

Alex Collier 228th *LIVE* Webinar on Friday, March 28th, 2025!

See Alex Collier LIVE!
FRIDAY, March 28th, 2025!

Alex Collier

Alex is hosting his 228th 2-Hour *LIVE* webinar, including Questions and Answers.

This webinar will include subjects: Current Stat., Where Do We Go From Here, Gaining Historic Prospective, And Much More!

Exclusively live and hosted by

YouTube video player

Friday, March 28th, 2025
2pm Eastern. 1pm Central. 12pm Mountain. 11am Pacific.

Do not miss this exciting opportunity to see Alex Collier LIVE online.



 Tickets Are Just $13.99!

 All proceeds go directly to Alex Collier!

  • IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: We are now using as our webinar service. It seems to be quite streamlined. When visiting the webinar registration page, you can register for your ticket for the next webinar by clicking the green ‘Register Now' button.
  • You can now enter your email address or click the Twitter, Facebook or Google buttons. If you are registering by email, please click the green ‘Send Me A Login Link'. You will be sent an email from Crowdcast. Click the link in the email to confirm your email address. If you do not receive this email, please check your Spam/Junk folder.
  • You can then enter your credit/debit card information. The system uses Stripe, and it offers secure credit/debit card transactions. We cannot accept PayPal. A payment to ‘Alex Collier' for $13.99 will be listed on your credit card/bank statement.
  • Once you have paid, you will receive a receipt and an email with a link to access the webinar. Click the link in the email with the same Internet browser you use to purchase your webinar ticket. If you do not receive the email, please check your Spam/Junk folder. If you don't get the email, please contact Crowdcast support by emailing them at and they will get your access.
  • In the webinar room before the event, you can chat with other webinar attendees. You can also ask a question by selecting the ‘Ask a Question' link at the bottom. One short question at a time, please. You can also read other people's questions which you can ‘Vote Up' for Alex to answer first during the live webinar.
  • If you cannot attend live, a replay will be available after the live webinar has concluded. Just use the link you receive when you sign up for the live webinar whenever you wish to watch the webinar.
  • If you have any issues signing up for the live webinar, please contact Crowdcast support:
  • Thank you for supporting Alex Collier, and we will see you at the event on Friday.
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Alex Collier – Question and Answer Webinar 66 – March 21st, 2025 – VOD


Alex hosted his 66th *LIVE* Question and Answer webinar on March 21st, 2025. The webinar was just over two hours and 29 minutes in length. Alex did an extensive monologue before answering questions throughout the remainder of the webinar. Hosted by James Harkin from and the former radio host for Wolf Spirit Radio JayPee. Alex presented great insight into what is happening in this world and beyond.

In just over two hours and twenty-nine minutes, Alex answered 25 questions. Some of the questions had multiple parts, so Alex spent time answering these questions thoroughly. Due to character limits in the description, here are the top 15 questions that have been paraphrased and voted up by webinar attendees:

  • How can mainstream media be removed without it appearing like a fascist takeover so we can finally wake the normies?
  • If the Anunnaki created the pineal gland to control us, why would they try to calcify it instead of preserve it?
  • Do you think new pyramid discoveries prepare us for free energy or extraterrestrial disclosure?
  • Can you explain how a high-frequency being can still be negative?
  • What kind of diet should we eat to support our body and consciousness now?
  • Clif High says the Federal Reserve might collapse by June—do you think the RV will happen around then?
  • Are birthdays and the concept of time part of the Matrix to keep us ageing and limited?
  • What’s the difference between dimensions, densities, realms, and timelines—or are they essentially the same?
  • If only the present exists, how is time travel possible—does that mean the past and future exist simultaneously?
  • When the Arcs activate, will they rise to ground level, float above us, or stay hidden until humanity awakens?
  • Did you see the Sarge video showing faked 1960s NASA moon footage, and do you think NASA was hacked?
  • Is something strategic happening behind the scenes between Canada and the U.S. that the public doesn't know?
  • Could many unconscious people be NPCs, and is the current genocide targeting actual biological humans?
  • How can we balance unconditional love with maintaining healthy personal boundaries?
  • What is Moranae’s view on evolution?
  • How do negative beings like Reptilians exist in higher dimensions if they are supposed to be darkness-free?
  • Who will we meet first—beings from space, Inner Earth, or the oceans?
  • And many more!

Funds from this video stream will be given to Alex Collier, and help us bring your Alex Collier regularly. Please do not miss this fantastic opportunity to see Alex Collier on video stream and, of course, provide him with some income.

To purchase for $5.99 through Brighteon:

To purchase for $5.99 through Crowdcast:

To purchase the webinar, please sign up at Brighteon. Under the trailer video on the link above is a Buy Button for $5.99. Enter your details and credit card. The payment processor is Stripe which will handle the transaction. Don't worry about Country or entering a complete Zip Code. It should still go through. Once you have purchased the full webinar replay, you can click ‘Watch Video' and watch the entire webinar. If the payment button doesn't appear when you log into your Brighteon account, please disable your Adblocker, which may stop the billing form from showing. Logging in to Disqus does not log you into Brighteon. Make sure you are logging into Brighteon. If you have any other issues with the transaction, please contact Brighteon Support.


If You Would Like to, Please Donate to Alex Collier. Anything You Can Afford will be Appreciated.
Do Not click this donation button if you want to purchase the webinar replay. You can only purchase the webinar replay through the link above. This button is for donations to Alex Collier only.

If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can also send money orders to:
Alex Collier, 151 Summer St. #292, Morrison, CO 80465 USA

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Alex Collier – 66th *LIVE* Question & Answer Webinar – Friday, March 21st, 2025

Special Question & Answer Webinar from Alex Collier!

2pm Eastern. 1pm Central. 12pm Mountain. 11am Pacific.

By popular demand, Alex Collier is hosting his 66th 2-hour *LIVE* Question & Answer webinar. This webinar does not include a monologue. Alex will be answering your questions right through!

Tired of Your Questions Not Being Answered?

During a normal webinar, it is not unusual for attendees to ask more than 50 questions and there is never enough time to get to them all. This special Question & Answer webinar is designed for attendees to ask questions. Alex will go through as many as he can in 2-hours! So, if you have asked a question in the past and Alex hasn't answered it, this webinar is for you!

With Your Hosts…

Alex Collier, JayPee & James Harkin

Click Here To Sign Up Now!

Special *LIVE* Question & Answer webinar tickets are available for just $9.99.

YouTube video player

Replay Available for those who cannot attend LIVE!

The special Q&A webinar will be made available for everyone who purchases a  ticket indefinitely. If you cannot attend live a replay will be available straight after the webinar has concluded, just use the same link you receive when you sign up for the live webinar. You can still ask questions ahead of the webinar.

IMPORTANT Q&A Webinar Information…

In order for Alex to get through as many questions as possible during the 2-hour *LIVE* Question & Answer webinar, please follow these instructions:

Sign up to the webinar as soon as possible! Registering at the beginning of the week is better than on the day of the webinar. Why? It gives attendees more time to ask questions and it also gives attendees the opportunity to review and vote up questions they would like Alex to answer first.

To ask a question please click the ‘Ask a Question' link at the bottom of the webinar screen. Then click the ‘Ask a question or suggest a topic' button. Then enter your question. One question at a time! Please keep your question short and to the point, no more than a sentence or two. Then hit ENTER. If you want to ask more than one question please follow these instructions again.

Please *VOTE UP* any questions you would like Alex Collier to answer first.

PLEASE NOTE: We expect to see an incredibly large number of questions asked. Please understand there is no guarantee your question will be answered within the 2-hour time period. For best chances of your question being answered, please register as soon as possible and enter your question in the system to allow people time to review and upvote it. Thank you.



 All proceeds go directly to Alex Collier!

  • IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: We are now using as our webinar service. It seems to be quite streamlined. When visiting the question and answer webinar registration page you can register for your ticket for the next webinar by clicking the green ‘Register Now' button.
  • You can now enter your email address or click the Twitter, Facebook or Google buttons. If you are registering with email please click the green ‘Send Me A Login Link'. You will be sent an email from Crowdcast. Click the link in the email to confirm your email address. If you do not receive this email please check your Spam/Junk folder. If you do not receive a link please return to the Crowdcast URL with the Internet browser you used to purchase the webinar you should automatically be redirected. If you still have issues please contact:
  • You can then enter your credit/debit card information. The system uses Stripe, it offers secure credit/debit card transactions and is more reliable than PayPal. A payment to ‘Alex Collier' for $9.99 will be listed on your credit card/bank statement.
  • Once you have paid you will receive a receipt and an email with a link to access the webinar. In the webinar room prior to the event, you can chat with other webinar attendees. If you do not get this email please contact Crowdcast support:
  • You can also ask a question by selecting the ‘Ask a Question' link at the bottom.
  • If you cannot attend live a replay will be available straight after the live question and answer webinar has concluded, just use the same link you receive when you sign up for the live Q&A webinar whenever you wish to watch it.
  • Thank you for supporting Alex Collier and we will see you at the event on Friday.
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Alex Collier – Webinar 227 – March 14th, 2025 – VOD


Alex Collier was live via video stream on March 14th, 2025. His 227th *LIVE* webinar. Webinar #227 was just over two hours and thirty-seven minutes long, and Alex answered many questions after his extensive monologue. Hosted by James Harkin from and JayPee, formerly from Wolf Spirit Radio. Alex presented great insight into what is happening in this world and beyond. The webinar was hosted on Friday, March 14th, 2025, at 2pm Eastern Time.

Alex Collier discusses many topics in this webinar, including:

Current Stat., Changing Governance, mRNA Study & DNA Changes, Energy Weapons & Destruction, Border Security & Imported Gangs, Elite Control & Royalty, Economic Manipulation, Property Tax Fraud, Civil War Prevention, Media & Government Corruption, Paradigm Shift & Awareness, and Much More!

Funds from this video stream will be given to Alex Collier and help us bring you, Alex Collier, regularly. Please do not miss this amazing opportunity to see Alex Collier on video stream and, of course, provide him with some income.

The webinar replay is just $6.99 for unlimited rental and ownership. You can pay by credit or debit card via Stripe.

To purchase for $6.99 through Brighteon:

To purchase for $6.99 through Crowdcast:

If you require help to sign up to Brighteon, login to Brighteon and purchase a webinar replay from Brighteon, please click the following link:


If you have any other issues with the transaction, please contact Brighteon Support.

If You Would Like to, Please Donate to Alex Collier. Anything You Can Afford will be Appreciated.
Do Not click this donation button if you want to purchase the webinar replay. You can only purchase the webinar replay through the link above. This button is for donations to Alex Collier only.

If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can also send money orders to:
Alex Collier, 151 Summer St. #292, Morrison, CO 80465 USA

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Humanity Projects: Where Are We Going From Here – Interview with Jenny Lee, Miss Jeep and Alex Collier – March 13, 2025

Alex Collier, a legendary figure in UFO and alternative history circles, joins remote viewer and seer Jenny Lee alongside Miss Jeep for a captivating discussion on humanity’s past, present, and future. The conversation dives into suppressed history, the importance of truth, the awakening of humanity, and the urgent need for collective action to heal our planet and ourselves. It touches upon the roles of government, the media, and the individual in creating a better world.

Watch Free Today:

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In this interview:

00:00 Going Live: The Introduction
01:01 The Journey of Humility and Aging
06:31 Addressing Homelessness and Government Accountability
13:54 The US-Canada Relationship and The Power of the People
21:04 The Uniqueness of America and Lost Histories
30:09 Unveiling Hidden Histories and Revolutionizing Education
39:49 Healing Through Nature and The Eye of Africa
48:17 Humanity’s Awakening and The Veil of Understanding
59:05 The Dark Night of the Soul and Unveiling Hidden Histories
01:05:20 The Call for Accountability and Collective Healing
01:15:00 The Shift in Consciousness and A Vision for the Future

Core Points:

  • Embrace humility throughout your journey. Gratitude fosters resilience and optimism.
  • Recognize your inherent power; self-belief is paramount.
  • Maintain perspective; life’s challenges are growth opportunities.
  • Demand governmental transparency and accountability. Question authority.
  • Advocate for the vulnerable; actively support veterans and address social injustices.
  • Uncover hidden history; challenge established narratives and seek truth.

Governmental Accountability and Societal Change

The conversation begins with discussing the need for governmental transparency and accountability. The speakers express frustration with the misuse of taxpayer money and the lack of accountability from those in power. They emphasize the importance of citizens demanding answers and refusing to comply with unjust systems. This leads to a call for a rethinking of what government should be and how it should function. The speakers believe the current system is designed to consume and control, rather than serve the people. This is coupled with the idea that many are “bought and paid for,” illustrating corruption and a lack of genuine representation.

The Importance of Truth and Hidden History

Most of the conversation centers on the importance of uncovering hidden history. Alex Collier shares his experiences and insights into suppressed historical information. He highlights the need to challenge accepted narratives and encourages independent research into topics such as the Tartarians and pre-Columbian civilizations. The speakers emphasize that much of what we are taught is intentionally false, designed to suppress the truth and keep people in the dark. The importance of critically examining evidence and challenging assumptions is stressed, and the implications for future generations’ understanding of the world are discussed. This section moves into the importance of rediscovering alternative forms of medicine and healthcare, questioning the motives of large pharmaceutical companies.

Humanity’s Role and the Future

The discussion then shifts to humanity's role in the face of these revelations. The speakers discuss the need for a societal shift toward compassion and service. They highlight the immense suffering caused by the exploitation of children and the need to expose and address this issue. They express hope for a future where humanity works together for the common good, emphasizing the power of collective energy and a shift towards community-driven solutions instead of government reliance. This hope is juxtaposed with the necessity of confronting dark truths about the past. The conversations highlight the collective trauma that will arise and the necessary future where people are held accountable and the possibility of building a better world. The speakers ultimately express optimism about the future, believing that humanity’s resilience and inherent compassion will lead to a brighter future.

Find out more about Jenny Lee and Alex Collier:

Please Donate To Alex Collier, Anything You Can Afford Will Be Appreciated

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Alex Collier 227th *LIVE* Webinar on Friday, March 14th, 2025!

See Alex Collier LIVE!
FRIDAY, March 14th, 2025!

Alex Collier

Alex is hosting his 227th 2-Hour *LIVE* webinar, including Questions and Answers.

This webinar will include subjects: Current Stat., We Can't Forget the Children, Creating a New Vision of our Humanity, What Will Make Us Happy, The Mentoring of Humanity, and Much More!

Exclusively live and hosted by

YouTube video player

Friday, March 14th, 2025
2pm Eastern. 1pm Central. 12pm Mountain. 11am Pacific.

Do not miss this exciting opportunity to see Alex Collier LIVE online.



 Tickets Are Just $13.99!

 All proceeds go directly to Alex Collier!

  • IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: We are now using as our webinar service. It seems to be quite streamlined. When visiting the webinar registration page, you can register for your ticket for the next webinar by clicking the green ‘Register Now' button.
  • You can now enter your email address or click the Twitter, Facebook or Google buttons. If you are registering by email, please click the green ‘Send Me A Login Link'. You will be sent an email from Crowdcast. Click the link in the email to confirm your email address. If you do not receive this email, please check your Spam/Junk folder.
  • You can then enter your credit/debit card information. The system uses Stripe, and it offers secure credit/debit card transactions. We cannot accept PayPal. A payment to ‘Alex Collier' for $13.99 will be listed on your credit card/bank statement.
  • Once you have paid, you will receive a receipt and an email with a link to access the webinar. Click the link in the email with the same Internet browser you use to purchase your webinar ticket. If you do not receive the email, please check your Spam/Junk folder. If you don't get the email, please contact Crowdcast support by emailing them at and they will get your access.
  • In the webinar room before the event, you can chat with other webinar attendees. You can also ask a question by selecting the ‘Ask a Question' link at the bottom. One short question at a time, please. You can also read other people's questions which you can ‘Vote Up' for Alex to answer first during the live webinar.
  • If you cannot attend live, a replay will be available after the live webinar has concluded. Just use the link you receive when you sign up for the live webinar whenever you wish to watch the webinar.
  • If you have any issues signing up for the live webinar, please contact Crowdcast support:
  • Thank you for supporting Alex Collier, and we will see you at the event on Friday.
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Alex Collier Interview Webinar #14 – With George Kavassilas – Friday, March 7th, 2025! – VOD

The Interview You Can’t Miss – Watch the Replay Now!

On Friday, March 7th, 2025, Alex sat down with George Kavassilas, a visionary thinker, experiencer, and messenger, for a deep and mind-expanding discussion that covers everything from hidden financial shifts to secret space programs and cosmic evolution.

What’s inside this must-watch webinar?

  • Ukraine & Financial Shifts – Insider perspectives on a possible peace deal & economic restructuring
  • Silver Shortages & Market Disruptions – Why supply issues signal global financial instability
  • U.S. Government & IRS Reforms – Shocking revelations on upcoming changes to taxation & banking
  • Solar Warden & Secret Space Programs – What’s really going on beyond Earth’s atmosphere
  • Elon Musk & Mars Connection – The hidden agenda behind his interplanetary ambitions
  • Antarctica & Hidden Technology – Advanced technology that could change humanity’s future
  •  Temple of Solomon & Hidden Truths – The real story behind ancient teachings
  • Galactic Core Pulse & Human Evolution – A cosmic event that could change everything
  • And much, much more…

This 2-hour and 37-minute conversation is packed with exclusive insights, audience Q&A, and discussions that challenge what we think we know about the world.

Don’t miss this powerful exchange—it’s time to uncover the truths that will shape humanity’s future. This interview is for seekers, truth-tellers, and those ready to break free from the matrix. Don’t miss out on these groundbreaking revelations—secure your access now. Stay informed. Stay aware. Stay empowered.

YouTube video player

To purchase for $6.99 through Brighteon:

To purchase for $6.99 through Crowdcast:

Funds from this webinar replay will help continue Alex Collier’s mission to enlighten and educate our world through his ongoing research and discussions.

If you have any other issues with the transaction, please contact Brighteon Support.

If you have any other issues with the transaction, please contact Alex Collier directly.

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Alex Collier Interview Webinar #14 – With George Kavassilas – *LIVE* on Friday, March 7th, 2025!

Alex Collier interview with George Kavassilas!

FRIDAY, March 7th, 2025!

2pm Eastern. 1pm Central. 12pm (Noon) Mountain. 11am Pacific.

We’re excited to invite you to the fourteenth installment of Alex Collier’s powerful monthly webinar series! Join us on Friday, March 7th, 2025, for an extraordinary two-hour live event featuring George Kavassilas, a seeker, experiencer, and messenger dedicated to guiding humanity toward awakening and sovereignty.

📅 Mark your calendars:

  • Date: Friday, March 7th, 2025
  • Time: 2 PM Eastern | 1 PM Central | 12 PM (Noon) Mountain | 11 AM Pacific
  • Location: Exclusive Live Event at

🌌 What’s in Store?

George Kavassilas has spent a lifetime exploring the vast, multidimensional nature of existence. Through his profound interdimensional experiences, encounters with advanced cosmic beings, and a life-changing transformation in 2003, he uncovered deep truths about humanity’s true origins, the illusion of control systems, and the journey to universal sovereignty. His work challenges conventional narratives and empowers individuals to break free from limiting beliefs and embrace their divine potential.

In this exclusive webinar, Alex and George will explore:

  • What it truly means to be a universal sovereign being
  • The illusion of control and how to break free from limiting systems
  • George’s extraordinary interdimensional experiences and Galactic connections
  • Humanity’s role in the great transformation and our journey home to truth and love

After their discussion, George and Alex will answer your questions in a live Q&A session, offering a unique opportunity to dive deeper into these life-changing concepts.

This is a must-attend event for anyone seeking to break through the illusion, reconnect with their true nature, and step into their infinite power and purpose.

🌟 Meet the Speakers:
  • George Kavassilas: A truth-seeker and cosmic messenger, George has spent decades unraveling the great deception and revealing humanity’s infinite nature. His interdimensional experiences have led him to guide others in awakening to their true power and sovereignty. Learn more about George Kavassilas.

  • Alex Collier: A lifelong contactee of the Andromedans, Alex shares profound insights about our place in the universe, our spiritual challenges, and our cosmic potential. His work inspires individuals to think beyond the limitations of Earthly paradigms. Explore Alex’s work here.

YouTube video player

💡 Why You Should Join:
  •  Rare Knowledge: Learn from George Kavassilas’ firsthand experiences with interdimensional beings and Galactic wisdom.
  • Cosmic Perspective: Alex Collier’s deep insights from the Andromedans provide a unique big-picture view of humanity’s evolution.
  • Interactive Q&A: Get your questions answered live by Alex and George.
  • Replay Available: Can’t make it live? A replay will be available, so you won’t miss out!
🎟 Reserve Your Spot Today!
  • Tickets are just $13.99 for this mind-expanding session. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain rare insights into awakening, sovereignty, and cosmic consciousness. Get your ticket now!

Mark your calendar for Friday, March 7th, and prepare to unlock the truth of your infinite existence! We can’t wait to see you there!

ORDER TICKETS!Tickets Are Just $13.99!

  • IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: We are now using as our webinar service. It seems to be quite streamlined. When visiting the webinar registration page, you can register for your ticket for the next webinar by clicking the green ‘Register Now' button.
  • You can now enter your email address or click the Twitter, Facebook or Google buttons. If you are registering by email, please click the green ‘Send Me A Login Link'. You will be sent an email from Crowdcast. Click the link in the email to confirm your email address. If you do not receive this email, please check your Spam/Junk folder.
  • You can then enter your credit/debit card information. The system uses Stripe, which offers secure credit/debit card transactions. We cannot accept PayPal. Your credit card/bank statement will list a payment to ‘Alex Collier' or ‘Resolute Mountain Trust LLC' for $13.99.
  • Once you have paid, you will receive a receipt and an email with a link to access the webinar. Click the link in the email using the same Internet browser you used to purchase your webinar ticket. Please check your spam or junk folder if you have not received the email. If you don't get the email, please contact Crowdcast support at, and they will get your access.
  • Before the event, you can chat with other webinar attendees in the webinar room. You can also ask a question by selecting the ‘Ask a Question' link at the bottom—one short question at a time, please. You can also read other people's questions, which you can ‘Vote Up' for Alex to answer first during the live webinar.
  • If you cannot attend live, a replay will be available after the webinar. Just use the link you receive when you sign up for the live webinar whenever you wish to watch it.
  • If you have any issues signing up for the live webinar, don't hesitate to get in touch with Crowdcast support
  • Thank you for supporting Alex Collier, and we will see you at the event on Friday.
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