Alex Collier has asked me to remove the letter relating to the film “The Adventures of Captain Denar”.
Dear James, I have heard that a private letter that Audra had drafted, and sent to a few people that was a private correspondence was posted on your site. This letter was not to be posted anywhere, as was stated in that same letter. Could you please remove this letter and make sure that its not posted again on the site. I would really be grateful. I will send you an update next week. Sincerely, Alex Collier
I will post the update if he sends it next week.
James Harkin
On behalf of
Alex Collier – Webinar 221 – December 20th, 2024 – VOD
ALEX COLLIER'S 221ST WEBINAR IS NOW AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND! Alex Collier was live via video stream on December 20th, 2024. His 221st *LIVE* webinar. Webinar #221 was just over two hours and forty-two minutes long, and Alex answered many questions after his monologue. Hosted by James Harkin from and JayPee, formerly from Wolf Spirit Radio. […]
Alex Collier – 63rd *LIVE* Question & Answer Webinar – Friday, December 27th, 2024
Special Question & Answer Webinar from Alex Collier! FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27TH, 2024! 2pm Eastern. 1pm Central. 12pm Mountain. 11am Pacific. By popular demand, Alex Collier is hosting his 63rd 2-hour *LIVE* Question & Answer webinar. This webinar does not include a monologue. Alex will be answering your questions right through! Tired of Your Questions Not […]
Alex Collier 221st *LIVE* Webinar on Friday, December 20th, 2024!
See Alex Collier LIVE! FRIDAY, December 20th, 2024! Alex is hosting his 221st 2-Hour *LIVE* webinar, including Questions and Answers. This webinar will include subjects: Current Stat., Meeting our Star Families, Remembering Galactic Maturity, We the People Addressing them Directly, and Much More! Exclusively live and hosted by Friday, December 20th, 2024 2pm Eastern. […]
To be honest… i don’t know if is just me or what, but is very hard to me feel bad energies, is just like since november or december feel something really good inside of me.
‘One of the biggest sunspots in years is crossing the center of the solar disk, putting Earth in the way of potential eruptions.’ (Source:
It did indeed just emanated an M7.2 flare …
Quoting ‘’
‘Giant sunspot AR1944 erupted on Jan 7th at approximately 1832 UT, producing a powerful X1-class solar flare. First-look coronagraph images from the STEREO-Ahead spacecraft appear to show a coronal mass ejection (CME) emerging from the blast site. If so, the CME is almost certainly heading for Earth.’
Hollow Planets theory can be proved very easily by two people holding each others both hands and spinning as fast as you can and then letting go of your hands. You will be thrown away from each other.
Most people seem to think gravity comes from center of planet or from rotation of planet which is wrong.
According to Alex Collier,
Our sun produces a highly penetrating radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum. This frequency is approximately a trillion cycles a second. This frequency is located between the lower portion of the infrared and radar band. It is this radiation from the sun that causes gravity, not the planets rotation.
if this is true,
my pseudo-theory – if a planet is wandering alone (not part of solar system) that planet will have little to no gravity on surface. inhabitants will have to seek residence inside the hollow planet for sun light from inner sun and for gravity. also such planets will be really huge because little or no gravity radiation from main sun, nothing is preventing such planet from getting bigger than Jupiter except its own limitations and/or circumstances.
maybe a reason why planets are bigger when they are away from Main Sun in our Solar System. so yes there’s a good possibility that there’s a huge planets beyond Pluto.
Moon’s bright side may have gravity closer to earth’s gravity if not higher.
dark side of the moon will have somewhat less gravity.
On the other hand he also said that 900 km diameter object is enough to produce earth-like gravity, depending on its physical density. Perhaps mass is not the sole generator of gravity, but neither is the Sun. Either you, or Alex Collier seem to have something mixed up.
Guys, there has been a new update on Tolec’s site here:
I don’t get it why Tolec needs to quote from other people’s sources, which are not confirmed and not based on any scientific basis, when he has his own sources and contacts that he can get updates from. Quoting too much from other people’s sources makes Tolec seem desperate for some independent third-party confirmation or support. I wonder what his Andromedan contacts have told him about the 4D shift. Perhaps he was told some details that he isn’t allowed to divulge to the public until after the events happen?
I can’t believe Tolec quoted your annoying post
Maybe they are one and the same person.
Guys, I just found out this thread below. According to that thread, the Earth might become 4th dimensional sometime between 27th January-February 14th 2014.
We shouldn’t believe it at face value, but the author of that thread does present some pretty amazing coincidental events that timed in with his numerological sequences that it might be all processes to prepare Earth for her final birthing process to become a 4D world by February 2014. Please don’t judge and read it first. He has listed some pretty significant events that happened on Earth and our solar system since March 2012, and how the period between that month till now has seen some pretty significant changes. He explained that the process of Earth’s 4D shift takes time (according to him, 20 years since March 23 1994), just like how a pregnant woman needs time(months) to give birth. The link is below:
The Andromedans need to get rid of the Moon. That structure is an Orion construct meant to hold us back from evolving. Alex Collier said that they would help us remove the Moon so that we can evolve on our own, so why haven;t they still done that? >_<
so Moon is messing with us? if this is true, you guys should maybe try asking contactee’s to tell ET’s to get rid of Moon for us. Moon is artificial and doesn’t belong here anyway.
theegle wrote:
The effects of the moon in all of us and the reduction of years before and after the flood.
In order to understand what I will be writing here we need to look at earth history. It is well known from many sources that before the flood and before the ‘fall of man’, life on earth used to be much longer. Why is this so and why did it change?
The biggest difference between the times before the flood and after the flood was that there was no Moon at that time in orbit around Earth. There is a wealth of new information coming on this subject so you are free to research it before we go any further as I realize this is a difficult concept to grasp but the numbers are staggering once you understand them and pretty much provide mathematical proof that the moon was an artificial insert into our program. We have also already established that the number 25640 is an extremely important number which gives us the number of rotations the earth must make around the sun from the beginning of one cycle until its end. Since the universe is inherently fractal and each successive body is a fractal expression of its previous higher level, this means that this number will apply on all the levels of creation. What I am trying to say is that the sun is the next fractal expression of the galaxy, the earth of the sun, the human of the earth etc.
The situation on earth before the flood was that the fractal expressions were in their natural order, the sun was an expression of the galaxy, the earth of the sun and the human of the earth. This meant there was a clear mathematical connection by the evolutionary cycles of all these three expressions. But before we understand what happened back then, we need to understand how this reality is structured right now. To begin with this we need to understand what is an anomalistic month, which length is exactly 27.554 days. In very simplified terms an anomalistic month is the time it takes for the moon to make one orbit and be in the ‘exact’ same position in reference to earth, even though it may be slightly different as reference to the sun, stars or any other body. It is the relationship of moon vs earth that we are most concerned with here.
First lets do the simple version of how the moon hacked into the human life with mathematical precision as I understand many people will have trouble digesting the more complex one:
Before the fall: Average human life span: 930.5 years
After the fall: Average human life span 72.02 years
Decrease by a factor: 12.92
Anomalistic months in a year: 12.92
It can be very clearly seen that the decrease of human life was EXACTLY the same as the factor by which our earth year was carved up by Moon years (the time the moon makes a full rotation in an anomalistic way). In the very simplified terms, humans continued to live 930 years, but instead of earth years they began to live moon years for the simple fact that now their ‘fractal parent’ was the moon and not the earth.
Ok, now that we have some overview and direct connection let’s see how we came with those numbers and how the human average life span today fits with the cycles of the moon and the greater cycles of the earth, sun and galaxy. The 25640 number in its very core means rotations of one body around the body of its next level of fractal expression.
The situation today:
25640 rotations of a human around the earth center takes exactly 72.02 years, which is an average life span of humans today
25640 rotations of the moon around the earth, takes exactly 1984.54 years as calculated using an anomalistic month, which is very significant as huge major events seem to happen every 2000 years since the moon has been in orbit.
25640 rotations on the earth around the sun is exactly 12.92 multiplied by 1984.54. This means that the moon goes through 12.92 cycles during the time the earth has one cycle. Of course the significance of the humber 13 is immense as given by many ancient sources such as the Maya and Toltec.
Now the situation before the moon came into orbit:
25640 rotations of a human around the earth took 72.02 years but since there was no moon to impede human connection to earth, this was not a human cycle but the real cycle was exactly 12.92 times bigger (as can be seen today by the relationship of moon vs earth). This gives us the number of 930.5 years (which is accepted as the average life span of humans before the fall from several sources such as bible texts, the law of one channeling, other ancient books etc)
More so extremely important was that one major earth cycle of 25640 rotations of the earth around the sun, contained exactly 27.554 human cycles (which is the factor of moon rotation around the earth compared to a single rotation of earth)
The cycles of the earth with the Sun:
254 000 000 million years is the time the sun makes one rotation around the galaxy center.
If we carve this into 360 degrees (again a very significant number) we receive that each degree takes 705 555 years
If we divide each degree by the factor of the moon which is 27.554 we get approximately 25640 (the number is approximate as the period the sun turns around the center of the galaxy has not been measured in exact terms by modern science but I believe we can receive this number by multiplying 27.554*360*25640 = 254 334 441.6)
This last paragraph shows us that the chosen fraction of 27.554 for the moon was calculated in exact terms relative to much higher cosmic mathematics and was designed to interfere not only with our connection to earth but to the sun and galaxy itself.
Moon cycles today:
We established that one moon cycle takes 1984.54 years. Let’s see what happened for the last three moon cycles as unfortunately we don’t have much information to analyze any further.
40th century BC: One look at wikipedia and we see that many important events are associated with this century. Not the least that freemasons regard it as ‘year zero’.
20th century BC: Again don’t take my word for it and take a look at wikipedia. Many important events are associated with this century and its roll over to the 20th BC. Most notably the beginning of the major ‘prophets’ in the bible. As dubious as the background of the forces behind those prophets it is clear that this was an important temporal marker for them
Year Zero: If we take the birth/death of Jesus at 0-50AD (again a very important temporal marker for the forces behind the creation of his persona), and take it as the end/beginning of a moon cycle once we add 1984.5 years to it we get to present time and the very obvious end of one cycle and the beginning of another with a little twist. This is the LAST cycle of the moon where according to our natural laws it must come to a close of its major cycle and experience DEATH. Just as those early humans experienced death at 930 years of age.
In very simple terms, all this calculation means one thing. That the moon took the place of humans as natural fractal expressions of the galaxy/sun/earth and is currently moving through its very last cycle. Subsequently the humans and all other life on earth was degraded by one level of its respective fractal expression and was effectively plugged out of the galaxy/sun/earth/human fractal and plugged into the moon field which produced directly measurable and observable effects.
Fractal tree before: Galaxy -> Sun -> Earth -> Human -> Animals -> Insects -> Trees -> Elements
Fractal tree after: Galaxy -> Sun -> Earth -> Moon -> Human -> Animals -> Insects -> Trees -> Elements
without moon large diversity of life we find on Earth wouldn’t exist at all. Without the tides, the earth would spin about three to four times faster than it does. And that would have big implications on its life forms. First, winds on earth would be so fast and powerful that few things could grow.
without the moon’s stabilizing gravitational influence, the earth’s axial plane would vary by 10 degrees which would have huge consequences for life on earth.Ice ages could potentially be 10 times as bad as they have been. With climate shifts that dramatic, glaciers would cover the entire planet except for possibly a small band at the equator. Whatever life did exist would exist in a concentrated band at the equator.
we wouldn’t know that for sure until moon is gone.
note that moon only got here sometime 6000 or 12000 years ago.
humans are 200,000 years old so we were living on earth before moon got here. also there were many pyramids around and various advanced civilizations lived on earth before humans even existed.
These statements are not accepted by scientific community. Since all the theories we know are tested. I am aeronautical engineer, and know the how moon prevents earth from wobbling to much on its axis. Moon is essential for life on earth.
Unfortunately, most people claiming to be contactee are scientifically illiterate and so are their audience.
i think it is the moon that caused the earth to tilt on its axis.
before moon got here earth was probably not tilted on its axis so little or no wobble.
The moon seems to be a perfect sphere. When there is a total eclipse of the sun the moon blocks it perfectly with only the sun’s corona showing. It is exactly four hundred times smaller than the Sun but four hundred times closer to the Earth so that both the Sun and the Moon appear to be precisely the same size in the sky which gives us the phenomenon we call a total eclipse.
More interesting information relating to the moon as well as Credo Mutwa’s revelation that the Zulus believe that the moon comes from far, far away and it was hollowed out like the yolk taken out of an egg and it was rolled across the heavens by two reptilian entities:
More information:
I have no idea if Credo Mutwa’s revelations are true, or if the moon is hollow as said by Dr. Sean C. Solomon’s revelations that “the Lunar Orbiter experiments vastly improved our knowledge of the moon’s gravitational field… indicating the frightening possibility that the moon might be hollow.” Isaac Asimov said “It’s too big to have been captured by the Earth. The chances of such a capture having been effected and the moon then having taken up nearly circular orbit around our Earth are too small to make such an eventuality credible.” However, I don’t think science knows much either and if they do they aren’t telling the general public.
More information:
moon was formed by a mars sized object hitting earth, which caused earth to wobble. With the creation of the moon from earth mark 1, which helped earth stabilizing that wobble to a great degree,but we still have wobble, and the axis tilt is caused by that planet hitting earth.
Scientific community got lot of proof to support that theory. Scientist know way more science than ralph amigron
Moon came from Ursa Minor Constellation and older than Earth according to AC.
if mars sized object hitting earth forming moon theory were true
no way moon will be in position where its today nor we will be seeing eclipses with Sun completely behind Moon. odds of moon ending up in such perfect position naturally is billion to 1.
it was one of the moons of Nibiru that hit the earth according to Sumerians and created Pacific Basin billions of years ago.
@ Gurtej SIngh – Lacking proof of this theory is the binary composition of either the Moon (investigated somewhat, surface-wise), and the Earth (much more investigated, surface, and interior). So no, there is not much credibility to that theory. They were looking for an explanation, they made one up. The Earth should have even been significantly smaller than Venus to be able to compensate for exchange of mass during the hit, to end up with a Moon-size body and Earth-sized primary. Currently no such theory supports the geology of either structure for their physical condition demands, pre-strike.
When mars sized object hit the earth mark 1 causing debris left over from the collision to surround the earth mark 2 like rings of Saturn, but the distance of the rings was close enough from the earth mark 2. so That gravitational force caused debris to collide with one another to form present day moon.
If you want to learn about astronomy or other science. I highly recommend learning it from scientist and professor or read science books rather than listening to some BS
That is just a theory. There are quite a few scientists that have mentioned some ‘anomalies’ of the Moon, and if they are to be explained using the current ‘whack theory’ it demands extreme levels of probabilities …
the Apollo Moon landings, which show oxygen isotope ratios identical to those of Earth, which can be explained if the Earth–Moon system experienced turbulent mixing in the aftermath of the giant impact, . In addition, the highly anorthositic composition of the lunar crust, as well as the existence of KREEP-rich samples, gave rise to the idea that a large portion of the Moon once was molten, and a giant impact scenario could easily have supplied the energy needed to form such a magma ocean. Several lines of evidence show that if the Moon has an iron-rich core, it must be a small one
Certain asteroids have the same thing. Ceres also shares a lot of similarity to Earth. Should we include them in the big impact theory as well? What is the correlation of the molten parts of the Moon with the big impact estimation period? One feature that severely shows lack of connection is the high abundance of water on Earth and virtually none in comparison on the Moon. The Moon is close enough that it should have been hit by cometary debris as soon as some 50 million years ago. Instead the moon shows geology in some aspects older then the entire solar system by a factor of almost 2 billion years plus.
David icke is not a scientist. So, his theory cannot be accepted. He just spread fear. I will believe that moon is a spaceship, just show me the evidence.
Quoting ‘’ …
‘Giant sunspot AR1944 erupted on Jan 7th at approximately 1832 UT, producing a powerful X1-class solar flare. First-look coronagraph images from the STEREO-Ahead spacecraft appear to show a coronal mass ejection (CME) emerging from the blast site. If so, the CME is almost certainly heading for Earth.
Sure, that is one way of looking at it.
*. However, ‘the Moon is an alien space ship’, theory says that Moon has an atmosphere and water (specially on the dark side) , and that might explain the Oxygen isotope ratio finding.
But of course, most of Lunar soil also differ highly from that is of the Earth as well.
*. The ‘other theory’ also says that Moon, before it was hollowed out by another out-of-Earth civilization, used to be a natural Moon of another planet. And thus, perhaps it went through a phase just like Earth (a ‘ball of molten lava’), while becoming a solid natural planet.
*. This theory also explains why the Moon ‘rang like a bell and wobbled’, because it was quite deliberately hollowed out.
*. This theory might also explain why the moon rocks contain ‘Processed metals’, elements of Uranium 236 and Neptunium 237 … that has never been found to occur naturally (says the scientists, not me), because if it was hollowed out by some sort of advanced nucler powered machine, then they could simple be its ‘leftovers’.
*. The Moon, because of its location, when we are having an eclipse, it perfectly blocks the Sun. What a remarkable coincidence when looking at it from the ‘whack theory’, although I do not know it this has any significance to those that live on Earth , it is just a piece of cake to put it into such a position if it is a spaceship that can maneuver by its own power.
*. The Moon does not rotate on its axis, and according to the scientists, it is the only planetary body in our Solar System that does that. Again, what a coincidence. But if it is a spaceship, then it is noting but a matter of pressing a few buttons.
Watch the video again, David only quotes the words of other scientists and respective authors.
There are many other things and I could go all day long, but the heart of the matter is, just as much as the ‘whack theory’ can explain some of the aspects, these alternate theories can also explain them even more easily.
But you see, to understand the bigger picture, you have to study more than just ‘science’. A researcher has to look at human history, physiology, economics, culture, … and (including a bit of intuition) how the society is rendered by them. This is what the scientists of today lack, and that they have very little respect for the history and wisdom of their own civilization and are largely ignorant of other factors when coming up with ‘theories’. Otherwise, I have a lot of respect for the scientific method.
Please ignore the below comment (about the solar flare), I wanted to put it at the bottom of these comments, but ended here by a mistake.
a Mars sized planet will cause huge lightning scars on Earth before collision. check Electric Universe.
Gravity is a weak force so even if debris do collide with one another its bound to fall apart unless the debris collision somehow forms a small sun like core and lit for enough period of time for moon to form.
The Moon is hollow and so are all planets.
its no problem for me to learn from scientist and professor even mainstream but if they firmly believe for example Darwin evolution, starchild is hydrocephaly, planets cores are what we are taught in schools, etc. then its a problem.
First of all, don’t show me the link to some ufo buff.
Second. Gravitational force is very strong force, which holds all the planet in their orbit.
debris will not fall If you know the concept of inelastic collision you will know, when two object collide will high speed they do stick together. They don’t fall into the earth because they travel with orbital velocity. Yes, moon has core because the particles are more densely packed as you go inside a planet, which causes heat.
I hope that answers your question
Electric Universe < not ufo buff.
How was the composition of the moon determined?
Yes, we do evolve from apes, we share 99% of our dna with chimps(our closest relative). Starchild, we all are star child because our body is formed from the elements which is formed inside the star’s core. Yes, planet core is molten lava, which flow because of rotation of earth.This flow of liquid iron generates electric currents, which in turn produce magnetic fields. which protect life on earth.
Our educational system will not change to comfort your ignorance
the reason we share 97% of our genes with chimps is because of melding human genes with primate race
we have 223 genes which are unique to us. also 4000 to 10000 genetic defects found in humans. fused chromosomes all point to genetic engineering.
most life on earth is altered in some way especially domestic plants and animals who started appearing from just 10000 years ago.
i meant Starchild skull actually which mainstream scientists firmly believes is hydrocephaly.
you should check out Lloyd Pye
his words cannot be refuted ^^
For somebody who clearly loves mainstream science, you have it wrong. According to the Theory of Evolution, we didn’t evolve from apes, but the ape families, and us, share a common ancestor who was a precursor to all, one not generally referred to as ‘ape’ itself. 99%? We share some 50% with bananas too, and we couldn’t be more different looks-wise, species-wise. Education systems need to change for more than just to make room for new findings (they come in daily, get rejected daily, because of dogma)
My bad, I wanted to add this comment at the bottom. Not here.
i think Astral Projection is most likely the only choice if anyone want to know something or meet ET’s.
ET’s operate on two or more dimensions 4D/5D. i think ET’s usually are on 4D so are we when we AP or zzz.
To induce AP you can meditate or sleep while keeping yourself awake while your body sleeps and enter strong vibration stage and then sleep paralysis. You can then start moving your Astral Body. ^^
No sooner does Tolec put up a post about that Salinas crop circle then a group comes forward with videos about having made it.
Well Velassar, now we have an interesting crossroads and opportunity to see how Tolec responds. Quite the wave we are riding here. Do try to keep a sense of perspective and humor in the process.
@Gurtej SIngh The credibility of Tolec aside, and with all due respect to Carl Sagan, I don’t think we can trust scientists to give us the truth about ET or technology transfers. Access to this technology has been carefully controlled since Roswell and those scientists working on retrieved crash or transferred technology are kept under the closest surveillance.
All the advances thus obtained have been weaponized and turned into tools of exploitation. Dwight Eisenhower warned about this (the compartmentalization of scientific advancement) in the same farewell speech where he introduced the phrase “that acquisition of power whether sought or unsought by the military industrial complex”. If reports are to be believed this co-opting of science into avenues introduced by the Greys, Reptilians and other regressive races has give us horrors like the genetic experimentation at Dulce.
There is also the curious story of Valiant Thor a “visitor” from Venus who reportedly stayed at the Pentagon for 3 years during the Eisenhower presidency. His offer of unlimited beneficial advances in energy, healing and the positive transformation of our society was rejected on the basis that it would collapse our society.
So instead we got the Graeda Treaty allowing Greys to abduct and experiment on humans in exchange for military technology.
We really don’t know the half of it. Let’s hold the intention that whatever is to come possesses transparency and real benefit for all.
Gentlemen all. Please revizar in INTEREC headlines that maybe you … this will be enough, please spirituality practice exercises -??. Godspeed and bless us
Señores.- todos- por favor revizar, hay noticias en la pagina, sera suficiente para ustedes.??
Do you think, guys, that the world is ready for this type of changes… ? And i’m not only saying to the Ascension; the change to the 4th, 5th or whatever is gonna’ happen, but also to the open communications with Et’s like the Andromedans, Pleiadians… ?
I think… NOT, but i’m anxious how everything changes to better and how the people’s gonna’ react to the changes…
@Velassar and Gurtej Singh
Perhaps we are all trying to figure this out within the wrong paradigm. Tolec gives us his take on outside events but here’s another interesting view of “inside events” and their relationship to the ascension process.
I’ve mentioned Anthony Kane and described how spot on he is with regards to pinpointing energy events in a person’s life. This guy actually experienced a hip replacement done solely through vibratory light and sound (on himself). Before you say it’s impossible I have talked to another person who had a similar experience completely and instantly healing a badly ruptured disc. (separate from Anthony) Those are just a tiny portion of the “observable facts” that we are seeing daily with this fellow’s energy.
Anyway my contact in Pgh has a 12 year old daughter who reported an unusually vivid dream. She likes dragons so the image that appears is not threatening. The dream seems like something a typical precocious pre teen might have. Then read Anthony’s response. If he’s right it is indeed our own inner evolvement that is the key in triggering not only the Dimensional Shift but the healing of this planet.
The dream is narrated by the girl’s mother.
The Dream
A and J, a friend L, and Theo, a character from the book she is writing who can teleport, were all in my room, which is painted blue. Suddenly, a huge, black wall begins to press into my room. This wall is destroying everything in the world that it touches. Suddenly the white, ghostly head of a dragon holographically appears in my room, telling them that the wall will eventually destroy everything, including them. They all panic and try to run downstairs to the kitchen. The kitchen is in some kind of time warp, and they find they are going up and down the stairs repeatedly but never able to get into the kitchen. Then Theo teleports a “water portal” and the stairs turn into a water slide. They jump into the water and after a long slide, are deposited onto the sand of an island beach. They begin to write symbols in the sand, and the dragon head re-appears and tells them that the island is the only place in the world that the great black wall cannot destroy and they will be safe. They then set about the business of creating a new language to use in this new world, and begin to build a tree house.
Anthony’s Reaction
On Sunday, January 5, 2014 2:59 PM,
This means the process in the children is started and happening. This means that many of them across the Planet are having these manifesting dreams of being able to transcend and instantly create; this is the
1st wave of the final movement to graduation for the whole of man\womb-kind. Soon there will be those of us who will have our dream states where we will began to transcend what is in the physical plain whereby we will in the dreamstate actually heal anything that is in the physical 3D.I know that is the edge of where I am right now myself. This is a great signal to the start of us all rising to unity-consciousness, We are going to graduate and this is marvelous. The forces of dark are going down!!!!
Hugs and hugs and kissessseesss to A for this great expression she has manifested with her love and great movement for the whole she has assisted in bring about!!!
That’s the end of Anthony’s comments.
It would be easy to dismiss all this enthusiasm over a 12 yr old’s dream except I keep seeing incredible stuff coming out of and around this guy. She has an 11 year old adopted brother who was continually depressed and acting out. Anthony has some distance sessions with him and suddenly he’s singing happy songs, talking about being a “super kid” and contributing freely in the household. It seems like this guy sets things in motion (or removes blocks) in people that can’t be rationally explained.
And that’s the point, it can’t be rationally explained. We can argue, for good reasons, over Tolec but his is not the only perspective on this situation. Perhaps we really are actively participating in bringing about this shift RIGHT NOW with our own inner creativity. Maybe the real action is the rippling wave of energy that woke enough people up so that the US didn’t bomb Syria over a false flag attack and the nukes that disappeared from that base in West Texas went off relatively harmlessly on the mid atlantic ocean floor instead of in Charlestown harbour as a panicked Lindsey Graham blurted out.
Maybe we are part of a larger web of energy just like every spiritual tradition has spoken of where ever thing is alive in a quantum field.
Something to think about.
@velassar, Tolec has emailed me back saying that our earth will look completely different by the end of this month. So, I assume he still is saying that shift TO 4D will happen this month. Lets see what will happen.
I can’t wait to see what Tolec gonna’ say if nothing happens at the end of this month, January…
he will probably say reptilians use technology to prevent us from going through the changes lol.
for sure, I am glad people are realizing that tolec is fraud. I don’t understand what is problem with these people that are so called alien contactee, who wants us to believe in them without giving us any proof, and with 0% success with prediction.
CARL SAGAN ONCE SAID “”Occasionally, by the way, I get a letter from someone who is in “contact” with an extraterrestrial who invites me to “ask anything.” And so I have a list of questions. The extraterrestrials are very advanced, remember. So I ask things like, “Please give a short proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem.” Or the Goldbach Conjecture. And then I have to explain what these are, because extraterrestrials will not call it Fermat’s Last Theorem, so I write out the little equation with the exponents. I never get an answer. On the other hand, if I ask something like “Should we humans be good?” I always get an answer. I think something can be deduced from this differential ability to answer questions. Anything vague they are extremely happy to respond to, but anything specific, where there is a chance to find out if they actually know anything, there is only silence””
i am just training myself for Astral Projection ^^
can’t just sit and wait for Dimensional Shift. it may even happen next century, nobody knows.
@Gurtej: I am talking about doing something noble for the benefit of humanity. When the Andromedans show up, there must be some sort of confusion, and we can help break the ice, so to speak. I wonder what made you said that, when all I’m saying are good things to aid one another if Earth goes through a difficult period. I look forward to working with the Andromedans. 🙂
We are facing problems now, but when there was a time when we(humans) did’t face any problems. The problems we are facing today will vanish in the future and we will have new challenges. It is a good thing to care about everyone but expecting some aliens to help us is pretty far fetched.
@Julian, Awakened, and the rest here: Let us all become members of a future First Contact Earth-Andromeda Council Friendship Committee. We can make ourselves to be available to be recruited by the Andromedans as representatives of Earth and can help the Andromedans facilitate and nurture goodwill relationships between the Andromedans and the Earth people during the time of the Earth changes.
We can also train on using the Andromedan’s technology so that we can use that tech to help build structures, accommodations, and facilities on Earth that can be used by potential evacuees. If some people choose to be evacuated onboard the Biospheres, we can help act as middlemen between them and the Andromedans to nurture understanding between the two parties. Now is the time for us to participate and work together with our Cosmic brothers and tell them that the benevolent ETs will have many potential allies and friends that would gladly work with them as equal partners when the changes down here require their appearances. Together with the Andromedans, let us make our world a better place for everyone to live in, a place where not a single person would be homeless and die due to hunger. So, do you agree to be members of a future Earth-Andromeda Council Friendship Committee? Please state your opinions and views here.
Dude, you have completely lost your mind
@velassar, your making me laugh. i know that you dont want people to starve and hunger, how about you dont sit you butt complaining all day, make every single day help out the poor or unfortunate ppl ones, not just sit here and cry like a baby waiting for andromedans to come. anyone agrees? since he loves to help, he should help out now instead of waiting
@Julian. That’s a good message from Tolec. Please tell him that Velassar looks forward to working with team members of the Andromeda Council mission team when they come down to help us with the Earth Changes. Please tell them that they can recruit Velassar any time that they want, since I (Velassar) look forward to working with them for a long time.
If they need any representatives of Earth people to speak to them on behalf of Earth, please tell them that they can recruit me to be one of the goodwill First Contact Earth-Andromedan Council frienship committee members.
I can also be trained to work on high=tech machines provided by the Andromedans to help on the rebuilding missions all over Earth once the Earth changes start happening
Yours truly,
I haven’t a clue as to why this U Tube message from Tolec got deleted from my last post but here it is.
I do not believe that the biosphere Xanterexx is – initially – going to be visible… once it arrives into orbit high over Earth space.
My Andromeda Council contacts have given me all of the details that I shared with the global listening internet public… in that video I produced on September 7th… a couple of months ago.
Since then – they have been consistent with me, whenever I ask, that I will simply have to be patient as –
“… everything is unfolding the way that it should.” And that, “…the changes we have spoken of are happening and you can expect many more planet changing ones to happen. Biosphere Xanterexx will arrive into your Earth space… and the people of that biosphere are very excited to get to work… once your earth changes happen. They have been working & preparing a long time for this moment.”
So, this is as much as I know, and therefore… also as much as I’m able to tell you.
In closing – I would not necessarily believe what you are seeing, what your eyes see, the images of “comet Ison” – from various sources.
As I have said before, not everything appears/seems to be… what it actually is. Higher dimensional Andromeda Council technology is so good, so advanced that they can project any number of [holographic] images onto something… to show people whatever it is… they want them to see.
Just think about this for a while……….,
Andromeda Council
Sent to: humorisgood441
@Velassar, The very best way to ensure that Tolec doesn’t answer you is to inundate him with U Tube messages demanding “reassurance” about the timing of the Dimensional Shift. Let that sink in.
Assuming he is being honest he is telling you what he knows and doesn’t control future events. If he’s not being honest and has some other agenda, why would you want to be guided by him anyway?
In either case he has no ethical responsibility to reassure you. His contract with you is very limited. He provides information and gives it to you. That’s it guy.
I have tried in more subtle ways to fill out the picture and Tolec has responded to these requests. Here’s one response which is specific to the questions you are raising.
Now all of this seems like an “evasion” and perhaps it is. But then have a look at this video about Comet ISON and information produced via remote viewing.
Once again you have to decide.
Let me give you one more thing to think about.
When Anthony Kane the fellow I mentioned works on people he give precise information about dates in their lives and the forces that came to rest in their etheric field. Then he intervenes and “clears them”. Sounds great, right?
The only thing is that if one of these implants or entities or energy spears or whatever have become woven into the fabric of your life’s identity the sorting out process that follows will temporarily bring you to your knees. It doesn’t happen with everyone and children seem to have an easier time of it but I’ve seen three people who absolutely fell apart. Sadness, terror, feeling totally lost. All this within hours of him simply interacting with their field.
In one case I’ve had the opportunity to work with the person intensely and it’s clear that all her issues simply came to the surface. Once the “inner child” was safe within a field of light all the other programming started shaking like a house about to implode. She implored Anthony for “answers” just like you are doing with Tolec and the energy that came through him took on a very “tough love” tone.
Once she realized she had to find it inside, she did just that. It was very impressive and taught me a real lesson about the necessity of owning up to all the hidden decisions and choices we have made in our lives that continue to affect us.
My point is that energy shifts bring a tremendous challenge to our lives. It’s not a free pass and this dimensional shift won’t be either. So not only bloom where you are planted but make sure you are weeding out your garden as well. Cause whether it’s here or on 4D you will have to be responsible for everything you carry within.
Think about it Velassar.
If anyone wants to back channel me about this you can use the U Tube messaging to:
i think all planets and stars are multi-dimensional
so Earth already exist in 4D,5D,6D. so if dimensional shift really happens, 3D earth will shift to 4D.
at the same time, those who are 4D natives will become 5D and 5D natives will become 6D and so on.
what happens to 3D Earth after we all shift to 4D?
maybe one of two things, 2D Earth becomes 3D or 3D Earth becomes like Mars (no inner sun because it shift to 4D.)
and who knows maybe Saturn is Sun in 4D and our 3D Sun is Jupiter like in 5D. 3D Jupiter is light blue Sun on 5D according to Alex Collier ^^
also isn’t 4D is where people go when they sleep, have OBE’s or die? (outside the matrix) where they see ET’s and see all the other stuff? where the dead decide to stay, shift again to higher dimension, or come back to incarnate on 3D or is tricked to incarnate again on 3D Earth.
@Julian: I still have my faith that the dimensional shift is not far off, if not this month, then perhaps by February or March, but I am quite irked and annoyed that Tolec hasn’t responded to my and other people’s questions. I have sent him many messages recently and he hasn’t replied to an of them.
He has also failed to provide an updated info on his website on the status of the dimensional shift and whether it is still going to happen this month or not. Tolec needs to give us an explanation and update on the status of the 4D shift. He needs to be an honorable man and tell the truth on the current state of things, regardless of whether the major changes on Earth will start happening this month or not. For those of you reading my message here and have a Youtube account, please send messages to Tolec and ask him whether the shift will really happen this month or not.
If many people ask him questions, he might update his website and give us new info on whether it will really happen this month or not. He shouldn’t give hope to people, only to fail to deliver anything, so if it is not going to happen this month, he should update his website and tell us it might not happen this month after all.
@Velassar My goodness, here is the other side of your hope and excitement sprouting up before you even know what will happen! You are swinging from optimism and hope to anger and recrimination. Whatever happens during the month of January “out there” the real challenge is how you will meet this energetic attachment within yourself. Is this neediness and reactivity something you want to take to 4D with you? Do you really have any question that your own evolvement as a soul would include learning a new stance towards hope and disappointment?
By the way are you “Solar Guardian”? Do you still stand by the impassioned account you gave about your cousin and wealth of unusual events that pointed to a dimensional shift in january? If yes, why are you angry now? Aren’t you one of the “authorities” who urged us to believe?
Tolec continues to answer my e mails regarding the dimensional shift and other subjects. His position hasn’t changed. I think the issue is the way you are approaching him. He wants to give his information, keep everything clean on an emotional level (maintaining a professional distance) and letting people work with their own experience.
Recently I pointed out that if this shift does not occur that there will be a good deal of reactive disappointment just like we are seeing here now. I urged consideration of a project in which healers on the biospheres who are in tune with energetic disturbances like the see/saw pattern demonstrated here, open inner communication to people as a way of helping them mature and come into stable alignment. Remember folks we are constantly manifesting with our thoughts. This includes you, right now.
Anyway it appears it’s not a project or an angle that appeals to Tolec and that is his right. Whether you buy into Tanaath’s position that something is amiss with him or not I think it’s clear that he has priorities that he maintains based on his abilities and professional experience. Tolec is quite talented with respect to organizing and giving presentations. He has artfully arranged visual images and maintained careful control over the information he presents. He see’s himself as a channel for information he received, not a counselor, seer, or media personality dedicated to promoting a cause.
What I get overall is that the clash of personalities, needs and reactivity that is inherent in interactions like we are having simply doesn’t appeal to him. He isn’t going to go there and this has been true from the beginning. Sometimes I wish he would but after seeing the “groupie” like gathering that sometimes occurs on the Silver Legion site (Tanaath’s site) I’ve had to admit it has an upside as well.
So be glad he has drawn his line in the sand. If this drags on 6 or 8 months and we see nothing than that will be information you can absorb, hopefully with maturity and not the reactions of a hurt or disappointed child.
The dimensional shift is coming and people like Simon Parkes speak about how our etheric DNA has already reconnected up to 8 strands. We are headed there, now however it’s time to do our own work.
@Awakened: I am starting to agree with you. Regardless of whether the shift is going to happen this month or not, he still has a responsibility an obligation to reply to people’s questions.
yeah…he should explain
@Awakened: Can I ask you on your opinion why you think Tolec hasn’t been responding to questions about the 4D shift? At least he should reply, even if he was told that the shift was delayed due to some ‘inexplicable reason’ (sarcasm included). I wonder why he even made that website in the first place? He should apologize if his January 2014 info was wrong.
People, who have asked tolec about the shift are very optimistic, and he knows about it. So, he does’t want to confront that person due to his lack of courage to tell them the truth. Tolec is a terrible person