Alex Collier has asked me to remove the letter relating to the film “The Adventures of Captain Denar”.
Dear James, I have heard that a private letter that Audra had drafted, and sent to a few people that was a private correspondence was posted on your site. This letter was not to be posted anywhere, as was stated in that same letter. Could you please remove this letter and make sure that its not posted again on the site. I would really be grateful. I will send you an update next week. Sincerely, Alex Collier
I will post the update if he sends it next week.
James Harkin
On behalf of
Alex Collier – Webinar 228 – March 28th, 2025 – VOD
ALEX COLLIER'S 228TH WEBINAR IS NOW AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND! Alex Collier was live via video stream on March 28th, 2025. His 228th *LIVE* webinar. Webinar #228 was just over two hours and thirty-six minutes long, and Alex answered several questions after his extensive monologue. Hosted by James Harkin from and JayPee, formerly from Wolf Spirit […]
Alex Collier 228th *LIVE* Webinar on Friday, March 28th, 2025!
See Alex Collier LIVE! FRIDAY, March 28th, 2025! Alex is hosting his 228th 2-Hour *LIVE* webinar, including Questions and Answers. This webinar will include subjects: Current Stat., Where Do We Go From Here, Gaining Historic Prospective, And Much More! Exclusively live and hosted by Friday, March 28th, 2025 2pm Eastern. 1pm Central. 12pm Mountain. […]
Alex Collier – Question and Answer Webinar 66 – March 21st, 2025 – VOD
ALEX COLLIER'S 66TH QUESTION AND ANSWER WEBINAR IS NOW AVAILABLE ON DEMAND! Alex hosted his 66th *LIVE* Question and Answer webinar on March 21st, 2025. The webinar was just over two hours and 29 minutes in length. Alex did an extensive monologue before answering questions throughout the remainder of the webinar. Hosted by James Harkin […]
HAARP really blocking out high vibrations colors or frequencies? 😐
According to some conspirers, the true purpose of HAARP technologies is to block out certain frequencies of light that we normally observe in the full-spectrum illuminated skies otherwise known as a rainbow. I myself have noticed two rainbows in the chemtrail-covered skies lately, and there is something wrong with them they only have the lower three vibrations of light red, orange, and yellow. While this could simply be the play of the sun in the sky as it sets, and Lord knows in Texas we observe some very interesting sunsets, it seems that the higher vibrational colors are indeed absent. Where are the beautiful blue, green, indigo and violet in my rainbows?
Some are claiming that by removing these color vibrations or frequencies, the government and whomever they are colluding with, are reducing the natural color vibrations that block negative energy or dark entities from playing on our planet.
Also, according to Ashayana Deane:
The HAARP installation is a high-frequency radio transmitter complex positioned in Gakona, South Central Alaska 160 miles north east of Anchorage.
Operated by the US Navy and Air Force, and Phillips Laboratories (unknowingly on behalf of the Intruders and illuminati).
The US Military intends to use HAARP to focus a billion-watt pulsed radio beam into Earth’s outer atmosphere to be reflected back into Earth.
Transmition of this beam will supposedly form Ultra-ULF waves to “improve submarine communication” (not to mention ET underwater base communications) and will allow detection of subterranean phenomena such as “oil reserves and underground missile silos).
The REAL ET-intended application of the HAARP installation and its other hidden “sisters’ is to assist the “Visitors” (Read: Intruders) in creating the Mass Frequency Fence.
Frequency Fence:
Mass “frequency control devices” (Like HAARP) that eventually have the power to “scramble” selected human brain patterns, thereby blocking out frequencies coming from sources outside the Internal Government control. (Such as those transmitted by other dimensional groups of beings, and also frequencies patterns emanating from the personal and collective Soul Matrix)
Perceptual Interference:
The creation and manufacturing of events, by means of Keylonta, of a particular hologram (holographic inserts) as mass hallucinations to make us believe are “real”.
Through manipulating the impulse codes intrinsic the human biology, literal “reality pictures” can be created to the unsuspecting human to perceive. This is called Perceptual Interference.
These are not mental images or simple hallucinations, but rather actual three-dimensional reality overlays (called holographic inserts) that emerge into the surrounding objective environment. These contrived “reality pictures” can be coded to emerge as past memory or as present time three-dimensionally objective experience.
Unlike simple hallucination the “reality picture” not only affects the individual or group who is being altered, but also affect anyone coming into the encoded perimeters of its boundaries.
It is as if someone created a “virtual reality” picture for you to walk through, and its contours are so seamless compared to your “real” reality that you don’t realized anything has changed.
A frequency fence is a technology possessed by those who have a working understanding of universal physics. Through the manipulation of sound wave patterns many things can be created, for the energy you identify as sound serves as the “glue” that hold together matter-patterns within the Time Matrix.
Sound directs matter, and thus anything “cloaked in matter” can be directly influenced by sound.
The human DNA functions within a very specific pattern of frequency. This frequency directs all the body processes and thus the type and range of perception that can be experienced through the biological organism. (The frequency codes within which your conscious focus will take place)
The frequency fence creates a “perceptual block” by altering the electrical impulse patterns and thus the chemical and hormonal operations within the biological structure.
This “perceptual block” can limit the range of perception, creating a literal barrier, of selected electrical impulses or frequencies in a biological organism.
For more info, Go to:
And sign up, and look up Everything on the site, crazy, very!!!
Just take it easy while visiting the site, if it gets to much, sign out please.
Just think for yourself please, some say that her info is not what you think it is, again, think for yourself, make your own decision, thanks.
Just to let everyone know, even in very heavy fog weather, I can see the sightings very easily, they are all over the place, Very foggy weather, it doesnt matter what kind of weather, I see them every day but this was very interesting, heavy fog and sightings are right in front of the fog for me to see them.
Hey guys
I followed your conversation the last weeks and enjoyed just reading your thoughts. Many times i recognized myself in your posts. The funny thing, which i realized is, that this whole conversation could have also only occured in my mind. Alex grapped my intention with his 2009 japan panel discussion. They way he talked and some conclusions from the A`s really hit me hard. For me personally, the philosophical stuff is off-world and i am thinking a lot about their teachings over the week.
But as drawn to that stuff as i am, i also have a problem, it is february, isnt it?, with the fact, that we still have to endure 3D. Well, that would be okay, if alex or tolec, had posted an update on their websites, but they didn t. When the As knows us so well, then they should know, and especially in regard of the extremes of our emotions we are capable of, that for many, who are more then enthusiatic engaged to make first contact to happen, the beginning of february without “any” changes at all, is at least frustrating.
We are talking about the biggest event in human history, in my opinion, and all we get is cliffnotes and the explanation of multiple coexisting timelines, which are the reasons why some predictions have happened or not. I would be happy to say, that multidimensional stuff is crap, but in many cases it makes really sense for me, especialy when alex talked about 9 coordinates they use, 6 for space, 3 for time. I liked that concept of 3 time coordinates. Back, forth, alternate endless realities – especially when you put in the concept that everything that could happen, has already happened and will happen again.
The best metaphor i can come up with is, when you know it s going to be christmas u put the christmas stuff out. Maybe it s just our human curiosity and addiction to always take the fast path, but when they ignoring our immense emotional capability to looking forward to something, then they really lack the understanding of the greatest source of creativity we have, which i think is one main point, which makes earth humans earth humans.
Please excuse my english grammatics.
In my native language i also have huge problems to create small and short sentences. .)
In best regards,
If you see that your house is on fire, would you rather call 911 or wait to hear the smoke detector’s alarm first?
in my house smoke detector is so strong that smoke is not even up in the air and it starts beeping
@Gurtej Singh: Yeah, Tolec is a damn liar!! I have been eagerly awaiting for January 2014 since I listened to Tolec’s interview with Alfred Webre back in 2011 and after 2 years in 2012 and 2013 I am surprised that nothing has happened yet! Tolec should apologize now on his website!!!
It is not just 2014 prediction that did t happen. He made a lot of prediction back in 2011 that will happen in early 2013 but not even single one happened. I knew after that he not a contactee but a fraud. He said his soul is from dokotae. We all know life does not exist in Pleiades, since it is only 300 million years old and we can still see the nebula’s surrounding stars. So right now they are pretty hot for life. Even his name rhymes with one another. His biospheres “”Pleiadara”” derives from “”Pleiades”” and “”namanstae”” derived “”NAMASTE”” (Sanskrit word for greetings in india). Tolec is fraud but also an idiot
for not researching enough.
Nothing happened and January is gone.
Alot of stuff is happening on a daily basis, but far as awakening goes, I believe it is starting but very very gradually, its going to create a domino effect one way or another, just matter of time.
lets see what is in the future
@Everyone who has watched the Simon Parkes interview that highlighted the Mantis people. I just got an e mail from a colleague in Pittsburgh who reported spontaneous contact with the Mantis last night. Javon is her 11 year old son.
Last night Javon and I were both visited by the Mantis People. They were working on my Cranial System. Even heard some weird banging just outside my window. It was really weird. They kept telling me to let them help me with my Cranial System because it was “urgent” and there “isn’t much time left”. They seemed to be a bit frantic in their energy and kept saying the word ‘urgent”.
I asked how it went and she followed up with this.
Javon was unaware…
I was very ambivalent, but allowed it to proceed after they told me who they were. It did not hurt, and it really felt like they were untwisting my dural tube.
These contacts began a week ago when Anthony Kane was staying with her but the tone of “urgency” is interesting given the heads up we’ve been given about the next 72 hours being critical. ( Of course we see a lot of this stuff but it’s hard to miss the fact that the Super Bowl football game is on for this weekend and the NSA head James Clapper is beating the war drums about Al Qaida terrorism in an especially vociferous manner. (…210428344.html) Anyone else picking up stuff around this?
There is no need to “hang on” to anything. The greatest danger with deadlines and predictions is that the ensuring disappointment creates another swing in the pendulum that is just as misleading as the initial enthusiasm.
I just spent 5 days with Anthony Kane and I can tell you that the entire scenario of ascension, ET’s both positive and regressive and an inner etheric field from which we draw energy is undeniably real. We will be putting up a web site for Anthony and hopefully include a blog and testimonials from those he worked with. Bottom line from someone who watched it all first hand, the world of multi dimensional energy and interactions we’ve read about in all these accounts is real. We are indeed much more complex and multi leveled than anyone realized.
Anthony advises that the earth is entirely capable of splitting into up to 32 different expressions of itself. Those who resonate with fear and conflict and choose a 3D experience will remain on that level. Others will shift their dimensional focus. He doesn’t give a date, rather the word is that it is the earth herself that will choose and all her delays are intended to give as many as possible a chance to shift their own frequency to be specific with the higher levels.
So do your work of soul evolvement with dignity and inner purpose. The economy is not recovering Awakened, problems are not being solved they are being whitewashed and covered over with mass media misrepresentations. Earth changes are happening in unusual ways and will continue to do so. We are clearly being set up for a fall and yet there are many signs of mass awakening and clearing of energy that are positive. So a dynamic process is underway.
Anthony’s site will be check back in a week or so.
No one knows what is in the future. It is a mystery. Different people have different views on how the changes will happen like alex collier, tolec, drunvalo, dolores canon etc. We are in the age of Aquarius, and tolec was right about 11.11.11 because that was the day when our planet entered into this age. The transition might take a while or it might happen quickly I DON’T KNOW. The changes might be radical(might happen tomorrow) or gradual (might take over 100 years).
Every culture on this planet has talked about the age of spiritual enlightenment, which will be preceded by chaos. I don’t know when it will happen but I am sure it will happen in my lifetime.
“So do your work of soul evolvement with dignity and inner purpose.”
Julian, man, you nailed it flawlessly.
Also understand that alot of the earth calamities,and etc, we are getting alot of help with that, yes.
And yes, many people are being contacted at this time, I dont think no way in the world we can do this alone, they way we vibrate on this earth, so low, 3rd density, but yes alot of people are waking up, about time, planet is in dead coma for long time, now the sleeping gods(us) is finally regaining consciousness, Very very very critical time to be on this planet.
I believe we must do the work ourselves, its the only way we can permanently evolve, if someone does the work for us = we will never learn and Spiritually grow.
Now we are approaching towards the end of the month and nothing seems to happen. Infact, we had fewer earthquakes in 2013 in more than decade. The sun has already flipped its poles. The present solar cycle is weakest in centuries. The US war in Afghanistan will end in dec 2014. US economy is recovering, we are now at 6.7% unemployment rate. Everything is going smooth, and it seems we will solve are problems gradually. I am sorry but I am not seeing signs of any ascension or alien assistance. This will be my last message on this website since I already dropped this whole ascension phenomenon. I now actually regret believing in this whole thing because it caused few failures in my life.
Don’t lose the faith, Awakened, ;-).
vaccines and flu shots are working against ascension
why they are putting mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and other crap in it.
also HAARP and Hadron Collider has something to do with holding us back too. check Simon Parkes.
i think 4D/5D/6D Earth is already there, its us who should be working hard on raising vibrations and helping yourself and others around you.
To raise your vibration you can meditate and enter deep trance, practice quiet mind all day, practice deep physical relaxation. when you sleep your mind must be awake and body asleep. no negative thoughts.
we experience 4D (aka etheric plane or astral plane) every night when we go to sleep and shift consciousness in Astral Body but because we are asleep spiritually too, we don’t remember a thing.
if you manage to wake up in your astral body you will experience 4D, 5D, see locals, ET’s, and more.
from Robert Bruce:
also check Robert Monroe and Rich West rich2150x on youtube.
Also, back in 2012, Ashwin Farinacci,a contactee for a group of interdimensional ETs known as “The Elohim” told him that the next major global cataclysm since the sinking of Atlantis would happen during the time of the next Pope after Pope Benedict XVI, which is the current Pope Francis. He said that in an interview in May 2012, meaning that he already knew that nothing would happen in December 21 2012, since on that day, Benedict was still the Pope.
It wasn’t until March 2013 that the current Pope was installed, so we’re now right in the timeline for when “that” would happen. Exact time frame is unknown, but Tolec’s time frame of January 2014 won’t be that far off, I guess. In other words, if not this month, sometime in the first quarter of 2014.
@Julian: Many sources have been saying many world-changing events would happen in 2014. I really believe so. Have you guys played the Final Fantasy game series and other Japanese RPGs? In those games, many world-changing events happened throughout the course of the games, changing everything, from society to the geography and others of the game world.
I think such an event would happen in our real world too, just as Tolec, and other sources have been saying for quite some time now. DHS and FEMA haven’t been preparing like crazy since last year for nothing. We need to open our eyes and research on lots of scientific data in order to be aware of events in our solar system. The first thing we need to pay attention to is our Sun. Scientists stated that they are at a loss to explain why it has recently lulled in activity for the lowest since 100 years ago. An autistic kid also recently stated to a guy from a forum, that “The Sun is tired”……..
You know what was interesting about the ff series, take FFVI(FF 3 in America) for example, you all remember Kefka correct? Remember the floating continent scene??
When kefka was doing something with thoses 3 statues, I think this is when you fight the ultima weapon boss, He does something with the 3 statues, then he seems like hes playing god like, creating earthquakes, etc,etc,etc.
A global world destruction, then sometime went by after that, all your comrades re-joins later.
FF3 was a great game and still is and still among the best rpg ever made, FFIV(FF2 in America) Is my favorite rpg of all time on any system made, one of my other all time favorite is Panzar Dragoon Azel(Saga in America and Europe) for the sega saturn.
dude i really enjoyed final fantasy especially 6! in the end kefka reminds me of the archons cuz theyre fallen angels lol.
Hey sorry to post so much now but I thought all of you would enjoy these two e mails I got from my friend in Pgh who is spending time with Anthony Kane.
By the way Velassar, Anthony says we have a couple of years yet to go in 3D AND that we may have some difficult times before that occurs. He talks a lot about each person becoming responsible for raising their vibrations so as to become frequency specific to the shift. Unlike Tolec, Anthony (and others) say that not everyone will move to 4/5D but rather those staying behind will experience a continuation of current tensions.
The priestess group are a collection of women who have organized to focus their energy on helping the planet. So I suppose if you want to attract the ET’s get a group together and hold a positive intention for our future. “The ET’s help those who help themselves”.
First e mail.
We just saw two starships (Arcturians) in the clouds and they told us they are here for the activation and opening of the stargate portal at the Fountain at the Point…where the Priestesses created an energetic temple. Tonight we (my Priestess group) are meeting in Ceremony with Anthony to activate and open the portal. They are showing up tonight!!!!! All of our
star-seeded peoples…Arcturians, Andromedans, Pleiidians, Sirians, (and Anthony is one of the Originals) will be coming in through the stargate portal.
I am so full of energy and excitement that I can hardly sit still!!!
Second e mail
Julian…being with Anthony for several days is an amazing experience. Not only are we having FUN, but his energy in my space, house, office is changing everything. He is truly GIFTED and I am becoming more and more in touch with and resonating with the Council of Twelve and they are beginning to manifest and work through me too. Last night after our Priestess group we saw a multitude of starships hovering around the Point and 3 Rivers skies. They were cloaked but he pointed them out and how he sees them and I was shown how to detect their energy fields and could then find them too. We stood on Mt Washington and did this at midnight! He kept saying, wow, there is a lot of activity here and they are watching the clearing of the control grid along the 3 rivers, which is what our priestess ceremony was about with him last night. All the starships were observing !!!
Hi Guys,
You know I almost hate to post this link because while some of the information seems credible I continue to believe that predictions of an immanent acsension to 4D are misleading. And for sure Velassar has given us a living example of how desperate one can become around this stuff.
Having said (and meant) all of that, there is a 5 part series on BPearthwatch that I think has a lot of good information. Here’s a link to the 5th installment but if you stop it immediately you’ll see tabs for parts 1 through 4 on the right hand side. It seems like a continuation of the interview Tolec posted on his site 1/13/14 but perhaps it actually occurred later.
These folks have a born again Christian perspective which means all ET’s are demons and any building up of energies simply means the gates of hell are about to open. However if you chalk that one up to their religious ideology it sounds to me like the Michael character is really speaking from direct knowledge and if you listen to him a number of points are consistent with what various people are saying.
See what you think. And Velassar PLEASE, absorb information but never lose sight of the fact that you have to develop yourself apart from all of this. Really this could go on for years, and likely will.
Hi Velassar,
For me that video is, well, characteristic of a genre that screams out to be ignored. Several steps below BPearthwatch. Remember the Thomas Hughes John Allen interview Tolec pointed us to emphasized there would be no disaster and that things would happen in January (or should have happened already).
If you and we are going to be honest observers and participants we have to digest all the information of our experience not cling to one perspective. Truly, take a break. Get a cup of coffee, sit somewhere quiet and see yourself passing through this time of constant emotional buffeting, finding your own talents and heart. Once you become more grounded you’ll be amazed at how empty and pointless these videos then become. Remember if you spend all your time eagerly awaiting some outside event you will become hollow like Gollum from the Lord Of The Ring, constantly hungering for that one external thing that has come to hold sway over him.
On a different note, Anthony Kane is currently in Pgh and I am getting e mails from my friend about seeing Starships in the clouds and dimensional portals getting ready to open. Anthony will be coming here on Tuesday and hopefully I’ll be able to up all of you. However it is so important to remember that these changes could go on for years, for the rest of our lives and longer. So be a good observer and also a participant in life. Make your contribution guy, don’t waste this time.
Velassar is just wasting his time trying to find videos that will reinforce his conformation bias. Dude get off your computer and enjoy the life that is given to you. I am feeling so bad for you that you might end up looser in life, spending lot of your time on these JOKE videos and not exploring your talents or living a life. You probably has sen lot of these videos, ask yourself one thing how many predictions from these videos have come to pass. But you still watching it. CO’MON
nice one, awakened. i’ve been awakened by the liars’ predictions that nothing will ever happen and never ever to fall into these silly traps again.
beware of vaccines and flu sh*ts.
its not there to protect you but to slow poison you, negatively alter your brain chemistry, impair developing immune system, change dna, etc.
i think effects of vaccine usually wont be noticed immediately but 10-15 years or later. long enough time for most people to not even think vaccines caused it.
i myself had polio vaccine given to me when i was kid which i think caused this,
slightly deformed my right joint of my jaw a little bit. used to prevent me from fully opening my mouth because it caused my jaw to lock on the right sometimes. had to punch myself to get it back to normal before. (my jaw was once even locked badly when i had went to dentist to remove my bad tooth when they forced me open my mouth fully. it was scary.)
today it doesn’t lock but it hurts a bit and i hear small crackling like sounds only on the right but i can open mouth nearly fully which is good. glad that vaccine didn’t cause anymore serious damage 🙂
Julian, and everyone here, I just found a video below that might confirm and corroborate Tolec’s claims that Earth will have massive changes before this spring. Please click below link and watch 🙂
Now, I’m getting excited. I can’t wait for that to happen 🙂
Thank you, I’ve got it now.
Also please check out unrelated videos thats on my site and let me know what you think, also check out my:
Unfolding the inner consciousness videos.
MGS4 tribute videos
And among others.
Also Julian, very very important, please also view on my playlist on my front page:
Maurizo Cavallo(Clarion Abductee/contactee)Files:
Make sure you use the auto caption thats already implemented within youtube, its within the video screen border, click translate to italian to english.
Very important video series, last part, no auto translate function is available, sorrie.
Also in regards to my unrelated videos to this subject, let me know what you think of them.
check out:
2K year chinese legacy of Hokuto No Ken.
Its my favorite anime of all time back in the days, all edited by me, let me know what you all think.
ascend karna salee kusiyan ne
Lot’s of interesting stuff but I am not seeing the The Pleiadian Prophecy files on that page. Can you help us out a bit in finding it?
Scroll down to where you see:
Multiple Section II Files:
Should be in that category.
You all, click on my DimensionalVortex name, then scroll down on my front page till you see the:
The Pleiadian Prophecy files
I already find it, ;-).
I think no one knows what truly is gonna’ happen… xD
agree. ^^
either something will happen or aliens are just fooling with us. we will know.
OR Contactee are all frauds
Even worse Velassr, if you listen to the very end of the interview he defines “ascension” as coming into deeper insights and understandings of who were are as humans. While this does not exclude the dimensional shift we’ve talked about here it certainly doesn’t make it an explicit meaning either.
I have no problem with your seeing it through this time in terms of the whole Tolec experience. That is the logical and sensible thing to do. Just remember, if January turns to February, March etc be open to all aspects of the experience, the hope and the disappointment.
It would be quite wonderful and powerful if Tolec were to grab the bull by the horns and candidly talk about the impossibility of actually sorting out these types of events. My sense is however that just like the old TV series “Lost In Space” this will go on indefinitely and for reasons I can’t pretend to understand.
There is no question that life is an amazing and important process and we are in it. If this doesn’t play out along the lines Tolec said then it is still playing out according to a larger set of factors and we are co creating it. The most important opportunity we will ever have is how we work with that co creation and every single thing counts.
Good luck