Please Help Alex Collier


Myself and my girlfriend are fans of Alex Collier and have listened and watched many of his interviews and presentations. This is why we decided to register We were recently reading comments from Kerry Cassidy's Project Camelot Productions blog and found out that Alex has fallen on hard times. Therefore, we thought we'd use this domain to promote Alex Collier's work and to try and help Alex in any way we can.

Alex Collier

His, friend created a blog with updates regarding Alex Collier and his current situation.

This is what the article says:

Millions of people on planet Earth have heard my friend Alex Collier reporting the good, bad and ugly truth regarding extraterrestrials. However, most people do not know that Alex paid a price for going public with that information. For the past few years, he has been unable to get work due to his reputation as an “alien conspiracy” theorist. This situation also contributed directly to the destruction of his marriage and family life. He really needs some help right now to get back on his feet.

On October 28 of 2011, Alex was a guest on my show. At that time, I urged people that know and respect Alex around the world to come to his aid. Although a few people have offered to help… the situation for Alex remains dire. He has been trying to find work for the past few years with no luck.

Here is a message received from Alex Collier on November 29, 2011 (name of recipient removed):

XXX, Sleeping in a friend’s pop up trailer with no heat. Could use any help at all. Prayers, energy clearing, donation whatever………… I hope this is the darkness before the dawn, buddy. I am very, very tired……….

On December 1, 2011 Alex created a PayPal account to accept funds electronically.

Please send your PayPal donations to Alex Collier using this e-mail:

Or, if you prefer to send a money order please use the address below:

Alex Collier

151 Summer St. #292

Morrison, CO 80465


My friend Alex has been receiving your thoughts and prayers and aid. Although he is in the process of rebuilding his life, on December 8 Alex took time to appear on my radio show to publicly thank everyone that has assisted him and to give an update on his life and what he feels the future holds for mankind on this planet. (ed. I am unable to link to the show because I have been threatened for using the guy's name or linking to his website)


This week, Alex Collier was a guest on XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. He gave us a link to a web site for his upcoming books, and we took a record number of phone calls from around the world.


I spoke with Alex today. He does not have the money to pay the cell phone bill. Therefore, he will not be able to do any more radio interviews, or make phone calls, until more funds arrive. Also, he will be without a place to stay as of February 4th (he has been living in a motel for the past couple of months). Donations to assist Alex stopped coming in the first week of 2012 and his novel is not yet published, so he has no income.

I know some people have offered to let Alex stay with them, but he doesn’t have the money to travel anywhere right now. It is absolutely criminal that so many people are struggling to survive. In my opinion, the only thing that can save us is a dramatic shift in our consciousness. Just trying to fix the old, corrupt system is not going to resolve the problem.



Therefore if you are able to help Alex Collier, either finding him some work or can send him a few dollars through PayPal, it would truly be appreciated.

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    • jerry lu
    • March 13, 2021

    正面藍龍(國民黨以及國民官府)就是銀聯的缩影 positive blue dragon(kuo min tang and republic of china Nationalist government most member are positive blue dragon ) Is the epitome of galactic federation 太“正面”導致橫行霸道黑暗 too “positive” cause The dark bully 仙藍龍和銀聯一个德行,才丢掉了大陸除金門馬祖澎湖,銀聯也是因為這樣曾經丟掉了銀河系大半領土 positive blue dragon And gf(galactic federation ) a virtue, Only to lose maindland china’s soil except for kinmen matsu penghu,gf(galactic federation )It’s also because it was lost Most of the galaxy 負面紅龍(中供)非常了解人性的弱點,所以成功“騙取”了挺多大陸人的信任 negative red dragon (china communist party )Know the weakness of human nature very well,so Successful “cheating” most of mainland china people’s trust 妖紅龍(中國大陸除開金門馬祖之外紅邪)非常拿手於以暴君的身份統治 please watch it as soon as possible plesae remember this kind of essential rs video Expose
    negative red dragon(china communist party) ferocious mindprogramming can you contact have Capable of planning ablilty recover spiritual beings and many analogous to posblaudragonunitedregime Miniaturething weimargerdaishojp
    Pahlavipersia am mainlandchina lwk very emergent link collier this isn’t joking!!!!!!!

    • Denise
    • March 19, 2013

    Dear Alex

    I am from the UK. I wish there was some way I could help you. Your talks have, and still do mean so much to me. It seems so unfair that you are suffering so. I pray to the creator/concsiousness everyday asking that you get all the help you need to survive and to continue your great work.

    I love you Alex and thank you so much for all that you do. Bless your golden heart xxxxxxxxx.

  1. Reply

    Mil gracias por los documentos PDF! inesperadamente pude abrirlos (y están en español! gracias). Gracias por estar ahí. Gracias por compartir la verdad. Gracias por hacernos un poco más libres, (la verdad os hará libres!).
    Mantengo la oferta del libro; como comenté, tiene cierto valor económico. Hasta qu pueda enviarte dinero, si el libro te es de utilidad no dudes en decírmelo, te lo envío inmediatamente.
    Desde España te envío mi amor y agradecimiento. Un futuro brillante nos espera, tengo esa certeza. Todo esto es transitorio. Saldremos adelante
    1 abrazo

    Amaia Izaskun

    (Ed Translation)

    Thanks for the PDF documents! I could open unexpectedly (and are in Spanish! thanks). Thanks for being there. Thanks for sharing the truth. Thanks for making us a bit more free, (the truth shall make you free!).
    I keep the book proposal, as I said, it has some economic value. To what can send money, if the book is useful to you please tell me, you send it immediately.
    From Spain I send my love and gratitude. A bright future awaits us, I have that certainty. All this is transient. We will go forward
    a hug

    Amaia Izaskun

    • Kalina
    • June 28, 2012

    Maybe He can teach English in Japan or China . They need native English teachers . Just you can ask some people in Japan who knows him .

    • Kalina
    • June 28, 2012

    I am in Poland I can,t do anything at the moment anything for him ,But I want to ask what is happen Now with Alex . I am sso oooo
    worry about him .

    • SwordOfSorrow
    • February 14, 2012

    Holy —T, I didnt know till now that had huge marriage problems and the tight situation that hes in, damn.

    And I strongly 100% agree what XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX said:

    the only thing that can save us is a dramatic shift in our consciousness.

    Plain and simple and nothing else is going to do it, better wake up people of the world, our time is now flat out. Accept reality.

    • marie armone
    • January 30, 2012

    if we could arrange pick up for alex at each state line, bring him here, he can stay in new york with me.

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