Audio Interviews
Alex Collier’s Audio Interviews
Alex Collier – The Promise Revealed – With Rob Potter – May 9, 2023
Alex Collier was in a live interview with Rob Potter on May 9, 2023, and in the interview, they explored the current situation of planet Earth in the liberation from ignorance. Alex and Rob give their perspectives on many subjects concerning humanity's great awakening, the New financial system and the global restoration plan. Please watch the hour-and-a-half discussion below:
Please Donate To Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford Will Be Appreciated
Alex Collier – Galactic Spiritual Informers – With Dani Henderson and Elena Danaan – March 25, 2023
Alex Collier was in a live video roundtable with Dani Henderson and Elena Danaan in a conversation regarding ‘Galactic Spiritual Informers', discussing Earth Alliance, Space Force, Current Stat. and an update from GFW and one former member who is now a governor in a separate system. Please watch the two-hour thirty-minute discussion by clicking the image below:
Please Donate To Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford Will Be Appreciated
Alex Collier – Top Disclosure – Waves of Volunteers – With Dani Henderson, Chris O’Connor and Ginny Jablonski – February 4, 2023
Alex Collier was in a live video roundtable with Dani Henderson, Chris O'Connor and Ginny Jablonski in a conversation regarding ‘Waves of Volunteers', including past personnel and people from the future who have come to this time to be part of this ascension. The roundtable discussed the potential missing pieces. Please watch the one hour thirty-seven-minute discussion by clicking the image below:
Please Donate To Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford Will Be Appreciated
Alex Collier – With James Rink on Super Soldier Talk – October 23, 2022
Alex Collier speaks of his time on an 800-mile-wide Xenateain Andromedan mothership. Learn about their 5th-dimensional lifestyle, diet, food replicators, A.I. technology, and holographic rooms. Alex will also share how he survived the targeted attacks against him, this and much more. Please watch the one-hour fifteen-minute talk for free. Click the player below:
Please Donate To Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford Will Be Appreciated
Alex Collier on Galactic Spiritual Informers with Elena, Dani, Tony, Jean-Charles, Brad, Quetza, Asha and Sheri – November 12, 2022
Alex Collier was live via video stream with Elena Danaan, Dani Henderson, Tony Rodrigues, Quetza Sha, Asha Dieleman. Jean-Charles Moyen, Brad Olson, and Sherri Divband on November 12th, 2022, for two hours. They were speakers at Dani Henderson's Galactic Spiritual Informers conference in Orlando in October 2022. You can watch the roundtable below:
Please Donate To Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford Will Be Appreciated
Sleeping Giants, Return of Enki & Saturn Moon Crash: Roundtable Discussion – Dr. Michael Salla, Elena Danaan, Alex Collier and JP – October 23, 2022
In a roundtable discussion recorded by after the conclusion of the Galactic Spiritual Informers Connection on October 23, 2022, Alex Collier, Elena Danaan, JP and Dr Michael Salla go over recent developments involving a sleeping giant in Florida, missing seeds from a Tree of Life, return of Quetzacoatl, and a moon crashing into Saturn.
JP reveals that the missing seeds were taken to England on orders of the new British sovereign, King Charles III. The roundtable then discussed the connection between the sleeping giant and legendary figures such as Quetzacoatl, Viracocha and Kukulcan, who were predicted to return one day. Elena presented information that the sleeping giant was awakening due to an activation ceremony held at the conference led by Quetza Sha, an indigenous Aztec/Mayan shaman.
Another topic of discussion was the recent news that a moon had crashed into Saturn. JP, Elena and Alex discussed what they knew about secret operations around the vicinity of Saturn and the connection to the return of Enki.
Please Donate To Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford Will Be Appreciated
Alex Collier interview with Michael Salla of – Return of Enki, ETs Preventing Nuclear Wars and Restoring Adamic DNA – October 8, 2022
Alex Collier was live via video stream with Michael Salla of on October 8th, 2022. The interview was 1 hour and 30 minutes long and included information about the Return of Enki, ETs Preventing Nuclear Wars, and Restoring Adamic DNA. Enjoy.
Please Donate To Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford Will Be Appreciated
Alex Collier on Galactic Spiritual Informers with Dani Henderson, Tony Rodrigues, Chris O’Connor and Brad Olsen – October 3, 2022
Alex Collier was live via video stream with Dani Henderson, Tony Rodrigues, Chris O'Connor and Brad Olsen on October 3rd, 2022, for an hour. They were talking about current events as well as the upcoming Galactic Spiritual Informers event in Florida on October 21st through 23rd 2022. Click the image below to watch the interview. Enjoy.
Please click here to find out about the Galactic Spiritual Informers event.
Please Donate To Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford Will Be Appreciated