Dear Friends…
I am receiving messages from many people regarding what is happening with Alex Collier. From what I gather from email conversations with Alex Collier and others that he is to retire from public life in order to be with his family and rebuild his life away from this arena. Myself and others tried to convince him otherwise and that he is a great asset to us all, but his mind is made up.
Because this site is an archive to Alex Collier's work, I will keep it in operation and keep the donation buttons on the site so that Alex can still benefit from this work even though he has decided to retire from public life.
For the record, I was asked to remove the previous post by Alex Collier as they were private messages not meant for public consumption.
I hope you will all respect Alex Collier's decision and wish him well in the next stage of his life…
With love and appreciation to you all and your families…
James Harkin, AlexCollier.Org Site Creator
P.S. I will of course update the site with any further information when I receive it. I still have some transcripts of prior talks still to add and will do this shortly.
Alex Collier – 66th *LIVE* Question & Answer Webinar – Friday, March 21st, 2025
Special Question & Answer Webinar from Alex Collier! FRIDAY, MARCH 21ST, 2025! 2pm Eastern. 1pm Central. 12pm Mountain. 11am Pacific. By popular demand, Alex Collier is hosting his 66th 2-hour *LIVE* Question & Answer webinar. This webinar does not include a monologue. Alex will be answering your questions right through! Tired of Your Questions Not […]
Alex Collier 227th *LIVE* Webinar on Friday, March 14th, 2025!
See Alex Collier LIVE! FRIDAY, March 14th, 2025! Alex is hosting his 227th 2-Hour *LIVE* webinar, including Questions and Answers. This webinar will include subjects: Current Stat., We Can't Forget the Children, Creating a New Vision of our Humanity, What Will Make Us Happy, The Mentoring of Humanity, and Much More! Exclusively live and hosted […]
Alex Collier Interview Webinar #14 – With George Kavassilas – Friday, March 7th, 2025! – VOD
The Interview You Can’t Miss – Watch the Replay Now! On Friday, March 7th, 2025, Alex sat down with George Kavassilas, a visionary thinker, experiencer, and messenger, for a deep and mind-expanding discussion that covers everything from hidden financial shifts to secret space programs and cosmic evolution. What’s inside this must-watch webinar? Ukraine & Financial […]
Click on my User name to go to my channel site, previous site has been taken down, this is my new one.
I dont blame Mr. Collier, for example, 1.5 Billion stinkin’ Views on some stupid ass music video and important video only gets 20 within the same duration, then month later, 24 come on man, I can feel Mr. Collier, Its time to move on, try not to worry about people, take care of yourself and your family, that is whats more important, we have a very long history of when people trying to share wisdom, people just flat out dont care or wont listen, then when it happens, its already to late.
This planet is a prime example of not listening to any wisdom.
Knowledge and wisdom is already presently on this planet but people refuse to listen.
And we dont need 6/7+billion people to change the world, Just a handful is all we need.
98% of them dont even have a slightest clue what kind of world they are living in or bringing a child in this world and at the same time no clue about this world in which we live, that is down right scary.
I agree with you on this. Alex did mention in one of his videos that “not everyone will graduate”. Only those who have seen the light will survive.
The messages spoken through Alexander allowed me to possess a deeper spritual awareness with myself and others, as well as valuable insights and perspectives on the human conditioning in this world.
I Believe that only the truth will set us free, Triggering the curing process of our mind and soul.
Our auras will be powerful and bright enough to enable positive vibrations even through others. Compassion and wisdom will be the wings that enable us to fly freely.
thank you for showing us to not fear Death, and most importantly to not fear ourselves.
I have been effected by his work in a similar way. Blessings and hearfelt love to Alex on his path. May he find is way through the simulation in peace
I’m from Slovakia / Czechoslovakia /, Alex was and is excellent. He opened our eyes. Thank you and good luck Alex Collier, you have our love. Dana
Thank you Alex Collier ! Sending to you and your family infinite love and light and wishing you all the best. Sofia, Bulgaria
Alex, the first time I saw you was at “The Ranch” in 1996, and have followed your writings and information ever since. The information you have given is amazing and very much appreciated. The very best of luck to you in your retirement.
Let us make a group of 300, and we all can donate 10-20 dollars each month, so that we can help Alex in his struggle,
If you are intrested please please email me:
‘Thank you’ does not come close to the appreciation i feel for Alex since he has sacrificed so much to try to bring us his story. He, to me, is a martyr of modern times, a new evolution of man and i wish him absolute happiness for the service he has provided mankind. I just hope that you realise Alex how many people appreciate your work, you will be remembered in history. Also the tyrants who saw to your financial demise will get what’s coming to them, Karma will see to that; they are already morally bankrupt. It annoys me that people let ‘money’ hold so much weight in society, as if it is some sort of valuation of your person, when generally the more money you have the less wealthy your soul is. I know that is little comfort to a man financially attacked and devastated but i needed to show you my appreciation and words are the most powerful resource i have. Thank you so much for your sacrifice, happy retirement, and enjoy the time you have left here, you have earned the break!
Welcome back alex
Anna, he need to do a interview.
Hello I’m from Spain. This is the first I write on this website. I cannot write directly in English. For what I use the Google translator.
A friend of mine just told me that Alex is now in great need of help. It’s cold where you are going. It has very little time to connect to a computer that is not his.
The address to send PayPal to Alex, is:
greetings to all
Thank you for tell us ,truth.
Now, the word “Tantarum” has different meanings in Latin when it’s spelled with a big “T” and a small “t”.
Thanks for the information 🙂 Appreciate it 🙂
Now, for the record, I want to adress my statement about being “sent down to earth by the same group as Mr. Collier” in a previous comment. All I remember is a 20 minute briefing from a group of light blue beings before my soul essence was sent into this body I’m operating right now. These beings later tried to contact me in the summer of 2009 by descending from the skies and landing outside a campsite I attended, at 2AM when everyone had gone to sleep. The beings called upon me telepathically. The words were: “Come, Tantarum.” I then did something I have regretted ever since – I’m ashamed to say – I really thought they were Grays or “unbelevonent” beings – cause I didn’t see them, I only saw the light descending and the flashes through the window. Now, I closed my eyes and refused to walk out to them. They did not continue the telepathic communication after that, and the next morning I felt so sad that I didn’t have the courage to go out and meet them…
Now, almost four years later, I contacted Tolec in December and helped him arrange an interview with Norwegian interviewer for his international radio interviews project.
Prior to that, I asked him if he knew about the word Tantarum and if it was from an extraterrestrial language of some sort. I told him the same story I have told here, and he told me he would ask his contacts about it. A few days later, he came back to me telling me that the name “Tantarum” was something – he was told by his contacts – I chose as my work name here, prior to my incarnation on earth. Now, at first I was a little skeptical and I told him “I appreciate the information and I’ll take it with me in the back of my mind.” He then responded that this was true and that I had chose to incarnate here on earth at this time. Now, this coop’s with the briefing I had before entering this body, and I hadn’t told Tolec a word about it 🙂
Later that month, I wrote the word “Tantarum” into Google Translate, from Latin to English, and the word translated into: …..
well 🙂 I’ll let you guys discover it yourselves 😉
For the record, I have no contact with the group that sent me down here, maybe I’m just here as an observer rather than a contactee… I guess I’ll have to wait to find out 🙂
If I’m ever contacted again, I’ll be sure to give you guys an update 😉
miss you alex
@Tantarum: I think the Andromedans may be right after all about Earth moving to 4th density. We have a record number of volcano eruptions, and if you check out the Extinction Protocol, we now have volcanic eruptions from 42 distinct volcanoes since the year 2013 started. It’s supposed to be 45-55 on average yearly. Last year, for the entire year of 2012, there were eruptions from 77 distinct volcanoes, but we’re barely into February this year, and we are already up to 42.
I wonder if he does have any updates now from his Andromedan contacts. It is now 2013, the year where by December we will move to 4th density, as stated to Collier by his ET contacts Vasais and Moraney.
An update would be great.
In the end, I really understand that he retires now, just one year before this event. He really should spend as much time with his family as he can, if the information from the A’s about Dec. 2013 is right. I guess we’re lucky he was around public as long as he was. The guy retired in November, just two months ago, and it feels like two years ago!
Alex Collier is a modern hero 😉
Despite all the letdowns, he still continued. 🙂
Loving this one:
Alex Collier at the ranch
Best regards from Croatia Alex. 😀
For all those that don’t know where to search for more information regarding A’s visit: and please comment!
Tantarum, he has kids where he is at right now, i doubt he move to another country
Yes I know. Hes situation may be hard. I just wanted to trow it out there to show some support. I do hope he has some great friends in the US that are able to take care of him and his family. AC has been a great inspiration to me personally, and I’d hate to see him suffer.
Alex, we hope you’ll give us a hollar if your situation has become better or worse.
Alex. I’m just leaving this offer out there.
If you ever want to leave the United States and move to Europe; I have an apartment for cheap rent and a fiberoptic internet connection. I am also able to get you a steady job in the construction business (electrics). I live in Norway, and work here would be very easy to get.
Just leaving it out there, if you ever move out of the US.
Meling Tantarum
Alex. This is Tantarum. I’ve been sent down to Earth by the same group as you.
If there’s anything I can do to help, please contact me through the contact-information provided in this comment.
Take Care.
Your lectures were educational and you did a very great job. The highest truths are direct and simple. And not much more have to be said basicly. Love is the solution for everything! I wish everyone on this planet the best love and bliss.
come back Alex, they’re trying to disarm americans