alex collier
Current Status of Alex Collier…
Dear Friends…
I am receiving messages from many people regarding what is happening with Alex Collier. From what I gather from email conversations with Alex Collier and others that he is to retire from public life in order to be with his family and rebuild his life away from this arena. Myself and others tried to convince him otherwise and that he is a great asset to us all, but his mind is made up.
Because this site is an archive to Alex Collier's work, I will keep it in operation and keep the donation buttons on the site so that Alex can still benefit from this work even though he has decided to retire from public life.
For the record, I was asked to remove the previous post by Alex Collier as they were private messages not meant for public consumption.
I hope you will all respect Alex Collier's decision and wish him well in the next stage of his life…
With love and appreciation to you all and your families…
James Harkin, AlexCollier.Org Site Creator
P.S. I will of course update the site with any further information when I receive it. I still have some transcripts of prior talks still to add and will do this shortly.
CANCELLED! – New LIVE Alex Collier Interview on Sunday 11th November 2012…
THIS INTERVIEW HAS NOW BEEN CANCELLED! – Alex Collier will be participating in a two hour LIVE interview on Ever Beyond with Jay Perron on Wolf Spirit Radio on Sunday 11th November 2012 at 11pm to 1am GMT (3pm EST to 6pm PST). Please share this post and let everyone know.
Please bookmark the Ever Beyond website
There will be a chat room available for questions and discussion at the above link.
If you wish to submit a question prior to the show, please click here.
We cannot guarantee all questions will be asked since there will be many for a two hour radio show.
For those who cannot make it, I will link to the .mp3 or YouTube video when it is released.
Please Donate To Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford Will Be Appreciated
Alex Collier – Interview & Presentation Transcripts 1994-2011
I have been fortunate to have received the transcripts of many lecture presentations and interviews that Alex Collier has carried out since 1994 that are not featured as videos on the site. A guy called Alex contacted me and said he had many transcripts saved via the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine in .pdf format. He also provided me with the URLs to those files. I have spent the past 8 hours reformatting them for the website and here they are…
Alex Collier ET Overview – 1994
Alex Collier Domed Secret Colonies On Mars – 1994
Alex Collier Contact With Andromeda – 1995
Alex Collier 4th & 5th Density – 1995
Alex Collier The Andromedan Council Update – 1996
Leading Edge Research Interview With Jon Robinson Letters From Andromeda – 1997
Alex Collier At The Star Family Conference – 1997
Alex Collier At The Star Knowledge Conference – 1997
Alex Collier's Follow Up Lecture – 1997
Leading Edge Research Interviews Alex Collier – 1998
Alex Collier On The Art Bell Show – 1998
Alex Collier A Declaration For Terran Involvement – 1998
Alex Collier On Coast To Coast AM – 1998
Alex Collier On Sightings On The Radio With Jeff Rense – 1998
Alex Collier Andromedan Update 1 – 2001
Alex Collier Andromedan Update 2 – 2001 Interviews Alex Collier 1 – 2001
Alex Collier General Lecture – 2001
Alex Collier At Global Sciences – 2002 Interviews Alex Collier 2 – 2011
I hope you enjoy these transcripts. If you know of any other transcripts or videos that would benefit followers of Alex Collier, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will add them to the list.
Please Donate To Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford Will Be Appreciated
Alex Collier – Radio Interview with Rebecca Jernigan – 11th September 2012
Alex Collier – Radio Interview with Rebecca Jernigan – 11th September 2012
This is Alex Collier’s Question and Answer radio interview on the 11th September 2012. I recorded the audio from the live broadcast, edited it and uploaded it to my YouTube Channel.
Rebecca Jernigan's website is: Journeys With Rebecca.
Rebecca's radio show on Tuesday evenings is broadcast by: Wolf Spirit Radio.
The Original .mp3 of this interview is available here.
For those who wish to participate with the development of the film project, “The Adventures of Captain Denar”, in any capacity, contact the Dragonfly Team at The Adventures of Captain Denar website or by emailing:
Please Donate To Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford Will Be Appreciated
New LIVE Alex Collier Interview on Tuesday 11th September 2012…
Alex Collier will be participating in a live Question and Answer session on the Journey's With Rebecca Radio show with Rebecca Jernigan on Tuesday 11th September 2012 at 7pm to 9pm PST. Please share this post and let everyone know.
Please bookmark the Journey's With Rebecca website
For those who cannot make it, I will link to the .mp3 or YouTube video when it is released.
Please Donate To Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford Will Be Appreciated
Feed The Fire Films: Galactic Intentions featuring Alex Collier
Here's a great short movie from Feed The Fire Films featuring Alex Collier talking about Galactic Intentions… Enjoy…
Check out their website at
Please Donate To Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford Will Be Appreciated
Alex Collier – Radio Interview – 8th July 2012
Alex Collier – Radio Interview – 8th July 2012
This is Alex Collier’s radio interview on the 8th July 2012. I received the .mp3 for this radio interview on Sunday 8th July 2012 and uploaded it to my YouTube Channel.
Alex Collier was being interviewed by Richard from Letters From Andromeda. You can download the .mp3 interview from the Letters From Andromeda site.
For those who wish to participate with the development of the film project, “The Adventures of Captain Denar”, in any capacity, contact the Dragonfly Team at The Adventures of Captain Denar website or by emailing:
Please Donate To Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford Will Be Appreciated
Latest Message From Alex Collier…
I received a message from a Facebook contact today including an email message from Alex Collier:
“Things are dire and I sold my computer 8 days ago to buy food. At some point I will hit bottom and then there is only way to go, and thats up. I have not heard from the A's since March……..its very quiet. Too quiet in fact.”
So if you are able to donate anything to Alex Collier he would very much appreciate it:
You can send a money order to:
Alex Collier
151 Summer St. #292
Morrison, CO 80465
Or donate to his PayPal account (which I have heard he can access via a local library)
If, like many of us, you have nothing available to donate, maybe you could help him with your time or could just send him a message of positive energy to his emails (or send him a letter to the PO Box above), it would also be appreciated.