

Whispers Of The Past – Global Wings Conference – 2002

Alex Collier at the August 2002 Global Wings Conference in Denver, Colorado, USA. His talk was entitled ‘Whispers Of The Past.' It was one of the last appearances he had before his retirement that lasted five years, due among other things to the threats he received.

Some of the themes that Alex Collier develops are the following: The current version of Earth History versus the Andromedan version of Galactic History; The importance of caring for ecosystems; The conflicts between the two great orders of organic life; The components of human genetics; Extraterrestrial colonies; Wormholes; Motherships; Edenes; Prejudices; Tradition of communication between the races; Lemuria and Atlantis; The Ciakar; The Greys; Wars of Coercion; Phobos and Deimos; Dolphins and Whales; Council of Andromeda; The Andromedans; Zenetaens; Ascension; The Dogons and their relationship with Sirius B; Shape-shifting; Royalty and lineages; Walk-ins; Illuminati; Planet X; Nibiru; and the recognition of regressive, benevolent and hybrid beings by extraterrestrial races. The information is vital for understanding the historical intervention by extraterrestrials.

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The Andromedan Perspective on Galactic History – Secret Earth History – 2002

This presentation was held in 2002 about the Andromedan Perspective on Galactic History. The presentation is also called ‘Secret Earth History.' Alex Collier has been in contact with an ancient alien race. They are called the Andromedans from the constellation of Andromeda. He has had regular contact since he was eight years old. These Extraterrestrials are human-looking but are very highly advanced. We are the Genetic Ancestors of many Galactic Human Races. We were originally created as a slave race by an ancient Reptilian race called the Annunaki in order to mine Monatomic Gold in order to extend their lifespan. Galactic Human D.N.A was genetically spliced with the Earths Hominids producing Homo Sapiens. Alex Collier outlines the true history of Planet Earth and describes the various alien races including the Greys from Zeta Reticula 2 (Dows). He also describes the past Ecological disasters which have regularly reduced mankind to starting from scratch. He also explains that the Universe is a Multiverse made up of many Planar levels. At present we are on the bottom floor but are due to move higher in frequency onto the next plane of existence in 2013. These levels were created by God the Creator using Science and have a logical system of evolution and progression. Many races have gone through this evolution in the past. Investigations conducted by the Chief Editor of the Exopolitics Journal point to the credibility of Alex Collier as someone who has physically interacted with extraterrestrials.

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Breaking The Chains – 1995

This video presents a lecture held in Tucson, Arizona in 1995 produced by Rick Keefe from UFO Hypotheses.

Alex Collier, a UFO contactee since the age of eight, speaks openly and candidly to a small crowd of about twenty people on Easter Day, 1995. Collier shares the Andromedan ETs' perspective about a great many things, including the pyramid structure of regressive ETs that control the highest levels of the shadow government of the United States. Collier says that the human ETs from Andromeda warn of an upcoming abuse of power by the National Security Agency (NSA) now evidenced by Patriot Acts 1 and 2, passed by a witless Congress, which not only upends our Constitution and constitutional form of government but also makes Congress themselves irrelevant. This is Collier's representation of the Andromedan perspective about the leaders of the United States, the banks, and the very fragile state of our environment, our basic freedoms and our human rights and concerns the collaboration between the secret government agencies and authoritarian leaders, who are collaborating for profit and power with a malevolent ET confederation, led by reptilian humanoid ETs.

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