What can we do to help Alex Collier?…

We have a great number of devoted fans and followers who visit AlexCollier.org every day. What can we do to help Alex Collier?

I'd like your ideas and input in order to see that Alex Collier makes enough money to keep a roof over his head. You may have noticed that I put up some ads on the site to see what could be generated by them, unfortunately Google Adsense and Clickbank affiliate products have netted about $15 in total since I put them up. Hardly enough to keep this site running independently than keep a roof over someone's head. We currently generate about 17,000 unique visits every month, mainly from returning visitors … we could increase this substantially.

I am thinking if we can create something sustainable that can generate between $750 and $1000 a month, that should cover his rent.

What are some of your ideas?

I'd like to hear your ideas on what we can do to help Alex Collier…

An idea I had was that some of us have some great real life and true experiences relating to contact with other beings and other esoteric subjects that many people would love to hear about. Also, some of us have hobbies and jobs that are related to esoteric topics. It could be possible to create an ebook of these stories and knowledge that people would pay to read. It would be great to get 20-30 people to write something. Those interested in creating the book could write 1500 to 2000 words of content and we could compile it into an ebook or a Kindle book and put it up for sale not only on the site but elsewhere and then promote the book to others with all revenues going to Alex Collier. This could expand in the future into a membership site of knowledge, information, videos, audio, interviews, articles and other unique content. The site could be interactive with a forum, and maybe a weekly radio show.

Let me know your thoughts on this and any other ideas you have in the comments section below…


James Harkin
On behalf of AlexCollier.Org

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Message from Jon Robinson Alex Collier’s Friend and Original Publisher of Letters From Andromeda


    • Awakened
    • November 18, 2013

    There are splinter groups and offshoots that have their roots in the Sirian and Pleadian systems that are part of the “negative” hierarchy that interface more with humans and who have Service to Self orientations in line with similar objectives of the New World Order. The “Pleadians” of Billy Meier are one of these groups.

    • Velassar
    • November 16, 2013

    @Gurtej Singh: Tolec said that the shift in vibration of Earth to 4th dimension would occur in January 2014, as told to him by his Andromedan contacts. I trust and believe in his Andromedan contacts’ info, as they have time travel and can foresee millions of possible timelines and it all converges in January 2014 due to a celestial occurrence that will happen by then. What happens in space happens on Earth. That is the iron rule of the Universe, since the Universe carries the God Consciousness or Creator will everywhere.

    • Kim
    • November 15, 2013

    Possible suggestion: Change the free format of this website to a subscription. Have a lead in that’s free and would make people want more. Use the rest of his information and archives plus new material for subscribers. 300 subscribers per month paying a very small fee of 3.34 per month or $40.08 per yr. will net $1000 a month. Add in more affiliate programs with “reviews” that you feel would be appropriate with Alex’s material. Make any new books pay for say $5 or so. He can make this work.

    • Velassar
    • November 15, 2013

    Guys, I don’t know why but for the past days I kept seeing the numbers ‘3’ and ‘5’ in my dreams…. Perhaps those numbers meant that the last 3 or 5 weeks of 2013 would have some major events occurring? By the way, the last 3 weeks of 2013 starts on December 11 2013 while the last 5 weeks of 2013 starts on November 27 2013……..

    • Awakened
    • November 13, 2013


    1. Reply

      Thoses who wishes to evolve, yes, but any will be stuck in fear.

      I still dont see dec/jan time frame, I just dont see it at all.

      I know some people wants to change and get the hell out of here and watch everything thats going on here from the other side(higher dimensional plane).

      I dont know, not to far away, I do know for me and my sister, the sightings are defint gettting worse, worse as in the amount in the skies at one time.

      There are more now then there were ever was, I keep saying to myself, wtf is going on here, I never so such so many sightings all around me, amazing stuff, I bet norad,etc is saying, wtf is going on with him, wherever he goes, they all follow like a magnet.

        • Gurtej SIngh
        • November 16, 2013


      1. I never said anything is set to stone because reality changes everyday and its being changed every single day.

        • Gurtej SIngh
        • November 18, 2013

        I m not insulting anyone. I am saying it could happen today or in 50 years. who knows, but here is the catch, everything has accelerated. I thing change is very close
        because aquarian energies affected this planet on 11.11.11. As said by collier,tolec,yogis.

        they also said between 2012-2014 heavens and earth shall
        meet. I don’t know what that means. if you know plz let me know. It was told to me by a yogi. And also said by hopi’s

  1. Reply

    Newest video Uploaded on my site:

    11/11/13 – Vietnam Veteran tribute video, please you all, take a llook on my front page.

    1. Reply

      Only going to be for for a day or two, video is blocked worldwide but I made it playable for now, going to delete it in a bit, copyright b.s.

      youtube scanning filters are incredible intense now, before no.

      So please take a look, thanks.

      1. OK, Should be bit ok now, video was taken down.

        I re-edited a bit, please go on my front page, scroll down to where you see: Multiple section I Files, should be there.

    • Velassar
    • November 11, 2013

    @Gurtej Singh: Nope. It will be as Tolec or Collier said. The shift will happen earliest on December 2013, and latest by mid-January 2014. I am so shocked to see many people still don’t believe that the shift is to happen by January 2014, even though we have an unprecedented weird ‘comet’ by the name of ISON which is about to approach Earth this December 2013. ISON is Biosphere by the name of Xanterexx, according to Tolec.

    I suggest you read the page below to gain evidence that ISON is indeed something big:


      • Gurtej SIngh
      • November 12, 2013

      16 dec 2013 is very weird i guess. I want and 99% of the humanity wants things to change but we are not together and 1% is doing everything they can to separate us. We will change it. It is our own self transformation that will we can contribute. I think thats the shift is about, where most of the humans realize that “the shit is fucked up”

    • Liviu Voitcu
    • November 11, 2013

    What does “My Comment is Awaiting Moderation ” mean?!!! Alex is living in a car, I have free room and board for him in a vacant apt. I posted this all Nov. 2nd (2013) above. This is a gross injustice to Alex that so far no one noticed this extraordinary offer nor informed him. I cannot wait forever for a reply. The apt will remain vacant for a while, but that in itself is no help to Alex unless he is aware of it.

  2. Reply

    Also, The same Guardian(oldest Souls in existence created from the Source/God/Infinite Consciousness energy, told me this:

    I told him about the Major typhoon and how bad it was, the recent huge one, he didnt comment anything on the Typhoon but he did say he sense something bad coming or something within thoses lines, he also said that the other old Guardians are starting to be activated(wake up).

    If he tells this to me then you know how much urgency it is to wake up.

    This is coming from someone I See and I will not discuss any of his info for his safety/privacy reasons, but he did say this is not good.

    • Velassar
    • November 10, 2013

    December 3 2013 is close guys. Are you getting excited? I’m expecting to see some sort of unmasking from ISON of its real true form.

      • Gurtej SIngh
      • November 11, 2013

      No, what are you talking about. Ascension to 5d only happens when our 3d and 4d experiences are all done. We are not even in high 4d.
      Alex collier said that in his letters that there were also alien psychics that said it will happen in 2023 and 2034. It was the A’s that said it will be 2013. I don’t want to discourage you but lot of the things alex said did’t happen. Take personal responsibility. Waiting for ascension is like waiting for rapture in Christianity.
      Personally, I think it will be a normal day

    • Gurtej SIngh
    • November 9, 2013



    1. Reply

      I have a question for everyone, now to think of it, The stuff I am going through now, is this what Alex Collier talked about in his Hawaii lecture that the changes we are about to endure, non of our fore-fathers on this planet have experienced this before, it will be an unprecedented changes that most of you(terrans) wont able to grasp its own potential.

      I cant remember the exact lines, it was something along thoses terms.

      Yes the changes I am going through is out of this world, I dont think many could even withstand it, not just the potential part of it, because of their religious beliefs as well, to much changes in all areas:

      Physically,emotionally,psychologically,Consciousness,Beliefs, and much more, all this has changed for me.

    • Liviu Voitcu
    • November 2, 2013

    Dear Alex, I had a recent death in the family and the upstairs apt is vacant. It needs work and cleaning –I’ve already started the process–and I can also use some help with running errands. Perhaps we can help each other out and call it even. I am offering you the option of staying here for as long as I can sustain the residency (which according to my lawyer should be at least 1-2 years or so, depending on the settlement of the will). I can also use any legal advise you have acquired working for the IRS.
    The house is in Maspeth, Queens NY. It isn’t much, but it is better than living in a car I am sure. Please get back to me asap so I know what to do. PS it will be a pleasure and an honor being your neighbor. Not least of all because I too may have some unique info you may find intriguing.
    I hope you can still recall my email address from previous donations, if not i guess you’ll post some reply and/or instructions on this site.
    Godspeed, LEE

    • Velassar
    • October 27, 2013

    @DimensionalVortex: I believe that the general time frame for the shift to 5th density is sometime between December 2013-January 2014. Tolec said almost the same thing, which is by early January 2014. Tolec also stated that those who don’t wish to ascend, which would be 50% of Earth’s population or more, would choose not to ascend and leave Earth to go to another 3D planet. That could happen sometime before we enter 2014.

    1. Reply

      I know about starting all over but where did you get the 8.4 million incarnation information from, please if you can, re-direct me to some books or someones info, 8.4 million?? Source of info please.

        • Gurtej SIngh
        • November 8, 2013

        It is ancient Buddhist/Hindu/Sikh knowledge. That states that soul goes through series of incarnations. It like evolution. Thats the order: Stone,plants,animals,humans, angles/ascended masters…….
        It takes 8.4 million incarnation to get human form. because soul need experience before it enters human form. And when we die, our state of consciousness decide what is next.
        If the consciousness is very very low, then you might get animal life. If consciousness is average then you will get human. If the consciousness is very high, then u will ascend. Now,this awakening scenario. What is happening is either our consciousness will become as high as ascended masters or it will get so lower that we will have to reincarnate as stone again in some another universe. It is like starting over

      1. Even Dolores cannon talks about this, have to be absolutely everything in the earth school and that means absolutely everything.

        Kinda makes sense, If earth gets destroyed and the people who didnt make it(consciousness changes), they will end up starting all over again, why? They didnt learn their lesson, how to love, taking personal self-responsibility,etc,etc,etc.

        But as with everything else, do NOT take anything at face value, think for yourself

    2. Reply

      I know my body is completely changing, The energy is forcing me to change fast.

      I woke up earily 3 years back, absolutely sense of urgency to wake up and I did and I woke up early but awakened the energy at a very prematurely state, as a result, I suffered just about every single symptom known to mankind and the – energy manifestation was so great, it is totally unbearable even for the most courageous person to withstand, energy was absolutely deadly intense.

    • Velassar
    • October 27, 2013

    Guys, I can assure you that Collier’s date of December 3 2013 that was given to him by his Andromedan contacts is real. That is my gut feeling.

    1. Reply

      Dont give your hopes up on this one, maybe for some, on mass scale, I just dont see it happening, yes we are living in the most important time on this planet.

      End of this year? Shaking his head at this moment, people aint changing quickly enough and listening good enough.

      LOL stupid music videos 3+billion views and important videos trying to change the course of humanity, what 20 views within the same duration, just making example, shit has got to stop, I guess people dont love their children as we all hoped for, we arnt very good listeners.

        • Gurtej SIngh
        • October 28, 2013

        @DimensionalVortex: I believe in the awakening, but NOT EVERYONE WILL BE AWAKENED BY THESE ENERGIES. The only thing these energies will do is to amplify your inclination towards your dominant personality. This will lead to ending of duality in human nature. This is the reason you are not seeing everyone awaking. So, ultimately choice is ours. Thats why Alex collier has stated not everyone will ascend. I don’t know what will happen to people,who choose the downward spiral in consciousness. One thing more changes were gradual between 1991 to 2012. After 2012 these changes
        accelerated, now it will be a radical change not gradual. So buckle up friend. As I have stated in above comment. In age of Aquarius, people will compete
        for spirituality not for money. It will be amazing

        • Sam
        • October 29, 2013

        So what you’re trying to say the people aren’t awaken has we approach this transition won’t ascend?

        • Gurtej Singh
        • October 29, 2013

        These energies will lead to mind liberation. More awareness. That is ascension. I dont know nothing about 4d or 5d ascension.
        Yes, people who are not inclined will experience downward spiral in consciousness. I dont know how much down. But alex collier stated that people will start over. This means our soul will go through 8.4 million incarnation again to obtain human form in another universe.

    • Sam
    • October 27, 2013

    Can anyone help me? How do I contact with .e.ts. alex collier said we had to look at thr sun or something like that. Please help

    • Gurtej SIngh
    • October 24, 2013

    dude, as we keep approaching the date, we will shift it further. think about it .
    In 2007,everyone said it will be 2012. when 2012 came and went. everyone said it will be 2014-2016. I guarantee, when we will be in 2016. There will be people saying it, now it will happen in 2020.
    It will happen when it is going to happen, your emotion won’t affect its arrival


    1. Reply

      Gurtej SIngh, 2012 is Beginning of the culmination of energy/consciousness changes, from there on, how we use our consciousness is going to play a major vital role on how this will end out.

      Its the beginning of the great changes, first step, gradual steps of making changes.

      I didnt say nothing negative about theses changes, it will be for the better in the end but in the meantime, we have to learn the hard way, we dont have to create this but by people believing in the book of revelation like mr collier has stated, we will absolutely going to fulfill it, and yes we are going to fulfill it, no one is going to listen to anyone this time around, we have to learn, me and everyone else, in order for us to grow.

  3. Reply

    from now till in or around 2017, be prepared for an incredible personal and spiritual growth, because all this time what we have done to ourselves, to each other and to our home planet, everything what we have hooked and grown to love(material stuff), is all B-U-N-K!!.

    Absolutely have not seen anything yet, this is nothing.

    • Gurtej SIngh
    • October 19, 2013

    the Age of Aquarius: In their hearts, people will understand what is going on. They may not find words to express themselves, but one day they will. That day they will like to uplift fellow beings. The walls of hatred will fall down. Instead of ill will and gossip, there will be prayer on the tongues of everyone. Rather than competing for wealth, people will compete for spiritual growth. We will have a common belief of higher self, love for our Creator, and love for our consciousness and grace.

  4. Reply

    Ok nevermind, I think I seen some of this stuff before, take a look:


  5. Reply

    Ok something happened at our local gym today, the manager of our gym that I always go to daily just about, showed me someone taped a picture on top of the front desk counter and it depicted 3 photos but in one slide:

    The Giza Pyramids, 911 attacks and the orion belt star system.

    I am still asking more questions then answers, I dont have all the answers to alot of things, I told the front desk guy, if this was a message to someone or something heads up, it had to been for me, who else?? someone out the blue just put it there? I dont buy that for a second.

    Please if anyone knows about the answer to this, let me know asap, the front desk manager is also calling the owner at this home who has access to the camera and finding out who put it there.

    Its for me, who else would it be, non that I can think of.

    • Jon Pershing
    • October 16, 2013

    James Harkin can you conform this; Alex Collier – Sarsta biosphere,according Tanaath info – video 20130909 Ever Beyond Special; Tolec – Setting things straight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5HH4OQCHA8 here is comment: “is on too bad he is on Sarsta biosphere,according Tanaath info – he got scolded plentifully with Cabal fists.It is time for him to relax,but it would be nice if he could get his personal Saucer & come down to make TV shows -that would be COOL – until he won’t be cloned puppet, like Obama… The only thing you can do, which will not make a fool of yourself – gather protection gear,food,shelter,water cleaner – prepare for EARTH CHANGES, because even your area will not suffer,you could be less stressed” – See more at: https://www.alexcollier.org/what-can-we-do-to-help-alex-collier/#comments

    • Gurtej SIngh
    • October 15, 2013


    how money destroying our planet

    1. Reply

      Stay tuned for part 6 and final part of:

      Unfolding the Inner Consciousness.

      I dont think I am going to make anymore, I think this could be my last edited by me video, its no longer worth it any longer, All this B.S. and nonsense must stop or else we as a race will have no future.

      Stay tuned for the long delayed pt 6, I’ll keep everyone heads up.

    • A
    • October 10, 2013

    @Warrior Angel and others of the same opinion as the quote on September 19, 2013 at 5:16 pm

    The Andromedans are in no way obliged to help us. Why should they?? When we can’t really help a fellow being on the very same planet we live on, one of OUR OWN SPECIES, how can we expect an alien race to help us?? or him??

    The first move should be us…and that is what they expect…. It is all about us taking responsibility and looking out for someone who is part of our family on earth. No matter how difficult the times are….
    That is where the REAL change of consciousness comes.
    People will start to FEEL and SEE what is right and FEEl and SEE what is wrong and act responsibly without being pulled back from the years and years of conditioning….

    How many of us do you think really have the courage to try and fly down to wherever Alex is, try to look for him, meet him and help him out? I can say none….
    Even if this is too much, how many people have the guts to spread alex collier’s word out to the public on behalf of him? Without being afraid of being called a nutjob or having people stalking you like what alex collier went through? Would you do that? If Alex really is the hope can we do atleast this much?

    It is immenseley selfish of us to depend on the life and hardships of One Man, in this goddamn huge planet just so that he goes through shit by giving lectures and changes the world and so that we can enjoy a ‘beautiful’ planet later on….
    Lets all be alex collier for a change for one day and lets see what happens….. HUH??
    I rest my case…and let you wonder about what I have to say….

    1. Reply

      This is EXACTLY what I been trying to tell people all theses years, all wanna laugh at me, well if your love your childern and care about their future, then you wont be laughin’ then.

      Keep telling people this, If you watch my back, I’ll watch yours, IF you dont watch my back or left to die, I will do the same shit back, how else do we learn??? By mouth? Excuse me, never worked, not before, not now and not ever, it has never worked, we learn through experience, then we gain wisdom, but by then it will be far to late.

    2. Reply

      Hey A, visit my channel one time by clicking the DimensionalVortex name thanks.

      • Warrior Angel
      • December 1, 2013

      DUDE, EARTH IS A PRISION!!!!!!!!!!!!!





      You know what, my friend. These E.T’S may be good people and etc. But the fact is that they DO NOT KNOW WHAT THEY TALK.

      They don’t even have linear time. Therefore, when they say: “You are about to enter a new era of peace, joy and etc.” It could mean FOREVER for us…

      I don’t trust them. Because they don’t know what is to live here.

        • Warrior Angel
        • December 1, 2013

        By the way, Salusa is a idiot!

    • Velassar
    • October 9, 2013

    Guys, a new Tolec video here:


  6. Reply


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