comment from Virginia. I am the creator of AlexCollier.org. I also sent out the email to the list. This can be verified by everyone who frequents this website regularly. Cathleen, who posted the comment with the text of the email sent out is not the creator of AlexCollier.org. I allowed Cathleen to post the comment with the text of the email for the following reason: A posting regarding the situation was posted at AlexCollier.org. Alex Collier asked it to be taken down due to inappropriate emails stating ‘James, thank you. I however have received emails, hoping I will die. Please take it down.’ Therefore I took the message down. The PayPal donation button and Alex’s email address are clearly stated at AlexCollier.org. Alex Collier does not do radio shows for the reason that he is not in the best of spirits and worse he is now sick. It is unlikely he will return to public life, although I said I would post updates from him when he is ready. If he decides to return to doing radio shows they will be posted here. Regarding Andromedans as far as I am aware, they operate with a directive of non interference. He has also said he hasn’t had contact in quite a long time. He is not using his work to garner funds, he was told not to generate income from the knowledge and information shared by the Andromedans. However, this doesn’t deter him asking for help from his friends in times of need. Hence sending out the email to the email list only. Alex’s official email is: ivanhoe1818@live.com if you wish to email him to verify please do so. You may or may not receive a response, even my own emails sometimes do not get replied to. To confirm my involvement with AlexCollier.org please listen to the latest radio interviews Alex did back in 2012 & 2013 with Rebecca Jurnigan and Jay Perron where Alex states clearly who I am and what I am doing with this website. I trust I have answered your questions.)
You’re an idiot!!!!
Dear Alex ….
What a great letter my friend. So good to hear from you.
I am in Colorado at the moment and would like very much to speak with you if you would like.
I have the same email from our last convo if you have it, or drop me a PM on Vimeo.
Things are moving very rapidly.
Cheers to everyone and keep up the GOOD work. 🙂
Brian O
i would also like to speak with alex as well. idk wtf is he doing nowadays
It has been months already, I wish Alex would give more updates, like for example about Ashtar Sheran command. (He talked about it once)
i really hope the andromadans are still out there. i keep getting the idea that they have all left and have given up but from what i have read here, they are are still here trying to help us out which makes me very happy. i just need to know why they stopped letting people talk to them. i heard they stopped taking people up there and communicating to people outside the 4 and some they got during the time they opened the flood gates is just so frustrating. just once i would like to be communicating to them face to face or at least telepathically. please be at one Alex.
Have faith in yourself, Daniel. We’re getting there.
hi alex.. here in italy the reptilian are losing i think. because we umans are triyng to take over the governament… all the things you said in the past are comeing true.. OMG””” we need all to grown up
Benjamin Fulford (February 17, 2015): Nukes in the Ukraine, lockdown at CIA, blockade of US West coast and more as takedown of cabal continues
Full Report
OK this Benjamin Fulford spam is annoying.
Any new news from Alex anyone?
See Dr. Connett’s most recent interview appearance with me through Skype on my YouTube channel, the interview was conducted on the 6th February 2015. Visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lS9YE6wRTk
Dr. Connett is an expert on the dangers associated with the consumption of fluoridated water.
A compelling and intellectually-stimulating interview without denial.
I hope you’re doing okay Alex. We miss you! We hope to hear from you very soon.
Benjamin Fulford (February 9, 2015): Zionazi defeat now inevitable, Pentagon to turn blind eye as Russia, Iran and Turkey take-out Saudi Arabia
Full Report
Benjamin Fulford (February 3, 2015): The West in de facto civil war as cabal rule continues to collapse // Why a future planning agency
Full Report
I’ve checked on you Velassar, you are not a righteous being. You still engage in much evil. You must turn away from that. For that alone, you can use the internet and gain your knowledge you seek this way. No money and no books for you.
i seriously want to know who the fk this guy velassar is man. im very curious how he looks like. of cos i wouldnt spend any single penny for him lol is he the guy named solar guardian(on godlikeproductions.com)??? very annoying troller
Velassar – please stop asking for money on this site. This site is for donations to Alex Collier not you.
You’ve done this a few times now and I’m beginning to think you’ve asked enough.
Benjamin Fulford (January 27, 2015): The Greeks end debt slavery, a bad king dies, the Russians attack, central banks panic and the Davos elite fiddle while the world burns
Full Report
Dear Velassar,
I want to address your statement. But I want to first make it absolutely clear that this statement applies to all Terrans reading this.
All the answers that you seek are already within you, for that is what the positively-oriented Peoples of other worlds are seeking to do by encouraging us to engage in self-enquiry so as to unlock the potential we have which is like nothing they have known.
For you shall not find the ultimate truth of who and what you truly are within the confines of a book, irrespective of it’s author and associated “credentials”.
Books only serve to merely provide you with the perspective of others. But what about your perspective? What do you think about it? How do you feel about the current situation concerning a number of, if not all aspects, of societal?
Why do you feel the emotions you feel, regarding those societal aspects? Does it satisfy you internally and wholly when you search for knowledge outside of yourself? Do you believe that by reading “enough” books you will be in a position to fulfil the void you yearn both consciously and otherwise to make whole again?
Dear one, remember even Alex or James Harris, or anyone else doesn’t have all the answers, they have information that they have chosen to disseminate without obstructions to the information for the purpose of discernment and expansion of your mental and emotional capacity to embrace the infinite potentiality to manifest a reality, irrespective of what that reality is which, in all fairness, is dictated by you.
What information do you seek from books do you not already have? Why do you seek that knowledge outside of you? Are you forgetting who you are? That the ultimate truth of who and what you are goes beyond the restricted confines of a book written in a well=established restrictive language.
Should you seek the information outside of yourself, we can meet on the astral plane, join us in the Silver Legion if you so choose – if you feel called to us. Help us in our projects and endeavours that “do not exist” in this physical plane.
BE the change, search for your own perspective and honour it, for that is who you can choose to be, if you have the courage. This especially applies to readers of this online platform.
You can be amazing. You can manifest extraordinary things. Remember, we are Paatal, those who are watching over us hope we will become the Teachers of the future. Based on our wisdom, our courage, our nature, our heritage.
Knowledge only comes from experiences you go through, not from what others who do not know you write in a book irrespective of their sincerity or purposeful intents. As a being once said, to do what brings you joy, step by step. BE the catalyst for wisdom dissemination.
I have complete confidence that you will see that your intent for writing this statement and the associated belief system are not be resisted but transcended altogether for something you just don’t know. For in that lies the opportunity once again to learn of and embrace humility and appreciation with faith, trust and grace. Discernment of all things is paramount, including your own beliefs most crucially.
The question remains, are you willing to summon up the courage required to confront and reconsider all aspects of your entire belief system? Everything you have ever known?
For that is the ultimate test. To become a Human. And I say to you, we can be extraordinary.
lol ranw, what makes you think we are all paatal, i dont believe. this planet has a mixture of different soul ages. young to old souls. paatal is abit rare here which i dont find any but myself hehe joking. just like some egoistic ppl here who think they are paatal too.
Benjamin Fulford (January 19, 2015): Financial war coming to a head, Swiss join Pentagon/UK/BRICS alliance
Full Report