jenny lee


Humanity Projects: Where Are We Going From Here – Interview with Jenny Lee, Miss Jeep and Alex Collier – March 13, 2025

Alex Collier, a legendary figure in UFO and alternative history circles, joins remote viewer and seer Jenny Lee alongside Miss Jeep for a captivating discussion on humanity’s past, present, and future. The conversation dives into suppressed history, the importance of truth, the awakening of humanity, and the urgent need for collective action to heal our planet and ourselves. It touches upon the roles of government, the media, and the individual in creating a better world.

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In this interview:

00:00 Going Live: The Introduction
01:01 The Journey of Humility and Aging
06:31 Addressing Homelessness and Government Accountability
13:54 The US-Canada Relationship and The Power of the People
21:04 The Uniqueness of America and Lost Histories
30:09 Unveiling Hidden Histories and Revolutionizing Education
39:49 Healing Through Nature and The Eye of Africa
48:17 Humanity’s Awakening and The Veil of Understanding
59:05 The Dark Night of the Soul and Unveiling Hidden Histories
01:05:20 The Call for Accountability and Collective Healing
01:15:00 The Shift in Consciousness and A Vision for the Future

Core Points:

  • Embrace humility throughout your journey. Gratitude fosters resilience and optimism.
  • Recognize your inherent power; self-belief is paramount.
  • Maintain perspective; life’s challenges are growth opportunities.
  • Demand governmental transparency and accountability. Question authority.
  • Advocate for the vulnerable; actively support veterans and address social injustices.
  • Uncover hidden history; challenge established narratives and seek truth.

Governmental Accountability and Societal Change

The conversation begins with discussing the need for governmental transparency and accountability. The speakers express frustration with the misuse of taxpayer money and the lack of accountability from those in power. They emphasize the importance of citizens demanding answers and refusing to comply with unjust systems. This leads to a call for a rethinking of what government should be and how it should function. The speakers believe the current system is designed to consume and control, rather than serve the people. This is coupled with the idea that many are “bought and paid for,” illustrating corruption and a lack of genuine representation.

The Importance of Truth and Hidden History

Most of the conversation centers on the importance of uncovering hidden history. Alex Collier shares his experiences and insights into suppressed historical information. He highlights the need to challenge accepted narratives and encourages independent research into topics such as the Tartarians and pre-Columbian civilizations. The speakers emphasize that much of what we are taught is intentionally false, designed to suppress the truth and keep people in the dark. The importance of critically examining evidence and challenging assumptions is stressed, and the implications for future generations’ understanding of the world are discussed. This section moves into the importance of rediscovering alternative forms of medicine and healthcare, questioning the motives of large pharmaceutical companies.

Humanity’s Role and the Future

The discussion then shifts to humanity's role in the face of these revelations. The speakers discuss the need for a societal shift toward compassion and service. They highlight the immense suffering caused by the exploitation of children and the need to expose and address this issue. They express hope for a future where humanity works together for the common good, emphasizing the power of collective energy and a shift towards community-driven solutions instead of government reliance. This hope is juxtaposed with the necessity of confronting dark truths about the past. The conversations highlight the collective trauma that will arise and the necessary future where people are held accountable and the possibility of building a better world. The speakers ultimately express optimism about the future, believing that humanity’s resilience and inherent compassion will lead to a brighter future.

Find out more about Jenny Lee and Alex Collier:

Please Donate To Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford Will Be Appreciated

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Alex Collier, Michael Jaco and Jenny Lee – Michael Jaco’s Personal Meeting Room – 17th June 2022

Alex Collier was live via video stream with Michael Jaco and Jenny Lee today, June 17th, 2022 for an hour. Enjoy.

Please Donate To Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford Will Be Appreciated

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