current events
Alex Collier – Question and Answer Webinar 2 – October 23, 2020 – VOD
By popular demand, Alex Collier hosted his 2nd 2-hour *LIVE* Question & Answer webinar on October 23, 2020. This webinar did not include a monologue. Alex answered questions right through. Hosted by James Harkin from and JayPee from (a subsidiary of Alex presented some great insight into what is happening in this world and beyond. The webinar was hosted on Friday, October 23, 2020, at 2pm Eastern Time.
In 2-hours Alex answered 17 questions including:
- What can we look forward to in terms of technology, health, disclosure and justice in the coming years. (Alex focuses 30 minutes on answering this question, it was definitely worth the price of the ticket just for this answer.)
- The current goal of geoengineering of the atmosphere.
- Reincarnation.
- The Andromedan ship, their culture, food, and pets.
- The event, the launch of Starlink, QFS and EBS.
- What root race/group was Adam and Eve from.
- Symbolism will be the cabal's downfall.
- How Alex copes with the experiences on a day to day basis.
- What humans can do daily to assist in ascension.
- What was the first root race on our planet.
- Are there any regressives/evil in 4th or 5th dimension.
- What has been your greatest challenge.
- What has been your greatest blessing.
- What has been the most valuable thing you have learned.
- More thoughts about Nibiru and the Dwarf Star.
- Information about the global reset and reign of technocracy.
- How we can collaborate with the spirit of the earth.
- And many more!
Funds from this video stream will be given to Alex Collier and help us bring your Alex Collier regularly. Please do not miss this amazing opportunity to see Alex Collier on video-stream and of course provide him with some income.
To purchase the webinar please sign up to Brighteon. Under the trailer video on the link above is a Buy Button for $4.99. Enter your details and credit card. The payment processor is Stripe who will handle the transaction. Don't worry about Country or entering a complete Zip Code. It should still go through. As soon as you have purchased the full webinar replay you will be able to click ‘Watch Video' and watch the full webinar. If you have any issues with the transaction please contact Brighteon Support.
If You Would Like to, Please Donate to Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford will be Appreciated.
Do Not click this donation button if you want to purchase the webinar replay. You can only purchase the webinar replay through the link above. This button is for donations to Alex Collier only.
If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can also send money orders to:
Alex Collier, 151 Summer St. #292, Morrison, CO 80465 USA
Alex Collier – Question and Answer Webinar 1 – September 25, 2020 – VOD
By popular demand, Alex Collier hosted his 1st 2-hour *LIVE* Question & Answer webinar on September 25, 2020. This webinar did not include a monologue. Alex answered questions right through. Hosted by James Harkin from and JayPee from (a subsidiary of Alex presented some great insight into what is happening in this world and beyond. The webinar was hosted on Friday, September 18, 2020, at 2pm Eastern Time.
In 2-hours Alex answered 24 questions including:
- The proper etiquette to interact with an ET?
- What happens to people who have not raised their frequencies high enough to make the jump to 4D?
- What happens when the dwarf star passes our solar system?
- How do we find out which star family we belong to?
- More information about Morenay?
- Is Project Looking Glass causing the Mandela Effect?
- What new technologies are about to be introduced to us?
- How to restructure our life and world to prepare for 4D?
- Are clones being executed?
- Which race gifted earth with horses?
- How many benevolent “boots on the ground” are there in 2020?
- Is the sun hollow?
- Talking more about Zoroaster?
- Talking more about Archangel Michael?
- Is mythology real who are our creators?
- Who were the ten lost tribes of Israel?
- Why is gold important to the Annunaki?
- Talking more about the Crystal Skulls?
- Is ringing in the ears an attempt at communication?
- Are Thoth and the Annunaki reptilian beings that have shape-shifted?
- Talking more about different types of human clones and hybrids?
- and many more!
Funds from this video stream will be given to Alex Collier and help us bring your Alex Collier regularly. Please do not miss this amazing opportunity to see Alex Collier on video-stream and of course provide him with some income.
To purchase the webinar please sign up to Brighteon. Under the trailer video on the link above is a Buy Button for $4.99. Enter your details and credit card. The payment processor is Stripe who will handle the transaction. Don't worry about Country or entering a complete Zip Code. It should still go through. As soon as you have purchased the full webinar replay you will be able to click ‘Watch Video' and watch the full webinar. If you have any issues with the transaction please contact Brighteon Support.
If You Would Like to, Please Donate to Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford will be Appreciated.
Do Not click this donation button if you want to purchase the webinar replay. You can only purchase the webinar replay through the link above. This button is for donations to Alex Collier only.
If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can also send money orders to:
Alex Collier, 151 Summer St. #292, Morrison, CO 80465 USA