Latest Message From Alex Collier…

I received a message from a Facebook contact today including an email message from Alex Collier:

“Things are dire and I sold my computer 8 days ago to buy food. At some point I will hit bottom and then there is only way to go, and thats up. I have not heard from the A's since March……..its very quiet. Too quiet in fact.”

So if you are able to donate anything to Alex Collier he would very much appreciate it:

You can send a money order to:

Alex Collier
151 Summer St. #292
Morrison, CO 80465

Or donate to his PayPal account (which I have heard he can access via a local library)


If, like many of us, you have nothing available to donate, maybe you could help him with your time or could just send him a message of positive energy to his emails (or send him a letter to the PO Box above), it would also be appreciated.


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Alex Collier – Radio Interview – 8th July 2012

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Alex Collier – Earth Transformation Japan – 2007


    • David
    • April 23, 2019

    Aloha brother Alex. I will keep this short. I will ask you to contact me. You are in a place where spiritual protection is needed. Consider me like a sentry, or and Angel. I have information to give to you from the source of benevolent creation. It was attempted before, by another, to deliver this to you. It was also a protection. But you turned it down. In fact perhaps it was someone speaking in your behalf. Either way, Free Will. You can accept it not accept it. I can offer you refuge. Most likely that will mean abundance of fresh food, and close to a beach, any maybe you can help my daughter to build with sand. Simple physical security I can offer, but the psychological security is also not able to give to you by anyone but myself, as it is my function. Spiritual motivation. Insight. Something has happened that you would like to know about. He would like you to know also. Who is He? Well that’s what I need to speak with you about. Who is He and what are we doing together? you know in your heart who He is, and who WE ARE. You need to rest. You have worked very hard. Rejuvenate please. Contact me as soon as you can. We have something to share. A very fine essence if healing consciousness that takes some effort. Here it’s called Love. Here is some of my effort, and it doesn’t stop here. Contact me. You deserve a vacation. Give yourself more credit. As He would say. We Love you brother. Contact us.

    • Jackie Nusz
    • October 26, 2012

    Email me with true info on Alex’s current situation? It’s hard to ascertain from the blog when these things are occurring. Is he still living in CO? jax

    (ED: As far as I am aware Alex Collier is living in Morrison CO. If you wish to contact him, please use the contact us form or you can write to him at his Post Office box.)

    • Jackie Nusz
    • October 25, 2012

    Hello Alex: I’ve been reading all the transcripts from your lectures that I can find on the internet. They are all fairly old, but still greatly resonate with me. I’m hearing-impaired so I don’t watch your videos. As to your situation, the A’s said they don’t understand money or why anyone born here would have to pay to live here. I am in dire straights myself or I would send you money. Meanwhile, prayers are all I can give you. If you are in CO, you better get indoors because it’s getting cold. I live in CO. jax

    • Vivian
    • October 14, 2012

    Dear Alex, I know when you were a little boy, you never dreamed that your life would be spent on what you have done. All the lectures, writings, searching and learning from our friends out there. There are so many people including myself who are so thankful and greatful for all the info that you have shared. I have learned about you only like 2 years ago, maybe a little less, and after bumping into one of your sites by accident, that lead me to read much hours in a day, weeks and months about you. I read all that I could find, where ever I saw you, I read. I am struggling myself day to day, but if I should ever run into monies, you are included. There are so many questions I have, and I do agree with someone on here who say’s ” if you can set up a way to answer question’s from people who would or can at least pay to get their own questions answered, at least this would help you and your family. I cannot even imagine what you have endored in life. It was never abduction that you went through, I knew from the very start that you were always a contactee, so yea.. I don’t know why some people continue to think it was an abduction. I myself through the years have had visiters, they were little tiny men, about 2 1/2 to 3 feet tall. But I would become paralized when they arrived. Always during the day, never at night. It would start off with a low pitched sound and then it would get louder and louder. The sound came from outside the house, it sounds just like a flying ship. Whenever that sound started, I knew they were coming. There would always be about 3 or 4 of them with big heads but extremely tiny bodies, but they were ugly to me, so I really could never say what race they were. Since I could not move at all, except my eyes, I would look to the side to see them, and they would speak in a language not know to man. I don’t know what they wanted, but I never gave them time because I would force to move my fingers, as I just knew that this would break the force, but once broken, they were gone and so was the noise. I believe they do read my thought’s and I would always said no, no, no. and they would leave and the noise would stop at the same time. I don’t know if you would ever read my story, as you must recieve so much mail in different ways, and that is ok. I just needed to put it on here. I do hope that there will be a way for us to get more answers. Now that I am older, I do wish I was contacted by the Andromedans or the Pleidians or other species that are good ones. I have never been afraid, and still not. I always send my thought to them to come visit me, if I can help in some way, or maybe be a messenger like you. Hope to hear more updated news from you Alex. The best to you, your wife and family. God Bless!!

    • mary
    • September 23, 2012

    alex, I am with you. one can tell a person by their heart and yours is real and truthful. please know your messages have reached us, we are grateful and on your side. love you we are all one.

    • andy dieterle
    • September 22, 2012

    alex, Im with you im about to sell my computor as well. I wish I could send you copus amounts of money, but im as broke or wose off than you are..but At least I can email you. im ready to begin teaching. Im by no means done learning but ready to give for free to other what i have, wich is powerful compared to money, if you hit bottom and are homless Ill spoon you for warmth, Iv been homless before just didnt have kids. I want to do anything I can to help you, in the comming years I plan on seeing my goals comming to light, and then Ill spot you any amount neccisary. youre message is free, well should I say our message is free. yet worth its weight in pure gold. or somthing else pysical we can relate to. i can only hope youll reach out to me. and let me give you another important peice of the puzzle that i know only you can dig deep enough to see. if i can be a friend and laugh and relate to you and your loved ones, i know i have allthe time in the world to d so..just waiting for you to reach out, you and your family can have my house im renting and anything considered a resource i have to offor, its not much but its enough for you to feel loved agian. the pain that you carry is the love that youve witheld, let go of whatever fear you have and reach out to your brother holding a open hand. 100th monkey signing off…-be at one always

    • Nicole
    • July 23, 2012

    Hello ale,

    Please contact George Kavassilas, he suffered a similar situation like you, because he is another contactee, He will understand I think he will help you a lot.

    I hope this situation in what we live ends soon…. Dont give up, that is what they want. Love you!!

    • Tanya
    • June 24, 2012

    Hi Alex,
    So proud of you. Thank you.
    Much love

    • sam
    • June 21, 2012

    hey sheri, could give me more information about the whitehat was with Alex this week??!?!! Thank you!

    • Sheri
    • June 21, 2012


    I will be sending you a money order at the end of this month. I must wait until I get paid. How are you able to access the internet? You need a computer Alex.

    Confessions of a former whitehat stated that he was with you this week. I would love for you to confirm it. I really miss your messages, Alex. Not because of ET’s, but because of you and your heart.

    • Solangel Alonso
    • June 17, 2012

    Hola mi apreciado y muy querido Alex: Soy hispana de Venezuela, mi ingles es muy básico. Usted a mi parecer es una persona tan valiosa y maravillosa, arriesgó su vida, su familia y profesión para darle al mundo una enseñanza, para abrirle los ojos a miles de personas en el mundo. La difícil situación que está pasando, muy pronto la superará, estoy muy segura y así como usted dice: “que ha tocado fondo y lo único que le queda es subir”, pues así será, no tengo como enviarle una donación monetaria pero si espiritual: mi querido Alex, usted es una persona admirable, yo también he tenido contacto con hermanos de las estrellas desde hace unos años, cuando se lo he dicho a alguien me han catalogado como loca, pero no me ha importado, ya que sigo expandiendo el mensaje. Existe una Inteligencia poderosa Universal la cuál yo Llamo Padre/Madre Dios Universal Amor y esa fuerza te está acompañando y aunque en estos momentos no veas su ayuda, ella está allí ayudándote, cree en esto porque existe. Todo las vivencias que pasamos en este plano son enseñanzas. Ten fe y créelo de que ya en estos momentos estas prosperando espiritual, mental y materialmente, visualízalo porque esto es real, te lo digo porque yo también he pasado por duras experiencias que me han enriquecido espiritual y económicamente. En todas mis oraciones estarás presente, la energía todapoderosa del amor nos llena y ayuda a todos, y en ese todo estás tu mi querido amigo, no decaigas que el desánimo porque esto trae más desgracias y tristeza, recuerda que nuestra mente atrae todo lo que creamos y creemos. Somos creadores, somos triunfadores, somos una Raza Divina, somos magnéticos y atraemos lo que pensamos y sentimos. Te deseo que la Providencia Universal se manifieste en tu vida, llenándote de mucha prosperidad, espiritual, mental y material. Saludos y abrazos de Luz con mucho cariño mi querido Alex.

    (ED: Microsoft Translation to English):

    Hello my dear dear Alex: I am Hispanic Venezuela, my English is very Basic. You in my opinion is a very valuable and wonderful person, he risked his life, family and profession to give the world a lesson, to make the blind eye to thousands of people in the world. The difficult situation that is happening, very soon will exceed it, I am very safe and like you said: ‘ that has hit bottom and the only thing remaining is to upload ‘, so it will be, I don’t have how to send a donation monetary but if spiritual: my dear Alex, you are a wonderful person, I I have also had contact with brothers of the stars for a few years, When I said to someone I have catalogued like crazy, but not I have imported, since I keep spreading the message. There is a powerful intelligence Universal which I call father/mother God Universal love and that force you is accompanying and although currently you can not see your help, she is there helping you, believe in this because it exists. All the experiences that we had in this plane are teachings. Have faith and believe it’s that already at this time these thriving spiritual, mental and physically, to view it because this is real, I’ll tell you because I’ve also been through tough experiences that have enriched me spiritual and economically. In all my prayers will be present, the energy todapoderosa love fills us with and helps everyone, and that all are your my dear friend, do not You decaigas the discouragement because this brings more misery and sadness, remember that our mind attracts everything we create and believe. We are creators, we are successful, are a divine race, we are magnetic and attract what we think and We’re sorry. I wish you the Universal Providence will manifest itself in your life, filling you much prosperity, spiritual, mental and material. Greetings and hugs of light with much love my dear Alex.

    • cyc
    • June 11, 2012

    There was many people saying to Jesus in those times that he can’t be the son of God because he wasn’t able to rescue himself or the God (his father) didn’t help him. The Andromedans said they are not going to salvage us, they just informing us, but you still waiting for someone who is so powerful and strong that he can do it all for you. Everybody has some lessons to do. All is about you and your decisions, relations and treatment of the man who sacrifice his private life to give you that knowledge.

    Sorry for my English. It isn’t as good as I want it to be.

    • Gretchen
    • June 8, 2012

    I have not much time for ET’s with superior technology and intellect. But Alex you are a giant among us the human race. We must protect the children against abuse, this above all. Thank you for speaking up. I donated, and am sorry you have to struggle to even have a roof over your head.

  1. Dear Alex,

    I just fell on this website and I am horrified by what is happening to you. Your tremendous generosity for telling us the truth will certainly bloom; unfortunately, people are just awakening. Here in Montreal, there is a kind of revolution right now with the students, we don’t know what will happen, but you gave me the strenght to militate. I first listened to your stuff in 2005, recently, I needed to listen to it again, because it had oriented my life since then and it will in the future, nothing has surpassed that. I did resist at first to have a facebook account, and now, my only purpose is to diffuse you, so I will refer to this site for donations. Many many regards and sorry for my english

    • STOLI
    • June 6, 2012

    HI Alex,
    I wish this Email reach You personaly or via some other way.I am deeply touched by your recent situation.I will donate now and later,as much as I can provide and organise to spare.I mnow how a persom feels without recent amount of money in this today`s life.
    Please,do not think some sinister thoiths in any way.You should know it much better ,than anybody else.The life is always ups and downs.I wish whenn You are again up,and let be soon as possible,take care of yourself and finance,print books, as suggested sell asked information on your website,go for lecturing.You said it yourself : I love to talk!!
    And You should,must ,outh doing it.You are loved by the people and this alone should give You in some way some comfort and strenght.A man like YOU !!
    I my self just finished a compilation book about ET`s in a forain language.I promisse,as soon I get some profit from the ditribution of it,will share a part with You.I love to give ,and couldn`t watch people suffering,just because we live in the wrong manmade dimension so to speak.
    I hug You if I may and say,YOU WILL MANAGE IT !
    Keep your mind serene for the future books and lecturing !!
    Wih love

    • lol
    • May 27, 2012

    David wilcock’s contact left him 1000$ in a mail when he was in trouble can’t they just make holographic money to survive?

    • ufomzd
    • May 27, 2012

    I can not believe, alex is in such a situation. If all are true. Humans should do something, at least not all human has no moeny. eveyone donate 1 dollor a month, alex will be much better.

    • sam
    • May 27, 2012

    when i have the money, i’ll send you some. Keep fighting Alex

  2. Reply

    May Alex receives the abundance he needs….just curious but I believe David Wilcock is doing well since writing a new book..maybe he can team up with him and travel under his company to speak further

    • NGC2392
    • May 25, 2012

    I posted it in Camelot forum and probably you’ve read it, but let post it here too.
    Alex could do a great job by having a website and allowing people to ask questions to Andromedans and then if he doesn’t have the immediate answer from previous sessions, to ask the Andromedans at his next session. The questions might be charged a small amount of money. I have a hundred questions, but probably I wouldn’t have the money for all. But imagine the option the people from throughout the world to have that chance. I think this will resolve the financial issues of Mr Collier pretty soon. And we all will get valuable information from that unique intergalactic source.

    • Nayara Matiello
    • May 25, 2012

    Hello! Inteior I’m from Sao Paulo, Brazil follow the news of Alex for a long time, I’m sorry to hear of your situation, the more I want to help I can not send her donations because they do not have bank accounts and keep my sister of 13 year alone and ‘complicated!
    I want to tell you Alex Collier, LIFT YOUR HEAD! YOU can change your life! They are not the Andormedanos you can do it for you! ok .. look for alternatives!
    I believe in you, in your strength and courage! Up Alex!
    I thank others for their courage and dedication, you and our brothers of space really helped me to open my mind and understand myself and the world!

    Up Alex and not give up! I root for his recovery and not forget, WE ARE ONE!

    • N
    • May 24, 2012

    Why don’t the Andromedans do something for their precious contactee? How do we expect they will help us if they don’t help Alex? Is this their approach, and if yes, why?

    2. Alex could turn to some organizations that can help him. Like Project Camelot that already said is ready to make a paid show for his support, or Steven Greer’s organization, or someone else. Including outside USA. Why not to try some UFO associations that are abundant. Not just begging for help, (and I am sure they would give), but also – lectures for adequate reward. How is possible Wilcock to lack nothing and to print books, while Alex is the real contactee?

    I just don’t have money to send any.

      • DimensionalVortex
      • October 10, 2012

      Ultimately sir its our responsibility as a race to watch others back, its not the A’s or whoever responsibility, its our responsibility as a race that we all move along together.

      And quite frankly we arnt doing a very good job, instead of going up, seems like we are going down the tubes of the abyss, like Alex Collier said, I have hit the bottom and there is only one way, and thats up.

    • M
    • May 21, 2012

    Maybe they are planning an event soon?

    Hope things get well with you Alex.- And to all humans as well and the safety of the A’s from the darks. Hope that you get an update from the A’s soon.

    Take care..

    • Dakota Ahn
    • May 18, 2012

    Im a vegan so my whole diet is fruit and vegetables, i can just live with fruit water and shelter.

    wish i had a mini spacecraft with water and fruit and can go anywhere so tired of this planet i cant even get around in my tiny country because i don’t speak the native language and the closest and only country next to mine is north korea

      • Ezequiel Reyes
      • August 26, 2012

      im vegan haha. but im a high carb vegan and fifty percent raw =). my dad also makes wheat grass shots in the morning along with some carrot and apple juice.

      • Vivian
      • October 13, 2012

      I feel the same as you Dakota, I can live on fruits as well. If I had monies enough to just built a cozy house out in the woods, horizon, or something like this. I am sick and tired of the people who rule earth, the Government and the decisions that they make and what they put us through. If you ever fine that place, let me know. without electricity would help, as I can’t take the vibrations from that all around me either. I’m so tired all the time, and I can’t take this current like electricity running through my body either all the time. best to you.

    • Dakota Ahn
    • May 18, 2012

    I don’t get it. I keep hearing people on the internet saying that they can’t get jobs in the u.s. or there are no jobs for money,food but i have friends my age (18-20) getting easy jobs just with high school education, they get let go but they get another job. what about growing food? you’ve been talking about that for years.

    I hope you and your family can just live on a mother-ship you’ve been talking about, i hope we all can because i’m tired of money, bills countries, xxxxxxx borders and now that i had to move back to korea i have to join the military or it’s prison for me all because a couple of xxxxxxxxxxx compared each others xxxxx and one of bigger than the other and went to war.

      • Juan
      • November 5, 2012

      Poor Alex 🙁 i know where your coming from things are bad now!!!

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