current events


Alex Collier – Webinar 150 – February 4, 2022 – VOD


Alex Collier was live via video stream on February 4, 2022. His 150th *LIVE* webinar. Webinar #150 was just over two hours long and included more than seventy minutes of questions and answers. Alex answered 24 questions after his monologue. Hosted by James Harkin from and JayPee formerly from Wolf Spirit Radio. Alex presented some great insight into what is happening in this world and beyond. The webinar was hosted on Friday, February 4, 2022, at 2pm Eastern Time.

Alex Collier discusses many topics in this webinar including Current Stat., the USN$ and QFS. It's Here! And, much more!

Funds from this video stream will be given to Alex Collier and help us bring you, Alex Collier, regularly. Please do not miss this amazing opportunity to see Alex Collier on video-stream and of course provide him with some income.

The webinar replay is just $5.99 for unlimited rental and ownership. You can pay by credit or debit card via Stripe.


To purchase the webinar please sign up to Brighteon. Under the trailer video on the link above is a Buy Button for $5.99. Enter your details and credit card. The payment processor is Stripe will handle the transaction. Don't worry about Country or entering a complete Zip Code. It should still go through. As soon as you have purchased the full webinar replay you will be able to click ‘Watch Video' and watch the full webinar. If the payment button doesn't appear when you log into your Brighteon account then please disable your Popup/Adblocker which may be stopping the billing form from showing. Logging in to Disqus does not log you into Brighteon. Make sure you are logging into Brighteon. If you have any other issues with the transaction please contact Brighteon Support.

If You Would Like to, Please Donate to Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford will be Appreciated.
Do Not click this donation button if you want to purchase the webinar replay. You can only purchase the webinar replay through the link above. This button is for donations to Alex Collier only.

If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can also send money orders to:
Alex Collier, 151 Summer St. #292, Morrison, CO 80465 USA

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Alex Collier – Question and Answer Webinar 19 – January 28, 2022 – VOD


Alex hosted his 19th *LIVE* Question and Answer webinar on January 28, 2022. The webinar was 1 hour 50 minutes in length. This webinar did not include a monologue as Alex was still feeling under the weather. Alex answered questions throughout. Hosted by James Harkin from and the former radio host for Wolf Spirit Radio JayPee. Alex presented some great insight into what is happening in this world and beyond. The webinar was hosted on Friday, January 28, 2022, at 2pm Eastern Time.

In 1 hour and  50 minutes, Alex answered 28 questions. Some of the questions had multiple parts so Alex spent time answering these questions thoroughly. Due to character limits in the description, here are the top 15 questions as voted up by webinar attendees:

  • What is the truth about General Michael Flynn – is he a white hat?
  • Some believe the vax removes mind control, so Trump backed it. Do you or your Andromedan contacts know anything?
  • Since Lemurian times, the Divine Masters of this realm have “turned off” a vast Pacific Ocean portal! This portal is said to reopen, causing great unrest beneath the waves but ultimately positive changes. Know of this portal?
  • The Freedom Convoy 2022 of Canadian truckers brings tears to my eyes. Can you explain how this will help on multiple levels?
  • Can you explain Transhumanism and how the Regressives want to merge man and machine? How can we trust Musk's Neuralink project if Musk is a White Hat?
  • Do you know if the Q-promoted worldwide 10-day EBS with a repeating 8-hour movie is credible, and if so, will it actually be happening soon?
  • Gene decode says there is a frequency the alliance can turn on to awaken us. Is this true? Will it turn on our dormant strands of DNA?
  • When the hammer drops on this injection fraud. What will become of our current medical system, particularly hospitals and paediatricians?
  • What would you say is the best advice the Andromedans ever gave you?
  • I'm currently reading Radu Cinamar's Transylvanian Sunrise and Moonrise. It is about what was found in Romania's Bucegi Mountains. No one has mentioned Romania. Do you have any knowledge?
  • Can you please tell us what will happen during the ascension process? Will we keep our present bodies?
  • You mentioned 11D Taal or P'taal beings (not sure of spelling). And that 144,000 of them are now incarnated here to assist with ascension. Can you elaborate?
  • You said the A's don't live in linear time. Everything happens at once for them. Did I get it right? How do they avoid the paradoxes?
  • In the UK, people like me are promoting Common Law through seminars. I don't see it in America. Is there a logic?
  • You said Moreney's brother died in space, and he took in his wife. How far ahead can 4D and 5D beings see? Do they also have probabilities?
  • And many more!

Funds from this video stream will be given to Alex Collier and help us bring your Alex Collier regularly. Please do not miss this amazing opportunity to see Alex Collier on video-stream and of course provide him with some income.


To purchase the webinar please sign up to Brighteon. Under the trailer video on the link above is a Buy Button for $4.99. Enter your details and credit card. The payment processor is Stripe who will handle the transaction. Don't worry about Country or entering a complete Zip Code. It should still go through. As soon as you have purchased the full webinar replay you will be able to click ‘Watch Video' and watch the full webinar. If the payment button doesn't appear when you log into your Brighteon account then please disable your Adblocker which may be stopping the billing form from showing. Logging in to Disqus does not log you into Brighteon. Make sure you are logging into Brighteon. If you have any other issues with the transaction please contact Brighteon Support.

If You Would Like to, Please Donate to Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford will be Appreciated.
Do Not click this donation button if you want to purchase the webinar replay. You can only purchase the webinar replay through the link above. This button is for donations to Alex Collier only.

If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can also send money orders to:
Alex Collier, 151 Summer St. #292, Morrison, CO 80465 USA

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Alex Collier – Webinar 149 – January 21, 2022 – VOD


Alex Collier was live via video stream on January 21, 2022. His 149th TWO-HOUR *LIVE* webinar. Alex was not feeling well with strep throat and asked to cut the webinar short by 20 minutes as he was tired. Webinar #149 also included more than fifty minutes of questions and answers. Alex answered 23 questions after his monologue. Hosted by James Harkin from and JayPee formerly from Wolf Spirit Radio. Alex presented some great insight into what is happening in this world and beyond. The webinar was hosted on Friday, January 7, 2022, at 2pm Eastern Time.

Alex Collier discusses many topics in this webinar including Current Stat., What's Going on Behind the Scenes Around the World, The Damage of the Treatment Coming to the Surface, Remaining in Hope, and Much More!

Funds from this video stream will be given to Alex Collier and help us bring you, Alex Collier, regularly. Please do not miss this amazing opportunity to see Alex Collier on video-stream and of course provide him with some income.

The webinar replay is just $5.99 for unlimited rental and ownership. You can pay by credit or debit card via Stripe.


To purchase the webinar please sign up to Brighteon. Under the trailer video on the link above is a Buy Button for $5.99. Enter your details and credit card. The payment processor is Stripe will handle the transaction. Don't worry about Country or entering a complete Zip Code. It should still go through. As soon as you have purchased the full webinar replay you will be able to click ‘Watch Video' and watch the full webinar. If the payment button doesn't appear when you log into your Brighteon account then please disable your Popup/Adblocker which may be stopping the billing form from showing. Logging in to Disqus does not log you into Brighteon. Make sure you are logging into Brighteon. If you have any other issues with the transaction please contact Brighteon Support.

If You Would Like to, Please Donate to Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford will be Appreciated.
Do Not click this donation button if you want to purchase the webinar replay. You can only purchase the webinar replay through the link above. This button is for donations to Alex Collier only.

If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can also send money orders to:
Alex Collier, 151 Summer St. #292, Morrison, CO 80465 USA

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Alex Collier – Webinar 148 – January 7, 2022 – VOD


Alex Collier was live via video stream on January 7, 2022. His 148th TWO-HOUR *LIVE* webinar included over thirty minutes of questions and answers. Hosted by James Harkin from and JayPee formerly from Wolf Spirit Radio. Alex presented some great insight into what is happening in this world and beyond. The webinar was hosted on Friday, January 7, 2022, at 2pm Eastern Time.

Alex Collier discusses many topics in this webinar including Current Stat., Humanity's detox, Where are we at? What to expect from here, and much more!

Funds from this video stream will be given to Alex Collier and help us bring you, Alex Collier, regularly. Please do not miss this amazing opportunity to see Alex Collier on video-stream and of course provide him with some income.

The webinar replay is just $5.99 for unlimited rental and ownership. You can pay by credit or debit card via Stripe.


To purchase the webinar please sign up to Brighteon. Under the trailer video on the link above is a Buy Button for $5.99. Enter your details and credit card. The payment processor is Stripe who will handle the transaction. Don't worry about Country or entering a complete Zip Code. It should still go through. As soon as you have purchased the full webinar replay you will be able to click ‘Watch Video' and watch the full webinar. If the payment button doesn't appear when you log into your Brighteon account then please disable your Popup/Adblocker which may be stopping the billing form from showing. Logging in to Disqus does not log you into Brighteon. Make sure you are logging into Brighteon. If you have any other issues with the transaction please contact Brighteon Support.

If You Would Like to, Please Donate to Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford will be Appreciated.
Do Not click this donation button if you want to purchase the webinar replay. You can only purchase the webinar replay through the link above. This button is for donations to Alex Collier only.

If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can also send money orders to:
Alex Collier, 151 Summer St. #292, Morrison, CO 80465 USA

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Alex Collier – Question and Answer Webinar 18 – December 31, 2021 – VOD


Alex hosted his 18th *LIVE* Question and Answer webinar on December 31, 2021. This was a special 4-hour marathon Q&A webinar (there was a 15-minute break in the middle and that has been cut out of the edited replay – the edited replay is 3 hours 45 minutes long). This webinar included a short 10-minute monologue talking more about what has been going on in the world at the beginning and another 10-minute monologue end of the webinar. Then Alex answered many questions. Hosted by James Harkin from Alex presented some great insight into what is happening in this world and beyond. The webinar was hosted on Friday, December 31, 2021, at 2pm Eastern Time.

In 2-hours Alex answered 54 questions. Some of the questions had multiple parts so Alex spent time answering these questions thoroughly. Due to character limits in the description, here are the top 15 questions as voted up by webinar attendees:

  • To avoid the loop, do we still need to turn behind us rather than walk into the light ahead once we leave this incarnation? You said you'd ask the A's if the coil was dissolved.
  • Will those that took the jab really all perish or can we save them in time with med beds and other healing technology? Everyone I know is jabbed.
  • Happy to hear that we are on the winning side but why do weather warfare and chemtrails continue to occur almost daily? Are “they” hiding something from us in the skies?
  • Can you explain what to expect before the 5D shift? Will there be noticeable changes in the environment or in our feelings that indicate the full transition is near?
  • Is the negative blood relevant to ETs? I have A- and O- siblings. We are English, Irish, and Scottish ancestors.
  • When we make the official switch out of the fiat system (you mentioned possibly early January), does this mean IRS for income taxes in the US is officially defunct?
  • Can you show us how to politely ask the ETs to come to us? I'd like to meet some of them, especially those who may be related. What should we do?
  • How is the Viral Spiked Protein Shedding affecting the ‘non-jabbed?
  • With all the focus on Antarctica, what is going on in Greenland that is kept so secret? Specifically, the Thule Airbase comes to mind and access to the Inner Earth tunnels?
  • There has been very unusual cloud activity lately. How can we tell the difference between an actual cloud and a starship? Or, are some of us seers and others are not?
  • If we came here from the future to help to liberate humanity, will we reunite with the family members we left behind and move automatically to the country we came from when we move into 5th density?
  • When was the last time you had interaction with the A's and what was the most significant message you received from that interaction?
  • How does Revelation and the return of Christ factor into all this or is that another timeline?
  • Forgetting the Earth situation for a minute, is there something “news-worthy” going on in our galaxy at the moment, you could share?
  • Will my money in the bank be safe during the transition to the QFS (Quantum Financial System) and will it automatically convert to the new monetary system?
  • Does each of us have DNA from 22 ET races? How old/young are we really?
  • And many more!

Funds from this video stream will be given to Alex Collier and help us bring your Alex Collier regularly. Please do not miss this amazing opportunity to see Alex Collier on video-stream and of course provide him with some income.


To purchase the webinar please sign up to Brighteon. Under the trailer video on the link above is a Buy Button for $4.99. Enter your details and credit card. The payment processor is Stripe who will handle the transaction. Don't worry about Country or entering a complete Zip Code. It should still go through. As soon as you have purchased the full webinar replay you will be able to click ‘Watch Video' and watch the full webinar. If the payment button doesn't appear when you log into your Brighteon account then please disable your Adblocker which may be stopping the billing form from showing. Logging in to Disqus does not log you into Brighteon. Make sure you are logging into Brighteon. If you have any other issues with the transaction please contact Brighteon Support.

If You Would Like to, Please Donate to Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford will be Appreciated.
Do Not click this donation button if you want to purchase the webinar replay. You can only purchase the webinar replay through the link above. This button is for donations to Alex Collier only.

If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can also send money orders to:
Alex Collier, 151 Summer St. #292, Morrison, CO 80465 USA

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Alex Collier – Webinar 147 – December 24, 2021 – VOD


Alex Collier was live via video stream on December 24, 2021. His 147th TWO-HOUR *LIVE* webinar included over thirty minutes of questions and answers. Hosted by James Harkin from and JayPee formerly from Wolf Spirit Radio. Alex presented some great insight into what is happening in this world and beyond. The webinar was hosted on Friday, December 24, 2021, at 2pm Eastern Time.

Alex Collier discusses many topics in this webinar including Current Stat., Remembering the Future, Moving Forward, and Much More!

Funds from this video stream will be given to Alex Collier and help us bring you, Alex Collier, regularly. Please do not miss this amazing opportunity to see Alex Collier on video-stream and of course provide him with some income.

The webinar replay is just $5.99 for unlimited rental and ownership. You can pay by credit or debit card via Stripe.


To purchase the webinar please sign up to Brighteon. Under the trailer video on the link above is a Buy Button for $5.99. Enter your details and credit card. The payment processor is Stripe who will handle the transaction. Don't worry about Country or entering a complete Zip Code. It should still go through. As soon as you have purchased the full webinar replay you will be able to click ‘Watch Video' and watch the full webinar. If the payment button doesn't appear when you log into your Brighteon account then please disable your Popup/Adblocker which may be stopping the billing form from showing. Logging in to Disqus does not log you into Brighteon. Make sure you are logging into Brighteon. If you have any other issues with the transaction please contact Brighteon Support.

If You Would Like to, Please Donate to Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford will be Appreciated.
Do Not click this donation button if you want to purchase the webinar replay. You can only purchase the webinar replay through the link above. This button is for donations to Alex Collier only.

If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can also send money orders to:
Alex Collier, 151 Summer St. #292, Morrison, CO 80465 USA

Continue Reading

Alex Collier – Webinar 146 – December 10, 2021 – VOD


Alex Collier was live via video stream on December 10, 2021. His 146th TWO-HOUR *LIVE* webinar included over thirty minutes of questions and answers. Hosted by James Harkin from and JayPee formerly from Wolf Spirit Radio. Alex presented some great insight into what is happening in this world and beyond. The webinar was hosted on Friday, December 10, 2021, at 2pm Eastern Time.

Alex Collier discusses many topics in this webinar including Current Stat., Where Are We Now? Dealing With The Dark Energy, Actualizing True Sovereignty Of The Terran Race, And Much More!

Funds from this video stream will be given to Alex Collier and help us bring you, Alex Collier, regularly. Please do not miss this amazing opportunity to see Alex Collier on video-stream and of course provide him with some income.

The webinar replay is just $5.99 for unlimited rental and ownership. You can pay by credit or debit card via Stripe.


To purchase the webinar please sign up to Brighteon. Under the trailer video on the link above is a Buy Button for $5.99. Enter your details and credit card. The payment processor is Stripe who will handle the transaction. Don't worry about Country or entering a complete Zip Code. It should still go through. As soon as you have purchased the full webinar replay you will be able to click ‘Watch Video' and watch the full webinar. If the payment button doesn't appear when you log into your Brighteon account then please disable your Popup/Adblocker which may be stopping the billing form from showing. Logging in to Disqus does not log you into Brighteon. Make sure you are logging into Brighteon. If you have any other issues with the transaction please contact Brighteon Support.

If You Would Like to, Please Donate to Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford will be Appreciated.
Do Not click this donation button if you want to purchase the webinar replay. You can only purchase the webinar replay through the link above. This button is for donations to Alex Collier only.

If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can also send money orders to:
Alex Collier, 151 Summer St. #292, Morrison, CO 80465 USA

Continue Reading

Alex Collier – Question and Answer Webinar 17 – December 3, 2021 – VOD


Alex hosted his 17th 2-hour *LIVE* Question and Answer webinar on December 3, 2021. This webinar did not include a monologue and Alex answered questions throughout. Hosted by James Harkin from and the former radio host for Wolf Spirit Radio JayPee. Alex presented some great insight into what is happening in this world and beyond. The webinar was hosted on Friday, December 3, 2021, at 2pm Eastern Time.

In 2-hours Alex answered 25 questions. Some of the questions had multiple parts so Alex spent time answering these questions thoroughly. Due to character limits in the description, here are the top 15 questions as voted up by webinar attendees:

  • How far along are the tribunals, and will they be televised? The future of XRP as a global bank-operated cryptocurrency? When will mainstream media full disclosure happen? Any news on the remaining chikars and nebu on Earth? When will humanity make complete contact with all extraterrestrials?
  • How is Germany requiring everyone to get vaccinated when the deep state has been defeated? Is it still a long way to freedom?
  • Chemtrails still abound over LA. Is the deep state still ruling? When will the mainstream media be stopped?
  • The Andromeda Galaxy (was it?) would send a massive light wave to Earth in mid-July 2022, you announced recently to Dr Michael Salla. Will this light wave affect us, humans? Do we have to plan? If so, how should we prepare, and what should we expect?
  • What is going on in Greenland? Are there more humans underground than on top? How many are ‘humans', hybrids, clones, or walk-ins?
  • This is about the light seen after death. Your cousin who met your parents after the tunnel looked to have a positive experience. But how do we reunite with loved ones who stepped into the tunnel trap, unaware they had a choice? Your Aunt Connie and Mom seemed happy.
  • Can you talk about our sun and the high-frequency light waves hitting Earth? How does it affect us? Is it also changing our DNA and upgrading us? Will we be ready when more waves of light arrive since we can't hold the light now? Can you talk about the planet's grids?
  • Can we assume that if we are awake and here on Earth during this time of great awakening, we came from another planet to help humanity?
  • Could you please explain the recent flat Earth craze? Why is it so hot right now in the alternative scene? Several well-known “truthers” support the idea. The Earth is said to be shielded. A cabal psyop?
  • Is it possible for all sex types to have children in their culture? Is reproduction similar to the human race? Do they live together forever? Or can you discuss Andromedan relationships and how they bond!!!
  • Please explain DNA's role in the afterlife or when we are pure consciousness? How much of our “body” is conscious?
  • Please explain the Annunaki. Are they reptilian or hybrid? Some call them reptiles, others not. Where do they fit in the reptilian hierarchy? Are they involved in today's events on Earth?
  • Are the benevolent white hats allowing the media to continue spreading propaganda? Can we get the absolute truth through those channels until we realize how much we're being lied to?
  • What did the Andromedans say about current Earth events? Can we expect more chaos (and if so, when) or positive changes towards ascension in the year 2022?
  • The Q Phones are rumoured to be made by Steve Jobs, which would mean he's still alive.
  • And many more!

Funds from this video stream will be given to Alex Collier and help us bring your Alex Collier regularly. Please do not miss this amazing opportunity to see Alex Collier on video-stream and of course provide him with some income.


To purchase the webinar please sign up to Brighteon. Under the trailer video on the link above is a Buy Button for $4.99. Enter your details and credit card. The payment processor is Stripe who will handle the transaction. Don't worry about Country or entering a complete Zip Code. It should still go through. As soon as you have purchased the full webinar replay you will be able to click ‘Watch Video' and watch the full webinar. If the payment button doesn't appear when you log into your Brighteon account then please disable your Adblocker which may be stopping the billing form from showing. Logging in to Disqus does not log you into Brighteon. Make sure you are logging into Brighteon. If you have any other issues with the transaction please contact Brighteon Support.

If You Would Like to, Please Donate to Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford will be Appreciated.
Do Not click this donation button if you want to purchase the webinar replay. You can only purchase the webinar replay through the link above. This button is for donations to Alex Collier only.

If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can also send money orders to:
Alex Collier, 151 Summer St. #292, Morrison, CO 80465 USA

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