Alex Collier 133rd *LIVE* Webinar on Friday, June 4, 2021!
See Alex Collier LIVE!
FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2021!
Alex is hosting his 133rd 2-Hour *LIVE* webinar including Questions and Answers.
This webinar will include subjects: Current Stat., Historical Facts Regarding Ancient History, And Much More!
Exclusively live and hosted by
Friday, June 4, 2021
2pm Eastern. 1pm Central. 12pm Mountain. 11am Pacific.
Do not miss this exciting opportunity to see Alex Collier LIVE online.
Tickets Are Just $13.99!
All proceeds go directly to Alex Collier!
- IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: We are now using as our webinar service. It seems to be quite streamlined. When visiting the webinar registration page you can register for your ticket for the next webinar by clicking the green ‘Register Now' button.
- You can now enter your email address or click the Twitter, Facebook or Google buttons. If you are registering with email please click the green ‘Send Me A Login Link'. You will be sent an email from Crowdcast. Click the link in the email to confirm your email address. If you do not receive this email please check your Spam/Junk folder.
- You can then enter your credit/debit card information. The system uses Stripe, it offers secure credit/debit card transactions and is more reliable than PayPal. A payment to ‘Alex Collier' for $13.99 will be listed on your credit card/bank statement.
- Once you have paid you will receive a receipt and an email with a link to access the webinar. Click the link in the email with the same Internet browser you use to purchase your webinar ticket. In the webinar room prior to the event, you can chat with other webinar attendees. You can also ask a question by selecting the ‘Ask a Question' link at the bottom and read other people's questions which you can ‘Vote Up' for Alex to answer during the live webinar.
- If you cannot attend live a replay will be available straight after the live webinar has concluded, just use the same link you receive when you sign up for the live webinar whenever you wish to watch the webinar.
- Thank you for supporting Alex Collier and we will see you at the event on Friday.
Alex Collier and Michael Jaco – on 11th Density Beings Among Us, What it will take to ascend to Galactic Federation
Alex Collier was live with Michael Jaco on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, speaking about 11th Density Beings Among Us, What it will take to ascend to Galactic Federation.
Alex Collier – Webinar 132 – May 21, 2021 – VOD
Alex Collier was live via video stream on May 21, 2021. His 132nd TWO-HOUR *LIVE* webinar including over thirty minutes of questions and answers. Hosted by James Harkin from and JayPee formerly from (a subsidiary of Alex presented some great insight into what is happening in this world and beyond. The webinar was hosted on Friday, May 21, 2021, at 2pm Eastern Time.
Alex Collier discusses many topics in this webinar including Current Stat., The Use of Dark Magic Against Humanity, What And Where Is Time? And Much More!
Funds from this video stream will be given to Alex Collier and help us bring you, Alex Collier, regularly. Please do not miss this amazing opportunity to see Alex Collier on video-stream and of course provide him with some income.
The webinar replay is just $5.99 for unlimited rental and download. You can pay by credit or debit card via Stripe.
To purchase the webinar please sign up to Brighteon. Under the trailer video on the link above is a Buy Button for $5.99. Enter your details and credit card. The payment processor is Stripe who will handle the transaction. Don't worry about Country or entering a complete Zip Code. It should still go through. As soon as you have purchased the full webinar replay you will be able to click ‘Watch Video' and watch the full webinar. If the payment button doesn't appear when you log into your Brighteon account then please disable your Popup/Adblocker which may be stopping the billing form from showing. Logging in to Disqus does not log you into Brighteon. Make sure you are logging into Brighteon. If you have any other issues with the transaction please contact Brighteon Support.
If You Would Like to, Please Donate to Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford will be Appreciated.
Do Not click this donation button if you want to purchase the webinar replay. You can only purchase the webinar replay through the link above. This button is for donations to Alex Collier only.
If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can also send money orders to:
Alex Collier, 151 Summer St. #292, Morrison, CO 80465 USA
Alex Collier 132nd *LIVE* Webinar on Friday, May 21, 2021!
See Alex Collier LIVE!
FRIDAY, MAY 21, 2021!
Alex is hosting his 132nd 2-Hour *LIVE* webinar including Questions and Answers.
This webinar will include subjects: Current Stat., The Use of Dark Magic Against Humanity, What And Where Is Time? And Much More!
Exclusively live and hosted by
Friday, May 21, 2021
2pm Eastern. 1pm Central. 12pm Mountain. 11am Pacific.
Do not miss this exciting opportunity to see Alex Collier LIVE online.
Tickets Are Just $13.99!
All proceeds go directly to Alex Collier!
- IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: We are now using as our webinar service. It seems to be quite streamlined. When visiting the webinar registration page you can register for your ticket for the next webinar by clicking the green ‘Register Now' button.
- You can now enter your email address or click the Twitter, Facebook or Google buttons. If you are registering with email please click the green ‘Send Me A Login Link'. You will be sent an email from Crowdcast. Click the link in the email to confirm your email address. If you do not receive this email please check your Spam/Junk folder.
- You can then enter your credit/debit card information. The system uses Stripe, it offers secure credit/debit card transactions and is more reliable than PayPal. A payment to ‘Alex Collier' for $13.99 will be listed on your credit card/bank statement.
- Once you have paid you will receive a receipt and an email with a link to access the webinar. Click the link in the email with the same Internet browser you use to purchase your webinar ticket. In the webinar room prior to the event, you can chat with other webinar attendees. You can also ask a question by selecting the ‘Ask a Question' link at the bottom and read other people's questions which you can ‘Vote Up' for Alex to answer during the live webinar.
- If you cannot attend live a replay will be available straight after the live webinar has concluded, just use the same link you receive when you sign up for the live webinar whenever you wish to watch the webinar.
- Thank you for supporting Alex Collier and we will see you at the event on Friday.
Alex Collier – Question and Answer Webinar 9 – May 14, 2021 – VOD
By popular demand, Alex Collier hosted his 9th 2-hour *LIVE* Question & Answer webinar on May 14, 2021. This webinar did not include a monologue and Alex answered questions throughout. Hosted by James Harkin from and JayPee from (a subsidiary of Alex presented some great insight into what is happening in this world and beyond. The webinar was hosted on Friday, May 14, 2021, at 2pm Eastern Time.
In 2-hours Alex answered 15 questions (some questions had multiple parts so Alex spent time answering these questions) including sharing information on:
- Are we stuck in a soul trap and is there a soul trap on the moon?
- Who or what is Lucifer and how does it relate to our history?
- Is a Luciferian agenda attempting to steer our future?
- How do we communicate with and get involved with the ETs?
- What can we do to help the ETs who are trying to assist us?
- How long will it take for humanity to awaken?
- Which people will be taken off-planet, and why?
- Do the negative entities on earth obey any kind of cosmic laws?
- Which of the 22 ET races contributed to human DNA?
- Can meditation and prayer be used to block dark magick?
- How bad will things get before humanity is freed?
- Will children go first to 5D in Dreamtime or physically, and return to pave the way for adults?
- Is there alien AI trying to invade earth?
- Are there positive AI working with humanity?
- Will those who use drugs and external coping mechanisms be able to adapt to humanity's new frequency?
- Do the Andromedan's have an angelic appearance in our reality?
- What is the New Age Reset and how will it affect humanity?
- Has a whistleblower from the secret group of 12 taken revenge?
- And many more!
Funds from this video stream will be given to Alex Collier and help us bring your Alex Collier regularly. Please do not miss this amazing opportunity to see Alex Collier on video-stream and of course provide him with some income.
To purchase the webinar please sign up to Brighteon. Under the trailer video on the link above is a Buy Button for $4.99. Enter your details and credit card. The payment processor is Stripe who will handle the transaction. Don't worry about Country or entering a complete Zip Code. It should still go through. As soon as you have purchased the full webinar replay you will be able to click ‘Watch Video' and watch the full webinar. If the payment button doesn't appear when you log into your Brighteon account then please disable your Adblocker which may be stopping the billing form from showing. Logging into Disqus does not log you into Brighteon. Make sure you are logging into Brighteon. If you have any other issues with the transaction please contact Brighteon Support.
If You Would Like to, Please Donate to Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford will be Appreciated.
Do Not click this donation button if you want to purchase the webinar replay. You can only purchase the webinar replay through the link above. This button is for donations to Alex Collier only.
If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can also send money orders to:
Alex Collier, 151 Summer St. #292, Morrison, CO 80465 USA
8th Annual Mt Shasta Summer Conference Titled: “Hierarchy of Light-Come Together”
August 26th to 29th 2021
Mt Shasta Conference is now 4 days. This event will be held in two locations this summer. The first location is The Community Center on 629 Alder Street in the city of Mt Shasta. The City of Mt Shasta has also given its blessings for my Conference to be held in Mt Shasta City Park 1315 Nixon Rd, Mt Shasta. More details will be provided after tickets are purchased.
Program Highlights
We will have a program that includes:
- Incredible Speakers
- Crystal Skull
- Guided Meditations
- Vibration Raising Mantras
- Qi Gong Exercises
- Actual Videos of Many Encounters
- Messages from Different ET Groups
- Musical Guests
- Pyramids Tesla Coils Sound Light Color Laser Crystal Show
- Vendors
- Lake Swim
- Time-Evening Skywatch and More.
The Schedule of Speakers
Please see below that we have many surprise guests.
Raymond Keller, Laura Eisenhower, Rob Potter, Alex Collier, Maureen St Germaine, Michael Jaco, Lowell Johnson, Gavin Hukassian, Shekina Rose, Suzanne Ross, Scott Werner, Sandra Michaels, Dennis Adams, John Recorder, Jamie Lu, Brad Olsen, Celestine Star, Tony Rodriguez, Lori Spagna, Bill Homan, Jane DeForest, and some Special Guests to be announced later.
Contact Rob Potter (530) 925-3502 or email:
Alex Collier – 9th *LIVE* Question & Answer Webinar – May 14, 2021
Special Question & Answer Webinar from Alex Collier!
MAY 14, 2021!
2pm Eastern. 1pm Central. 12pm Mountain. 11am Pacific.
By popular demand, Alex Collier is hosting his 9th 2-hour *LIVE* Question & Answer webinar. This webinar does not include a monologue. Alex will be answering your questions right through!
Tired of Your Questions Not Being Answered?
During a normal webinar, it is not unusual for attendees to ask more than 50 questions and there is never enough time to get to them all. This special Question & Answer webinar is designed for attendees to ask questions. Alex will go through as many as he can in 2-hours! So, if you have asked a question in the past and Alex hasn't answered it, this webinar is for you!
With Your Hosts…
Alex Collier, JayPee & James Harkin
Click Here To Sign Up Now!
Special *LIVE* Question & Answer webinar tickets are available for just $9.99.
Replay Available for those who cannot attend LIVE!
The special Q&A webinar will be made available for everyone who purchases a ticket indefinitely. If you cannot attend live a replay will be available straight after the webinar has concluded, just use the same link you receive when you sign up for the live webinar. You can still ask questions ahead of the webinar.
IMPORTANT Q&A Webinar Information…
In order for Alex to get through as many questions as possible during the 2-hour *LIVE* Question & Answer webinar, please follow these instructions:
Sign up to the webinar as soon as possible! Registering at the beginning of the week is better than on the day of the webinar. Why? It gives attendees more time to ask questions and it also gives attendees the opportunity to review and vote up questions they would like Alex to answer first.
To ask a question please click the ‘Ask a Question' link at the bottom of the webinar screen. Then click the ‘Ask a question or suggest a topic' button. Then enter your question. One question at a time! Please keep your question short and to the point, no more than a sentence or two. Then hit ENTER. If you want to ask more than one question please follow these instructions again.
Please *VOTE UP* any questions you would like Alex Collier to answer first.
PLEASE NOTE: We expect to see an incredibly large number of questions asked. Please understand there is no guarantee your question will be answered within the 2-hour time period. For best chances of your question being answered, please register as soon as possible and enter your question in the system to allow people time to review and upvote it. Thank you.
All proceeds go directly to Alex Collier!
- IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: We are now using as our webinar service. It seems to be quite streamlined. When visiting the question and answer webinar registration page you can register for your ticket for the next webinar by clicking the green ‘Register Now' button.
- You can now enter your email address or click the Twitter, Facebook or Google buttons. If you are registering with email please click the green ‘Send Me A Login Link'. You will be sent an email from Crowdcast. Click the link in the email to confirm your email address. If you do not receive this email please check your Spam/Junk folder. If you do not receive a link please return to the Crowdcast URL with the Internet browser you used to purchase the webinar you should automatically be redirected. If you still have issues please contact:
- You can then enter your credit/debit card information. The system uses Stripe, it offers secure credit/debit card transactions and is more reliable than PayPal. A payment to ‘Alex Collier' for $9.99 will be listed on your credit card/bank statement.
- Once you have paid you will receive a receipt and an email with a link to access the webinar. In the webinar room prior to the event, you can chat with other webinar attendees. You can also ask a question by selecting the ‘Ask a Question' link at the bottom.
- If you cannot attend live a replay will be available straight after the live question and answer webinar has concluded, just use the same link you receive when you sign up for the live Q&A webinar whenever you wish to watch it.
- Thank you for supporting Alex Collier and we will see you at the event on Friday.
Alex Collier – Webinar 131 – May 7, 2021 – VOD
Alex Collier was live via video stream on May 7, 2021. His 131st TWO-HOUR *LIVE* webinar including over thirty minutes of questions and answers. Hosted by James Harkin from and JayPee formerly from (a subsidiary of Alex presented some great insight into what is happening in this world and beyond. The webinar was hosted on Friday, May 7, 2021, at 2pm Eastern Time.
Alex Collier discusses many topics in this webinar including Current Stat., What Really Matters, What to Expect in the Next 6 Weeks, Standing Together, and Much More! You're not going to want to miss this one!
Funds from this video stream will be given to Alex Collier and help us bring you, Alex Collier, regularly. Please do not miss this amazing opportunity to see Alex Collier on video-stream and of course provide him with some income.
The webinar replay is just $5.99 for unlimited rental and download. You can pay by credit or debit card via Stripe.
To purchase the webinar please sign up to Brighteon. Under the trailer video on the link above is a Buy Button for $5.99. Enter your details and credit card. The payment processor is Stripe who will handle the transaction. Don't worry about Country or entering a complete Zip Code. It should still go through. As soon as you have purchased the full webinar replay you will be able to click ‘Watch Video' and watch the full webinar. If the payment button doesn't appear when you log into your Brighteon account then please disable your Popup/Adblocker which may be stopping the billing form from showing. Logging in to Disqus does not log you into Brighteon. Make sure you are logging into Brighteon. If you have any other issues with the transaction please contact Brighteon Support.
If You Would Like to, Please Donate to Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford will be Appreciated.
Do Not click this donation button if you want to purchase the webinar replay. You can only purchase the webinar replay through the link above. This button is for donations to Alex Collier only.
If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can also send money orders to:
Alex Collier, 151 Summer St. #292, Morrison, CO 80465 USA