Alex Collier has asked me to remove the letter relating to the film “The Adventures of Captain Denar”.
Dear James, I have heard that a private letter that Audra had drafted, and sent to a few people that was a private correspondence was posted on your site. This letter was not to be posted anywhere, as was stated in that same letter. Could you please remove this letter and make sure that its not posted again on the site. I would really be grateful. I will send you an update next week. Sincerely, Alex Collier
I will post the update if he sends it next week.
James Harkin
On behalf of
Alex Collier 228th *LIVE* Webinar on Friday, March 28th, 2025!
See Alex Collier LIVE! FRIDAY, March 28th, 2025! Alex is hosting his 228th 2-Hour *LIVE* webinar, including Questions and Answers. This webinar will include subjects: Current Stat., Where Do We Go From Here, Gaining Historic Prospective, And Much More! Exclusively live and hosted by Friday, March 28th, 2025 2pm Eastern. 1pm Central. 12pm Mountain. […]
Alex Collier – Question and Answer Webinar 66 – March 21st, 2025 – VOD
ALEX COLLIER'S 66TH QUESTION AND ANSWER WEBINAR IS NOW AVAILABLE ON DEMAND! Alex hosted his 66th *LIVE* Question and Answer webinar on March 21st, 2025. The webinar was just over two hours and 29 minutes in length. Alex did an extensive monologue before answering questions throughout the remainder of the webinar. Hosted by James Harkin […]
Jedi Admirals & Humanity’s Awakening – An interview between Dr Michael Salla, George Kavassilas, JP and Alex Collier – September 19, 2024
Are you ready to confront a reality far beyond our current understanding? A reality where powerful, psychic “Jedi Admirals” are secretly working to dismantle a global human trafficking ring, and advanced Medical bed technology promises a transformative future? This is not science fiction; this is the startling revelation emerging from a recent Exopolitics Today’s Q&A […]
Earth changes or Earth expansion might accompany Earth’s dimensional shift. Guys, please check out the links below to read examples of the changing Earth as proof of her upcoming density shift.
Hi All,
Update From Tolec via e mail interactions that have been posted on a different site. Apparently approved by Tolec and definitely sound like him.
In other developments Anthony Kane finally got his web site up.
Hopefully we’ll update the testimonial section and I’d like to start a blog there sometime soon.
@Maelstrom and Luis,
I think you’ve got some confusion about the CERN device. Simon Parkes says it’s intended to open a stargate to reinforce the bad guys (reptilians) and hijack our consciousness into a negative time line. That’s why it was sabotaged and why the cabal is desperate to rebuilt it before 2016 when they run out of time. This information was key for me because so many of the elements he referred to were confirmed (in a misrepresented fashion) by the main stream media. Points specifically confirmable,
1) CERN was set to run on 12-21-12,
2) It failed to achieve full power up,
3) Simon Parkes has a screen shot from CERN showing the failure to power up suggesting he has credible inside sources.
4) A crash rebuilding program is underway
5) Completion of the upgrade is scheduled for 2015
6) This incredibly expensive upgrade is happening with the EU teetering on the edge of financial collapse
anything that is spent billions on is not good for humanity in most cases.
What the heck are you talking about guys? CERN exist and have been using particle accelerators since 1957..not 12-21-12! And the Large Hadron Collider is in service since 2008!! Get your fact straight please!
Hi Julian!!
That sounds like Sci-Fi to me… ¡¡¡O_o!!! Let’s just hope they fail again, and again… ¡¡¡We must be FREE!!! ¡¡¡Our mind is OURS!!!!
By the way… what do you mean with 2016 “they run out time”?
Cheers to all!!
Simon Parkes
“A special op uniform patch of a Templar with a sword depicting protection of the Earth “grid”, which is an artificial energetic construct which acts to prevent souls from returning to the Source, and serves to entrap human souls into endless recycling with little or no memory of previous lives. This “grid” is an Archontic technological construct that is connected to what “light” we encounter in Near Death Experiences and at death, and is really a trap to keep our souls from moving to Source and throws us back into bodies to be recycled.”
more info please.
What does Alex Collier know about this?
Keggy Pane calls it Net.
Who else talk about this on Youtube?
My guess is there would be around 25 billion or more souls trapped on lower astral plane/realtime/etheric plane, not exactly 4D but between 3D and 4D where the earth grid/net the artificial energetic construct would most likely be. maybe also the reason why population keep increasing because of recycling and how there’s always brainwashed soul available and put in fetus the moment brain and or pineal gland developed.
btw shouldn’t people who are expert at Astral Projection able to easily see this Earth Grid?
Bring it on darkness, thats why I am here, The more bad news comes into this planet, The more evil grows, Its just making me more stronger inside, keep it coming, the wont be last very long in the end.
Very interesting when I looked up this man and claimed that CERN real motive was not to look into dark matter but to bring or help escape the – forces that are here, Very interesting, I had a feeling something was up with that large hadron collider(LHC), There was something else beside what we been told.
But in the end, I could be wrong, I dont judge book by its front cover or take anything for granted, you simply cant in this day of age.
Very interesting however, Is it true? Who knows, I wouldnt doubt for a second that is.
No doubt about it, we are in the Final conflict, what we do now as a race will greatly effect everything, everything is changing now, stay +.
Maelstrow, without any doutb that wouldn’t be strange… that thing of the CERN as a escape… who knows, we have to wait.
BTW, who was the man that said that?
And… where i can see… let’s just say how many bad guys are left or how are they being arrested?
found more info on white light trap here:
it may seem hard to believe that we created such place like this to torture us but we must know that this creation is a place were we are to learn. i feel that most date that was given by the andromadans could have been pushed back because there is a possibility that more could wake up. there are plenty of people i have seen to be hard headed and unwilling to make a change actually making changes in their own life. i find this very nice to see and important to take note of. yes there are some out there that still refuse to change because they cling to the old world sill; this world is the one of greed and poverty. they still refuse to take any step forward but the ones who have made the choice to move forward out of the old world will be taking part in something very grand. i am glad that many people are really learning about who they are and that really means a lot to not just us but to the many extraterrestrial races that are out there. imagine if we were to go into the 5th density as a broken society. we would make a mess of the 5th density which is why the andromadans are so concerned about us making the leap. like alex has said many times over, not everyone will make it, but the people who chose to make a change and help with this profound time are the ones who have shown that our race is not a complete hopeless mess. the races who said they didn’t want anything to do with us had seen what we did to each other and dealing with a race like ours to the andromadan council is a very undertaking task and very time consuming. the races that did decide to help us saw our potential and knew that many of use may not make it but felt that we were able to show that not everyone on this planet is a lost cause. through the information Alex has given to us, i was able to find out who i was and am very glad for that. if i didn’t discover alex i would have been wondering around like everyone just living life out like a robot. the dark ones will try and try to beat us to submission but that beating will only make unite us more giving us the strength to fight against this darkness that has come to our planet. we should be ready for this leap because it could be coming soon.
sorry for the very long message. just felt like typing this out here. I’m sure i have a reason for it, im just not sure why i felt the sudden urge to type this. perhaps something in me knew it was important.
Daniel… what i have to do to be ready to this dimensional shift? DNA Activation?
Sorrie If I responded to you, Stay positive at all times, thing for yourself, help others when they need be, be compassionate towards your fellow humans and to other life within or outskirts of this planet, profound respect for others and to life itself, Have unconditional love towards life and yourself, STAY AWAY FROM FEAR, Forgive the people you have harmed or vice versa as its the only you you can progress and take 100% unconditional self-responsibility for yourself.
Thanks, Maelstrom.
And yet we want to go to another planet and start Anew in this terrible condition? Cant even watch our own fellow men’s back, cant watch out for our very own home planet, Cant even take unconditional self-responsibility for ourselves, we cant even love one another, all we do is look at each other in disgusted and hateful way, try to say hi to someone one, looks at you and goes back to their good for nothing worst POS ever made/invented on the face of the earth, the Infamous cell phones, it has rendered this race communicating less and some instances, lazy.
And everyone is trying to say, please save me or help me, IT AINT COMING, and the reason for it I already said the reasons, Thats why you can ask for help all you want and it aint coming.
You all, stop for a moment, look at what you are creating for yourself, look at the present earth and humanities consciousness condition, where technology is heading and our spiritual condition along with it, Thanks, I made my point.
Here’s the mother lode. Velassar if this doesn’t float your boat I don’t know what will.
John Allen is the friend of Thomas Hughes. The two of them were on several internet interviews and I believe they are totally sincere.
You are all gonna love this one.
And one more thing, do you get everyday sightings, no matter what time of the day or weather like myself???
You can always email me on the tube channel if you want, but be very careful, I understand I am being closely monitored, even in my area, I believe there is Undercover government agents and et’s are all closely observing me, and I aint stupid, I know they are, even if they dont admit it, I am paying attn to every single speck of the little droplets, no one in the world is going to fool me.
Also in regards about you said about my 3rd consciousness video, I try not to put anything when someone says religious stuff like jesus,etc,etc, but I put certain things depending on how I feel or necessary.
Did you watch all parts?? pt 1a-1b,3,4a-4b,5a-5b???
Questions and answers from Simon Parkes posted today on Project Avalon.
The questions are numbered and Simon’s answers begin with an S notation.
The first question follows up on Simon’s statement that the cabal won’t act decisively until they are 75% sure of success.
[1.Can you safely identify the source of this information, the 75% prediction? Does it come from your extended ET family, insider knowledge or your own intuition? Or is it better not to say?
S: A member of the Rothschild family.
[2.]Are we close to the 75% probability where the control freaks will risk it all?
S. We’re on 75% now
3.What major event(s) would identify the control freaks are ready to risk it all?
S. The US already tried three times over two presidents and failed. Basically, there isn’t going to be some sign for us to look for because that point has already been reached; they’re already trying it.
4) If the control freaks do not decide to risk it all, can you give us a brief description of major future changes you expect in the lives of humans?
S. If they don’t try to risk it all, then it’s going to take humanity longer to evolve. The iluminati need to do what they do so that humanity evolves faster.
5. The Draco Reptilians have the bad reputation in this local universe. But are there some Reptilians races who have progressed spiritually beyond the Draco Reptilians so involved with Earth?
S: 1. Partially yes. Native Reptiles (native to Earth)
6. Have you met any Reptilians more spiritually evolved than the Draco Reptilians so involved with controlling Earth?
S. Yes. Native reptiles.
7. Have the Draco Reptilians forgotten who created them? Or do they think they created themselves?
S. They have forgotten who created them. But in their law, that is no longer important because they are so full of themselves that their origin is no longer important.
8) After giving so much valuable information to us all, are you aware of any reactions, positive or negative, from your ET families or the intelligence services?
S. From ET, no. From Intelligence Services, no. From Satanic forces, yes.
9 Has any information you have received from your ET families or intelligence services felt as though the information was deceptively incomplete or distorted?
S. No
10. Who was in charge of The Fukishima tragedy in Japan, if it was an unnatural event. And what was its main purpose for it.
S: Reptilians/US government. Its purpose to destroy Japan’s economic base and to bring the Japanese government back into line with the US government.
11. In Egypt we see the snake symbol being worn on the pharoahs head dress. Were the pharoahs from Egypt of the reptillian race. And what purpose did they serve. I often pondered that Egypt is now transformed to the Roman Vatican and has its ties to The US Government as we can see both the Vatican and Washington DC both have obelisks like Egypt around there structures.
S. The pharaohs were hybrids (genetically created by reptilian command) and the reason that both London and New York have obelisks is to honour the reptiles through the history of the Egyptian dynasty.
12. Do you believe the chemtrails are being used to shield the suns frequencys or any beneficial frequencys from hitting earth. I believe these frequencys are coming for the betterment of the human race. Perhaps a binary download update…..if you will.
S. It is not possible to block the type of frequency that is and will be bathing the earth. Chemtrails are not related to this at all.
(The next question begins by referring to the Reptilian King as Anu (from Annunaki).)
13) Thank you for your most thought provoking answers. I did not know that Anu was what you refer to as your ‘dad’ . So in dad’s eyes/perception are you the rebellious son?
S. Not the rebellious son, but the son that must make the choice/ the two worlds’ son.
14) Is he angry that you are sharing his secret about the mechanics of the light trap?
S. No, because the thousands who are on Avalon and read this information are but a small percentage of the Earth’s population who have no idea of the truth.
15) Or perhaps relieved that this system he created is coming to a final finale? Perhaps Anu has reach the stage in his existence where he desires to see the real source light so long forgotten?
S. Unfortunately, this is not the case. He wishes the status quo to continue.
16) As I understand it, Anu has not only trapped Earth beings with this light trap, others too, even his own race. Is this by any chance what the dimensional wars are all about? And perhaps explain some of the old wars too? And, are Anu’s own races rebelling also, basically wanting to break free of this light trap control and reconnect to their true Self/Source? Such a change of thought would be such a welcomed game changer in this vast space game of chess.
S. I think this is a very fair point.
Interesting huh? That 75% tipping point has certainly got my attention. Hold on folks, the next chapter is upon us.
Sorry this was the final like I referred to in the seoond to last paragraph. I hit send before pasting it in.
Hi Maelstrom,
You have posted quite a number of links but I did watch the Part 3 “reworked” regarding raising consciousness. Since it’s in English I do have reactions. I’d love to correspond in more detail and perhaps be part of the creative process but here’s some feedback off the top.
1) Your production values are consistently good. Visual editing is good, the initial music is a little too obvious in it’s “uplifting” intention but still workable. I’d tone it down to begin with and introduce it more gradually as the content builds.
2) You’ve incorporated several very powerful and evocative clips and references that work very well. However other clips work against your purpose and I’ll discuss that below. Basically I’d revisit the selection process.
3) The theme is well chosen. Raising awareness is timely and important.
4) Content editing needs work. The initial Aaron Russo piece should make it clear he is talking about what he learned from Nicholas Rockefeller. Referencing the RFID chip issue from Russo would also be very useful. Russo was a very sympathetic figure and telling the story through his words is a powerful vehicle.
5) The use of Fundamentalist Christians is problematical on several levels and points to an inconsistency in your quality control around selecting video for this piece. I’ll be specific.
First off their emphasis on “sin” contradicts the message of empowerment from Alex Collier and the whole consciousness raising community. So the listener is left scratching their head as to what you are actually trying to say.
Secondly I can assure you that the charismatic “come to Jesus now before it’s too late” message will be an immediate turn off will signal many listeners to discount everything that follows. This is unfortunate because some of their content is quite good (mind control via the media) but you have to be very judicious in your editing or you risk losing your audience.
For those like myself who understand the specific background of the various characters it seems like you are losing focus and trying to co opt people into a unified message when in fact this is not their position. The fundamentalists view Alex Collier (and everyone not in their camp) as misguided sinners doing the devil’s work and all ET’s to be demons. What you would essentially be doing is setting yourself up for debunkers to invalidate your position by quoting others from the fundamentalist community. I’m not sure if this represents a cultural gap between Italian and American sensibilities towards religion but it needs some work.
6) Including the Indian woman could work but it needs a clearer message. People understand that India represents a source of eastern spiritual understanding but her message needs to be made more relevant and palpable for the audience.
I hate to say it but some well chosen iconic footage of the WTC towers coming down on 911 along with print commentary that ties together the hoax aspect and it’s intended purpose in launching an endless war on terror would add significant power, relevance and highlight the contrasting spiritual message provided by the Indian woman very well.
7) I would also update the implications of the financial tyranny and scamming of the public with material from James Corbett’s site which is completely fair use and open source based. ( have a look at Feb 12 2014 Against Fascism: Towards the Separation of Business and State) Gerald Celente is another good one who generates good sound bite type statements about the fraudulent financial structure of our society and it’s impending collapese.
Even a short inclusion of new material will increase the “relevancy” index tremendously. People are impressed with big figures and the fact that it’s ongoing adds punch to the message. It also ties in nicely with Phil Schneider’s message in that a chunk of those missing trillions went to constructing the enormous underground network he refers to. This link has a useable picture of giant tunnel boring equipment and references how many of the “disappeared” children end up in these bases. Both Alex Collier and Simon Parkes talk directly about how the Reptilians eat child. Tie that in with shots of George Bush Sr and Jr with their reptilian eyes and you have an amazing juxtaposition of images and messages.
Lot’s of fun to think about. Let me know if you would like more ongoing collaboration and we can shift over to back channel e mails.
When I mentioned about series, I meant the:
Maurizio Cavallo videos??
Also, I am going to get ready for part 6 of my Unfolding
the Inner consciousness video, I have not worked on a new one for a long time, my body seems to be completely exhausted and out of energy and alot of stuff going on within my body that I am basically rendered exhausted, but I do work out 6 days a week, most of the time, I am in bed, Very ill(Kundalini prematurely awakening symptoms),and so on.
Do you like my non related video series that I had up??
To All,
Interesting comment by Suspicious Observers this morning (2/16/14) . Go to the 1:24 mark where he discusses the earth’s magnetic field.
His point is that one set of instruments showed the earth’s magnetic field suddenly falling off the charts. This could be an instrumentation error and certainly it doesn’t follow the traditional data pattern he would expect to see. However a drop in this shield appears to be one of the key elements in a dimensional shift so it’s worth watching.
Did you check the series yet?
Hello Maelstrom,
Nice to make your acquaintance. It’s a small point but in English “Julian” is the masculine form while “Julianna” would be for women. I think in Italian it might be Juliano for men right? It’s a small thing but languages and customs interest me.
The production values in your video are lovely and moving to watch however I don’t seem to be able to shift the captions off of Italian which is the automatic setting. So I can’t give you feedback about the content or how it comes together as a whole.
Cruelty to animals is so hard. There is a powerful documentary about an animal communicator named Anna Breytenbach who was the subject of a very moving documentary entitled The Animal Communicator. The full length DVD is no longer on line but it is extremely moving and includes some powerful footage about the cruelty baboons in South Africa have endured. A shorter version focusing on her work with a black leopard is still available online.
Here is her website.
Here is the shorter section about the black leopard.
Hi Luis,
I am moved by your words but also feel a sense of caution and responsibility. First the caution.
Please remember that the layers of old programming that human beings have absorbed will not go away over night and we may experience an unknown level of upheaval as the process continues. This time of transition isn’t about passively waiting, rather the ways in which we develop our own understanding of energy, soul development and the sovereignty of “being” play a role in the coming together of the entire process.
I’m not sure how qualified I am to guide you however the following has been useful for me. I recently learned more about a healer named Bruno Groening who died in 1959. He was a “faith healer” and presumably Christian in orientation but stressed a simple energy meditation that I find quite useful. The emphasis is on experiencing a “healing current” that allows you to look at your body and thoughts in a different way. Here’s a link.
Here’s a summary of the instructions he gave:
“The Method to receive this energy source:
1. Sit upright on a chair, with feet flat on the floor.
2. Legs slightly apart.
3. Hands comfortably resting on the thighs.
4. Palms facing upwards.
Sitting comfortably relaxed in this position, open up your heart and hands to receive this healing stream, with positive thoughts in your mind, visualizing the beautiful images of mother nature, trust and believe in God, in the divine healing power. Be open to healing. Trust and Believe. The divine force helps and heals. (Listening to beautiful peaceful music seems to help).
The key emphasis is on “trust and believe” in this connection with the “Healing Stream”, and you will receive this divine energy and be healed. You are advised to do this sitting twice a day, to absorb this healing energy.”
I’m not Christian or particularly given to devotional practices. However simply opening to nature and a feeling of love seemed to allow this energy flow to occur. Within that I could regard the sensations in my body and my thoughts themselves as “constructs” which could dissolve, shift or change and be replaced by other more natural, beautiful and universal type of feelings.
Basically I think it’s a good practice that is easy to do and allows us to move into coherence with “Unity Consciousness”. It does help wake you up from old patterns of programming, fear and helplessness and as least for me had a nice carry over effect. Experiment and see what you find.
Hello Ms. Julian, I agree, we MUST stay positive at all times, regardless of any circumstances that may arises, dont buy into fear, non whatsoever, Think for yourself, Dont take absolutely nothing for granted or at face value, do NOT judge the book by its from cover under any circumstances, this way you can NOT be easily fooled under any siutation, and not only that, where focus goes energy flows, when you move towards the flow of the + side, thats where your focus will go, so continue doing that, :).
Also one more thing, on my front page, did you check out the Maurizio Cavallo(Clarion Abductee/contactee) videos that I have up?? Every part except for the last part, the youtube built in caption for some reason, is not working properly, But if you or anyone watching this series, make sure you turn the caption language from:
Italian to English.
Let me know what you think and also if everyone have not at least watch the Earthling documentary about cruelty to animals, try just watching once, and the deleted scenes, IF you can watch the whole entire video and the deleted scene just once without leaving your seat, you are warrior, peace.
Bless to Consciousness(Source/God) that surrounds us all.
Thanks Julian, Maelstrom, Velassar, DimensionalVortex, but…
Do we should have the luxury to have hope… ? To think that a better world will come for us?
Thank you.
Hi Velassar,
Well my dreams seem to indicate the shift is coming. The night before last I had the one ring from Tolkien’s work and would become invisible when I put it on. However once I was invisible I started to see all these different colorful beings floating around. I had to laugh, what a transparent allusion to shifting up the dimensional ladder!
However the real action in the world around us is the cabal’s efforts to restart Syrian War Chapter II. You can see the media trying to reintroduce “atrocity” stories about Assad and the new call is for a humanitarian war.
This is the cabal’s last dangerous throw of the dice. This is why the bankers are turning up dead. They were about to blow the whistle on the insider stuff.
The Birther indictments will come in the next 60 days new stuff is beginning to break about Benghazi as well.
I think I see what is happening better now. We can’t look at the movement to 4D in isolation from our own rising “mass consciousness”. The old system is crumbling and this is synergistically linked to the rising vibrations of the planet. It’s all connected.
That’s what Simon Parkes meant when he said that a powerful booster shot of energy was coming in February that could tip the balance from enslavement towards freedom.
Here is his latest presentation, I just started it myself. Enjoy.
Thank you Julian, let’s just hope that all what you say become true… I CAN’T WAIT!!!
Thanks to everyone in this blog for be my guides, THANK YOU.
Guys, I dunno about Tolec or Collier, but I have a feeling a “big something” could happen before the end of this month of February 2014. If you guys have any separate sources or signs to corroborate my ‘feeling’, can you please post them here? Thanks 🙂
Hey Guys,
Two things. Suspicious Observers did a careful study of earthquakes of different intensities and found that in fact the frequency of these events across all intensity levels has indeed been ramping up and continues to do so. What you make of it is up to you.
I spoke with Thomas Hughes, the Sasquatch contactee tonight. Lovely guy, very down to earth. He’s saying the dimensional shift is still on and confirmed by his Sasquatch clan brothers. He stressed that where we are right now is the cabal is desperately trying to force a nuclear war to bring us all down with them but even that is being dismantled. Once again make of it what you will but that’s what he says and clearly he’s telling us what he knows.
Finally for those who don’t get Before It’s News on a daily basis the following is extremely interesting and explosive from a political/economic point of view. This woman sounds very credible, connected and is tracing out the likelihood of paradigm changing events happening in the near future. This sort of goes along with what Thomas Hughes was saying, the system is being deconstructed on every level.
@Luis. Yeah, Tolec and John Kettler told me that Cobra is just selling false hope to people. Notice how many BS and “updates” he has made, which all amounts to nothing. I believe the events will still be triggered by Earth changes, as Tolec stated for years already.
Then… Biblioteca Pleyades is trustable?
This page…
Then… this is a fake… ?
Hi Velassar,
Of course the interview you posted is quite long and I only listened to a couple minutes. I do feel moved however to say a couple of things.
First I know of no one who believes that Cobra is legit. Remember this fellow and his team have encouraged people to buy the Dinar as the new Post Event currency, and put someone on the internet audio feed that was supposed to be speaking from within the Inner Earth Agartha network. What a surprise they all had middle eastern accents. This whole currency thing, complete with conversion rates to encourage speculation from the gullible Americanos, makes no sense to me. The ET races hate the concept of money they wouldn’t throw their weight behind “resetting” this type of system.
Secondly, what you never see emphasized is that the people promoting the Galactic Federation believe that earth human should go into “ascension chambers” in order to transition into 4D. This has been darkly discussed by Tolec and Tanaath of the Silver Legion as a Reptilian ploy to maintain control and send people into a synthetic reality where your energy will be continuously siphoned off. I find the whole concept of this dimensional shift for those who have access to “ascension chambers” to be both bizarre and creepy.
Finally, when you listen to these people you hear old familiar themes about the state, authorities and leaders taking care of things for us the masses. In these people’s scenarios the new Powers That Be are good guys and know the “real truth” and are guided simply by altruism to help us along. All you have to do is open your arms (close your eyes) and all will be laid out for you.
It’s nonsense. We need to emerge from this reliance on authority not reissue it in a new and “improved” form.
I happened to catch one part of the interview where the fellow goes on about Cobra being the “real thing” because he said the US wouldn’t bomb Syria. Sorry, many of us saw that a dynamic process was underway reflecting increased public awareness. This call on Cobra’s part does not begin to mitigate all the nonsense they have been spouting. Did you catch the one where they “took a vote” about when the event should happen? You see they cleverly take concepts we are familiar with and transpose them onto an intergalactic ET framework.
I know you want some assurance and structure and I believe we’ll get some indications of continuing movement this month. I did see this link which follows up on the same Romanian guy who claims to have connections with the Sirians and the ISON business. Some of it seems a bit fishy but at least me puts the responsibility for making good spiritual choices where it belongs, right on each of us. If you want further entertainment this will keep you busy for a couple of hours.
Whatever you do Velassar, take some time and honestly come to rest with yourself. Don’t be a “hungry ghost” hanging on to other people’s thoughts or ideas. If you slow down and meet your own inner urgencies/insecurities with love and self acceptance a sense of spaciousness and grounding will emerge. That’s what you’ll take with you whenever this dimensional shift happens. The rest is all just noise from the “monkey mind” of humans chattering in the forest.
I am working on developing a contact with Thomas Hughes with regards to several issues of mutual interest. Certainly I will see what can be learned about his contacts with the Sasquatch and AC people he mentioned in his interview. Of course I’ll post anything of interest here.
Hi there Julian, can you read the info below on the link about “The Event”? Contains details on upcoming events such as ET contact and disclosure.
@Velassar. I don’t know actually but my friend Kim continues to have the most amazing experiences so it appears we are building towards something.
I just got an e mail from Tolec in response to one from me. Tolec advises he will be publishing an interview with James Gilliland sometime this month that clarifies where we are at.
Finally everyone should be aware that several indications are pointing towards a “bank holiday” and move towards martial law on Feb 15-16. Here’s the link.
I do realize we’ve seen a lot of this lately however the corporate media is leaning very heavily on the cyber attack meme and the ludicrous focus on the “Syrian Electronic Army” is such a clear attempt to war monger that is seems like something they would actually try. If you can withdraw cash before the weekend just to have on hand you might be glad for it. If nothing happens you can simply redeposit it Monday and will have lost nothing.
@Julian: I agree with Simon’s statement. When do I think “that” would happen? Before February 13 2014, in my humble opinion.
Hey Guys,
Here’s the latest from Simon Parkes who is answering a post by Courtney Brown the remote viewing guy. The first is a quote from Courtney regarding an announcement he will be making, the second is Simon’s response.
Simon is a very nonsense person and not given to false statements. Let’s see what February brings.
Quote Courtney Brown
For those who are commenting on my “announcement” posts below, this is not a tease. Yes, I know something that I am not talking about. I am making a statement of fact, not making a prediction. But the reason for the delay is that much is going on right now. If everything was ready, the announcement would happen tomorrow. But things are not quite ready yet. They will be ready in February. While it is natural to try to guess what is going on, it will not do much good. I have mentioned this here only so that when the announcement does happen, those who are interested will have ready access to it, and to the related information. But to clear the air a bit…. No, there will not be Earth changes. No, the ETs will not land. No, the sky will not fall down, and the Earth will not shake. No, President Obama will not reveal…whatever.
What will be announced is actually much bigger than all of that. Honest. But not everyone will agree. My statements below simply say that in time, people will eventually understand that the entire development of our species was fundamentally altered on that day in February 2014. It will take time for people to realize this. But it will happen.
Are you aware of anything coming?
yep, this is a ” re-boot for humanity”
on 21 12 2012 the portal was opened and the carrier wave was sent – flowing along this there will be from time to time larger ” surges of energy” designed to add the next stage – albeit this coming stage is quite big and should ( fingers crossed) tipp the balance to the positive, which would be the first time in a very long time of human enslavement.
so, yes we know about it, we have be awaiting it and we will take any action to secure its embedding.
Curious…I remember a brief mention about school and children in the ship (park like setting). Can we get more information on teaching/development of the child?
@mandukowsky I have tried to raise these points with Tolec several times. He simply doesn’t respond. I don’t have any hard feelings towards Tolec but at this point but his lack of adaptability and responsiveness don’t seem to honor his mission as communicator for the AC. That is disappointing.
Truth to tell I’m most interested in getting follow up information from Thomas Hughes and “John Allen” who appeared to validate Tolec’s information in December. They just came off as utterly sincere and open hearted on the important points. Anyone have an e mail contact for Thomas Hughes? I have the feeling that we could actually get some clarification from these guys in a way that simply not going to happen with Tolec.
I feel very fortunate to have had contact with Anthony Kane and observe this whole ET dimensional shift stuff with my own eyes. He repeatedly did things that “normal people” simply can’t do. I asked Anthony point blank whether he expects to live long enough to experience the dimensional shift. There was no hesitation at all. He answered “yes”. This guy is not a fake. He only speaks about what he has seen and experienced directly. The dimensional shift is coming but it may not be the “everyone included” experience referenced by Tolec. Rather it may be a frequency specific shift. So first we have to do our own inner work and resonate with the energies that that will manifest the 4 or 5D earth. Being lazy or reactive on this level may not get it done.
From a “scientific” point of view the key variable may be the magnetic fields of the sun, earth and the activating effects associated with these. Here’s a comment posted today by “Suspicious Observers” and a link to a video about the extraordinary colors and brightness associated with the “Northern Lights” which are happening and of course related to the weakening of earth’s magnetic field. Follow the link that’s inclueded. Those lights are BRIGHT. And of course we have that volcano in the Philippines going off big time after 400 of inactivity.
12 hours ago
These guys have no F888ing clue exactly what they just witnessed
The space weather is NOT big enough to do this. The once-in-a-life-time display is the result of our weakening magnetosphere and the changing solar system environment, and they are going to see more and more like this.
Ben of Suspicious Observers is no friend of the ET community and his comments underscore the idea that something very big is happening in the entire solar system. Whatever disappointment we might feel around how this has played out with Tolec (and yes I believed him too) there is something happening that is much bigger and it is still ongoing.
My theory is we are in a dynamic interactive process/struggle with NWO type forces who know very well what is going on and who are trying to manipulate it towards their own ends. If Simon Parkes and others are right about the CERN device and the rush to build another bigger one to reopen the Star Gate before 2016 it can only mean that the reptilian oriented faction is still trying to pull this off. Yet even Simon Parkes is starting to say that the Draco’s are quietly considering options to accept defeat and “evolve” rather then die in the end game. If they can’t make it happen by 2016 they’ve lost.
So hang on there guys. Tolec’s neatly packaged story line may be contrivance but the underlying process is alive and well.
– energy might be winning now but in the end, they better start saying their prayers, thats all I got to say.
next 3 years is going to be absolutely amazing time for us. Absolutely.
I understand that this awakening process can take up to another 20 years or under, I hope not 20 years, no need for this, I hope its going to be sooner which I am heading towards.
I would say everything in the total wholeness, far as humanity consciousness is heading, technology advancement, violence, corruption, pollution, greed,etc,etc, I would not give no more then 20 years, unless we make an absolute 100% commitment to change or the course will change our race completely and the damage will be so unprecedented that it can not be reversed.
I don’t think so that it will be some cosmic event there is very amazing quote
” Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back everything is different?”
– C.S. Lewis
I have been following you guys post on the site since last year around the end of summer, just quietly observing your comments, as you all often thought of things that I thought to myself. Personally, the information relayed by Alex from the A’s has significantly changed my perception on life and played an important role in my enlightenment. I have been meditating since last summer. Not often, but maybe a few times a week at the least. What I can tell you guys is that our progression of consciousness is about our own personal growth. Each and every person has to be responsible for themselves. Remember Alex urged that? TAKE RESPONSIBILITY OF YOUR POWER AS A HUMAN BEING. Trust your instinct! It is not there for just no reason so that you can deliberately ignore it! As I have been focused on my inner-self, revelations have come to me about when we shift to the next plane of existence as a collective. And I can tell you, regardless of the dates & times we’ve been given, I personally don’t believe we were supposed to ever depend on what the A’s approximated. We’re only supposed to depend on ourselves and then each other through unconditional love as a beautiful, intelligent sentient race of the galaxy that is still unfortunately sleep to our true fate as of yet. We should be grateful & accept the fact that the A’s were even able to confirm from the bottom of their hearts that a shift will happen. GRATEFUL. The Andromedans did not have to tell us ANYTHING AT ALL. But they did! I believe that is wonderful! Who am I to stress out because our dear ET friends, operating from a different density/dimension, have no sure-fire dates of ascension?
Well I believe the ascension energy is here, just waiting to be tapped into. Stop thinking of ascension so externally like you’re going to a different planet. YOU’RE NOT. JUST A DIFFERENT VIBRATION OF THE EARTH WE ARE ON NOW. YOU MUST BRING THE ASCENSION FROM WITH. THIS IS NOT AN EXTERNAL THING. IT’S INSIDE ALL OF US. ONCE WE COLLECTIVELY ACKNOWLEDGE THIS: BAM!!! ASCENSION HAPPENS!
If you keep up with politics you’ll notice the world is edging extremely close to war as this year has started, and the DOW stocks have just recently plunged, indicating major economic downturn. Bankers have even been committing suicides in the past month! Look it up!
If you want to know the time that I received in my meditation, here is how I’ll put it:
Something big, near-traumatic will happen first. The trauma will push us all into choosing a perspective on life & reality in general as we know it (decision of 4d/5d, or remaining 3d).
Nothing has happened big enough for the Andromedans to just come out and contact. Personally, I don’t believe they’ll even show up in mass until things go nuclear in some sort of global conflict, but we pretty much will be near hopeless if things do go nuclear. One thing I can promise, is that the A’s will NOT let us go out like that, so please suppress your expectations of them. SELF-RESPONSIBILITY.
In my meditation, I received the notion that when this big event happens, I will jump headfirst into an upward-ward spiral of INTELLIGENCE. Deep in my heart, I truly believe that if this event happens, I don’t want to go out like the sheep. I WILL RISE & FIGHT. I HAVE THE POWER OF LOVE & FREE-WILL ON MY SIDE. I NEED NOTHING ELSE. HECK IF THE A’S DON’T EVEN SHOW THEIR FACES, I WILL USE ALL THE LOVE IN MY HEART FOR THE SAKE OF THE WORLD. WE MUST UNITE!<3
So overall, I will conclude that the shift will happen as pure turmoil manifests. At least for the small percentage of us that will shift. The A's will show themselves when the first of us start shifting consciousness as disaster wreaks havoc.
Everyday, tell yourself you WILL become more LOVING, INTELLIGENT & GOD-LIKE. WE MUST CLAIM POWER.
Rant over. Infinite love, my friends. I believe in you all.<3