Alex Collier has asked me to remove the letter relating to the film “The Adventures of Captain Denar”.
Dear James, I have heard that a private letter that Audra had drafted, and sent to a few people that was a private correspondence was posted on your site. This letter was not to be posted anywhere, as was stated in that same letter. Could you please remove this letter and make sure that its not posted again on the site. I would really be grateful. I will send you an update next week. Sincerely, Alex Collier
I will post the update if he sends it next week.
James Harkin
On behalf of
Alex Collier 228th *LIVE* Webinar on Friday, March 28th, 2025!
See Alex Collier LIVE! FRIDAY, March 28th, 2025! Alex is hosting his 228th 2-Hour *LIVE* webinar, including Questions and Answers. This webinar will include subjects: Current Stat., Where Do We Go From Here, Gaining Historic Prospective, And Much More! Exclusively live and hosted by Friday, March 28th, 2025 2pm Eastern. 1pm Central. 12pm Mountain. […]
Alex Collier – Question and Answer Webinar 66 – March 21st, 2025 – VOD
ALEX COLLIER'S 66TH QUESTION AND ANSWER WEBINAR IS NOW AVAILABLE ON DEMAND! Alex hosted his 66th *LIVE* Question and Answer webinar on March 21st, 2025. The webinar was just over two hours and 29 minutes in length. Alex did an extensive monologue before answering questions throughout the remainder of the webinar. Hosted by James Harkin […]
Jedi Admirals & Humanity’s Awakening – An interview between Dr Michael Salla, George Kavassilas, JP and Alex Collier – September 19, 2024
Are you ready to confront a reality far beyond our current understanding? A reality where powerful, psychic “Jedi Admirals” are secretly working to dismantle a global human trafficking ring, and advanced Medical bed technology promises a transformative future? This is not science fiction; this is the startling revelation emerging from a recent Exopolitics Today’s Q&A […]
Hi Luis,
Yes I know what you mean, there is another emerging mime about the Malaysian airliner that is being pushed by the MSM. This is a well written piece on the preparations for another 911 false flag attack.
The observations of the oil rig worker who saw a plane on fire is hard to discount. However if positive ET’s removed the people before destroying the plane both versions could be true. There is little question however that whatever happened we are being “pre programed” for the reappearance of some plane, repainted to look like this missing one, in the hands of “Islamic Fundamentalists”.
Courtney Brown Disclosure Day! Let’s see what he has to say.
Yes I’ve seen this video also. It would be nice to have some technically skilled person analyze the footage to give us perspective and identify known objects from anomalies.
Given the background of reports (Silver Legion) that ET’s were involved wouldn’t it be interesting if the disappearance of the Malaysian airliner was in some way connected with Courtney Brown’s announcement? Having them show up alive and with a story to tell would definitely qualify as effective PR for an ET disclosure event.
For me is… i don’t know, strange that, well… the Et’s didn’t show up yet, but… that thing about Malaysian… mmm… i’m not going to sing victory ’cause i’m a pesimist… but it would a excellent opportunity to the Et’s give a signal of their existence, I CAN’T WAIT!!!
I don’t know who person believe… if Alex Collier wich is maybe most realistic or at least most close to my view or Cobra wich give us so many hopes for the future, my heart goes with Cobra but my logical mind goes with Alex, i guess we have to wait, sadly yes…
Look at this video, guys… ^^
My guess is it will be tying the pyramids into ET visitation. A move towards disclosure which is all well and good.
The more interesting moves right now are happening in Ukraine and Malaysia. The cabal is pushing for WWIII with Russia and we have to ask, why? I think it’s because the economy is about to tank. They want to keep the initiative. Have a listen to this interview. Towards the end he also talks about a celestial event that the government is apparently aware of.
Somehow or other they want things to be in enough of a state of upheaval that they can roll in their new currency/limited martial law state and keep it going. I think they see the handwriting on the wall and are more than a little desperate.
In terms of the Malaysian flight that disappeared, Tanaath of the Silver Legion says there is an ET connection (positives) and the Gerald ODonnell message can be read the same way. That is going to be a powerful event if those people turn back up with a story to tell.
Velassar I think we are going to see a very busy year with the truth beginning to come out more and more. Maybe some upsets, I hope not too many disasters. One step at a time now.
Courtney Brown’s announcement is 2 days away, Julian. I wonder what will it be about?
Well all kinds of stuff is buzzing with predictions of a currency reset to occur very soon. Not sure if that is the uniformly positive event that some folks are hyping but it’s definitely a sign of change.
There is a growing buzz that the disappearance of that Malaysian jet liner was some sort of attention grabber by positive ET’s, that the people are safe and more will be revealed. This morning I came across the following from Gerald O’Donnell who runs a Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing site that is very popular. It’s a pretty strong message that many will find hopeful.
Can anyone really tell another person what is “absolutely true”? We have approached this dimensional shift business with the idea it is an objective external event like a rainstorm or weather front. Tolec has been instrumental in this view. Yet others suggest there are multiple projections of a future earth and future humans “out there”. Anthony Kane talks about the earth being capable of supporting 32 different manifestations each as “real” as our current one. This ties into the idea of our future world being frequency specific to our own development. So in this model where we find ourselves is related to the frequency we maintain. That’s why I encourage Velassar to develop himself now and not fall into the trap of passive (and dependent) waiting.
For myself the reality of life on other dimensions has a very strong credibility associated with it. But honoring your question I have to say that much of the support for this is second hand which is to say based on reviewing the accounts of others. My direct experience is consistent with these accounts but not nearly enough to fill out the dimensional shift concept on an “absolute level”.
So that sets up the underlying challenge. To be ourselves “absolutely”. To hold open unlimited possibilities, drop away limitations and give rise to a broad and inclusive vision. It is my “belief” that if we do that, the pace of change will pick up and by 2016 we’ll be in a very different place of understanding.
Thanks Julian.
It’s just… i don’t wanna feel false hopes, this planet is reaching… it’s own limit and can’t stand more suffering… besides the NWO & the Cabal… i just seriously hope tshift business be real, i wanna travel through the clouds and be witness of a FAIR WORLD where everyone is happy and enjoy of a fair life without being in the claws of a reptilian or Anunnaki race…
Thanks somuch, i’ll meditate in what you told me, ;-).
So, even if i have to endure.. 1.000 years this shift, ascension or transformation to the 4th and 5th dimension is… ABSOLUTELY TRU’?
Hi Velassar,
I’ve had a quick look at the link you provided. Basically it involves a rehashing of old themes and not surprisingly the major emphasis is on sensationalist images from different disaster movies. The one graph showing seismic activity is not very helpful because there is no comparison to past levels.
As I said before there are a lot of interesting earth changes happening but Yellowstone is not the focal point. With respect to the idea of massive volcanic activity BP Earthwatch went through a series where Jesse’s guest “Michael” discussed what he felt were super volcanoes under the ocean that made Yellow Stone look tiny. Here’s the link to that one. I’m sure you will find it engaging (there is a part 1 and 2) though he ultimately comes back to his version of fundamentalist Christianity.
Since I don’t believe our time line is going to include extinction level events and “Michael”‘s predictions haven’t panned out I’ve sort of put it on the back burner.
I suppose the most telling thing about the links you sent was seeing your posts under Solar Guardian which contain links for the two stories about the black hole tearing through our system and the visit by Andromedeans after Mandela’s death. First I thought you were spoofing the thread by pointing out how stories like these are spouted and then fade into obscurity. Of course on reflection it seems you are still putting stock into this.
Therefore Velassar, where ever you are please really think about this. The thought pattens, anxieties and habitual modes of attachment to this dimensional shift issue will all accompany you to 5D. Is this a pleasant or positive thing to contemplate? It’s time to trust that whatever is behind the dimensional shift knows what it is doing and instead to focus on what you can do now to use your human energy to help others, learn about love, release fears etc. I don’t mean to be presumptuous but when I see your unabated hunger for this shift to happen “right now” it’s a bit concerning. Are you in some circumstance that is making your life unbearable? I’m genuinely interested.
Major Earth changes might precede the Earth’s dimensional shift. Julian, can you please read the link below and tell me what you think of it?
Courtney Brown says the announcement will be made on the Ides of March. The announcement may be about evidence of humanity’s Extraterrestrial origins. I hope this makes into the mainstream media, but if not, I have a feeling Disclosure will happen this month by the ETs themselves, if the relevant governments fail to announce their presence.
Don’t know why Simon’s message was deleted. Here it is.
I wanted to apologize to you all
as one of the Moderaters knows there is a situation in Ukraine that is alien related – I am a little tied up with this ( as others are) at the present, but as soon as its decided that no war is to be fought I will be back on Avalon – thank you for your patience.
Here’s an interesting turn of events.
A news article turns up reporting that a new pyramid was just discovered not only in Ukraine but of all places in Crimea! This pyramid was underground and is thought to the be oldest ever discovered. Here’s the link.
Next I checked in at Project Avalon and came across this post from Simon.
Pretty interesting huh? Andrew Bartzis has talked about how powerful technology was left in buried pyramids and there is a rush on to recover it. Is this wrapped up somehow in what is happening politically? Very curious indeed. Hopefully Simon will amplify on this subject when he returns to a wider correspondence.
@ Velassar, So much of this is emotionally driven for us. Each new “event” becomes the much looked for desperately desire “signal” that the event is coming. I’m convinced however that the NWO people have a bit more up their sleeves in terms of mischief and this is based on their knowledge of the time remaining. I checked Courtney Brown’s announcements which were scheduled for February. He’s stretching it out by releasing “implications” and here is a link to that material.
Basically it’s going to be old hat for us guys. The pyramids were built with the help of ET’s, structures demonstrating this remain underneath, we’ve been manipulated and messed with by ET’s, our government has been complicit and has lied to us. Etc Etc.
This could be important from the point of view of turning the tide of public awareness. I’m also looking at a coming announcement on the political side regarding the Birther movement and criminal accusations of a deliberate cover up.
This is all political stuff, the slow rising of consciousness that is necessary to open people to events that are coming. The dimensional shift is deeper and broader I think.
Now it is true that the earthquakes and fluctuations in ocean floor depth are continuing but I believe this is just the ramp up. It’s coming but I don’t think it will be in 2014.
@Julian: 2016? I don’t think so. I still think it will be this year, 2014. Why? Courtney Brown’s world-changing announcement will happen this month on the Ides of March. If such a world-changing announcement happens, the world will never be the same.
So I think disclosure and landings will happen almost immediately after the announcements, and then by April the foundations for the New Earth can start to be constructed, and those who choose not to ascend with Earth can choose to leave Earth for another 3D planet next month.
Hi All,
Just heard a powerful interview with Simon Parkes where he addresses many important issues and reiterates the 2016 time frame. Have a listen.
There are some initial connection problems which clear up at around 5:45 into the interview.
Again to everyone, think for yourself, And this whole thing about certain et’s eating human beings dont surprise me one bit but again dont take things at face value or for granted, be extra careful what your believing into, try to focus on the + aspect rather then -.
Yes, major changes are on its way, mostly consciousness and spirituality, not only within the earth but ourselves as well.
Stay + folks at all times, I know, Very hard.
Again to everyone, think for yourself, And this whole thing about certain et’s eating human beings dont surprise me one bit but again dont take things at face value or for granted, be extra careful what your believing into, try to focus on the + aspect rather then -.
Yes, major changes are on its way, mostly consciousness and spirituality, not only within the earth but ourselves as well.
Stay + folks at all times, I know, Very hard and be very careful out there, you dont know whos who anymore, many et’s are among us and you all dont even know if they are right next to you, stay extra sharp and aware at all times.
According to Thomas Hughes and John Allen the moon will be broken up into pieces, towed away and replaced with another natural body during the time we transition to 4 or 5D. I still think the most likely “timeline” is 2016.
I’m not saying that… well, Alex Collier is a absolutely fraud, maybe Velassar you only
misunderstanding Alex… who know, the time will say who was wrong…
Cheers to all.
Guys, remember that Alex Coller says the Andromedans were supposed to remove the Moon from orbit due to it being an Orion object beaming negative frequencies to Earth? How come the Moon is still here in orbit? Why hasn’t it been removed yet? Please guys, let us meditate and ask them to remove the Moon from orbit now.
Maybe Alex Collier is a fraud too… who knows?
moon is necessary for the stability and life on earth. Unfortunately alex did’t do enough research while perpetrating this hoax
I’m in Texas dont kno where the rest of you are or if your news mentions anything about North TX but since 2012 the area here has been having a LOT of Earth Quakes, this is north texas we DOnT HAvE earthquakes!!! but since last December there have been OVER 40!!!! If you dont believe me google North tx earthquakes.
I think I mentioned it earlier but John Allen has two websites up that address the much questioned issue of the dimensional shift. He’s got two more entries up and both stress that the shift is right around the corner. Can’t vouch for anything beyond it’s up on his site.
The link to his profile is You can access both blogs by clinking on the links under his name.
we are all one race and that is something we all must realize now. we are not separate entities. we are all one no matter what. we are the ones who put ourselves in self imposed loneliness only because we are in a world where being a robot and a slave to someone is the norm. being one means that we all are for helping one-another and standing up for each other. if we were to be one we wold be out of this mess very quickly. i can not stress how important it is to to love/respect one-another because if we can not do that then what is the point of even entering space that is of unconditional love when we cant even love ourselves. the andromadans don’t are negativity to reach beyond earth and destroy their evolution and create tyranny in the universe. these groups have come to help us not just to help us but to prevent the darkness that resides on planet earth from reaching out past earth and into the universe. so please i beg of you to be loving or at the very least respectful of each other. alex has given you guys the tools and the information now it is time for you to use those tools and start raising the frequency of your race and the earth so entrance to the 5th density can occur.
you read this link, if you have this, it´s dangerous, remove it.
here you have other link
you read this link. if you have in mouth,remove it, is dangerous.
I hope many of you recall the andromadans saying that there will be a time where they will move back and observe. This time will be a time of war but the time of sickness they will intervein. Also remember we all have information within our DNA and even our life force/spirit. The population of earth has at some extent lost track of who they are but now some are awakening. The ones who are lost are trapped in something they fear to let go because of the amount of investment they put into something that was a broken/outdated believe system. Try to understand we are all spirit and we are not these physical forms. Our thought is not in the brain but rather the life force/spirit. The body however has been manipulated in such a way that we are unable to easily tap into our spiritual potential without much effort.
be at one