What can we do to help Alex Collier?…

We have a great number of devoted fans and followers who visit AlexCollier.org every day. What can we do to help Alex Collier?

I'd like your ideas and input in order to see that Alex Collier makes enough money to keep a roof over his head. You may have noticed that I put up some ads on the site to see what could be generated by them, unfortunately Google Adsense and Clickbank affiliate products have netted about $15 in total since I put them up. Hardly enough to keep this site running independently than keep a roof over someone's head. We currently generate about 17,000 unique visits every month, mainly from returning visitors … we could increase this substantially.

I am thinking if we can create something sustainable that can generate between $750 and $1000 a month, that should cover his rent.

What are some of your ideas?

I'd like to hear your ideas on what we can do to help Alex Collier…

An idea I had was that some of us have some great real life and true experiences relating to contact with other beings and other esoteric subjects that many people would love to hear about. Also, some of us have hobbies and jobs that are related to esoteric topics. It could be possible to create an ebook of these stories and knowledge that people would pay to read. It would be great to get 20-30 people to write something. Those interested in creating the book could write 1500 to 2000 words of content and we could compile it into an ebook or a Kindle book and put it up for sale not only on the site but elsewhere and then promote the book to others with all revenues going to Alex Collier. This could expand in the future into a membership site of knowledge, information, videos, audio, interviews, articles and other unique content. The site could be interactive with a forum, and maybe a weekly radio show.

Let me know your thoughts on this and any other ideas you have in the comments section below…


James Harkin
On behalf of AlexCollier.Org

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Message from Jon Robinson Alex Collier’s Friend and Original Publisher of Letters From Andromeda


    • yamato
    • December 19, 2013

    223 enigmatic genes unique to humans melded with primate race.
    are these the genes that come from 22 ET races? 🙂

    • jones
    • December 18, 2013

    guys, some of you were disappointed that nothing happened on december 21st 2012 and on december 03st 2013 (as alex said that we’d be in 5d by that date). i’m here to give you your hope back. There is a very important thing that will happen in the near future, called “the event”, wich will be the REAL beggining of the ascension process.
    The good part is that WE are going to do this. We’ll not only wait untill some interference come and save us, it will be a cooperation from all the involved.
    The event is very close! and when i say very I REALLLY MEAN IT. It will change our world completly and our society will become finally free from all opression.
    I sugest everyone interested in knowing more about the event to visit 2012portal.blogspot.com
    there you can read everything about the event and start doing your part.
    By the way, we’ll meditate in mass saturday, and these meditations are disigned to shape our reality in a better one. You all are invited (and very needed also) to join.

      • Luis Macías Casas
      • December 19, 2013

      Thanks for bring back hope again, i seriously can’t stand this 3rd Dimensional PRISON that i’m right now… i wanna fly and visit so many places in this, our home… even reach the space and… travel through it, we shall see…

      I can’t hardly stand my emotion, thank so much for bringin’ this jones, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

    • Void
    • December 17, 2013

    When Alex Collier was talking that we are sum of 22 humanoid races, was he talking about junk DNA? or do
    junk DNA stores past lives memories?
    also seriously want kind of agreement was there that
    our consciousness has to be veiled from remembering past lives? if we were to remember all our past lives
    again, it will be next to impossible to enslave anyone 🙂

    1. Reply

      If we remembered why we are here, remembered our agreement on your assignment, remembered everything, it wouldn’t be test if you knew the answers, correct???

      Now we are at a point now we are finally beginning to wake up from our deep coma, and most of us will be stuck in fear and will not make the transition at first, but eventually they all will at one point.

    • Velassar
    • December 15, 2013

    @Dimensional Vortex: Are the Old Guardians you speak of the “12th dimensional beings” that Alex Collier mentioned that took many ET races by surprise when they first appeared?

    1. Reply

      I am very lucky enough to even talking to him at all(If he claims that he is one/I dont know for sure).

      He did say that you will know if you are one because your memory from past lives stays with you.

      I felt a sense of urgency years ago, now them/Guardians are also feeling/sensing something, man this does not look good but trying to focus on + please.

    2. Reply

      now speaking about 12th? I dont know cause I never asked, all he did say that they were designed to go against the very worst darkness situation that there is…

      They have the ability to bring there power back but only if they need to.

      They will only interfere if someone or some who interferes with there charge or in otherwords, They will intervene if it has something to do with what they are protecting, if that gets interfered, the guardians will absolutely jump in with no exceptions.

    3. Reply

      Do you ALL remember when mr. collier mentioned about 300-400 years within our linear time, chaos shows up in our galaxy and they have traced it back through time and have discovered that the single shift in energy that went from 3rd density to complete tyranny was right here in our very own solar system, further tracing it back to our planet and our moon…

      So thats why everyone is watching us, including our nukes.

      This explains why the Guardians and others are being activated, something that they sense is something that mr. collier mentioned years back, in our future, there is no such thing as freedom or anything else, this shift in consciousness what flips it either or.

  1. Reply

    Ok I asked The Guardian That I see sometimes and asked more about the situation that they are sensing.

    What makes him worry is that, quite a bit of the Old Guardians are starting to be activated and he continues to go on that, the last time they were activated was way way way way before atlantis time, I asked him, 1 million years before atlantis and he said Much more then that, all he did say that it was not good and said it was:


    He said, the last time the Old Guardians were activated, that time frame was so bad that it made atlantis incident look like poop in comparison.

    He said that the Guardians are no longer being created as they are extremely powerful, he also continues to say that, they arnt warranted to go to war, they will not fight in a galactic war, because how powerful they really are, so I asked him then what you going to do??, He says whatever I am assigned to do.

    He also says that, the old guardians, you cant detect where they are, he will start to be more worried when more are being activated but at this time, more then usual are being activated now and he says this is not good because the last time old ones were activated, Extremely long time ago and all he could recall is: Darkness, thats all.

      • Luis Macías Casas
      • December 15, 2013

      DimensionalVortex… where i could find more about those Old Guardians… ? it is really truth… ?


    • Gurtej SIngh
    • December 11, 2013


    • Luis Macías Casas
    • December 10, 2013

    Forgive me for all the questions i did to you…

    • Daniel McCray
    • December 9, 2013

    does anyone know when the estimated date was for all of earth physicality to move up into the 5th dimensional plane. just wondering because im not sure if it is 31, 25, or the 12. these dates stick out to me for some reason. it could be any of those three and if it is the 12th then a lot of people might transition away. it seems so odd why so many forgot about the date that this was going to happen on. I am expecting something to happen but I am not sure if it is going to have anything to do with going into the 5th density; however I get the feeling something is going to pull through that will get us into the 5th density. I am not sure what but something tells me something will be coming, I cant say for sure but I feel something is coming.

    1. Reply

      On page 263 of:

      Omnec Onec: Ambassador from venus.

      The time was not right then, she now feels, and is told by here Venusian mentors, that the time has come to reveal her real identity, hence the relase of this manuscript now. She thinks we may experience an upsurge of UFO activity soon, and that many et’s in earth bodies are about to discover, or else recall, their true identity, and that many of theses will make themselves known.

      Very interesting when she says upsurge??? Cause from my own personal experiences on sightings every single darn day, ladies and gentlemen, she is absolutely spot on, upsurge is now and getting alot worse overtime, she’s defint not lying or pulling a leg off on this one, trust me.

    • Luis Macías Casas
    • December 9, 2013

    Oh my… GOD!!!!!!!!!!!1 I can’t wait to become a Forth Dimensional Beign to keep evolving, i can’t hold this prison any longer… having to hold in love just make it WORSE because i don’t have any idea if i have to do some ritual or something like that… what could help to the process? That stuff of kundalini would help?

    1. Reply

      Kundalini??? Be absolutely very careful what your dealing with, depending on your life situations and etc, if its forcefully brought out in an unhealthy way, which I went through, the life in that body of yours will end(along with alot of health alignment problems) and you have to live like that for the rest of your entire life, your like a living zombie my friend but everyone life circumstances is different.

      The stuff I went through, there is absolutely nothing worse then that, If I could go through and survive all that, Nothing in this world is going to scare me off, maybe besides some extremely wild animals lol, but just people in general, dont make me laugh.

      My friend, google this:

      Kundalini – the alchemy of destruction

      Prettie much sums up what I gone through, when people say why am I the only one, the bottom line is your not the only one.

      Also kundalini opens up to portals/telekinesis/psionics/telepathy,etc.

        • Luis Macías Casas
        • December 11, 2013

        Thanks… and sorry if i didn’t trust in you at the beginning, i mean… why a Pleiadian would wanna’ help us out, with all the atrocities we did in the past… FORGIVE ME for everything, but finally, i’m going to do what i can to help… how? Being positive, although i wish i could helping our brothers and sisters in their next wars if they have and not only to protect our planet but them too…

        Forgive me for everything.

    • Luis Macías Casas
    • December 9, 2013

    One last question…

    Should i TRUST in all the content that the Biblioteca Pleyades has in it… ? That thing about the reptilians and the greys they were cast off our planet and we are free of their control?

    Thank you so much to all of you for answer my questions.

    1. Reply

      As stated before, Think for yourself, ask lots of questions, do NOT take absolutely nothing for granted or at face value for that matter, Be absolutely weary of your surroundings as you dont know whos who anymore, Be absolutely careful out there.

    • Luis Macías Casas
    • December 5, 2013

    Thanks for all your efforts guys, you are doing it great, ;-)!

  2. Reply

    Think for your self people please, dont take nothing at face value or for granted and for sure you dont know whos who anymore, be absolutely weary of your surroundings.

    • SorryWereNotAlone
    • December 5, 2013


    News from Tolec. Xanterexx is still alive after an illuminati forces attack on “their” way Earth!

    To whom it may concern, do you really believe in NASA information? I prefer Tolec’s news rather than NASA BS lies. Don’t you think that the technology we have at our hands is still more sophisticated than the “blurry” images we have from (nearby) space, moon, mars and so on and so forth?

    Looking forward to see what happen!! Do you?

    Cheers from Spain

    Sorry we are not alone, and never have been alone…

    1. Reply

      Heres one of the post I found on that youtube user:

      “Friends, ISON objects already passed by the Sun changing the frequency of pulsation of its core changing its quantum time. Now, its speed will decrease rather than increase, even with the acceleration gains in passing by the sun. Being a controlled apparatus, the ISON will now finish the fine tuning of frequencies of the planets and their orbits during the check out of the solar system. Let’s see what was in store for our planet by the scientists of “Community Galactica.”
      Cheers to all of you!

      I do know were are getting tons of help not only within the earth but also the stabilization of the earth from future calamities and solar flares from the sun.

      People tell me, all the flares we have had, they were the biggest in our known history and should have at least some of our power grids, tell the people, you know why it aint going down? We are getting massive help, thats why.

      But I do hope one day a major black out occurs, how else are we ever going to wake up, say yes to no more cell phones walkin’ around and say hello to real face to face communication or telepathy instead, hell with technology.

      Cell phones = worst POS ever invented/made in the face of this earth.

      “I fear when the day technology surpasses human interaction, world will have generations of idiots”

      -Albert Einstein.

    • sam
    • December 5, 2013

    Planet Taus, is this the system alex was talking about?


    Friends, about the planet showed in SECCHI stereo cameras, Mythi commented: “This heavenly body is a planet with various raw materials and specific volume, which will be added as the “moon of Enoch” or Taus as you prefer. Once Taus is in its definitive orbit, it can turn off the field of encapsulation, and this will leave it with its real diameter which is approx. 80,700Km. This future moon has approx. 22,000Km in diameter and will also be prepared to support life and will be used as a productive unit for the society Pleiadean of Taus. It Is being directed to stand in the place provided for the location of the planet Taus orbit in the solar system, the least intrusive way possible. The ratio of this binary set will be the same as the Earth keeps with your moon”.
    Cheers! CB

    • Sy
    • December 5, 2013

    What I understood was our “consciousness” would move to 5th dimension on Dec. 3rd. The awareness that we are more than physical, I believe is happening more and more to me these days. I am more aware of the energy and the frequencies around us. To me this was my understanding of what Alex Collier meant when he said we would move to 5th dimension on Dec. 3rd. Let’s also review that Ison was dead on Dec. 2nd, a day before the 3rd. Isn’t that coincidental? I think it is very important that we connect together in spirit and view the world spiritually rather than wait to see some dimension, which we don’t even know what it is or what it looks like or feels like, enclose on us.

    • Luis Macías Casas
    • December 4, 2013

    A forum where discuss all this things woud it be incredible, ;-).

    • Alex Collier dot org
    • December 4, 2013

    Hi Guys

    I am posting some updates to my original request for help regarding ideas of what I will be doing at AlexCollier.Org over the next few months.

    First of all an update regarding Alex Collier. He is still in communication with some close people who have received emails and information from him regarding various topics. I personally haven’t heard from him in many months.

    Secondly, I have decided that I am going to create a forum at AlexCollier.Org so that people can discuss many topics regarding Alex Collier’s work as well as work of other contactees and channels. There will be a section on UFOs and spiritual information. I am looking for some ideas on forum titles that people would like to add threads and comments to. I think it would be better to have this as a method of discussion instead of 200+ comments on a blog post.

    Regarding my original request for help from Alex Collier’s fans to help me create a product that I could sell with profits going to Alex Collier. There was not enough of a response for me to create a product using original content and I would not be able to use 3rd party content without express written permission.

    However, what I now propose is that I hire and pay a ghostwriter to create something along the lines of Captain Denar, but of course not using Alex Collier’s original story or characters. Something that is not just a story, but includes information contained within the manuscript that could be implemented into your own real life. Once this first 10,000 to 15,000 word manuscript is written I would offer it for sale and after the cost of having the e-book written has been paid give 100% of the profits to Alex Collier. If successful I can have another book written until there is a series that can all generate revenue for Alex Collier. Once this has been carried out the community can then add their own input and support Alex further. Please share your thoughts in relation to this.

    My thoughts in relation to the evolution of mankind and the use of ‘dates’. Since December 3rd 2013 didn’t pay off as people had hoped, just as December 21st 2012 didn’t also. The evolution of mankind is an ongoing process, it is the journey that is important and not just the destination. As infinite beings we already operate in multiple dimensions, otherwise we could not manifest into physical reality or make choices. Our physical body reflects the infinite universe and the infinite universe reflects our physical body.

    Dates are meaningless, the Gregorian calendar is not a mathematically correct calendar. Why are some months 31 days, others 30 and even 28 and 29 on leap years? Is the year 2013 important? A year has little meaning for an infinite being and only marks the number of revolutions around the sun our physical bodies have taken since the inception of the current Astrological sign, Pisces. As we enter Aquarius things will gradually change for better or worse.

    Natural life cycles exist throughout our reality and this means there is a growth and death cycle to everything. Therefore, if we are in a period of decline then we will have a period of growth to look forward to. The same can be said if we are in a growth cycle, only decline is what we look forward to. Just as Rome was built into a mighty empire it fell to ruin in only a short time. This is the same with the current Elite oligarchs who have dominated this period of reality for us, their day will soon come and they will also fall to ruin. Just as Earth is on a natural life cycle that will ultimately see its destruction — but in reality all physical matter is merely energy vibrating at different rates and since the infinite Universe does not create nor destroy one can state for certain that we will all change from one energy to another and continue to enjoy the wonderment of the infinite in whatever form we may become — its a mathematical certainty.

    Enjoy the journey my friends and let me know what you think of what I have said regarding helping Alex 🙂


    James Harkin
    On behalf of AlexCollier.Org

    1. Reply

      Hey James Harkin, have you emailed Mr. Collier lately? If so, any response??

      I would like to have a one on one video with him but I dont think hes going to do anymore, I think hes had it at this point, he has to focus on his life and his family and I dont blame him one bit.

    • Gurtej SIngh
    • December 4, 2013

    let the life surprise you and don’t waste your energy and peace of mind on the dates

    • Luis Macías Casas
    • December 4, 2013

    “That is my rough estimate for people who wants to evolve, but it can be 20-30+ years(I hope not), there is no exact time date my man, so many different possibilities and probabilities and other variables to take into consideration, but we are at the nexus point and that nexus point is telling us, what is it that you really want to create for yourself, what path are u going to go down, people have to make a clear decision because it will be forced upon himself/herself, just matter of time.”

    Thanks Dimensionalvortex, ;-).

    • Gurtej SIngh
    • December 4, 2013

    You never know what’s going to happen sometimes, or what you think’s going to happen never happens, or when you least expect it

    • Gurtej SIngh
    • December 4, 2013

    here is the deal, 3rd dec came and went nothing happened. now tolec’s comet ison is dead…nasa confirmed it. basically everything tolec said in the past has failed to come true. Now so called Xantarexx is long gone. I don’t know about alex collier but tolec is FULL OF SHIT. He is a lair and a fraud. and we were all naive to trust them on their face value without any PROOF.

    1. Reply

      There is no solid dates, just let the humanities consciousness as its going now, take it day by day and go from there and stay +.

    2. Reply

      People have to start thinking for themselves and ask lots of questions but alot of people cant think for themselves any longer, lol, all on cell phones.

    • Luis Macías Casas
    • December 4, 2013

    In fact, Dimensionalvortex, i… REALLY DOUBT the people of the Earth would it be ready to what’s coming; if what i read in Bibliotecapleyades is truth… i don’t think they would it be any time ready, there’s some really… i don’t know how to say it but… maybe 2014 could it be EXTREMELY SOON to some people.

    It’s not like i consider a gifted person in the way of understanding all this things, but… all what Alex was tryin’ to said about loving ourselves, well… lemme’ tell you that dosen’t work very well…

      • Gurtej SIngh
      • December 4, 2013

      what is wrong with respecting ourself

        • Luis Macías Casas
        • December 4, 2013

        The only thing i was trying to say is just… i don’t think the people understands what Alex was trying to communicate, i don’t have any problem with Alex said.

    • Gurtej SIngh
    • December 3, 2013

    HOW DO you know 2017 is the date???

    1. Reply

      My saying doesnt mean nothing, I am just saying from my own side, I feel around that time frame, maybe few people who wants to shift will make a shift.

      Think of it like making a final decision point in your life, go down the path of – or +, and that final decision will have very severe consequences.

    • Luis Macías Casas
    • December 3, 2013

    I wonder what another date will be if in January of 2014 nothing changes…

      • Gurtej SIngh
      • December 3, 2013

      if nothing happens by the end of jan 14. we just have to assume that they were all lairs, who never had any contact.

        • Luis Macías Casas
        • December 3, 2013

        The problem is very simple… there’s no proof that guarantee in a 100% percentage the ascension is going to happen, all what we have to do is believe in the words of Tolec & Alex Collier, and that’s it… 🙁

      1. Thoses who wants to evolve and let the material world fade away and embrace something different will shift but I just dont see jan 2014, in or around 2017?? for some yes, for the mass? no, they will be stuck in fear, alot of them cant coup of themselves, yet alone all the changes coming down? The changes are going to be to much for a normal person to grasp…

        • Luis Macías Casas
        • December 3, 2013

        Thanks Dv for clarify some of the things, and YEAH… i can’t stand this 3rd Dimension prison any longer!!!

        So… are you saying that the final date could it be in 2017?

        Greetings for all!!

      2. That is my rough estimate for people who wants to evolve, but it can be 20-30+ years(I hope not), there is no exact time date my man, so many different possibilities and probabilities and other variables to take into consideration, but we are at the nexus point and that nexus point is telling us, what is it that you really want to create for yourself, what path are u going to go down, people have to make a clear decision because it will be forced upon himself/herself, just matter of time.

    • Gurtej SIngh
    • December 3, 2013

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