Audio Interviews
Alex Collier’s Audio Interviews
Alex Collier: Where is the nuclear football? An interview by Mel Carmine from XRPQFSTeam – August 12, 2022
Mel Carmine from XRPQFSTeam interviewed Alex Collier on August 12, 2022. Alex talked about his experience being a contactee and replicator, and the best question is, “where is the nuclear football”? Find out the answer.
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Alex Collier, Michael Jaco and Jenny Lee – Michael Jaco’s Personal Meeting Room – 17th June 2022
Alex Collier was live via video stream with Michael Jaco and Jenny Lee today, June 17th, 2022 for an hour. Enjoy.
Please Donate To Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford Will Be Appreciated
Alex Collier on Andromedan Technology and Asteroids with Elena Danaan on Pleiadian Technology hosted by Dani Henderson – March 12, 2022
What does the exterior and interior of the Andromedan Mother Ships look like? What do the crews of the Andromedan and Pleiadian Mother ships eat and drink as they travel around the universe? What happens if a human needs to pass gas while aboard a ship travelling within a frequency belt? What role do asteroids play in the Andromedans' strategy?
Please Donate To Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford Will Be Appreciated
Space Arks, ET fleets, Ukraine & Human Liberation: An Interview with Alex Collier & Elena Danaan – March 7, 2022
Here's another new interview between Michael Salla, Elena Danaan and Alex Collier. The interview discusses the latest intelligence relating to space arks, extraterrestrial fleets, Ukraine and humanity's liberation. Enjoy:
Please Donate To Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford Will Be Appreciated
Alex Collier Regenerative Medical Bed Rollouts for 2022 with Elena Danaan hosted by Merrily Milmoe – December 26, 2021
Alex Collier was interviewed with Elena Danaan by Merrily Milmoe of Cosmic Brilliance about Regenerative Medical Bed Rollouts for 2022. Alex discusses details and rollout plans in 2022 of the Regenerative Medical Beds and other advancements. He also talks about are fixed on the Positive Timeline, also what are the two most important qualities for humanity to practice now, prepare to act in leadership as well as the quantum computer & financial reset. Elena Danaan gives brief information on one of several more basic virtual ‘med beds' you can check out free to try, however, these are not the advanced ones Alex and Merrily are familiar with. Elena also shares the latest details from CDR Thor Han on Med Beds being built for us, also Elena shares Myrah, Exobiologist & GFW scientist from Sirius B with exact details on how their med beds work and the ways they are helping the rescued children and military heal on the medbeds. In addition, Elena provides a detailed personal experience of having her tumour healed on a Medical Bed in France!
Please Donate To Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford Will Be Appreciated
Alex Collier Navigating the Madness with Laura Eisenhower hosted by David Nino Rodriguez – December 2021
Alex Collier was interviewed with Laura Eisenhower by David Nino Rodriguez about Navigating the Madness. Alex has an important message to share with humanity.
Please Donate To Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford Will Be Appreciated
Alex Collier – The Bridge from Andromeda – The Mark Attwood Show – November 22, 2021
Alex Collier was interviewed by Mark Attwood from The Mark Attwood Show on Bitchute. The interview was nearly 90 minutes and discussed many topics.
Please Donate To Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford Will Be Appreciated
Alex Collier on the Andromeda Council & Human Liberation with Michael Salla – November 21, 2021
In this Exopolitics Today interview (From November 21, 2021), Alex Collier discusses the Andromedan Council and their multifaceted approach to freeing humanity and preventing a galactic tyranny from emerging 350 years in the future. Alex discussed how the Andromedans instigated a broad alliance of extraterrestrial civilizations to intervene on humanity’s behalf against negative groups, and how this alliance has led to a global awakening and liberation of our solar system. Alex pointed out that negative extraterrestrial groups have been largely eliminated as a threat in our solar system, and that we are on a positive timeline where humanity will soon eliminate the last vestiges of negative human control groups. He also comments on the accuracy of Elena Danaan’s information about the Galactic Federation of Worlds, and its relationship with the Andromeda Council. Alex has spent 30 years discussing the roles of positive and negative extraterrestrial influences on Earth, and his information has taken on greater relevance today with the unprecedented growth in awareness of humanity’s true situation with off-planet visitors and their human minions.
Please Donate To Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford Will Be Appreciated