Audio Interviews

Alex Collier’s Audio Interviews


Jedi Admirals & Humanity’s Awakening – An interview between Dr Michael Salla, George Kavassilas, JP and Alex Collier – September 19, 2024

Are you ready to confront a reality far beyond our current understanding? A reality where powerful, psychic “Jedi Admirals” are secretly working to dismantle a global human trafficking ring, and advanced Medical bed technology promises a transformative future? This is not science fiction; this is the startling revelation emerging from a recent Exopolitics Today’s Q&A session from September 19, 2024, featuring Dr Michael Salla, George Kavassilas, Alex Collier and JP.

The Imminent Crackdown on Global Human Trafficking

Core Points:

  • A global effort is underway to dismantle human trafficking networks. Expect significant, rapid change. Prepare for shock as high-profile individuals are exposed.
  • “Jedi Admirals,” possessing superior psychic abilities, guide this operation. Their approach prioritizes evolutionary progress, not instant solutions.
  • Medbed technology exists but will be released after the Cabal’s fall and the collapse of the fiat monetary system. Its use will align with individual soul journeys.
  • The Draco reptilian race is diverse. A benevolent faction, the Silver Legion, assists in galactic conflicts and aids humanity. Conflict with malevolent Draco Greys continues.
  • Humanity is undergoing a spiritual transition, a birthing process into unified, universal beings. This involves integrating fragmented aspects and transcending DNA.
  • The Galactic Federation’s role depends on humanity’s choices. Maintaining sovereignty is crucial to avoid succumbing to another imperial structure.

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George Kavasilis and other panellists delivered a bombshell announcement: a large-scale operation targeting the global human trafficking network is underway. This isn’t some gradual process; the warning has been issued, and the Admirals are about to make their decisive move. The operation’s scope is breathtaking – completely eradicating every aspect of this horrific trade. This sweeping move will not only dismantle trafficking networks but also expose individuals, even those held in high regard, who are deeply involved. The public shock will undoubtedly be immense.

The scale of the operation is mind-boggling. Alex Collier emphasizes the complete dismantling of the entire system that supports human trafficking. Not a single element will be left untouched. This is a complete eradication, targeting everything from the networks to the underlying infrastructure enabling them to function. The cleanup will be extensive, leaving no room for the abuse to continue.

JP adds another dimension to the narrative. This operation won’t be slow. It’s expected to unfold rapidly, shocking many people in the process. It’s presented as a necessary cleansing—a purging of those perpetuating evil, regardless of their outward appearances. The metaphor of “white uniforms with stains” highlights the deception and hypocrisy of those involved. They explain that this cleansing is essential for humanity’s future and to create a world where beauty and goodness prevail. The operation extends beyond our physical realm, impacting the spiritual realm and even inner Earth communities, creating a chain reaction of positive change. The overall message is one of hope and optimism, emphasizing that victory is within reach and humanity is already winning.

Dr Michael Salla corroborates this, highlighting that exposing and dismantling these networks has already been ongoing for several years, but it will rapidly accelerate. The focus shifts towards the sudden increase in the speed and scale of these efforts, a key component of this upcoming development.

The Role of the “Jedi Admirals”: Psychic Prowess and Evolutionary Process

The Q&A further delves into the nature and capabilities of the “Jedi Admirals,” who are depicted as possessing superior psychic abilities compared to the Illuminati. George Kavasilis cautions against expecting immediate or simplistic solutions, emphasizing the importance of evolution and a conscious relationship with the planet’s collective soul. The admirals’ actions, while potent, will follow a natural evolutionary process rather than resorting to instant, forceful interventions. The Admirals operate on a creational level, understanding the complexities of the evolutionary journey of humanity and the planet. The panellists repeatedly stressed this point.

Alex Collier offers a contrasting yet complementary perspective. They highlight the existing efforts on the ground, emphasizing the arduous and often traumatic work of rescuing victims. The Admirals, in this viewpoint, provide the crucial strategic leadership and big-picture vision needed to end the conflict once and for all efficiently. They can see the entirety of the situation, unlike those directly involved, and thus, can pinpoint critical weaknesses for a swift and decisive victory. The comparison to a chess game highlights the tactical precision of the Admirals’ approach. Their understanding of the necessity to protect children, gleaned from their observations of other civilizations, is emphasized as a major driver of their actions.

JP expands on the interconnectedness of this operation’s impact. It’s not just limited to our physical world; it touches every plane of existence – the spiritual and inner Earth realms included – causing a chain reaction of profound change. The analogy to lighting a fireworks show is appropriate; it depicts the surprise and yet inevitable cascading effects. While some negativity might still exist, the panellists emphasize hope, a conviction of an ultimate victory, and the importance of projecting positivity and readiness for this imminent and dramatic shift in global affairs.

MedBeds: Technology, Trust, and Timing

The discussion shifts towards MedBeds, advanced medical technologies with potentially life-altering capabilities. The host presents a question from a concerned individual, Jiran, who raises legitimate concerns about the timing of the MedBed’s release, fearing it might be a part of a “problem-reaction-solution” scenario intended to control humanity further. This scenario suggests the creation of a problem, in this case, the pandemic and harmful vaccines, to introduce a solution seemingly beneficial but ultimately for control and continued oppression.

Alex Collier addresses Jiran’s concerns directly. The panellists confirm the death toll from vaccines, emphasizing the existing distrust of pharmaceutical companies. However, they clarify that the MedBeds are unlikely to be released until the cabal is defeated and their fiat monetary system collapses, thus eliminating the cabal’s capacity to manipulate and control these technologies for harmful purposes. The MedBeds, according to this viewpoint, will be released by governments and not by the previously controlling cabal.

The information presented is carefully crafted to build trust. Alex Collier highlights the already-existing MedBeds constructed by pharmaceutical companies, which are considered untrustworthy due to their double-edged potential. While the specific release date cannot be given, the panellists assure that the transition is imminent, further accelerated by the weakening of the fiat monetary system. It is not long, they assure.

JP shares personal experiences and knowledge regarding advanced healing technologies, including information that will be released soon concerning the inner workings of various MedBed technologies and the different frequencies involved. Dr Michael Salla adds that an update on this information will be released publicly after a private release.

George Kavasilis provides even more detail regarding MedBeds, highlighting those integrated into advanced spacecraft. The MedBeds described aren’t merely machines; they are interactive systems that assess the individual’s overall being and tailor the healing process according to their soul journey. The MedBed will not perform enhancements against the individual’s soul trajectory; this is expressly stated to alleviate concerns of potential misuse. The system’s ability to deeply understand the individual’s blueprint, spiritual trajectory, and overall health makes the process unique. It will work with the individual, not manipulate them. The panellists stressed the importance of coming to the technology with a positive intention and a belief in the goodness of the intention.

JP confirms this experience, noting their own experience of being rendered unconscious before MedBed treatment and understanding the reason for this procedure. The MedBed treatments were described as impressive.

The discussion concludes with a focus on the importance of prioritizing trust, the role of the soul journey in healing, and the significance of prioritizing trust in the process.

The Draco Reptilian Empire: Allies and Enemies

The conversation then moves to extraterrestrial civilizations, specifically the Draco Reptilians. The host sets the stage with a reference to the “Klingons” from Star Trek, portraying them as a representation of the real-life Draco Reptilian Empire, suggesting a galactic-wide conflict.

George Kavasilis provides intricate details concerning a Draco Reptilian faction known as the “Silver Legion.” This group is presented as not inherently evil; instead, they’re described as having evolved to a point where they operate from a place of love and respect. The speaker emphasizes their warrior code, comparing it to that of Mandalorians. This group’s activities appear more benevolent, but the complexities of their past are not ignored.

The relayed provides context concerning the conflicts between Draco factions and their involvement in creating the synthetic Nordics. The speaker then mentions the long-lasting conflict between the Draco factions, emphasizing the importance of not getting drawn into those ancient conflicts but rather focusing on the present. The Silver Legion is described as benevolent mercenaries, often intervening in galactic conflicts when their skills and abilities are needed. They are described as capable of love and respect, even if their outward appearance is not typically associated with those concepts.

The discussion also mentions a conflict involving “Draco Greys,” described as incredibly dangerous and inherently evil. This conflict underscores the complexities of this galactic struggle and the necessity of allies like the Silver Legion in combating the hostile forces. The speaker even recounts a personal experience where this group had to intervene during a conflict under the White House.

Dr Michael Salla validates this experience with their accounts, indicating that some of this information has already been made public but will be made more public.

The Path to Homoluminosity and Integration with Mother Sophia

The final section addresses the integration of humanity with Mother Sophia and the transition to a homoluminous state. The host presents a question regarding the timing and nature of this integration, the role of the Galactic Federation, and potential issues of interference or control.

George Kavasilis responds by clarifying that any inhibition of humanity’s evolution would only occur if we voluntarily relinquish our power. The speaker emphasizes the ongoing amnesia and the importance of remembering who we are. The speaker then highlights the necessity of moving beyond galactic organizations, such as the Universal Space Council, towards a more evolved unity. The current state is described as an evolutionary process, a birthing into whole universal beings.

The speaker then emphasizes the significance of self-knowledge and introspection in increasing awareness and expanding into the multidimensional nature of reality. This process facilitates the integration of different incarnational experiences across parallel lives, leading towards a unified self. The speaker then explains how this planetary body was created for this purpose, specifically to integrate fragmented aspects of our multidimensional selves. The speaker then describes how we are at the point of transcending DNA altogether, which is their personal goal. They state that this is the initially intended purpose and that conflict would not be a part of that.

The overall message is optimistic, focusing on the ongoing integration and transformation process, encouraging viewers to embrace self-discovery and unified consciousness as key aspects of this evolutionary journey.

Conclusion: Embracing the Future

The Exopolitics Today’s Q&A session offers a captivating glimpse into a future filled with challenges and remarkable possibilities. The upcoming events promise profound shifts in global power dynamics, with implications extending far beyond Earth. The revelations concerning human trafficking, advanced technologies like MedBeds, and the involvement of extraterrestrial civilizations highlight a complex narrative that is only beginning to unfold. The key takeaway is the need for awareness, a willingness to confront brutal truths, and an unwavering commitment to creating a future where love, compassion, and freedom prevail. Humanity stands at a crossroads, with the choice to either embrace our unique destiny or to be caught up in ancient conflicts. The choice, ultimately, is ours.

Full Webinar Available

Join us for an eye-opening discussion on the US Navy’s Secret Space Program. This decades-long initiative began in the 1950s with the help of human-like extraterrestrials working within top aerospace companies. Discover how breakthrough technologies like antigravity and nuclear fusion created an interstellar fleet, embarking on diplomatic missions and forging alliances with advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. Learn how these experiences transformed Navy personnel into enlightened ‘Jedi warriors’ and how their recent return to Earth reshapes global power dynamics. Featuring firsthand insights from retired Army serviceman JP, this webinar explores the profound changes unfolding in the secret space programs and beyond. The entire webinar is 3 hours and 43 minutes long and available to watch. Click here to watch the whole webinar.

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Humanity Projects: Where Are We Going From Here – Interview with Jenny Lee, Miss Jeep and Alex Collier – March 13, 2025

Alex Collier, a legendary figure in UFO and alternative history circles, joins remote viewer and seer Jenny Lee alongside Miss Jeep for a captivating discussion on humanity’s past, present, and future. The conversation dives into suppressed history, the importance of truth, the awakening of humanity, and the urgent need for collective action to heal our planet and ourselves. It touches upon the roles of government, the media, and the individual in creating a better world.

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In this interview:

00:00 Going Live: The Introduction
01:01 The Journey of Humility and Aging
06:31 Addressing Homelessness and Government Accountability
13:54 The US-Canada Relationship and The Power of the People
21:04 The Uniqueness of America and Lost Histories
30:09 Unveiling Hidden Histories and Revolutionizing Education
39:49 Healing Through Nature and The Eye of Africa
48:17 Humanity’s Awakening and The Veil of Understanding
59:05 The Dark Night of the Soul and Unveiling Hidden Histories
01:05:20 The Call for Accountability and Collective Healing
01:15:00 The Shift in Consciousness and A Vision for the Future

Core Points:

  • Embrace humility throughout your journey. Gratitude fosters resilience and optimism.
  • Recognize your inherent power; self-belief is paramount.
  • Maintain perspective; life’s challenges are growth opportunities.
  • Demand governmental transparency and accountability. Question authority.
  • Advocate for the vulnerable; actively support veterans and address social injustices.
  • Uncover hidden history; challenge established narratives and seek truth.

Governmental Accountability and Societal Change

The conversation begins with discussing the need for governmental transparency and accountability. The speakers express frustration with the misuse of taxpayer money and the lack of accountability from those in power. They emphasize the importance of citizens demanding answers and refusing to comply with unjust systems. This leads to a call for a rethinking of what government should be and how it should function. The speakers believe the current system is designed to consume and control, rather than serve the people. This is coupled with the idea that many are “bought and paid for,” illustrating corruption and a lack of genuine representation.

The Importance of Truth and Hidden History

Most of the conversation centers on the importance of uncovering hidden history. Alex Collier shares his experiences and insights into suppressed historical information. He highlights the need to challenge accepted narratives and encourages independent research into topics such as the Tartarians and pre-Columbian civilizations. The speakers emphasize that much of what we are taught is intentionally false, designed to suppress the truth and keep people in the dark. The importance of critically examining evidence and challenging assumptions is stressed, and the implications for future generations’ understanding of the world are discussed. This section moves into the importance of rediscovering alternative forms of medicine and healthcare, questioning the motives of large pharmaceutical companies.

Humanity’s Role and the Future

The discussion then shifts to humanity's role in the face of these revelations. The speakers discuss the need for a societal shift toward compassion and service. They highlight the immense suffering caused by the exploitation of children and the need to expose and address this issue. They express hope for a future where humanity works together for the common good, emphasizing the power of collective energy and a shift towards community-driven solutions instead of government reliance. This hope is juxtaposed with the necessity of confronting dark truths about the past. The conversations highlight the collective trauma that will arise and the necessary future where people are held accountable and the possibility of building a better world. The speakers ultimately express optimism about the future, believing that humanity’s resilience and inherent compassion will lead to a brighter future.

Find out more about Jenny Lee and Alex Collier:

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Beyond the Veil: Unraveling Secrets, Politics, and the Path to Healing in a Changing World – Interview with Michael Jaco and Alex Collier – November 17th, 2024

This thought-provoking interview delves into the myriad challenges individuals in secret access programs (SAPs) face, mainly focusing on their struggles to secure Veterans Administration benefits due to unverified credentials. This issue predominantly affects veterans on the West Coast and in Hawaii who are dealing with health complications tied to sealed records. We reflect on past legislative efforts to provide retroactive benefits for those exposed to hazardous materials and express hope for enhanced support through forthcoming investigations.

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Key Topics Covered:

  1. Veterans’ Struggles and Legislative Hurdles:
    • Exploration of the difficulties veterans face in accessing benefits linked to secret programs.
    • Discuss legislative attempts for retroactive compensation and the implications of sealed health records.
  2. Political Landscape and Emerging Technologies:
    • Examine political figures and their affiliations with innovative technologies such as the ARC MedBed.
    • Insights into the integrity of elections, potential political shifts with the return of Donald Trump, and evolving conversations about extraterrestrial life.
  3. Global Financial Innovations:
    • Analysis of El Salvador’s move to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender and speculations on U.S. governmental plans for cryptocurrency integration.
    • Consideration of currency revaluations in countries like Iran and Zimbabwe amidst discussions of military tribunals and political scrutiny.
  4. Optimism Amidst Uncertainty:
    • Expresses hopeful sentiments regarding U.S. leadership and anticipates dramatic events that may unfold before Trump’s possible return, supported by military and intelligence sectors.
    • Maintaining spiritual connections during crises and addressing the emergence of shadow governments is necessary.
  5. Extraterrestrial Life and Public Perception:
    • A deep dive into recent hearings on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) and the implications for public belief systems, particularly concerning religion.
    • The connection of the Ark of the Covenant to modern political figures and the uncovering of hidden historical narratives.
  6. Exploring Human Potential and Ancient Wisdom:
    • Discuss secret programs related to ancient Egyptian practices and their relevance to modern spiritual movements.
    • Advocacy for recognizing underutilized human abilities such as telepathy and the importance of preparing for solar system exploration.
  7. Coping with Crisis and the Role of Humor:
    • Addressing systemic failures by those in power and the urgency for accountability in military and political realms.
    • Encouragement of humour as a coping mechanism and the call for open-mindedness regarding extraterrestrial existence.
  8. Community and Support:
    • Acknowledge the need for mutual support in navigating challenging times, and consider Alex Collier a valuable resource for further exploring these topics.

This episode invites listeners to remain engaged and informed as we navigate the complexities of our modern world. We advocate for strategic planning, accountability, and collective action against governmental distractions. Join us for an enlightening discussion that blends hope, history, and the exploration of the unknown.

Find out more about Michael Jaco and Alex Collier:

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Alex Collier and Many Other GSIC Colorado 2024 Speakers Interviewed by Dani Henderson – September 2024

The Journey of Truth: Navigating Conspiracy and Consciousness

The Galactic Spiritual Informers Connection (GSIC) Conference 2024 in Colorado brought together diverse speakers with deep insights into extraterrestrial interactions, spiritual growth, consciousness, and hidden truths. Dani Henderson hosted the conference as a platform for some of the most passionate voices in ufology, alternative science, and spiritual awakening. Look at each speaker's key themes and unique insights at this transformative event.

David Adair – Sound Waves and Metal Shaping
An aerospace engineering expert, David Adair, shared his work in metal shaping using sound waves. In a groundbreaking discussion, he described the intricate physics behind this technology. He challenged attendees to consider the complexities of creating 90-degree angles in vibrating sound waves—an achievement that took him millions of calculations to perfect.

Alex Collier – A Journey in Pattern Recognition
Alex Collier reflected on his long-standing involvement in the field, describing his challenges in the 1990s when he and others were labelled “crackpots” for discussing extraterrestrials and conspiracies. He shared a poignant story of being threatened by unidentified agents who demanded his silence, which he maintained until he was permitted to speak freely once again. Collier emphasized the importance of trusting one's pattern recognition skills, as these patterns often reveal truths obscured by mainstream narratives.

Jean-Charles Moyen – Healing Through Disclosure
Jean-Charles Moyen took a personal approach, sharing how recent events triggered memories of past abductions. For the first time, he opened up about the emotional impact of these experiences, offering an intimate look into the psychological effects of extraterrestrial encounters. He hoped his disclosure would help others who have been through similar experiences.

Dr. Lee Merritt – Ancient History’s Relevance in Galactic Times
Dr. Lee Merritt explained why understanding ancient history is crucial in today’s world. According to her, the human race has been at war for millennia, with entities seeking control and suppression. She argued that by studying ancient symbols and traditions, humanity can better identify and resist these forces, preparing us for a future of increased spiritual autonomy.

Tony Rodrigues – Evidence of the Secret Space Program
Tony Rodrigues addressed his difficult journey of uncovering evidence for his experiences in the secret space program. He shared how, since 2015, he has gathered documents supporting his claims of being part of a remote viewing research program. Rodrigues now teaches remote viewing, emphasizing that it’s a natural human ability that, once honed, can offer insights beyond ordinary perception.

Dr. Michael Salla – Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs)
Dr. Michael Salla focused on DUMBs and the disturbing events reportedly occurring there. He discussed an alleged alliance of extraterrestrials and human special forces working to free individuals in these bases. Salla highlighted the dual nature of these facilities, noting that while some are used for dark purposes, others are actively involved in uplifting humanity’s consciousness through communications and UFO flyovers.

Elena Danaan – Humanity’s Power and the Future Timeline
Elena Danaan offered an inspiring perspective on humanity’s connection to the universe and the concept of consciousness. She discussed the innate power of humans as co-creators of reality and shared her belief in a positive future timeline for Earth. According to her vision, within the next 20 years, humanity will shift to sustainable energy sources and live in harmony with nature, creating a cleaner, freer world.

Jerry Wills – The Power of Self-Belief
Jerry Wills closed with a powerful message of self-trust. Acknowledging the scepticism many experience from loved ones, he encouraged attendees to trust their truth and not be dissuaded by the disbelief of others. He advocated for living authentically and reassured attendees that understanding often comes with personal evolution.

The GSIC 2024 Conference was more than just a gathering of like-minded individuals; it was a space where groundbreaking ideas and personal revelations intersected. Through their unique perspectives, each speaker contributed to an evolving narrative of empowerment, truth, and the pursuit of cosmic understanding. For attendees, it reminded them of the vast potential within humanity—and the journey ahead to realize it fully.

Dani Henderson will bring the GSIC Conference in 2025 to Eastbourne, England, on May 10th and 11th. You can purchase early-bird tickets here. Please Note: Alex Collier will not attend this event.

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Beyond the Stars – Exploring Extraterrestrial Insights and the Truth of Andromeda with Dani Henderson, Marcela Velasco and Alex Collier – October 2024

Beyond the Stars: Unveiling Andromedan Insights on Extraterrestrial Life and Cosmic Transformation

In this captivating interview, host Dani Henderson engages with special guests Marcela Velasco and Alex Collier to explore the vast themes of the universe and the presence of extraterrestrial life. The conversation spans personal experiences, multidimensional awareness, and the intricate connections between humanity and higher beings.


The core focus of this interview revolves around the transformative power of interactions with extraterrestrial entities, particularly those from Andromeda, and the importance of personal journeys in understanding our place within the cosmos. The guests share their unique experiences with UFO sightings, higher frequencies, and the role of “light beings” in fostering spiritual growth.

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Key Highlights:

  • Personal Experiences with Andromeda Beings:
    Marcela recounts her profound encounter on September 27, 2024, which serves as a pivotal moment in challenging skepticism about extraterrestrial existence.
  • Spiritual Growth and Interconnectedness:
    The discussion emphasizes the significance of values such as humility, gratitude, and respect for the Earth and its keepers. The speakers draw attention to their personal connections with sacred locations like Patagonia and Cusco.
  • Clarifying Misinformation:
    Marcela contrasts her authentic mission of sharing higher frequencies with misleading narratives found in the “new age” movement, particularly cautioning against the deceptive nature of the Galactic Federation of Light.
  • The Role of Extraterrestrials in Human Crises:
    The conversation touches on various groups assisting humanity during difficult times, emphasizing that every individual’s contribution is crucial, regardless of labels.
  • Advanced Technology and Starship Design:
    Alex discusses suppressed information about extraterrestrial starships, detailing their self-sufficient design and advanced medical technologies, which highlight a sophisticated understanding of planetary archaeology.
  • Community and Engagement:
    The episode advocates for open-mindedness toward the galactic community and the importance of connecting with others in truth-disclosure efforts. An upcoming event in May 2025 is mentioned, where attendees can witness spacecraft flyovers, encouraging collective engagement in exploring these phenomena.

Listeners are invited to embark on their personal journeys of self-discovery and remain open to the possibility of extraterrestrial connections. This thought-provoking episode encourages questioning mainstream narratives and fosters a sense of unity among individuals seeking truth in the cosmos.

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Awakening the Cosmos: GSIC 2024 Roundtable – With Dani Henderson and many speakers from GSIC in Colorado 2024

Awakening the Cosmos: Insights and Connections from the Galactic and Spiritual Informers Conference

The Galactic and Spiritual Informers Conference brought together a diverse community passionate about extraterrestrial awareness and the importance of individual autonomy in the disclosure movement. The event highlighted emotional connections among attendees, the sharing of transformative experiences, and a collective desire for credible information amidst scepticism.

This roundtable had: Tony Rodrigues, Dani Henderson, Alex Collier, Elena Danaan, Dr Christiane Northrup, Melanie Charest and Jean-Charles Moyen.

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Key Highlights:

  1. Alex Collier’s Return:
    • The renowned speaker made a comeback from retirement, sharing insights on Andromedan technology and the importance of maintaining personal autonomy in the information-sharing process.
    • Collier criticized the commercialization of the disclosure movement, emphasizing a more ethical approach to sharing knowledge.
  2. Elena Danaan’s Recognition:
    • Honoured for her advocacy in extraterrestrial awareness, Denan recounted her experiences calling in a fleet of ships, stressing the importance of resilience and self-exploration within the community.
  3. Transformative Experiences:
    • Attendees shared powerful stories, including a remarkable UFO sighting, and discussed medical challenges that revealed the need to understand exopolitical contexts in addressing global issues.
    • The conference fostered a sense of community, providing solace against the backdrop of struggles with powerful healthcare systems.
  4. Personal Growth and Emotional Bonds:
    • Melanie Charest reflected on her journey of learning English, highlighting the deep emotional connections forged during the conference, and the transformative power of love within the community.
  5. Addressing Skepticism:
    • The text tackled issues of scepticism and jealousy within the UFO community, underscoring the need for credible evidence to counter misinformation and protect vulnerable individuals.
    • Eyewitness accounts of recent UFO sightings played a crucial role in shifting perspectives among sceptics.
  6. Military Insights and Future Endeavors:
    • Participants shared experiences involving extraterrestrial entities and military operations, including an upcoming interview with a military official regarding space programs.
    • Plans for a new YouTube show focused on remote viewing and alternative energy sources were discussed, fostering hope and inspiring future generations.

The Galactic and Spiritual Informers Conference was not just a gathering of enthusiasts but a vibrant community committed to truth-seeking and personal growth. The event served as a reminder of the power of connection, the importance of credible information, and the collective pursuit of understanding the broader cosmic narrative. Join us next time as we delve deeper into these themes and continue to explore the mysteries of the universe together!

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“Navigating Transformation and Awareness” – Michael Kopf of Riding Through the Unknown interviews Alex Collier on September 4th, 2024

Awakening Awareness: Navigating Transformation, History, and the Future of Humanity

This episode explores the profound interconnectedness of personal transformation, collective awareness, and the need for societal introspection in the face of complex global issues.

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Key Discussion Points:

  1. Personal and Collective Transformation:
    • Host and Alex Collier discuss the significance of individual growth in fostering collective awareness.
    • Emphasis on introspection as a tool for understanding and addressing negative energies in our environments.
  2. Venezuelan Immigration:
    • Examination of the Venezuelan immigration crisis, advocating for legal pathways while recognizing potential dangers.
    • A nuanced look at the tension between seeking better opportunities and the risks of criminal choices, tied to government corruption and the erosion of citizens’ rights.
  3. Historical Contexts:
    • A dive into George Washington’s duality as a slave owner with intentions to emancipate, and the struggles faced by early American colonists regarding servitude and slavery.
    • Discussion of human trafficking and the societal distractions that contribute to this ongoing issue.
  4. Engagement on Critical Issues:
    • The conversation emphasizes the importance of direct engagement on pressing topics, including government disclosures about UFOs, which may divert attention from more urgent matters.
  5. Critique of Societal Structures:
    • A critical look at the commodification of citizens through mechanisms like birth certificates.
    • Skepticism towards cryptocurrency is discussed, linking it to broader themes of control and the necessity for informed populations to drive societal change.
  6. Historical and Political Narratives:
    • The episode challenges conventional historical narratives through archaeological findings and insights into ancient civilizations.
    • A critique of the current political system, the manipulation of language, and the urgent need for systemic reform to stabilize the economy.
  7. Vision for the Future:
    • Hopes for a return to constitutional governance and greater transparency in financial matters are expressed.
    • The conversation wraps up with a call to action, encouraging listeners to engage in community efforts through upcoming webinars and events to address these pressing issues.


Join us for a thought-provoking discussion that not only critiques the status quo but also inspires a sense of urgency and community engagement. Together, we can navigate the complexities of our world and work towards meaningful change.

Find out more about Michael Kopf and Alex Collier:

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Unveiling Truths: Freedom, Consciousness, and the Quest for Transformation – Roundtable with Sarge Sovereign and Alex Collier – September 24, 2024

This episode explores the intricate interplay of freedom, higher consciousness, and the urgent need for societal transformation amidst governmental prioritization favouring a select few. We explore how these themes are manifesting in current events, highlighting the complexities surrounding military operations, financial entities, and pressing social issues like child trafficking. The host is Sarge Sovereign, featuring Alex Collier, with an esoteric perspective from Heidi and Brad.

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Key Topics Covered:

  • Government and Elite Influence: Examination of how governmental priorities often neglect the general populace in favour of elite interests. Discussion on the implications of Trump’s son’s arrest, particularly about children’s issues.
  • Financial Powerhouses and Solar Energy: Insight into the role of financial giants like BlackRock and their impact on societal dynamics. The necessity for grounding practices during high-stress periods linked to solar energy developments.
  • Death, Desire, and Entertainment: Challenging societal misconceptions about death and the manipulation of human desires. Anticipated transformations within the entertainment industry.
  • Conspiracy Theories and Political Consequences: Addressing conspiracy theories involving prominent figures and the potential fallout from political shifts associated with Trump. The emergence of coalitions focused on combating child trafficking, underpinned by alarming statistics about missing children.
  • The Good vs. Evil Paradigm: Categorization of societal groups into “white hats,” “black hats,” and “red hats” and the ensuing conflict that suggests a more significant battle between good and evil, possibly involving extraterrestrial beings and advanced technologies.
  • Survival and Self-Sovereignty: Highlighting the concept of Solar Warden and the call for behavioural changes to avert self-destruction. The critical need for self-sovereignty, truth in education, and a critique of the debt-based monetary system.
  • Financial Recovery and Collective Action: Discussion on resource-based economies and initiatives to reclaim the planet, with plans for upcoming presentations in Denver. Proposals for financial assistance for repatriating individuals and a return to the gold standard as solutions to financial instability.
  • Health and Technology Concerns: Expressing frustrations regarding vaccine mandates, bio labs, and the pressures of advanced technology. Anticipation of disclosures regarding extraterrestrial life and a significant self-guiding object approaching Earth by 2027-2028.
  • Military, Corruption, and Transformation: Exploration of the military’s protective role concerning Trump and addressing congressional corruption. Emphasizing the importance of recognizing hidden truths to foster financial recovery and collective awakening.

This episode calls for a collective awakening and a reassessment of our societal values and priorities. We can embark on a transformative journey toward freedom and higher consciousness by confronting these hidden truths.

Tune in for an enlightening discussion that challenges perceptions and inspires action!

Find out more about Sarge Sovereign and Alex Collier:

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